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Back to You

Page 11

by Hunter J. Keane

  “The Big Dipper, huh?” I gave him a doubtful look before turning to the window. It seemed like we could see every star in the sky. “There. Right past those trees.”

  Evan stepped behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder and his breath was warm on my cheek. “Smart girls are so hot.”

  “You were very fatherly with Tommy tonight,” I said, closing my eyes. “It made my ovaries ache a little.”

  “That’s not a thing,” Evan said with a laugh.

  “I’m sorry, do you have ovaries I should know about? If not, you don’t get to discount my ovary pain.” I opened my eyes and turned to kiss him. “I love watching you with the kids. It makes me feel like I’m not so alone in all this.”

  “You’re not.” His arms tightened around me. “I know it probably feels like you lost your entire family, Elle, but I hope you still think of me as family.”

  I sighed. “You’re so much more than just that, Ev. You’re like the other half of me.”

  “Would you say I complete you?” he teased.

  “Are you quoting that terrible movie?” I laughed. “I thought you said it was boring.”

  “Incredibly boring. But I had to do something while you were drooling on my shoulder.” He kissed my neck. “As much as I hate to ruin this moment, I really should take off. It’s getting late and I still need to drive home.”

  I sighed and nodded. “I really wish I could tell you to just stay here, but I think it’s too soon. Tommy is so young he wouldn’t even understand, but Mad pays attention to everything. She’s at that age where it might be weird for her to wake up to a man in the house.”

  “You don’t have to explain, Elle. I wasn’t hinting at anything.” He turned me around and kissed me properly on the lips. “I need to go home. I’ve got a hot girl coming by in the morning and I need to hide all my porn.”

  “Funny.” I kissed him again and then took his hand. “Come on. I’ll walk you out.”

  As hard as it was to leave that room, it was so much harder to let him go after he pulled me in for a goodnight kiss. When I didn’t let him pull away after a five-minute hug, he let out a laugh. “I’m not complaining, but any idea how long you’re going to stay in my arms?”

  “How about forever?” I asked, tilting my head back to look at him. “Does forever work for you?”

  “Forever sound perfect.”

  I somehow was able to let him go about twenty minutes later after insisting that he text me when he got home so I knew he’d made it there safely. Evan didn’t tease me for mothering him. He understood more than anyone my ability to worry about deadly car crashes. Once I got the text, I went to bed and fell asleep instantly.

  The kids were up before me the next day. Since I’d be seeing Evan at his house later, he wasn’t stopping by for a morning coffee date. I was glad to have the extra sleep and time to style my hair and put on a little makeup.

  Madison noticed immediately. “Are you hoping to pick up a hot dad at drop off?” she teased.

  “No,” I said, filling a to-go cup with coffee. “I’m meeting with a client, actually.”

  “A client? For what?” She looked at me skeptically.

  “I’m starting my own financial planning business.” I finished packing Tommy’s lunch and handed him the dinosaur lunch bag. “One of my old friends needs some financial advice, so he’s agreed to be my first client.”

  Madison considered me for a moment. “Your own business? That’s pretty cool.”

  “Thanks,” I said, handing her some cash for lunch. “I think so, too. It will be good to get back to work. Turns out, kids are expensive.”

  I gestured to their head-to-toe new outfits. Madison just grinned. “If you marry Evan, he can pay for everything.”

  “Oh, Mad.” I put a hand to my heart. “I really hope you are kidding. We don’t marry men so they pay for everything. We marry them so they can kill the spiders.”

  “I’ll kill the spiders for you, Aunt Noelle,” Tommy said.

  “Thank you, kiddo!” I turned to Madison. “See? I don’t need a man. I’ve got Tommy.”

  Madison groaned. “Tommy is more scared of spiders than both of us.”

  “Am not!” Tommy yelled.

  “Are so!” Madison yelled back.

