Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 169

by Kristine Robinson


  Today was the day. The day, to be exact.

  It had been a little over a year since he’d first met Adrien. He remembered when they’d been introduced; Adrien was his ‘trainer,’ in a manner of speaking, and guided him through the ups and downs of working at the Fallshine Before and After Care Center. He had been shy at first, anxious, and though he had come to learn that that was how Adrien was, he liked the fact that Adrien slowly warmed up to him. He liked Adrien, point blank. The fact that he was so shy, however, prevented him from making a move too suddenly. Adrien often had the flighty deer vibe going for him; he wanted the other to go out with him, not bound away like a scared buck.

  He had decided that he would make his move while they were preparing for the Christmas celebrations together. His motives for asking for help from Adrien had been genuine – he knew how much Adrien liked working with the kids, and how much he enjoyed making them happy. That being said…

  Cameron also had selfish motives.

  As he watched Adrien decorating the secondhand tree they had gone fifty-fifty on, he smiled to himself. He looked right at home, standing on his toes to add the hand-made ornaments to the tree’s branches, hanging them up around the multi-colored lights that they had strung. It was a homey sort of thing – or maybe he was just a bit of a sap. Whichever the case, he walked over close to Adrien, leaning near him.

  “You look like you’re having fun.”

  Adrien jumped a little, and turned his attention briefly to Cameron before getting back to hanging the ornaments. He couldn’t hide the blush, however, and Cameron took stock in the fact that he had never seen Adrien blush for someone else the same way that Adrien blushed for him.

  “I like Christmas time,” he said. “It’s festive and… I don’t know. It’s an enjoyable time. Especially around here, the kids make it better.”

  “I know what you mean,” Cameron said. “All the festivities… celebrations… parties.”

  Adrien paused, and then promptly grabbed another small handful of ornaments.

  “Yeah, I suppose. Not really one for parties though. They’re crowded.”

  “What if you went to one with me?”

  This time, Adrien dropped the ornaments, and it was a lucky thing that none of them were made of glass. He stooped down to pick them up, and Cameron crouched down with him. He reached out, sliding his fingers along Adrien’s hands.

  “Would you like to go to a Christmas party with me?” he asked.

  There was silence. It was something that Cameron had come to learn meant Adrien was over thinking things. He didn’t press, though. He let Adrien have his internal, existential crisis, and when Adrien blew out a puff of air, he knew that the other was had either decided to go with him after running through all the things that could potentially go wrong, or he was going to tell Cameron no way in hell.

  Cameron was pleasantly surprised.

  “When and where?” Adrien asked. Cameron grinned. Score.

  “There’s a small little get together I’m having at my place with some old college buddies and maybe one or two extra people. I figured if you didn’t have anything going on this weekend, you’d like to be my plus one? You know. Like a date.”

  Adrien was again, silent. Finally, his eyes slid to Cameron, brows furrowed over them.

  “Like a date?”

  “An actual date,” Cameron clarified. “If you want.”

  Adrien bit his lip, and Cameron waited once more. There was a small part of him that thought that Adrien would bail given the wording, but he held out. It wasn’t like he’d asked Adrien to marry him – he just wanted to get the ball rolling on something he should have done months ago.

  “A date, date, then.” Cameron grinned.

  “Awesome. See you there.”


  He was a mess. An utter mess.

  He stood outside of Cameron’s apartment. He lived about a block and a half away from Cameron, and had chosen to walk on over. It wasn’t too cold out – relatively speaking, at least – and he was bundled up. His thoughts weren’t on the cold, however, even as his breaths came out as puffs of steam. No, his thoughts were elsewhere.

  His first date with Cameron. This was his first date with Cameron.

  First? Only. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Maybe it’s just a casual thing. Casual things are things.

  Adrien didn’t want to give himself too much hope that he would have more with Cameron. After all, they hadn’t ever hung out on the premise of dates. They had hung out on the premise of friendly get togethers. Dates were an entirely different matter. This was an entirely different matter. He didn’t even know if anything would… happen… after this.

