Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 170

by Kristine Robinson

  That’s it. What he wanted.

  Adrien sank to his knees in front of Cameron. Cameron’s hands instantly found his hair, guiding him easily face-level to the protrusion between his legs. He tugged down Cameron’s sleep pants, letting them pool at the floor. His eyes flicked up as he leaned forward, tongue darted out. Cameron’s breath hitched as his tongue hit the flesh of his member, and Adrien couldn’t help but moan at the taste that filled his mouth.

  Lips around Cameron, Adrien kept his eyes on the other as his head bobbed, lowering and rising on the sensitive, hard member in his mouth. Cameron was thick, long, filled in a way that other partners hadn’t. The thought of what it could do to him, had they had the time, had the apartment been empty, set a flare up his cheeks, and he let his hands settle on Cameron’s hips as he pressed ever forward, taking it down his throat.

  He choked a little, but didn’t let up, especially not when Cameron groaned lowly. They set a pace with each other, Adrien eagerly taking Cameron down, and Cameron guiding Adrien’s head the way he wanted, hips rocking to give more sensation. Adrien couldn’t remember the last time he’d done such a thing – he was never opposed, really, but opportunities were few and far between, especially when recent months had been filled pining after Cameron. This, though… this was tantalizing. He hadn’t realized getting just a taste would get him hooked.

  Adrien felt the pulse of Cameron within his mouth before he reached his completion. It was a shudder of hips, a sharp inhalation, and his mouth was flooded with release. Adrien didn’t mind, though. He pressed ever forward, until his nose was snug against Cameron’s pelvis, and drank him down. He let his tongue skim over sensitive flesh, teeth graze ever so slightly to draw out another gasp from Cameron, have him tighten his fingers in his hair. He let Cameron finish before he pulled away, licking his lips.

  They remained there in silence for a moment, both catching their breaths. Adrien could still feel Cameron in his throat – it made his face warm to realize how eager he had been.

  Before he could contemplate that thought more, Cameron pulled him up. He stood, going instantly to Cameron’s arms as he wrapped them around his body, bringing him in for a kiss.

  “Remind me at some point to make that up to you,” Cameron murmured.

  Adrien’s body shuddered with anticipation.


  The Christmas party had gone better than expected. Of course, he hadn’t expected to get that far with Adrien – he had been happy just having him over, really – but there was an openness that Adrien had with him over the course of the night that made him feel that pursuing Adrien had definitely been a good idea.

  The fooling around, admittedly, had been a bit of an unexpected but welcomed bonus.

  The next morning, they saw his friends out. Cameron had been happy to see them, but he was interested in having some alone time with Adrien. The night before played in the back of his mind – the feel of Adrien pressed against him, the reciprocation of his kisses and the way he’d gasped. And then, when Adrien had pulled him into the bathroom and worked him over like it was the best thing he’d ever had –

  But, he had other motivations, too. Namely involving the fact that Adrien had told him that it had felt right…

  He waved off Gam as he grinned back at him, closing the door in Gam’s face as he made up excuse after excuse over to try and stay – he knew how Gam operated, the other just wanted to be nosy. With the door finally closed and the apartment finally empty, except for the two of them, he turned to Adrien. Adrien had changed back into his clothes from the day before, and sat at the table at the front of his apartment. Cameron smiled at him.

  “So, you want to do something today?”

  Adrien seemed to be surprised at that.

  “You want to go out and do something?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Why not? We had a good night with everyone, but I think I want to take you out, out, you know?”

  Adrien bit his lip. It stirred much of the same feelings that he had had the night before, and he wondered a moment if he would be able to ask Adrien if he wanted to stay the night again…

  “Sure,” Adrien said finally, smiling. “Where do you want to go?”


  One date had turned into a follow-up date, had turned into Adrien and Cameron going out every day or night during the winter break. Adrien had never gone on so many dates – not within such a close span of time, at least. They were the best times that he had had in a long time, however. He often caught himself wondering why he had allowed himself to take so long in making a move with Cameron to begin with.

