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Steamy Dorm

Page 134

by Kristine Robinson

  “O-okay. I’d like that. To get to know you, that is.” I say carefully, drawing away from her. She stiffly stands up, running a hand through her short and tousled hair. “I’ve never been... interested, in another woman before. I didn’t mean to get carried away.” I apologize, standing and reaching out to touch her arm. She considers me with a warm expression, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

  “Let’s get you home, Kitten. I’ll walk you.” She offers. I smile tentatively and she leads me to the door.

  I can only hope I don’t look entirely disheveled when my father sees me, but as Brianna bids me goodnight and I step inside, I see that my father has fallen asleep in his easy chair, waiting for me to come home. I can’t help but smile to myself, rolling my eyes in exasperation. I grab a blanket off the sofa, draping it over his sleeping form before making my way upstairs. Excitement still makes my skin tingle, but I try to ignore it as I tuck myself into bed. Looking forward to getting to know Brianna, I fall into a relatively peacefully slumber. Dreams aside, that is.

  The following weeks seem to pass in a blur, and I can’t help feeling like I’m caught in some wonderful dream. As I get to know Brianna better, I can only find myself falling harder and harder for her. I muse that it must seem strange to her, how easy it is for me to admit that I’m attracted to another woman. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, however, and most nights find me joining her for takeout at her place, before she walks me home for the evening.

  Tonight is one of those nights, and there’s something undeniable in the air. Her stares seem to linger a bit longer as she picks at her food, though as far as that goes, food is truly the last thing on my mind. I’m entranced by her, the subtle shaking of her hands, the way she fumbles over her words while trying to hold a conversation. As I set down my fork, she considers me with wary eyes.

  “F-finished already?” She inquires. I circle around the small table, carefully taking her takeout tray out of her hands and setting it on the table behind me. She quirks a brow, opening her mouth to speak, but I press my finger to her lips, smiling coyly.

  “Oh, Bri, I’ve only just begun.” I purr, caressing her lip with my finger before drawing away. I curl my fingers in the belt loops of her jeans, and slowly guide her towards her bed. She seems to finally catch on, and pauses for a moment to catch my attention.

  “Kitten… are you sure?” She inquires uncertainly. I sit on the edge of her bed, hesitating for a brief moment before pulling my shirt off over my head. Her eyes widen, and she draws her lip between her teeth, looking entirely stricken. I can’t help but giggle, reaching out to her.

  “I’m sure. I trust you, and… I want you.” I whisper, chills shooting through my body at the hungry look I receive. She steps towards me, and as soon as she’s close enough, I capture her lips with my own. She returns the embrace with almost bruising ferocity, and the tingling between my thighs is nearly enough to drive me crazy. She reaches behind me to unclasp my bra, and her hands find my breasts, cupping them fully in her palms. I gasp against her lips, mewling as her fingers deftly work my hardening nipples. I grasp her shirt in my hands, ripping it open in desperation. Buttons go flying, and she laughs as I desperately fumble with her bra.

  “Easy, tiger. I’ll take care of you.” She whispers, reaching behind herself to aid me. As her bra falls away, I would almost think my heart has stopped, save for the throbbing between my thighs. She pushes me back onto the bed, lowering her head to my chest to lavish my straining breasts with adoring attention. She flicks a tongue to my nipple, and I swear my heart will burst free from my chest at the rate it’s pounding. She takes the peak of my left breast between her lips, sucking gently while using her hand to tweak my other nipple to attention. She grazes her teeth to my skin, and I am unable to swallow a soft mewl of pleasure. She pauses, considering me through curious eyes. I meet her gaze, drawing my lip between my teeth and trying to express just how much I want her. She quirks her lips in a smile, dragging her tongue from one nipple to the valley of my breasts, marking my skin all the way up my shoulder with sharp little bites. I shudder against her, grateful that she’s not struck by the desire to mark my neck. As much as I would love to feel those teeth pricking against the tender hollow of my throat, I don’t know if I can bear the idea of being caught with hickies on my neck. She purrs against my ear, seemingly enjoying my pathetic whimpers all too much.

