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Steamy Dorm

Page 152

by Kristine Robinson

  “My darling Charity that is what God invented the weekend for. Come on, you can come watch Dylan and I play football. It’s the Homecoming game. You have to come. I need the moral support.” He juts his lower lip out, green eyes widening in his best impression of a puppy dog pout, “please Charity, I need you. You will be my guiding light in the storm. Hearing your cheering voice will guide me to victory!”

  Charity shakes her head at him and rests her face in her hands, Remy is always so dramatic, but she had always wanted to see a football game. “Alright Remy, but tomorrow you cannot bother me. I truly do need to study for this, it is imperative.” Remy rolls his eyes and nods,

  “alright, be ready to go in ten huh?” He claps his hands excitedly and vanishes back into his room. Charity is left shaking her head and wondering what she has gotten herself into. She shuts her door and looks in her closet, what does one wear to football games? She looks out the room and notes that the weather appears child so she changes into a nice warm sweater and slides her shoes on before going to meet with Remy and Dylan in the hallway.

  Remy is pristine in his bleached and ironed uniform, his curly chin length hair framing his face at just the right angle to allow but brief flashes of his brilliant green eyes, and beside him stood Dylan. Dylan was shorter than Remy by three inches, standing 5’8, his shoulders were blocky and built, and his dark brown eyes are staring intently at Remy as he nods. When he notices Charity he nods once more in her direction, “she’s here. Let’s go.” Remy turns and looks at Charity and claps his hands again,

  “you look cute as a button Charity. Not exactly spirited attire, but it is fitting for you.” He winks at her and grabs her hand. In his excitement he drags Charity to the field making sure she gets front row seats, “cheer loud for me okay? Remember you’re my guiding light.” He winks and runs off to join the rest of the team. Dylan hovers a moment before muttering,

  “thanks for coming.” He runs after Remy catching up with him easily. Once they are both gone Charity finds herself sitting alone in a huge crowd of fans. She is startled by the rambunctious cheering as people stand and shout. So this… is football. She glances over and shakes her head before turning her eyes back to the field. She didn’t understand the sport but as promised she begins shouting Remy’s name in support. When the bell rings for halftime she looks at them as they run up, Remy waves and blows her a kiss as he grabs water and Dylan is trailing behind him as always. They catch each other’s eye for a brief moment before Remy looks away to listen to their coach.

  Dylan goes out to the field to do the kick off and the world slows down. Dylan is so focused on his task, his muscles flexing powerfully as the game kicks off, his face mostly obscured by his helmet except for the intensity of his dark eyes. Charity cannot look away from him. Her pulse begins to quicken and she finds that despite the chilly air she is quite hot. She begins fanning herself, but her eyes never leave Dylan. She has never felt anything like this before and her mind is reeling for an explanation before crashing to a halt. Could I….. like him? She bites her lip and the end buzzer rings. She has no idea if home team won, but she can surmise from the cheering that they did. When Remy runs up she quickly smiles at him before looking away when Dylan approaches,

  “Charity! Are you coming to the after party with us? It will be so fun!” Remy grins and claps her shoulder as she nods, “that’s my girl. I heard you shouting, your voice carried us to victory. You must be a good luck charm.”

  She blushes and lets herself be lead off by Remy and Dylan to the college frat house. She keeps her eyes down unable to look at Dylan the whole time which causes him some confusion. He ponders if he has done anything to upset her, but eventually shrugs it off deciding that he would never understand women.

  They arrive at the party and music can be heard from outside the building and it is clear there is alcohol. Charity backs up surprised, but Remy doesn’t notice and barrels in with her in tow. A flux of people approach and Remy is swiftly swept up by the crowd. He lights up with the attention, “that was a pretty good throw right? Sure let’s go get a drink.” He turns and winks at Charity as he vanishes with the crowd leaving Charity with Dylan. She glances at him for a moment and blushes, her eyes are searching for a couch to take solace on.

