Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 184

by Kristine Robinson

  “They’re never going to look at me the same way again. They’re going to treat me differently, but maybe it’s about time that they know without sugar coating it. The only person that knows is Lisa. I wanted to keep it that way for appearances. I can’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers.” It was slipping through my fingers and this time I was able to see it coming.

  “Lisa, you have never been this forward before. I think that I can give you a few minutes of my time. I was just going to pop in and see how negotiations were going. It’s better that I don’t interrupt.” The head partner of the firm was about to catch me, but Lisa had cut him off at the pass. She was good and knew how to play to her strengths. She was one of the smartest women around. She was going to go far and there were no limits to her climb of the career ladder. She convinced me to make her a partner without the others realizing that we were sharing the work load. I didn’t know what I would without her pulling my fat out of the fire.

  “We had that one time at the New Year’s Eve party, but we never did discuss what it could mean. I like my position and I don’t want to do anything to ruin a good thing.” I remembered saying the exact same thing but in a different context. It was interesting to be playing on this side of the door and Lisa doing interference on the other side.

  Their voices diminished and that was when he gave me his hot poker. It felt like I had been away from him and yet it was only less than 24 hours ago that we were showing our feelings to one another in that dressing room. This was still a highly explosive situation. That fear and the adrenaline of looking down to see him disappear was more than I had bargained for.

  He grabbed onto my thighs and pulled me back towards him with one long and unyielding stroke that took my breath away.

  He had the kind of stamina that made me feel like I was in the presence of the energizing bunny. He constantly hit my prostate. I went off without even realizing that it was going to happen until it was too late. I just continued to fire all over my clothes. I had no idea how I was going to hide something like this, but at the time it didn’t seem to matter.

  “You know that is only going to make me fill you quicker. You make me mad with a hungry desire that I can only satiate by plugging you full of my meat. I don’t think you know what you have done but you are about to find out.” He gave me that look that I had come to know and love from those lovers that could reach that level of intimacy. It was a cross between angry and passionate.

  “I want you to be with me always. There can be no doubt in your mind about my sincerity. You know that there has been nobody else. You are the only one that has reached me in this way. Don’t hold back and I’m ready for it. I’ve been ready for it from the moment that we met. It seems like only yesterday.” I was only teasing and that hard smack of our hips coming together was a telltale sign that things were reaching its inevitable conclusion.

  “I knew… I knew from the moment that we laid eyes on each other that this day was going to come. Speaking of which… I do believe that I have come to the end of my… AHHHHH.” I did the unforgivable by reaching back and squeezing off the flow. His knob continued to pump, but there was nothing that was going to escape unless I wanted it to. He kept trying to push me away, but I was determined to see this through.

  “I don’t see that there is a point in letting you feel that you are in the dominant position. I like that you do have a strong personality, but I feel that we would benefit from switching roles from time to time.” With that being said, I pulled away from him leaving him with a look of stunned confusion on his face. “I know what I said about being caught in here with our pants down, but now I have no interest in leaving this room. I have booked this room for the next hour and I plan to utilize that time to the best of my ability.” I had no qualms about people talking about me.

  “I…I…can’t believe that you had the courage to stand up to me like this. I’m beside myself. You can tell that it’s not going to take much to light the match to my overactive imagination.” I was still holding onto him and I could tell that it must’ve been pretty damn painful to cut him off before he had a chance to release his desire for me.

  “You are the cutest thing that I have ever seen. I plan to show you a good time. I’m not just going to leave you in your current condition. That wouldn’t be right and it would leave the wrong message. I want you to do it again, but I want to be more of an exhibitionist.” I went to the window and I got into the position of having my arms and legs spread with my back arched slightly to give him the bull’s eye between my legs. I was tempted to pull back the cheeks, but I thought that might’ve been going a bit too far.

  “Frank, you do realize that if I touch myself that it’s going to end this little game that you have been playing. It’s a wonder that I haven’t gone off already. It was right there and I can feel it sizzling at the head. You shut me down without thinking of how that was going to make me feel.” He came over to me, biting my neck and turning my face so that our lips could tangle with our tongues entwining in a lover’s dance that was meant for only the two of us.

  “Look over my shoulder and tell me what you see. Down there are several of my work colleagues outside having a smoke break. They only have to look up once and you know that the possibility of one of them doing that is more than 50%. I’m not saying that I want them to watch, but I’m not opposed to it either.” I found myself in the wheelbarrow position with him holding onto my legs and my hands and chest pressed up against the glass.

  “If you want to put on a show, then let’s give them something to remember us by. There’s no point in doing this unless you truly want an audience. I want you to bang on that glass and wave your arms in the air to get their attention. Somebody’s going to see you out of their peripheral vision and then they’re going to tell the others.” I felt him slide back into place and there was the momentary panic that he was going to shoot off too quickly.