  “Tell me what you want, Kitten.” She purrs sensuously, and shivers run down my spine. I sputter for a moment, not really knowing how to verbalize my desires. Her gentle touches to my chest come to a slow and agonizing stop, and I whine, resting my hands atop hers.

  “Touch me.” I implore pleadingly. She smirks, dragging her fingertips down my stomach.

  “Touch you… where?” She teases, her fingertips skirting along the waistband of my skirt. I shiver, pleading with my eyes. Certainly she won’t make me say it, but the look in her eyes speaks volumes otherwise. I part my lips, hesitating for a moment. “Kitten…” She hums encouragingly, and her fingers slowly slip underneath my skirt, into my underwear. I can feel her tantalizingly stroking the area just above my mound, and desire overwhelms my attempts to remain… decent.

  “Touch my…” I pause, squeezing my eyes shut as she slows her ministrations. “Touch me… down there. On my… my... “ I cut myself off, crying out as she ghosts her thumb against my hooded clit, coaxing it out if its confines. My mouth hangs open, and she quirks her lips in a wry smile.

  “Right there?” She whispers, and my arousal is so intense I could almost sob. I nod wordlessly, clutching her as she lowers her head to my collarbone once more, dragging her tongue against the skin there. Her fingers work deftly, parting my outer lips to graze against my inner folds. I know she’s teasing me at this point, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s trying to drive me to the brink of madness. If she is, she’s doing a hell of a job.

  “Harder.” I manage, tensing a hand in her hair. I can feel her smile against my skin, rumbling a pleased little laugh.

  “Oh, Kitten, where on earth are your manners? What is the magic word?” She teases, pressing the tip of her finger to my entrance. I sputter hopelessly for a moment, before choking out a single word.

  “Please!” I gasp out, rewarded for my efforts with a single digit slipping inside me. It’s been so long, I almost feel like a virgin again, and my walls clench around her finger. She quirks a brow, slowly working her finger in and out of my hole in an attempt to give me time to adjust. For all the teasing, I can tell she’s terrified of hurting me, and I snag her by the hair, forcing her to look me in the eye. “Dammit, Bri, just take me! I can handle it.” I growl, and she considers me with wide eyes. My chest heaves from my desperate gasps, and for a moment I’m worried I’ve offended her. However, that thought disappears as she smiles dopily at me.

  “You’re so freaking hot.” She says fondly, nuzzling against the side of my neck. Before I can speak again, she’s thrusting a second finger inside of me, working her thumb against my straining clit simultaneously. I all but shriek in pleasure from the onslaught, feeling my toes curl as she continues to pound into me.

  My orgasm washes over me in waves, and I clutch her as close to me as I can manage with her still being knuckle deep inside me. She strokes a hand tenderly through my hair, coaxing little shockwaves through me as I’m coming down from my peak. I cry out her name, and she silences me with her lips. Our tongues tangle, and I have no doubt in my mind that this is the best sex I’ve ever had. I never expected a woman to have a touch comparable to that of a man, which she truly does not, however…

  She is better than any man I’ve ever laid with.

  I’m shaken, nearly to the point of being unable to speak, but I reach out to her, wanting to return the favor. She sinks into the mattress beside me, idly caressing my abdomen. As if sensing my desires, she quirks her lips in a toothy smile.

  “There will be plenty of time for that later.” She murmurs. I nod mutely
, allowing myself to revel in her gentle touches. I know if she continues to touch me so enticingly, I won’t be able to resist her much longer. She seems eager to test my limits, however, and soon I can do little but stare adoringly at her. I want to take her so badly, but I’m worried I won’t be able to compare to her past lovers. I’ve never been with another woman, I have an idea of how to please myself, but that’s no guarantee that she’ll enjoy the experience. Hesitantly, I reach out to brush my fingers to the swell of her breast. She considers me with a quirk of her lips, saying nothing as my touches become bolder. I pinch her nipple between my fingers, and her cool demeanor seems to evaporate. A wanton moan of desire spills past her lips, and when I thought I could not be any more aroused, she simply turns around to prove me wrong. I nervously worry my bottom lip, tearing at the chapped skin there, but she rests a hand atop my own to soothe me.