  It was… a whirlwind. They went bowling, and seeing movies. They had dinners out. They had nights in. Cameron was a great cook, and he had found that he enjoyed eating in with Cameron’s cooking more than he enjoyed sitting at a restaurant and doing the same. There was just… There was something about the comfort and the sweetness of having a meal shared that had been made by one of them, in the warmth of one of their homes…

  As he cleaned his own apartment, he blushed, thinking about how comfortable he had gotten. It had only been a month since Cameron had asked him out. He supposed with how long they’d known each other, that’s why it felt like so much more. Either way, he couldn’t help but daydream. He found himself doing so, and often. Daydreaming about Cameron, about their time spent together, about the night he’d finally felt Cameron’s lips on his, had his hands on his body.

  That, certainly, was a frequent thought. They hadn’t done anything else like that since the night of Cameron’s Christmas party. Part of him was too nervous to press the idea again after his unexpected actions, but the other part – the part of him that had been entirely too lit up by the way Cameron’s body felt against his, his lips, his everything – often thought about how it would be if he did push.

  He could imagine it. How it would be to be laid back on his bed without anyone else in the apartment – without fear of needing to keep quiet or not bother anyone. Cameron was just slightly bigger than him, broader. Cameron actually worked out, which would explain it. He didn’t know the kind of lover Cameron was, but he often went back and forth between him being rough, taking charge, making him scream in bed, to being the more tender sort, bringing him pleasure slowly, loving his body with his…

  Often, when he thought of such things, he’d make himself stop, feeling embarrassed by it. Would Cameron appreciate him thinking about him in such ways? He didn’t know. Something told him that maybe Cameron wouldn’t actually care – Cameron was the confident sort, and anytime that he had complimented him in any way, he’d always taken it positively.

  This day, however, he let his mind run rampant as he finished up cleaning, making his way to his bedroom. When he slid his shorts down and off, letting them fall to the floor, he imagined that it was Cameron who had taken them off. As his back hit the bed, he pretended that it was the force of Cameron pushing him down, using his weight to lay him back, spread his thighs.


  He envisioned himself breathing out Cameron’s name as he looked up at the other man, and arched into electric touch of a hand he wished was not his own wrapping around his length – already hard and dripping.

  His hips worked up, into his hand, and his eyes slid closed as he lost himself in the fantasy. Cameron with his hands on him. Cameron kissing him, touching him. His brows drew together, lip was bitten. His hand tightened just so around his length, pumped harder, faster. With every stroke his breath panted out, toes curled. He wanted Cameron’s hands on him, his teeth in him. He wanted to give himself over so fully that he went insane with it, spilled over with desire.

  “Cameron, please…”

  He wanted it… he wanted it so badly and he wished… he needed…

  He gasped, working his hand faster, but there was something missing, something that he wanted more to make the fantasy feel more real, be more accurate. He sat up with a huff, going to rummage in his dresser drawer. He pulled out
a small bottle of lube, and a decent sized vibe. Neither had gotten much use in recent weeks – but he didn’t give much thought to it as he laid back down on his bed, legs spread. A slickened finger slid down between them, over his hole.

  He imagined Cameron would take his time with him – that’s what he liked to think. One finger in, crooking, stroking, just like he did then. His lips parted at the feeling of intrusion, wishing his finger was thicker, longer like Cameron’s. He worked it inside him, opening enough for another finger and then another. His breath came in hard pants as he did, keeping his eyes screwed to keep up the illusion that it wasn’t himself bringing him pleasure, that it was Cameron.

  Oh, how he wished.

  It didn’t take long for him to work himself open enough to ease the head of his lubed-up vibe inside of him. It stretched him further, but pleasurably so. He slid it, in, out, giving himself a tease as if it were Cameron, letting him have a taste of what he wanted so bad but never fully giving it.