  “You gonna be ok?” Dylan’s gruff voice breaks through the noise causing Charity to blush and grab at her sweater nervously,

  “Ah, yes. Go and see your friends, you should celebrate your victory. I will just be over here.” She breaks away to the couches and breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Dylan shrug and walk off to converse with other people at the party.

  I should have just stayed home and studied. What a disastrous situation, I cannot possibly act upon these feelings. It would be untoward…. “I brought you a drink.” Charity’s head jerks up to see a glass of punch as Dylan plops down beside her, “I noticed you been sitting here still. It’s been awhile, I don’t like the parties either. It’s Remy’s scene. I prefer… quieter activities.”

  Charity takes the drink with a trembling hand and nods sipping it, “don’t worry it’s not alcoholic. I noticed you don’t ever drink when Remy invites you out.” He sips his own drink looking out at the crowd.

  Charity looks into her glass hoping that Dylan does not see the red on her face or hear the increasingly louder beating of her heart, “if you don’t like parties…. What do you like to do?” Dylan turns and looks at her and smiles. She had never seen Dylan smile before, he was always so sullen and serious. The world around him melts away as his eyes light up, “I love horror flicks. Actually, a new one is showing tomorrow. Do you wanna go? Remy is too chicken.”

  Charity almost spits out her drink at the invitation and is thankful for the first time that her hair is so thick and wild, it hides her startles expression just long enough for her to catch her breath and push it aside. “I would love to.” Dylan grins and leans back content.

  Charity leans in and smiles, “I have never seen a horror movie before, do you think I will like it?” Maybe if she talked to him more about this, she could see that smile again. Dylan turns to her appalled and it is at that moment that Remy realizes Dylan is not behind him. Confused he looks around and smiles seeing he is with Charity. Good she needs some company, Remy thinks to himself feeling guilty for leaving her behind until he sees the expression on Dylan’s face.

  Why is Dylan smiling at her?

  Chapter Three

  Remy watches as Charity paces through the hallway with an amused smile on his face. “What are you so worried about? I thought you were just going to stay in and study today.” He teases, Dylan had told him last night that he was going to see a horror movie with Charity.

  “I am! I mean… it is just….” Remy chuckles and looks down the hallway to Dylan’s room.

  “Don’t run a hole in the carpet honey.” He waves back at her with a wink before entering the others room. Dylan is laying in his bed, wearing only his boxers. Remy pauses to admire him for a moment; his eyes travel over the others six pack and well chiseled form before Dylan looks up at him,

  “ like what you see?” He sits up and grins patting the bed for Remy who rolls his eyes and sits beside him,

  “Dylan love, I think that our sweet little Charity thinks that you asked her out on a date today.” Dylan quirks a brow as he leans over onto Remy’s taller form,


  Remy nods, “she has been pacing around the dorm all morning, hasn’t even glanced at her schoolwork. I don’t think she has realized what we are.”

  Dylan grunts noncommittally and adds, “then I guess we are doing a good job hiding it.”

  Remy rolls his eyes at the other, he could be so dense sometimes. Charity was far too innocent to realize what was going on under her nose.

  “We should tell her so she stops tormenting herself.” Dylan nods his agreement and stands pulling pants and a shirt. He follows behind Remy to Charity’s room. Remy knocks on the door and a flustered Charity answe
rs. She is now wearing the third different outfit Remy has seen her in today. He chuckles, “Charity we need to talk with you.”

  Charity sees Dylan and nods. Was he cancelling the date? Remy and Dylan enter her room and Remy smiles, “Charity, you don’t need to fret so much about the movie tonight. You see, Dylan and I… well we are a couple.” Charity blinks at him uncomprehending, “you know honey, we date, we kiss, we fuck… it’s all very raunchy.” Realization hits her face and she covers her mouth, face red with embarrassment,

  “Oh. So then tonight?” She looks at Dylan confused, did I read the signs wrong? All of the literature and movies showed when a boy asks a girl to the movies it’s a date.

