Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 183

by Kristine Robinson

  It was nice and shiny and any apprehension that I had was replaced by an overanxious need to be stuffed full. He gave a few nudges to test the waters and then he held onto my hips and drove with the precision of a bullet leaving the chamber.

  “HOLY FUCK…is there no end to this nightmare.” I’d had that nightmare off and on most of my life, but the actual teacher was faceless until this very moment. I had to believe that I was waiting for the right man to touch my heart before the face would be revealed.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, class. The first initial penetration is a jarring impact, but soon you will see that the subject will begin to demand more. I’m all the way in with my balls swinging heavily against his.” He fed me that long link back and forth at a steady pace that was constantly striking against my prostrate. That was my Achilles’ heel and I could feel myself losing the will to fight back. I only had to look to see that I was dripping with long lines down to the floor at his feet. I’d never seen that reaction before, but I was desperately waiting for the moment where his jet would take off.

  He gave sharp and hard thrusts that had my heart literally in my throat. He was not gentle by any means. This was a sure sign that our relationship was more of him dominating me. I’d never wanted anything like that before, but with him, it seemed natural.

  I wanted to scream uncle a couple of times, but there was no way that I was going to surrender. I’d already given into the way that he had used me for an example for a phantom class. I didn’t want to be a pussy. I felt like I had a lot more to offer than being his proverbial whipping boy.

  There were tears coming from my eyes, but they were happy ones. The pain and the pleasure mixed into this euphoria that had me pushing back against him to get an even better and tighter seal around his glands.

  “I know that some of you were skeptical, but you can see for yourself that the subject is now enjoying himself. He’s no longer struggling. That is when you know that you have broken them. They will crave your cock and they will beg to have your cream in any hole that you may desire to put it. For this exercise, I plan to take it out and shove it down his throat. He will gladly swallow me whole and show me how a true bitch is supposed to serve his master.” I don’t know how he could keep a straight face and the continuing jackhammer behind me was giving me the idea that he was never going to stop.

  “God help me…but I do want it and you have no idea how bad. My body is yours and whatever you deem to do with it is how I will please you.” I couldn’t believe that the words coming out of my mouth sounded like I had become a subservient slave to his sexual desires.

  “This is exactly what you want to happen. He really has no idea what he’s capable of, but he’s going to find out underneath my tutelage.” He was ramming me repeatedly, squeezing my cheeks and then laying hands with a paintbrush technique that left me red and almost on the brink of feeling uncomfortable.

  I could feel the balloon shape of his organ inside my body. It was quite a delicious feeling of knowing that he was at that edge and was about to go over to the other side. He wrenched it free, leaving me gaping and then turned me until I was on my knees looking at the great eye that was about to explode in my face.

  “This is where he will consume me in a captivating way that has me ready to blow.” He wasn’t even talking to me, but I knew exactly what he wanted. “There’s no better feeling than having your lover orally satisfy you. The only thing that you need to remember is that you’re going to have to be the one to teach them. They won’t be able to do it on their own because they are your puppet to use as you see fit.” He wasn’t even touching himself and with one flex of his hips, he began to shoot directly at my mouth.

  The first blast covered me with the creamy texture of my own personal and manly lipstick. I opened my mouth and the next jet streamed across my tongue and left this flammable explosion that I wanted more of. I reached out and grabbed onto the base to milk him dry of every tiny bit that he had left inside him. The experience of my hand working him into a frenzy was perfect to get every drop.

  “He has become a junkie. There won’t be a day that goes by that he will not find himself in this position. It’s at this stage of your relationship that you begin to wonder how far you can push. Trust me, you can find inspiration absolutely anywhere.” He made me take it into my mouth to clean off the residue of what he had just given me. “I suggest that you start slowly with little gifts to show them that you appreciate their efforts. Don’t consider it bribery. They need to feel wanted and desired. I don’t mind spending out that kind of money to make them happy. It’s then that you can introduce them to other aspects. The one that comes to mind is the whip. They may be scared at first, but that need to be disciplined will become second nature.” He wasn’t exactly strong and proud as he was when he was taking me from behind.

  I had relieved the tension on his member, trailing my tongue from the underside all the way up to where the head met the shaft. I would have gladly gone on a diet of just what he could shoot down my throat on any given day. I would’ve been damn happy to wake up and crawl under the covers to find his sleeping giant about to awaken from its slumber.

  “You might find it surprising that he doesn’t want to take my cock out of his mouth. With a firm hand, you can show them that giving up control is not a weakness. It can be a gratifying experience if only they allow themselves to accept their fate. Your lesson for tonight is to find their limit. Everybody has one. When you can break free of restrictions is when you will know that they are with you for life. Take my advice and you will not believe the results.” He pulled away from me limp and hanging against his thigh, but his smile told me that I had done what he wanted me to.

  I was going to reach out and see if I could bring him back to a state of readiness. I knew that what I was doing was wrong and that I should be ashamed of my behavior. I was never one to lie back and take it, but this guy knew exactly what buttons to push. It was as if he knew my body better than I did.