  I banged my hands repeatedly against the glass, moving my hands back and forth. Robert was the one that finally glanced up. He had to do a double take and then he started to make the rounds with those that were puffing like chimneys on the end of their nicotine sticks. I could tell that they were shocked. I got the feeling that there was a pool in the office concerning my sexuality. That debate was over. I had to wonder who won. I had to believe that one of the ladies had me figured out. They were constantly chatting me up about my love life. One in particular, Cathy one of the partners tried to suggest that her brother would be the perfect match. I didn’t take the bait.

  “They can’t…see you…but they can see me with my intention quite clear by the expression on my face.” I groaned with a need deep down. They were pointing from down blow. We were several stories up, but being front and center on stage like an x-rated exploitation was the perfect way to seal the deal between us.

  He reached around and filled my mouth with his underwear. I could taste the pungent flavor of his manhood. It was sweaty and musky. The way that he worked his hips behind me was only turning me on like nothing else had ever done before. I could tell that the guys were laughing behind my back, but the girls seemed to be fascinated. It was a known fact that women liked to see two guys getting physical. It mostly involved sporting events, but there was that secret kink that lay underneath waiting to emerge.

  The females tried to remain calm, but their eyes were fixated on the way that I was pressed up against the glass with my face contorted into a mask of the sweetest pleasure that I had ever received. I could hear the moans coming out of my mouth and I could see the way that the glass fogged up with my excitement.

  “They are watching you, Frank. They’re going to have questions after. You have my permission to tell them whatever you want. I would hope that you would be comfortable enough with the truth. Those girls want to live vicariously through you. I suggest that you give them a detailed description of what you felt. I’m sure that after you are finished regaling them with your tale of passion that they will go an
d find their significant other. You will be responsible for their guys getting the night of their lives. I wouldn’t even be surprised that somehow that translates into babies being conceived.” He had his hands around my waist and he was hard jabbing his enlargement against me. I felt it deep and residing in a part of my body that no man had ever touched.

  “I want to tell them everything… Yes… I want to tell them the way that you make me feel.” He lowered me to my feet, but I was still connected to him in a more than superficial way. The culmination of what we were doing was going to be a two-fold exercise in pleasing each other. “I remember the time that you took me in the dressing room. I thought that you were crazy…fucking crazy… YESSSSS.” My body responded to the never ending way that he was driving with insistence until I was splattering the wall of glass in front of me. I was hoping that they could see the jaw-dropping moment. From their reaction, I’m not sure that they could truly see what was going on without a pair of binoculars.

  “Your ass just clenched like a damn vise around me. I can barely move and I don’t think that it’s going to take much more than… Yes…AHHHHH.” This time when I heard his exclamation of release, I did nothing to restrain him in any way. I could feel each blast from the hose between his legs. It burned a little bit, but the sensation of him giving me that piece of him was something that I was prepared for.

  “I can feel it and I never want it to end. I want to keep you inside me all day. I want these people wondering. I am going to tell the ladies. I might actually get a thrill out of bragging about you. They will listen intently and hold their questions until the end. I will be quite explicit and I won’t hold anything back for the sake of my dignity.” I was going to be a man of my word and these girls were going to find themselves with soaking wet panties from the detailed account of what had occurred. They wouldn’t able to stand at this window again without thinking of what they saw.

  I was never much for working out to achieve that muscle-bound physique. I did enjoy certain things that enabled me to burn off the decadent pasta dishes that had touched my lips. This was the kind of exercise that could keep me lean and mean and ready to screw at a moment’s notice.

  It was a 30-minute exercise that had burned a lot of calories. It also put me in the right frame of mind to give him the full resources at my disposal.

  I couldn’t get all the charges dropped, but I did manage to make a deal that kept him out of jail with time served. He was grateful and he showed it by dragging me to an adoption agency to get the instant family that I had always wanted. We had that in the works while at the same time we committed ourselves to each other fully by standing in front of all of our friends and family.

  The adoption took a few months, but then we had a Malaysian boy that we could raise as our own. Having both of them in my life proved to me that I wasn’t just going through the motions. There was a purpose for everything. The loss of my phone had gained something more significant than any technological wonder.

  I had found what I wanted by losing the one thing that I never thought that I could do without. It was an amazing turn of events that had me smiling from ear to ear.

  Stripped Down

  An Erotic Contemporary Gay Romance

  Prologue: Quentin

  The lights are blazing bright red, the music is pounding; Take Me Or Leave Me from the musical Rent. I freaking love that song. I step onto the stage. The boots I’m wearing have high heels so my legs look about a mile long. Besides that I’m wearing a speedo and a feather boa, all of it black and shiny against my pink skin. I don’t even need to reach down to fondle my cock; the excitement of the performance has already taken care of that. I look fantastic. The curtain rises. I dance like there’s no tomorrow. Maybe there isn’t.