  “I want it… Come on… Cameron…”

  He pressed it further inside him, letting it fill him to capacity. He whined as the head of it slid against that bundle of nerves tucked deep inside his body, and when he pressed the button to turn on the low, vibrating hum of the toy, his thighs spread further, back arched off the bed.

  “Oh, God…”

  He worked it inside of him, harder now, unable to stop himself from forcing that pleasure on himself. He imagined there being a weight over him – the weight of Cameron’s body – as the other drilled into him. His legs shook just at the thought of Cameron forcing him open like this, making him squirm and writhe under his body, with him inside him. How he wanted Cameron’s hands pinning him down as he bucked into him like a wild bull, drawing out every breath and movement ruggedly.

  His hips rolled, pressing up against the toy as he drove it into himself, working himself closer and closer to that peak that the wanted to top so badly. There, ah, so close. So close, so close, so damn close. He wrapped his free hand around his now-red length, pumping it, imagining Cameron giving his whole body that kind of attention, leaving nothing of himself untouched –

  His back arched, one final spasm in the throes of his imaginary passions, as he made a mess of himself. His insides clung around the still-vibrating toy, until he just couldn’t take it anymore, pulling it from within him. He tossed it aside, letting it bounce onto the bed with a slightly wet splat. Adrien lay back, panting, chest rising and falling erratically as he slowly, slowly came down from the high of release.

  There might have been a small part of him that was embarrassed that he had cum so fast, but as he finally sat up, going to clean up the completion that had spilled over his hand, onto his thighs, his mind was filled with dizzied thoughts of Cameron. Washing away the evidence of what he had done and fantasized about made him feel like it was washing away the signs of how much he needed Cameron – how much he wanted him.



  He had for a long time.

  He just needed to gain the courage to make it official.

  “Hey, you got a minute?”

  He realized a little too late the choice of words as Cameron looked up from his desk, a smile plastered to his lips.

  “Now, where have I heard that before?”

  Adrien blushed. “Sorry. But, do you? I’d like to talk.”

  Cameron’s brow quirked, but he beckoned Adrien in.

  “Sure. What’s up? Something bothering you?”

  Not in the traditional sense, no.

  Adrien shook his head, and walked in. He closed the door behind him. The kids had returned to school about a week ago, but there were still the younger, all-day children that were in. Though they were at lunch, he wanted this conversation to be at least semi-private. At the very least, if he was rejected, he didn’t want someone else to hear it.

  He sat across from Cameron, taking one of the chairs from a student desk to pull it close.

  “So. We like each other,” he started, figuring that was the best place to start. His mind slipped a little to the events of the previous day, and he fought hard with himself not to blush even more, knowing what he had done.

  Cameron nodded. “Yeah. We like each other.”

  “Good… I mean. I think it’s good. It’s nice,” Adrien clarified. “I was wondering, then… What does that make us? Are we together? It’s alright if we’re not I just… well that night and then all the dates and such. We’ve just never sat down and said…”

  “That we’re boyfriend and boyfriend with each other?” Cameron supplemented, once Adrien had gone silent. Adrien nodded.

  “It’s not that I’m not having fun,” Adrien clarified. “I just… I want to know what to call this… Before I get too invested and it turns out it wasn’t actually much of anything.”

  Cameron smiled at him, the kind of smile that could melt the coldest person. He stood up, and walked over to Adrien, kneeling in front of him. Cameron’s hands found his, holding them tightly in his.

  “I wouldn’t have taken you on all those dates if I hadn’t wanted to see you as my boyfriend,” he said, sincerely. “I didn’t want to rush you or push you, though. I know how you are when you feel pressured. I figured you’d come to me when you were ready to press the issue a little more. I had gone a little farther than I had intended to the night of that party – touching you, and such. But, you know. I like you. I’d like to continue on, seriously. If you’ll have me.”