  Dylan scratches his head, “I just thought you’d like it. I didn’t mean to lead you on. Sorry.” At first Charity feels overwhelming relief as she nods and smiles at the two men. She wasn’t going on a romantic date, but she was invited to go out as friends. She smiles,

  “You don’t have to apologize. It’s fine. I feel a little silly though. I didn’t know that boys could date each other.” She admits. She had always been told that God only approved of relations between a man and a woman. Now that she is confronted with this new possibility she does not know how she feels about it.

  Remy smiles, “well a lot of people have a hard time understanding. They like to say that we are sinning against God for just following our feelings. It can be hard.” Dylan nods,

  “We haven’t told anyone about being together because my father would disown me if he knew. It would be a public embarrassment.”

  Charity looks between the two men surprised. To be willing to forsake everything one has for love is an admirable trait and she finds that she cannot fault them for that. Surely, God would not blame them for that.

  “It is hard to go against your families wishes. I know what that is like.” She says softly, “do not worry, your secret is safe with me.” She knew what it was like to not be welcome among family because of life choices. She could never go back home to her parents. She was on her own now and she did not wish that fate upon anyone. She doesn’t fully understand how a relationship could work between two men, but it is not her place to judge. Remy and Dylan are her friends, she will support them no matter what.

  Dylan nods, “thank you Charity. I still want to see the movie with you if that is alright?” Charity bites her lip and nods, heart dropping for a moment when she realizes Dylan will never return her attraction. If he loves Remy, he will never be interested in Charity. She shakes her head dismissing the thought, she cannot allow sadness to overcome her. She should be happy for her friends!

  “Of course, I would still love to go.” She smiles at him and nods. Remy claps his hands and grins,

  “I am so glad we can all still be friends. Do you two mind if I tag along? I love getting scared and hiding behind Dylan.” He winks and Dylan rolls his eyes shrugging helplessly at Charity who giggles,

  “it wouldn’t be fun without you Remy. Just let me get my coat.” She turns around and grabs a blazer and the two men smile at her.

  It took them little time to get their tickets and find a spot in the movie theatre. Charity sat to next to Dylan and watches as Remy rests his head on the others shoulder. Now that she knew how they felt for one another all of these little gestures became so obvious. How could I have not noticed? Even if he did like women, surely he would never love someone as plain and dull as me.

  As soon as the movie begins a hush falls over the pair. At every jump scare Remy would scream and hide behind Dylan who would look over towards Charity and shake his head. He eventually leans over and whispers to her, “this is why I never bring him.” Charity smiles and nods understandingly, Remy is a chicken. Charity makes it through most of the movie before the final murder where she cries out and hides behind Dylan as well. Remy smiles seeing this and Dylan only shakes his head. But when she touched his shoulder so vulnerably it struck a nerve within him, his body stiffened a moment and he looks over at her wonderingly. What was this feeling?

  He shakes his head and focuses back on the movie. He couldn’t have feelings for Charity, he loves Remy with his whole being, and there is no room for anyone else.

  Chapter Four

  “Dylan, I have noticed something.” Remy says as he looks at Dylan from a crossed the room. The other man looks up from his book and tilts his head. “You and Charity have grown quite close these passed months.” Remy continues and Dylan sighs and readies himself for a fight. He knows his boyfriend is the jealous type, and he has grown close to Charity. “At first I was going to yell at you, because I should be the only apple of your eye. But, I realize that wouldn’t be fair because it is hard not to grow close to Charity, so I have come to a decision. You should date her.”

  Dylan looks at Remy shocked and intakes sharply which causes him to cough. Remy chuckles and shakes his head, “hear me out my love, if you date Charity then no one will suspect that we are together. Let’s be honest, Charity is a beautiful and sweet girl, plus she knows our secret. I trust the two of you together. Besides,” he leans over and kisses the others nose, “I know you like her and I hate seeing you so sad.” He tussles the others hair and Dylan blushes in response.

  “If you think so.” He murmurs causing Remy to laugh again and this time kiss the others lips as he presses their bodies together,

  “do not fret, I know I will always hold your heart. Besides, it is a travesty for me to keep you all to myself.” Remy knows, and has known for a long time, that Charity has a crush on Dylan. He knew the moment he saw her panicking about what to wear to the movies. This is the easiest way, and Dylan would no longer need to worry about his father finding out about his sexuality. “Come, let’s go speak with her.”

