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Entrapping a Lord's Love: A Regency Fairy Tale (Fairfield Fairy Tales Book 3)

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by Tammy Andresen

  Crimson’s face was set in hard lines of dissension, Caroline could see it even from this distance as she followed behind Charlotte. After doing the books this morning, she had to agree with Charlotte’s assessment. They might just be able to purchase the adjoining property but wouldn’t be able to renovate for some time. Not without a significant influx of funds. While raising prices might help, the only way for Crimson to attain that sum would be theft.

  While balancing the books, she had seen several gifts of large amounts recorded within the assets. She suspected that there was more theft going on than just her few marks. It frightened her to think of Crimson’s future and her own. Charlotte was speaking softly, allowing Crimson to digest the information more privately. Her hand came to her mouth, pressing against her face.

  It was vital that Crimson take an option that didn’t involve illicit activity. He was a good man, she hated to lose him and she shuddered to think about what happen to the girls. She would speak to him later but she was worried his attachment to this theater clouded his judgment.

  Before he touched her, she sensed Tom’s approach. “Are you all right?”

  “Fine. I just…it’s important that Crimson listen.” Her hand left her face and, without thinking, reached for his. Still not wearing gloves, the contact of his skin against hers made her close her eyes for a brief second. She wanted to remember this moment.

  When she opened her eyes, she found Crimson staring at them.

  Chapter Five

  Tom couldn’t believe he thought her to be hiding something last night. Today she was wide open, and absolutely lovely.

  Her eyes held that same vulnerability, but what had been mysterious in the dark was completely clear in the light of day. She was working hard to make this theater a success and she needed help doing it.

  Crimson was brilliant at his craft, Tom had seen it. But more and more he got the sense that the other man had no head for practical matters. It fell to Caroline. The fact that she held up so well to the burden spoke volumes. She was strong and capable. But he could also see it was a burden and she needed help. “Is he listening to Charlotte?”

  “I hope so,” she whispered.

  “Is there anything I can do?” His other hand came to her back.

  She shook her head, those eyes meeting his. “No, thank you though. The offer is most appreciated.”

  “I haven’t asked. Are you feeling better?”

  “What?” Her eyes crinkled in confusion and then it was back. That niggle of doubt about her motives.

  “Last night. You left at intermission.” He didn’t withdraw his hand this time. He had seen how much that hurt her feelings.

  “I,” she paused. “I wasn’t ill last night. You…” she took another breath. “Disarm me.”

  His body responded to her words, tightening. He was glad he hadn’t let her go because now he pulled her just a touch closer. Her answer had been forthright and it added to her appeal in ways he’d never imagined.

  He glanced up quickly to see the others still engaged in conversation. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “I share the sentiment. The question is, what shall we do about it?”

  He saw her face pale. Her hand now clammy in his. “We don’t do anything. You’re a title lord and I—”

  “You are a lady.” He pulled her closer still.

  “Only in the strictest sense. Crimson took the title but does not participate in society. We have no wealth, no influence. We don’t even have a proper home.”

  “You could have all of that—”

  “And be lesser. Always know that I brought nothing to the relationship?” Her lip trembled.

  “You underestimate your own value. You’re hardworking, kind, you care for others. I see it already.”

  “I watch the ton every night but I am outside, looking in. I will never be one of them.” She looked away then and Tom caught Crimson staring again. Was he hopeful that Tom would court Caroline?

  “I won’t either. And that is a choice that makes me most happy. And it should you as well.”

  She looked back at him then, surprise lighting her gaze. “It would make me happy to leave polite society behind. I suppose it’s one of the reasons I thought not to marry a lord.”

  Tom smiled. “I understand.” He longed to touch his lips to her temple, down her cheek and over her lips.

  This urge to protect her, keep her safe, lessen her woes pulled at him. He’d never experienced such a keen ache.

  Another emotion tugged equally hard…desire. The feel of her slender waist in his hand, the brush of her soft hair, loosely pulled back. It seemed to him the perfect place to keep her safe was in his bed. The thought surprised him. He didn’t want the entanglement of marriage but the feel of her was a temptation he could not resist. To his amazement, he didn’t want to.