  That smirk was on Cameron’s face, and Adrien could feel his face heat up, and his heart beat erratically. There was something in the way that Cameron said it and the weight of it in his voice – he couldn’t stop himself when he leaned forward and kissed him.

  Cameron seemed surprised, starting a little when their lips met, but he quickly recovered. Adrien was happy for it. Cameron’s hand came to cradle the back of his head and hold him close. Just like that night, lips parted, and he could taste Cameron on his tongue – but it was slower, sweeter, more intentional than the folding and the heated making out that they had done in Cameron’s living room.

  “Mmm…” Adrien sighed, breathed through his nose as he pressed forward, deepening their kiss. Cameron nipped at his bottom lip, tugging it a bit before he pulled back only to place a chaste, peck of a kiss to his slightly swollen lips. Adrien leaned forward, capturing Cameron in another kiss. Cameron laughed a little against his lips, and he nipped him in response.

  “Feisty, aren’t you?”

  Adrien blushed a little, and stole another kiss.

  “Maybe,” he said. “But obviously, you like it. So.”

  “I definitely like it.”

  They were quiet for a moment, with their foreheads pressed against each other’s. It was a peaceful sort of feeling; it made Adrien smile just a little more to himself.

  “Say,” Cameron said. “You want to come over tonight?”

  Cameron had had dinner set out. As soon as he had come over, he had seen the table – set for two. There were candles, even, their soft scent mixing with the warm scent of the food that Cameron had cooked. Adrien figured that they probably could have eaten. Cameron had spent so much time in cooking their meal, after all.

  When Cameron had opened the door, however, he couldn’t help but disregard the meal. He remembered what had happened the first time he had been invited to spend the night. He remembered his little fantasies in his head, those sweet little wants of his when he was alone and touching himself. He and Cameron were together – that was the thought that clicked first in his head when he arrived. They had a bit of catching up to do, as far as he was concerned, and oddly enough his nerves went right out the window, and he, into Cameron’s arms.

  If Cameron had complaints about their forgotten dinner, he said nothing. His arms went around Adrien, and Adrien kissed him hungrily, demanding his attention, his touches, his reciprocation.

  “You’re eager tonight,” Cameron managed to mutter out.

; “I’m just a little impatient, maybe. Shut up. I want you to kiss me.”

  “I’ll do more than that.”

  Somehow, he made his feet move, pressing his body against Cameron’s as Cameron led him back to his room. He was glad there wasn’t going to be any pretense to this – it felt like his whole body was on fire, like there was one thing and one thing only that would sate it, and that was Cameron.

  Or, perhaps that was just Cameron’s hands on his body exacerbating the problem. Whatever. He didn’t care either way, as long as Cameron kept on touching him.

  It was better than his imaginations, having Cameron push him down to his bed. He bounced a little as his back hit the bed, and Cameron was soon on him. He arched, hips rising to meet Cameron’s as he nestled between his legs. Layers, God, there were too many damn layers –

  His hands slid under Cameron’s shirt, pushing it up insistently. Cameron seemed to get the picture, doing the same with Adrien’s own clothing. His hands roamed over Cameron’s chest, feeling the muscle there, enjoying the way it felt under his hands. He bit his lip, and Cameron came down to kiss him, claiming his lips again before moving from there to his jaw, into his neck.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” Cameron admitted. “Kinda mad at myself for waiting this long, but you know what they say about good things and those who wait.”

  Adrien only chuckled, breathily, before the sound hitched in his throat as Cameron’s mouth came to his chest. His tongue laved over a pert nipple, drawing it up, hardening it more. Adrien’s fingers slid into Cameron’s hair, tugging, encouraging more until Cameron’s teeth came around the bud, eliciting a groan from Adrien the likes of which he’d never had before.

  “Damn – Cameron, more,” he insisted. It didn’t even matter how debauched his voice sound, how desperate and needy he certainly appeared. All that mattered was Cameron’s touch – his hands, his mouth, his tongue, his –


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