  “I’ll be out in the car. You two come along as soon as you’re done being ridiculous.” I had learned early on in my parenting gig that yelling at the kids never ended their childish antics. It was best not to stoop to their level.

  We arrived at the school thirty minutes early as I’d been instructed by the welcome email. Tommy was registered in the elementary school while Madison was registered in the middle school. Fortunately both schools were in the same building.

  “Tom, let’s get you settled in first,” I said.

  “Aunt Noelle, you really don’t have to go with me,” Madison insisted.

  “Actually, I really do. There’s paperwork I need to sign.” I smiled at the pained expression on her face. “Sorry, girlie. I promise not to embarrass you too much.”

  Tommy’s teacher was waiting for us in his classroom. She smiled and introduced herself to each of us. Tommy was clearly nervous, but he pretended that he wasn’t. After we got his books and hung his things on his coat hook, he insisted we could leave.

  “Just remember, your sister is right at the other end of the building.” I ruffled his hair. “I’ll be here to pick you up at the end of the day. Be nice to everyone and learn something, okay?”

  “Okay!” He smiled big enough to show all his teeth.

  Madison’s goodbye was even more brief. After I’d signed the official paperwork, she was given a locker number and a stack of textbooks. I offered to walk her to her locker, but she refused loudly.

  “You used to think I was cool,” I reminded her as she walked away.

  “I was six!” she yelled over her shoulder.

  “No messing around after school!” I yelled. “Come straight to the car!”


  Just like that, I was childless for the day. Despite having spent the first 32 years of my life without children, I suddenly didn’t know how to act. At least I had my date with Evan to occupy my time. I also really did have a meeting with Desmond later and I was looking forward to getting my business going.

  “Maybe today won’t be terrible after all,” I said to myself in the car.

  Driving to Evan’s house felt like déjà vu. I’d been there so many times in my teens that it had almost felt like a second home. When it came into view, my heart started beating a little faster. The outside looked almost exactly like I remembered it, except newer. It had fresh paint and neat landscaping. The large wrap-around porch had a big swing and a bunch of chairs. It looked ready for a family.

  I knocked on the door and held my breath until Evan opened it. He grinned and waved me inside. “I thought you might bail on me,” he admitted. “I thought you might be sitting somewhere crying after dropping the kids off.”

  “Yeah right,” I said with a laugh. “I’m free!”

  Evan shut the door and then gave me a very pointed look. “There are no children sleeping upstairs in this house.”

  “I came for a tour,” I reminded him. “This isn’t a booty call.”

  “Is there a reason we can’t do both?” he asked.

  I couldn’t think of a single good reason. “Okay, but we have to do the tour first or it will never happen.” Once Evan and I got started, we wouldn’t be able to stop. “Please maintain a two-foot distance at all times during the tour.”

  “Two feet?” Evan groaned. “Is this a middle school dance?”

  “I think we both know we never observed that rule,” I said. “You were a frisky teenager.”

  “Me?” Evan scoffed. “You couldn’t keep your hands off of me.”

  “We’ll just have to agree to disagree.” I looked around for the first time. “Whoa. Is this really the same house?”

said, “For the most part. Come on. Let me show you around.”

  The tour was more impressive than I could’ve imagined. Evan hadn’t just slapped some paint on the walls. He’d knocked down walls. The entire house had been opened up and was so much brighter than it used to be. The wood floors had been impeccably refinished. The kitchen had been completely redone. Everything was modern and classic. It looked a lot like the kind of house I’d always dreamed of owning.

  “This house is beautiful, Ev.” I stopped to examine the crown molding in one of the bedrooms. “Your parents would love it.”

  “Dad would like it, but Mom would be pissed that I tore down her tacky wallpaper.” Evan was watching me nervously. “Do you want to see the master suite?”

  “Your bedroom?” I gasped. “What will the neighbors say? Two unwed people escaping to the master suite… how scandalous!”

  “Is that a British accent you just did?” Evan teased. “That was terrible.”