  He sighed, and reminded himself that he was overthinking things once again. He needed to chill out.

  It’s cool. Relax.

  That was easier said than done, and when he was finally ready to be buzzed up, he did with a nervousness that had his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He hadn’t been on a date in… well ages. And though he had been thinking about what it’d be like to go on a date with Cameron for longer than was sane, doing was different than thinking.

  Nevertheless, when he came to Cameron’s door, he raised his hand and knocked. There goes nothing…

  The door opened almost instantly. Cameron stood there, grin wide and welcoming.

  “There you are!” he said, gesturing in, beckoning Adrien forward. He stepped in, and to his surprise, Cameron greeted him with a slight kiss to the cheek. He hoped that his face wasn’t as red as it felt. Maybe he could chalk it up to the cold.

  “Sorry I’m a little late,” he said, quietly. “Got a bit held up.”

  “Ah, no, don’t worry about it. Everyone’s here, so it’ll make it easy for introductions that you’re the last one here. Come on.”

  Adrien followed Cameron into the apartment. It wasn’t the first time that Adrien had been over, but it was usually for school things if they did. He had expected a large group when Cameron said he was having a get together, but was thankfully surprised when there were only four other people there.

  Cameron introduced them. Laila, a cute girl that was pixie-like in her stature; Gam, a blonde that looked like he ought to be a linebacker; and finally, a set of twins, Ian and Alan. Adrien couldn’t tell the difference between the two men. They were both around his height, dark haired and light-eyed. It didn’t help that they wore the exact same clothing, and when Adrien accidentally mixed their names up, they both even laughed at the same time.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Cameron said, leaning over to him when Adrien apologized. “They’re used to it. You’ll eventually get the hang of how those two are.”

  Adrien didn’t know how accurate that was, but he wasn’t given a lot of time to think about it. Introductions done, they all went back into the living room. Apparently, they had already started the festivities, and being the last one to join, he was a little late in the game. They had already gotten drinks out, snacks dug into with fervor – though Cameron bragged that he had kept their paws off the chocolate covered pretzels, knowing they were Adrien’s favorite.

  He thought that it would be awkward, mingling with people he didn’t know during this… get together style date that Cameron had invited him for. The longer he spent with the group, however, the easier it was to relax, melt away that anxiety and actually enjoy himself. It was easy, sitting on the couch beside Cameron, to enjoy the raunchy jokes that Gam liked to tell, or slowly learn the subtle differences between Ian and Alan (Ian, for example, was the one who had tried to eat all the chocolate covered pretzels that Cameron had saved for him, and it was Alan who absolutely hated them.) Laila was the calmest of the bunch, and she engaged him in conversation about his work at the care center. She was a full-time nanny, it turned out, and loved children but wanted to start getting into work that she felt ‘gave more back to the community’ than watching over spoiled rich kids did.

  The whole time, Cameron sat c
lose to him. Sometimes his arm would be over his shoulders, other times his hand would settle comfortably on his knee. The first time that Cameron had touched him, his face had lit up, and he was certain that he would be further embarrassed by everyone else – he, after all, had no idea what the others expected of the two of them, and he wasn’t sure what they would think of the gestures.

  Aside from a warm smile from Laila, however, no one said a thing. They talked about life, about their college days. Adrien was regaled with stories about Cameron pledging to a fraternity, and inadvertently running through campus during rush week completely naked, aside from a thong made of Christmas garlands. It was an interesting image that roused up in Adrien’s mind, one that had him laughing quietly to himself at the thought of Cameron prostrating himself like that for the sake of getting into a fraternity.

  “What about you?” Laila asked. “Were you in a fraternity? Have any fun stories for us?”

  Adrien pushed his glasses up his face, shaking his head. “Oh, no. I never tried when I was in college. I was mostly focused on classes.”

  “Aw, shame. No garland thong stories for us,” Cameron said, and pouted.

  Adrien could have sworn that Cameron winked at him.