  “That ends the lesson for today. I would invite all of you to come up to have a hands-on approach, but I don’t think that he’s ready for that just yet. Don’t worry; I plan to turn him loose on all of you. I want to sit back and see his body used and abused for hours on end. I want to be the one that will take him out of his comfort zone. This is the kinda guy that is susceptible to the kind of suggestions that I will come up with. I know that you are all disappointed, but patience will be rewarded.” He slapped his flaccid state back and forth against my cheeks. He was smiling and leaving behind droplets of heated jizz on my tingling flesh.

  By the time that he was done, I was sitting there running my fingers along the sweetness that was still sticking to my lips. I looked up at him and he began to blur into several of my lovers at the same time. There was no cohesion and then the classroom was gone to be replaced by a blackness that left me feeling a cold chill. It made me shiver.

  I had a restless night, turning several times and looking at the phone to see if there was any message. There was only silence and it was deafening. I kept thrashing and then pacing back and forth wondering if I was ever going to see him again. I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn’t.

  I had that meeting in the morning. I was going to have to be refreshed and on my game. The only way that I was going to land that client was if I could show him that I was the only game in town. That I was the only one that would be able to get him off. I couldn’t be seen sleep deprived and haggard. To do that would only bring about failure. The one thing that my father taught me before he retired from the navy was that failure was not an option. He would always tell me that if you get beat up that you don’t let the fighter stand over you in victory. You struggle to your feet and you get ready to swing with everything that you have left in you.

  The shower helped to wake me up and it didn’t hurt that I had a shot of caffeine from a coffeepot that had been whistling for two minutes while I was in the shower. I dressed impeccably with not a h
air out of place. I could’ve stepped out of the pages of a GQ magazine. I was clean shaven. The phone that I had just gotten back was mocking me with its existence.

  I took the bus, looking around for my paramour and finding him sitting reading a magazine. He looked pretty damn good. I inched my way closer to where he was unaware of my presence. I was about to tap him on the shoulder when he turned and gave the redhead next to him a kiss that would have melted the polar icecaps. My radar was completely off. He was not the one that had snuck into my life and left me unable to get him out of my mind.

  I got to the office looking at the brick building and hoping that somehow that it would crumble in front of my eyes. I would have no other plans than to play my guitar. I could live quite nicely on the pittance that I would get for unemployment. I was tempted to walk away, but I felt like I owed it to the partners to see this through. I had started the run to get this client and I didn’t feel that it was necessary to pawn it off on somebody else.

  I had on that red power tie taking a stance and feeling like a million dollars. My confidence had waned slightly, but it was back as strong as ever. My mind was sharp and the caffeine helped to percolate some ideas about how to sway him over to our side. I would use Lisa. I would parade her through the office in front of him to get his undivided attention. I would distract him long enough to get him to sign on the dotted nine not even realizing that he was doing it.

  I stepped off the elevator with my silver briefcase in hand. Lisa was dressed in exactly the way that she always is when I was about to meet with a prospective client. The short red skirt had a secret lacy thong underneath that left very little to think about. The white blouse showed off her headlights and there was not a pair that stood up to hers. Technically, she was still my secretary, but she considered us to be partners. I could always count on her to give me an unbiased opinion regardless if I wanted to hear it or not.

  “He got here a little early and I set him up in the conference room. He came alone. I don’t think that he understands the reason why he had to wait. I hope that you have some way of making this up to him. Keeping him on the hook is only going to cause him to wonder about our professionalism.” I was about to ask her for coffee, but I thought better of it. I’d already stepped on that land mine and I had no interest in having her brutally chastise me in front of the client.

  “Mr. Anderson, I apologize for being late, but it was unavoidable. You know how traffic can be at a snail’s pace. I pride myself on utilizing public transportation as much as I can. I like to think that I’m being green, but it’s really about logistics. I don’t live that far away from the office. I could walk on any given good day when the weather doesn’t hamper my progress. I could easily take my bicycle, but I would be taking my life into my hands any time that I tried to get onto the roads during the winter.” I had my back toward him. I took off my jacket and stood at the window completely ignoring him.

  “I don’t suppose that you can do me the courtesy of looking me in the eye when you talk to me.” My legs buckled and I steadied myself with my hand up against the glass. The cool feel helped to simmer my disbelief that this was the man that had been screwing with me. “I’m glad to see that you’re not so tightly wound. You don’t seem as unapproachable and maybe there’s a reason for that.” I turned slowly and sitting there was not the man that I thought was going to be there. I seemed to recall a moment at the bus station where I felt like somebody was watching me.

  “I don’t know what to say. You had to know who I was considering that you were going to meet me here today. I should’ve put two and two together, but it didn’t even register that there was no way that you could know my profession without standing right by me. I wasn’t on the phone when I got on the bus. I did notice you, but you stayed pretty quiet and to yourself. I was tempted to talk to you, but I was busy on the phone which I’m sure that you overheard.” Mitch Anderson had blonde highlights in his brown hair, cut short and showing off the angular curve of his neck. He had me wishing that I could jump him and worry about the consequences after.