  I tossed my hair and held out my hand. “Lead me to your bedroom, Mr. Gray.”

  “You’re impossible.” Evan took my hand and pulled me into the hall. I was putting on such a show because in reality, I was insanely nervous. I was pretty sure I knew exactly what was going to happen on the other side of that bedroom door. “Now, keep in mind that I’m a single guy. This isn’t a girl-friendly bedroom.”

  “What does that even mean?” I asked.

  “No walk-in closet, for one thing.” He paused for my reaction.

  “Does the bathroom have a big tub?” I challenged.

  He nodded. “It does, actually.”

  “Good enough.” I stepped past him and went into the room. “Now that’s what I call a bed. Holy crap. You could fit six people on that thing.”

  “Is that a request?” Evan said.

  “This is an impressive master bedroom, Evan.” I finished the slow circle I was turning and stared at him. “You decorated!”

  “Decorated?” His cheeks flushed pink.

  “There is art on the wall!” I gestured to the painting over the bed. “And throw pillows! Are those pillow shams?”

  Evan shook his head. “I regret so much that I invited you here.”

  “Well, we better fix that.” I threw my arms around him before he could react and kissed him with all the desire I’d been bottling up since he’d left my house last night.

  Evan matched my intensity at first, but then he pulled away. “I didn’t invite you here for this, Elle. I really just wanted you to see the place.”

  “You don’t want to do this?” I asked, sliding a hand under his shirt. “Because I can stop, if you really want me to.”

  “I want to do this if you want to do this. You’re the one that said we should take it slow.” He held my face between his hands and looked deep into my eyes. “I told you I would wait.”

  “I don’t want to wait.” I wasn’t nervous anymore. I was with Evan, the one person who I knew would love me no matter what. “I’ve been waiting for twelve years, Ev. Put me out of my misery.”

  Evan didn’t have to be told twice. He took his time undressing me, showing an impressive amount of restraint. I wasn’t as methodical when I tore his shirt open, popping a few buttons in the process. Evan just tossed it aside and continued kissing my neck.

  The bed turned out to not only be large, but also incredible comfortable. Evan hovered over me as I ran my hands over his chest. “I’ve missed your touch so much, Noelle.”

  “I’ve missed everything about you, Evan.” I couldn’t look away from his eyes. For the first time, I could see what everyone claimed they could see in his eyes. I saw the pure love he had for me. “I love you,” I said, feeling it deep in my soul.

  “I love you, too,” he said before kissing me softly on the lips. “I always have and I always will.”


  “A re these sheets linen?” I said, running my hands over them.

  Evan shifted beneath me. “Do you really want to talk about fabric right now?”

  “Is there something else you’d rather discuss?” I was using his chest as my pillow and he was running his hands through my tangled hair.

  “Are we officially together now?” Evan said before laughing. “Wow, I sounded like a thirteen-year-old girl, didn’t I?”

  I drew a heart on his chest with my finger and then kissed the center of it. “I think after what we just did, it’s safe to say we’re totes together.”

  “Totes together?” Evan tugged a little on my hair until I lifted my head. “Are you my girlfriend, Noelle Sutton?”

  “I prefer hot girlfriend, but yes. I’m yours, Evan Gray.” Then, as I was sealing that promise with a kiss, I groaned. “Crap.”

  “Not the reaction I was hoping for,” Evan said.

  “I’m sorry. That wasn’t about you.” I sat up and looked for a clock. “I’ve got an appointment this morning.”

  Evan put an arm around me and pulled me back to him. “Skip it.”

  “I can’t just skip it, silly.” I grabbed his wrist and turned it over, checking his watch. “Oh good. We’ve still got an hour before I need to go.”

  “An hour?” A sexy smile spread over Evan’s face. “I wonder what we could do in an hour? Twice?”

  “Twice?” I moaned as he kissed my neck. “Mondays are shaping up to be my favorite day of the week.”