  Later that evening, everyone was piled up between the floor, couch, and Cameron’s chair. They had had their fill of food, and once the alcohol was gone it was evident that no one was leaving for the night. Alan and Ian took the couch, Gam was in the chair. Cameron had pulled the air mattress into the middle of the living room floor, on account of the fact that he let Laila take the couch.

  “Like a true gentleman,” he insisted.

  That left him and Adrien on the air mattress. The thought had had Adrien’s face red when Cameron suggested it, after they’d all drunkenly changed into their sleeping clothes. Nonetheless, he didn’t complain when he flopped onto it; it was better than the floor, and he was beside Cameron.

  Adrien could hear the soft snores of the others in the room. Though he had had his fill of food and alcohol, he found it hard to get to sleep. He faced Cameron, and watched him in the darkness. He had had fun, he couldn’t deny that… He wondered where that meant all of this was going to go…

  “Hey, you awake?”

  Adrien started at the sound of Cameron’s voice. He hoped the other hadn’t realized that he was still up… watching him… like some sort of creep. He cleared his throat.

  “Yeah,” he whispered back. “I am. Did I wake you up or something?”

  “Nah, I just wanted to make sure everyone else was asleep before bugging you.” Cameron scooted closer to him, and Adrien could feel the warmth of Cameron’s body against him. “I just wanted to say thank you for coming over. I know you’re shy usually, so you agreeing to this date was nice. I hope it was good for you? It wasn’t very traditional.”

  Adrien was surprised that Cameron sounded so apologetic. It hadn’t been traditional, perhaps but… well, he had had fun. He couldn’t deny that. And besides, he remembered the way it felt having Cameron’s arm around him or hand at his leg. That had definitely made it feel, well, more than just hanging out. It had been something, hadn’t it?

  He smiled, despite the darkness hiding the curve of his lips.

  “I had fun,” he said. “I promise. To be honest, I was less nervous than I thought I would be. It felt like –” He paused, wondering if he should say it. He felt Cameron nudging on him.

  “Felt like…?”

  Adrien cleared his throat.

  “Well, it felt… nice. Right? That probably sounds weird. But. Um.” He paused again, and this time Cameron didn’t nudge him along, let him go at his own pace. “Well. I’ve wanted to go on a date with you for a while, and it just felt nice that I was on one, you know? Even if it wasn’t a regular one.”

  There was a silence for a moment, and Adrien wondered if he’d looked too much into the ‘date’ that he had revealed his interests weren’t in line with Cameron’s. It was as sinking feeling, one that had him biting his lip, ready to apologize—

  He started when he felt Cameron’s fingers at his chin. He gasped, quietly, as Cameron scooted even closer to him. They were so close, his bangs brushed out of his face a little at the feel of Cameron’s breath as he spoke.

  “I think it felt right, too,” Cameron said. “And I definitely know what you mean about wanting to have gone out before now.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I do.”

  The silence was filled with soft breaths as Cameron pressed close to him, sealing a kiss against his lips. Adrien’s eyes widened, body tensed just so with the surprise of it, before he relaxed completely against him. He scooted and pressed closer against Cameron, letting his lips part when he felt the slide of Cameron’s tongue against his mouth.

  It was the smoothest kiss he’d ever had, just the right pressure, never too much of the press of tongue within his mouth. He moaned softly, face heating as the sound left him, though he didn’t pull away. When Cameron’s arms slid around his waist, fingers skimming just so at his lower back, his own arms wrapped around Cameron’s shoulders. His fingers slipped into Cameron’s hair, pulling through the soft strands. Instinctually, his leg slid up, knees bent as the position had it hiked up at Cameron’s waist.

  He wasn’t the type to hook up – but this didn’t… It didn’t feel like a hook up. He’d known Cameron how long, now? A little over a year? Had been his friend for most of that time and apparently, hadn’t been alone in wanting to push things a little farther than just a pleasant friendship. It was why he was more than happy when Cameron didn’t push him away, no. Cameron groaned against him, pressed his hips between his legs. Aiden could feel the hardness of an erection press against the growing one between his own legs, and a shudder of pleasure went through him as Cameron grabbed a handful of his rear, jerking him closer.