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, Kitten.” She murmurs, and I turn wide eyes upon her.

  “But I want… I want you so badly. I want to… touch you, and make you feel like I felt.” I whisper, leaning in to press my lips to the hollow of her throat. Her breath hitches, and I hesitate for a brief moment before grazing my teeth to her skin. It’s an experimental move, but she’s used her teeth with such talent on me that I can’t help wanting to return the favor. She tenses a hand in my hair, obviously trying not to tug too hard at the delicate strands. However, I want her to feel the full extent of her ecstasy. I want her to use me in any way she wants. “Pull my hair.” I whisper against her skin, and the subtle tensing of her body tells me that she heard me clearly.

  “I don’t want to hurt you…” She murmurs, tenderly caressing my scalp.

  “I want to take you to heights you’ve never reached before. I can tell there’s an animal inside of you begging to be set free.” I pause, scratching my painted fingernails along her ribs. She jolts slightly, and I shift to sink my nails into the supple flesh of her breasts. She groans, a long, low, throaty sound, and I feel moisture gathering between my thighs just from the sound of it. My panties are soaked, and I shift away from her for a brief moment to slide them off. She considers me hungrily, and I offer her a coy smile, teasingly lifting my skirt before pushing it back down. She growls, actually growls, and pushes towards me, slamming me back against the bed. She pulls my skirt down my thighs at a pace that is agonizingly slow, exposing more and more of my creamy skin. I’m nervous to actually be exposed to her, which is a rather silly though considering that I’d already allowed her to touch me. But it’s hard to swallow the fear that she won’t like what she sees. She seems to sense my hesitation, and pauses in disrobing me.

  “Do you want me to stop?” She inquires, and I’m suddenly struck by wondering how this became about me again. I shake my head, guiding her hands into lowering my skirt entirely. Her eyes rove over my bare form, and I can’t help feeling it’s a bit unfair that she’s still fully clothed from her waist down. She draws her lip between her teeth, eyes darkening in what can mistaken for nothing but desire. She leans in, pressing her cheek to my thigh and inhaling deeply through her nose. I shiver, embarrassed but still undeniably turned on. “You smell so good…” She rumbles, dragging her tongue across my inner thigh. I shiver, trying to regain my sense of control. She’s already taken me to heights previously unexplored, there has to be some way for her to let me return the favor. As she flicks the tip of her tongue along my slit, I mewl in pleasure, a pleasant haze settling over my mind.

  “I want you to… get off, too.” I manage, internally cringing at how crass that sounds. She looks up at me, smiling much like the cat that caught the canary.

  “Oh, honey, believe me. I’m so wet I’m worried I’ll have to build a dam.” She purrs. I whine softly at her teasing tones, but she seems to genuinely enjoy pushing me to my limits. “Let me taste you. Then, I swear, you can return the favor.” She murmurs. I tense my hands in the sheets on either side of me, nodding my approval. She grins toothily before lowering her head between my thighs once more. Her tongue gently probes my entrance, not that I’m in any position to provide much resistance with how slick soaked I am. She moans, the rumble in her voice sending pleasant shivers down my spine. She explores every bit of me with her moist muscle, all but lapping at my folds as I continue to produce what she so seems to crave. She moans again, sinking her fingernails into the meat of my thighs and parting my legs even further. She throws one of my legs over her shoulder, licking me from the apex of my womanhood, nearly to the crack of my rear. She salivates hungrily as she all but devours me, and I’m left a screaming mess as I come for a second time. I feel a gush of fluids rush out of me, into her awaiting mouth, and she swallows as much as she can. When the sensations become nearly too much to bear, I draw away from her, offering an apologetic look.

  “S-sorry. I’ve never had two orgasms so close together before. Is it normal to feel almost… too sensitive?” I murmur shyly, and she turns loving eyes upon me. My heart pounds in my chest, and I’m captured by her gaze.