  I haven’t always worked at Tease, of course. No one leaves college thinking they’ll end up a stripper. Or, as Melissa would say, a male adult entertainer. It’s all fine with me. I love doing this. I’ve loved other things before. Back when I started up Quentin’s Boutique, when I was fresh out of the design academy, this isn’t what I’d had in mind. To my surprise, I do love this job.

  Chapter One: Josh

  I can never get used to Chicago. It’s just so freaking huge, it’s not even funny anymore. I love the inner city, I love the color of the river in spring. I just really hate the traffic. It’s advertising central, though, so I’m stuck in the Chicago traffic at least half of the time. Oh well. Juniper Jeans are an up-and-coming new brand, and if I manage to sign them to our agency I’m pretty much a shoe-in for the CEO position, so I’ll brave the gridlock. The driver drops me off at the client’s favorite establishment. It’s called Tease. I can’t honestly say I’m not surprised. It’s not a usual business hub, that’s for sure. The T in Tease is shaped in a most suggestive manner. I decide to ditch the tie, it would stand out too much.

  Inside I have trouble spotting my target. I’ve studied the entire background portfolio on Juniper Jeans, of course, and I know I’m looking for Pixxie, the eccentric manager. I also know her hair is currently dyed electric blue, so she shouldn’t be too difficult to spot. In spite of all that I only see her when her slender hands start waving in the air; right next to central stage. I make my way over there, shrugging off my jacket. It’s too warm for a jacket in this establishment.

  As I sit down next to Pixxie, introduce myself and my company and start unpacking my briefcase, a man makes his way on stage. Taller than average, certainly, slender to the point of being skinny, and absolutely gorgeous. His cheekbones and his jaw are cut sharply and beautifully, but the playful curls of his hair give his appearance a touch of softness. He’s only wearing high-heeled boots, a feather boa and a tiny pair of panties that do nothing to hide his prominent erection. I feel the bottom drop out of my stomach. Jesus fucking Christ. I’m at a business meeting. How unprofessional. How embarrassing.

  Pixxie whistles, giggling a little at my dazed look. “Yeah, that’s Quentin. Welcome to Tease.”

  I give her an incredulous look. “This is your choice of venue for letting me do my pitch?”

  She nods excitedly. “I already decided I’ll hire y’all. The website told me everything I need to know and your rates are competitive. This was just a formality. I figured we might as well make it fun.”

  “How did you know I was gay?” It’s the only logical question I can think of.

  She gestures at the thick file strategically placed on my lap. “You’re not the only one with a research team.”

  I chuckle awkwardly. How does a guy respond to the news that his employer has researched his sexual orientation?

  “So if you’ve already decided to hire us…” I trail off. Why did I have to come all the way from Milwaukee?

  “Let’s have a drink.” Her tone won’t allow any protest.

  That’s when Take Me Or Leave Me starts playing. Pixxie brings me a cosmopolitan just as Quentin starts to dance.

  Chapter Two

  It takes us another three hours to get out of the club, simply because that’s how long it takes for Quentin to finish his performance, and I refuse flat-out to leave any sooner. There are three other, smaller stages at Tease, all of them occupied by other dancers. I have no eyes for them, because every movement of Quentin’s lean frame is hypnotic. Pixxie leaves earlier than me, taking care to remind me to call her office tomorrow to have papers sent over finalizing our contract. I’m beyond embarrassment by that point, so I just say a dazed “goodbye,” keeping my eyes fixed on Quentin.

  As soon as the curtain closes my trance wears off, and I feel red-hot embarrassment roll over me in waves. How utterly mortifying. He must have noticed me staring and drooling for three full hours. I’m painfully hard in my bespoke slacks. I can’t walk out the door like this, I decide. Mercifully, there is a back entrance to my left.

  The door is sort of grimy, the kind that says “push bar to open.” As soon as I push bar and, predictably, the door opens, I want to close it again. It’s too late though;
Quentin has already spotted me. He’s wearing a silk dressing gown and he’s got those gorgeous plush lips pursed around a cigarette. Should have taken the front exit, after all.


  His voice is deep and low and gravelly and everything I ever want to hear whisper filthy things in my ear. I wish for a hole in the ground to swallow me up. I can’t respond.

  “I saw you looking at me,” he goes on. I feel my cheeks go bright red. “Bet those gorgeous trousers are getting a bit tight right now, yeah?”

  Oh. My. God. I’m in a back alley in Chicago and a gorgeous stripper is whispering utter filth in my ear. This isn’t the kind of stuff that happens to me, it’s the kind of stuff that happens in porn. I manage a choked “Hmm.” He takes it for the encouragement it is.

  “You want me to help you out with that? I can do whatever the fuck I want, you know. I could get on my knees right now and suck you off. But I’m not going to. You know why?”

  I whimper.

  “Because I want to hear you beg for it first.”

  His warm, slender hand makes its way into my pocket, strokes up the side of my erection through the fabric, then pulls away.


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