  “I thought that you would have figured it out by now. It’s possible that you didn’t want to figure it out. You were having too much fun to investigate the real reason why you were letting me strip you of your dignity. I had to know what kind of man that I was getting into bed with. My life is on the line. You’re going to have to do something quite extreme to make me decide on this firm.” I knew what he was getting at and this time he wanted me to be the one to make the first move.

  “You…you…can’t expect me to do anything in the office. What would the other partners say if they found out that I was sleeping with a client?” I was determined not to let this happen, but standing this close was playing with fire.

  “It would show them that you are willing to do anything. If they gave you any problems, then you can show them the blank check that I’m going to leave for you. Your services will be handsomely rewarded and a huge bonus will be given for keeping me out of jail. I don’t even know how it came to this, but I don’t think that I would survive behind bars. They have this vendetta against me and they have these trumped up charges of cooking the books.” He walked right up to me wearing an expensive suit in a charcoal color. He pushed me down onto the swivel chair.

  “I really don’t think that we should be doing this. I’ve never mixed business and pleasure.” He was undoing the button on my pants and pulling down the zipper while at the same time tugging at my shoes to relieve me of those Gucci loafers. I had to lift my ass so that he could pull those pants off. It was revealed that I wasn’t wearing anything underneath. I decided that going commando was going to be my new normal.

  “I can hear what your lips are saying, but this guy seems to have other ideas.” I followed to where he was referring and standing at attention was a certain part of me that really was telling him that I wanted this. “I don’t care who walks in and you shouldn’t either. Everybody has the right to let their passions ignite. You are the right man for the job and I’m about to give you the job.” I thought that he was talking about going to trial, but then he inhaled the first couple of inches with his tongue moving in a clockwise formation that had me sitting pretty.

  “I apologize for the interruption, Mr. Harris.” Where Lisa was standing gave her the perfect vantage point to see the client down on his knees. “I see something has come up. I don’t think that you’ll need my services. It seems that you have everything well in hand. I’ll make sure that this meeting is not interrupted. If you don’t mind me saying so, it’s about time. I was beginning to think that you had forsaken all men.” Her talents were not necessary and were wasted on a man like Mitch.

  She closed the door. She was going to be our last line of defense if anybody was going to slip in unannounced. I was consciously aware of the door and how it was within reason that one of the partners might want to pick my brain. Lisa would keep them busy leaving us enough time to satisfy that yearning that had been growing ever since that we had been together in the dressing room.

  “I have to say that your willingness to follow my directions showed me that you were able to think outside the box. That you weren’t so stuck in your ways. I do believe that we’re going to need several nights of debriefing.” I opened my shirt and used my own fingers to initiate a bit of nipple play. I’m sure that he recognized what that had done for me.

  “It’s so damn unorthodox of me to do something like this. I don’t sleep with strangers and I never troll the bars late at night looking for the last available man. I tried that route when I was younger and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s amazing that you are really here. I had no idea who you were except for this suspicion that you might be the young man that got defensive about not talking to him.” There was a rush of air and my hips involuntarily lifted from the chair long enough to make him take all of it. I could feel the sensation of his throat and he showed remarkable restraint.

  He had no gag reflex and I felt like
I was in a place that I never wanted to return from. I was about to return the favor and I had my hand in his short hair, but I couldn’t get a good grip with whatever product that he had used.

  I tried several times, but I think that he purposely put that on to keep me from stopping his progression. I tried to move the chair back, but he had found the locking mechanism to make it stay exactly where it was. I was losing the will to fight and then it came over me in a flash. It drove me from my chair and I thought for sure that he was going to retreat, but he didn’t even show any signs that he was leaving his position.

  He gave me more than I thought that I was going to get this morning. I’d been up all night, but suddenly I was with a renewed vigor that he was about to find out could benefit the both of us. Lisa was no doubt pleased as punch and would need a blow by blow description after the meeting concluded. I was trying to keep it down by biting my bottom lip and holding my tongue.

  I saw my phone and I knew that was primarily responsible for all of this. We would have met on time yesterday, gone through the spiel and I doubt that we would’ve had the courage to say anything more than that. I gave him credit for seeking me out.

  I pulled back with him sitting there on his knees with this dreamy expression on his face. The impromptu meeting that took place with more physical component than an intellectual one was appreciated. I thought that I was done, but he stood up and unzipped his own pants. He gave me a moment to supply him with the lubrication that he would need for a deeper and in-depth interview.

  I heard the jingle of the office door knob. Somebody was about to enter the conference room. They were going to find me doing something a little distasteful in their opinion. I’d just finished and Mitch wasn’t letting me off the hook that easily.

  “Frank…don’t let life cripple you. Take the bull by the horns and don’t give any thought to the person that is about to come in here. The money that you generate for this firm will be more than enough to soothe away any hurt feelings. The embarrassment of seeing us screwing like bunnies will fade in time. Get up and sit on this desk with your legs spread and ready to be given the full brunt of my attack.” I did as he said with my legs on either side of the desk.


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