  Remy stands and heads over to Charity’s door and knocks. “It is unlocked.” He opens the door and smiles. She sat at her desk with her books open and is studying so profusely that she does not even notice him enter despite the fact she is the one who told him he could. He chuckles to himself and makes his way over to her with Dylan following silently behind him.

  Remy sits down on her bed and grins over at Charity, “stop working so hard you are making us look bad.” Charity jumps at the others voice, but smiles when she sees it is Remy and Dylan. She rolls her eyes at Remy’s words and then returns to reading without a retort. Remy can only shake his head. Charity has this innocent beauty about her that has grown on Remy, sometimes when he sees her on campus his breath is taken away. Her kindness and understanding for his relationship with Dylan has caused a deep affection to blossom within Remy, so deep that he can forgive the looks he sees Dylan make her way. It is because of this that he is even willing to propose that she and Dylan date.

  Dylan stays hovering in the doorway clearly uncomfortable. He still cannot believe that Remy will truly be okay sharing him with Charity, but he is curious to try. Remy shakes his head and pats the bed for him, he smiles as the other comes over and sits down.

  “So Charity, can we have a moment of your time dear?” Charity stops reading and turns her head to look back at her two roommates. Her affection for Dylan had grown over time and even now when she sees him her heart skips a beat, but what she wasn’t expecting was her feelings for Remy. There is something so peaceful and calming about the other man that she always wants to be around him.

  “Of course, what is going on?” She closes her book and turns around so she can face the both of them.

  “I am going to be blunt with you honey, I like you. Dylan likes you. And we think that you two should move further.” Charity blinks at Remy confused and looks over at Dylan whose dark brown eyes are staring at her steadily, piercing into her very soul and causing her to blush.

  “But… like…. Date me and you? Wouldn’t that be…. Cheating?” She bites at her lip and looks to Remy for direction.

  Remy laughs and shakes his head, “no honey, because I know about it. I love both of you, I want you both to be happy, and I think this could be really benefi
cial for all three of us. If Dylan is dating you then no one will question that he is a straight man. He won’t have the threat of his father looming over his shoulder, and you like Dylan don’t you?” Charity is nodding as she sees the others point but stops at those last words and flushes even darker red, “don’t be embarrassed! He’s quite the catch.” Remy winks at her.

  “I don’t know guys, you both have such a great relationship and…. I don’t want to interfere.” Remy smiles at how sweet she is, even now that Remy has given his blessing she is still hesitant. This only reasserts more his trust in her.

  “It won’t Besides, Dylan’s family can never know he is gay. You’re really helping us out.” Dylan nods and looks at Charity,

  “I would like to give it a try.” He says simply and as he does Charity’s heart drops. She knows she cannot deny Dylan. Despite knowing he loves Remy her heart has not been able to let go of the other man, and Remy did say this would help them... she looks up at the two men and nods,

  “okay. Let’s do it.”

  Chapter Five

  Charity is sitting on the bleachers watching as Dylan and Remy practice. News of her relationship with Dylan spread like wildfire and after initial shock that he would date someone so plain, the gossip has begun to die down.

  The first few months were rough. Remy had a harder time adjusting to sharing Dylan then he thought he would, but he saw how happy Dylan was with Charity and how happy Dylan continued to be with him. Everything has been going well and the three of them spend a lot of time together. Dylan and Charity go on many public dates to assure the public that they are, indeed, a coupe, and Remy enjoys a more relaxed and carefree Dylan at night.

  Charity finds that the more she learns of both Dylan and Remy the more she becomes attached to the both of them. I hope I am not getting in the way of their love, I am so happy, but can this last? Having three people in a relationship does not appear to be the norm in this society. She worries to herself constantly, but her thoughts are broken when Dylan comes running up to her. He kisses her cheek causing a fire to spread throughout her whole body as he grabs her hand,


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