  Evan changed his mind, settling for just one more mind-blowing round in the sack before climbing out of bed to make me breakfast. He told me to wait in bed, but I followed him to the kitchen after he was gone for only a few minutes.

  “What are you doing?” He gave me a disappointed pout. “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.”

  “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t stay in that bed alone with a visual of you looking like this filling my head.” I gestured to him, standing in boxers and nothing else as he pulled a carton of eggs from the fridge. “Can I help?”

  “Just sit there and look gorgeous,” he said with a wink.

  “Playing to my strengths.” I took a seat at the kitchen island and rested my chin in my hand to stare adoringly at Evan.

  He stared back for a long second and then gave his head a firm shake. “You are so damn perfect, Noelle. How am I supposed to get anything done?”

  I blushed and looked away. “I guess I could leave if that will make things easier for you.”

  “You think I’m only infatuated with you when I’m with you?” Evan scoffed. “You clearly haven’t seen the dreams I’ve been having about you.”

  “Dirty dreams?” I teased.

  “Filthy.” He grinned. “I’ll tell you about them later.”

  I slid of my chair and walked around the island. “Can I at least make the coffee?”

  “I’ll never say no to you when you look like that.” His gaze lingered on my body.

  I had pulled on his shirt when I followed him downstairs. “It smells like you,” I explained happily.

  “It looks amazing on you.” He turned away to start making breakfast. “The coffee is over there.”

  I got the coffee brewing while Evan created a masterful omelet. As we moved around in the kitchen, I pictured what it would be like to have that moment every morning. I could practically see the kids sitting at the island, laughing at something ridiculous that Evan said.

  “This is nice,” I told him when I handed him his coffee.

  “Play your cards right and I’ll do this for you every morning,” he said, kissing my cheek. “Take a seat and I’ll bring you your plate.”

  Evan brought one plate to the island and two forks. As we ate from the same plate, he ran his hand up and down my thigh. “Tell me about your appointment.”

  “Oh. I’m meeting with Desmond.” I had already almost forgotten about the meeting. “He’s going to help me set up my business and I’m going to help him with some financial stuff.”

  “I can help you with the business thing, Elle.” Evan frowned. “I’m not just a tree hauler, you know.”<
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  I put my hand on his arm. “I know, Ev. Des and I just got to talking about how well his business is doing and I asked for some advice. He needs to some help with the money side of things, so we’re going to help each other.”

  “Makes sense.” Evan smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Do you ever think about going back to work as a lawyer?” I asked as casually as possible. “Norma says you were a partner at a firm. That’s a pretty big deal.”

  “It paid the bills.” Evan continued stroking my thigh, completely unconcerned at the effect it was having on me. “I can’t say that I miss that lifestyle though. Long hours, angry clients. Women who only wanted to date me for my money.”

  “Those skanks,” I said with a gasp. “I would never do that. I’m clearly only dating you for the amazing sex.”

  Evan laughed. “Glad we’re on the same page. What about you? Do you miss the city and your fancy career?”

  “A little.” I had tried not to dwell on it since I had no intention of going back. “It was a big part of my life for a long time.”

  “Sounds familiar,” he said.

  “One key difference. My career was just something I used to fill the void that was left without you in my life.” I kissed the tip of his nose. “Thank you for breakfast, dear. I need to go put on some actual clothes now.”

  “Is that really necessary?” he protested, hand slipping under the hem of the shirt I was wearing.

  “I don’t know.” I looked down, pretending to consider the question. “Do think Desmond will like me in your shirt?”

  Evan grinned as he reached over and twirled a strand of my hair around his finger. “Will you come back after your meeting? I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

  “I need to pick up the kids at 3:00,” I said.

  “That still gives us a few hours.” He moved his hand to my neck, his thumb softly stroking the line of my jaw. “It’s not enough time, but it will do for now.”

  “I’ll come back,” I promised. “I’m not ready to let you go yet, either.”


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