  “It’s normal. A sign that I’ve done my job right.” She says with a teasing smile. Suddenly, I’m gripped by the desire to show her that I can make her feel just as good. Perhaps an unfounded desire, considering I have no idea what I’m doing, but you simply can’t fault me for trying. I sit up, gesturing for her to take my spot on the bed. She lays down, stretching her arms out over her head. I watch the subtle jiggle of her breasts, unable to resist their tantalizing call. I lower my head to her breast, capturing a nipple between my teeth. I’m careful not to apply too much pressure, but the sensation seems to be driving my lover wild. She cries out my name, and it’s fuel added to my fire of desire. I release her sore bud, lashing my tongue soothingly against it. She arches against me, and jerks her hips slightly, as if she had not intended to do so. I pause, experimentally rolling my hips against hers. She tenses, and I know I’m getting slick all over her jeans, but she seems rather receptive to the implications I’m making. I fumble with the button of her jeans, managing to work the skin tight material down the length of her legs. I’m surprised to see that she had not entirely been exaggerating when she said how wet she was. Her panties were soaked through, and as I brush a finger along the front of them, her essence clings to my invading digit. I offer her a quirk of my lips, and she simply watches me, hands tensed at her side. I lean down, hoping that I don’t fumble through this next move. I capture the waistband of her panties between my teeth, dragging them down her legs. Her eyes widen in surprise, and as soon as they’re low enough to fully expose her, I pause, considering the prize that lay before me. Her mound shines with moisture, her lips plump and flushed a pleasant shade of pink. I swallow a lump forming in my throat, leaning in to look at her more closely. If it makes her uncomfortable, she does not say as such, simply allowing me to get my fill. I pause for a moment, looking to her for permission as I raise my hand to stroke against her. She nods eagerly, lip drawn between her teeth in obvious anticipation. I part her outer lips, grazing my thumbs to the flushed pink skin. She’s soft, so soft, and I’m certain I’ve never seen something more beautiful in my life. I wonder how I could even compare, truth be told. However, I swallow that thought, shifting my fingertips to the apex of her womanhood, where her clit is already straining out of its hood. I shiver with anticipation, and she watches me with an enraptured smile.

  “I’m going to taste you now.” I say, cursing myself for the awkward statement. She chuckles, and I pout at her for a moment before ducking my head between her legs. It’s a task that is much more monumental than I had expected. She is beautiful, the men I’ve been with in the past can’t even begin to compare. However, there’s a nagging sense of doubt in my heart, doubt that I’ll perform nearly well enough to get her off. It seems like she’s worked herself up to the point of being nearly unraveled, but can I finish her off? I inhale shakily, and her scent washes over me in a way I was not prepared for. It was warm, sweet smelling, and I can feel the heat radiating from he
r womanhood. I glance towards her, and her eyes are as fixed on me as ever. I can tell she’s trying to hide her anticipation, but with her exposed before me, there’s very little she can do to obscure how excited she is. Maybe I’m overthinking this.

  Swallowing my nervousness, I tentatively stick out my tongue, swiping it along her soaked slit. We moan simultaneously, and my god, the taste is something I will never forget. Emboldened by both of our positive responses, I continue to lick at her, tracing my tongue along her entrance before swiping it upward to brush her clit. Her hand finds my hair, tensing almost painfully in the mussed up strands. I wince, but can’t deny that her obvious pleasure is doing wonders for my ego. She seems to be restraining herself, her body tense. She doesn’t move, save the occasional jerk of her hips that she can’t force herself to still. I shoot her a grin, slipping my hands underneath her rear and pulling her closer to my mouth as I prepare to feast upon her. She cries out my name as I fully begin to lap at her inner folds, tracing patterns against her most sensitive area. I tease her clit just enough to keep her on the edge, but don’t focus too much attention on it. I want to drag this out. I want her to be all but pleading for release when I’m done with her. She jerks her hips against my mouth, and I sink my fingernails into the plump flesh of her rear. I can feel her slick smearing across my face, but I can’t find it in me to be ashamed or even embarrassed. I’m just pleased to have worked her up to this level. She all but writhes against me as I continue my assault, and after a moment, I pull away. She whimpers at the sudden loss of sensation, and I smile mischievously at her.


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