  “Can you be quiet?” Cameron murmured, fingers sliding into the waistband of Adrien’s pants. All Adrien did was nod, rocking his hips against Cameron’s insistently. Cameron seemed to take the hint, going back to kissing him without interruption as his hands came to his front, cupping him. Adrien’s toes curled, and at the contact he groaned – perhaps a little too loudly.

  “Mmm… guys shut up… can hear you panting and shit… it’s late…”

  Both Adrien and Cameron jumped. To his disappointment, Cameron’s hands left him. They both muttered a frustrated curse, and Cameron sighed audibly.

  “Really, man?” Adrien heard Gam laugh from the chair.

  “I mean, you two can keep going at it if you want, but I warn you that I will provide a blow-by-blow commentary if you do.”

  Adrien didn’t want to take any chances, and muttered out a ‘sorry’ as he disentangled himself from Cameron – though stayed close. He was surprised, however, when Cameron pressed another kiss to his lips, and pulled him back to him.

  “Just stay quiet,” Cameron whispered to him. “He’ll be back to sleep in no time.”

  Adrien didn’t protest – though he knew he probably should. He wasn’t the type to be so exhibitionist. There were other people in the room, other people who they had obviously awoken with their activities.

  When Cameron went to his neck, though, his mouth and teeth working at his flesh, he couldn’t think about Gam potentially listening in to them, or providing his ‘blow-by-blow.’ He wasn’t very good at not being vocal, however. He knew himself well enough to know that, and as Cameron’s hand slipped into his sleep pants, he took it upon himself to clamp his teeth down on the pillow beneath his head, silencing the soft moans that threatened to leave him.

  He was already hard, the head of his member already slick in his want. There was a part of him that said this was too fast… they were going way too fast for this. But he couldn’t help himself; how many times had he thought about Cameron like this? How many times had he wanted, wished, dreamed? He could count waking in the mornings following a particularly explicit fantasy, boxers wet, body still needing Cameron in ways
he didn’t know he’d be able to verbalize to the other. It was… Damn. Maddening. And here Cameron was, fulfilling those sinful little desires that went hand in hand with how he felt about him.

  His hips rocked against the hand wrapped snug around him. Up, down, Cameron’s hand moved over his length. His fingers would squeeze just when he needed them to, loosen before he could hit that climax that threatened to burst from him the more Cameron touched him. His own fingers flexed, tugging and pulling in the sheets beneath them, and his body shuddered as a thumb slid over his weeping slit.

  “I love the way you feel in my hand,” Cameron murmured softly into his ear, low enough he wasn’t afraid of Gam hearing what went on, on the floor.

  He wanted to respond. How he loved the way Cameron felt around him, how he could explode from the pleasure that wracked through him at just the touch of Cameron’s hand around him. He knew better, though. Those words made him whine into the pillow, and if he’d have talked he’d have certainly had no control over the volume – let alone what he said.

  I want you to take me… God I want you to have me so bad.

  His pleasure built, and built, a steady cadence until he just couldn’t take it anymore, spilling over Cameron’s hand. His length twitched beneath Cameron’s deft fingers, and he fought not to groan openly at how good it felt in his sensitivity to have Cameron milk him for all he was worth. Cameron pressed close to him as he did, and he could feel Cameron’s own desire press against him.

  He didn’t know what overcame him. He pressed his lips to Cameron’s stealing a kiss from him before pushing himself up from the floor. As quietly as possible, he pulled Cameron along with him, practically dragging him from the living room, back to Cameron’s bathroom. Cameron said nothing, and Adrien was grateful for it; he didn’t want to wake the others, after all, and make them privy to what he was about to do.

  He closed the door, locked it, and nudged Cameron back. Cameron watched him with a smirk on his face, an expression that sent a shiver down Adrien’s back. He bit his lip as Cameron leaned back against the bathroom sink, the outline of his length straining hard against his sleep pants.


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