  “Thank you for understanding.” She smiled and began to pull away but he held her for a moment longer. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he needed her to understand that marrying a lord and participating in the ton were two entirely different prospects.

  “But you must also understand that like Crimson, you shouldn’t close yourself off to certain avenues based on preconceived notions. You can certainly marry a merchant or a tradesman but perhaps you shouldn’t exclude lords just because you think they will judge you.”

  “I didn’t say that.” Her eyes hardened, her back straightening. He couldn’t help it, he smiled. He liked this feisty side of her.

  Cocking an eyebrow, he cleared his throat. “I didn’t mean to presume, but it seemed an inferred meaning to me.” Many lords would find her to be an excellent candidate as wife. Particularly, if like himself, they cared not for society. Was he considering her for marriage? He gave his head a shake. What had gotten into him?

  Her fingers tightened on his wrist and the corners of her mouth drew down. “I don’t think I like—”

  “Caroline,” Her name rolled of his tongue, far sweeter than he’d imagined. “You’re worth far more than you think.”

  “What am I worth to Lord Somersett? To most of the lords who seek my company in the theater? What do you want from me? Certainly not marriage. Maybe a position for a few years? Do you think he’d leave me a townhouse when he is done? Perhaps he would just toss me—” she paused her eyes widening. “I apologize. I’ve said too much.” But she slipped out of his grasp.

  He caught her hand. “That man is a fool.”

  She shook her head. “Sometimes it can difficult to tell the lambs from the wolves.” Then she walked over to Crimson and Charlotte.

  Caroline took a deep breath. Her knees were shaking, making it difficult to walk away as though unaffected.

  The truth was, multiple lords had told her of her value, her beauty, her worth. But she knew what they wanted and what they were willing to give her in return. While she still searched for her place in this world, she knew it wasn’t with one of them.

  But Tom was different. Certainly his understanding of what she wanted out of life was deeper already than Somersett or any of the others who tried to woo her. But what made him more dangerous still was how much she wanted to believe him. What if, deep down, he only wanted a mistress just like the rest of them?

  Was her heart more important to him than dowries and connections? And even if all that were true, would he be able to look past the fact that she was a common thief? No matter how sound her motives, in the eyes of the law she was guilty.

  Crimson seemed to be listening to Charlotte as she whispered plans. That was a good sign. She said a silent prayer that Crimson would hear the woman and that they could go back to living an honest life. Then she could find a husband and put all of this to rest.

  The urge to be settled suddenly bubbled inside of her. “Crimson,” she called. “I need to finish the books. If you will all excuse me.” She turned to go but Charlotte called her back.

  “When might it be opportune to join you for a performance?” Charlotte smiled stepping toward her

  “Any night is fine.” She gave Charlotte a smile of encouragement despite her mixed emotions. While part of her desperately wanted to see Tom again, another was afraid of how quickly he was breaking down her barriers.

  “Tonight then,” the other woman beamed.

  With a nod, Caroline curtseyed to Graham and Tom and then headed backstage to take another route back to the office. Absurd, really. She’d never be able to concentrate on figures now.

  Caroline stood, assessing her reflection in the mirror. They would notice. Her gowns were made of fine silk but the seamstresses of the company reworked them every year, to make them more fashionable.

  She was sure Charlotte would be stunning. Grimacing at her reflection, she told herself it didn’t matter. She did this for one reason, to help Crimson. But the Fairfields were different. Already she cared.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Come in,” she called.

  Crimson opened the door and stepped inside. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you,” she replied automatically. “How did your discussion with Charlotte go?”

  “Charlotte, is it?” Crimson gave her a warning look.

  “Fine, Lady Rangley.” Caroline crossed her arms. While he was correct, he was also being purposefully difficult.

  “It was interesting. It’s not that I don’t see the value in her argument but this is my home.” He looked away, not meeting her eyes.

  “A new theater could be your home and then you will still get to do what you love without the worries of debt.”

  “There are other ways to solve that.” Still looking away, he walked toward the window to look out onto the street.

  “You can’t go on doing this forever without getting caught. People will start to notice.” She moved closer, her words coming out in a desperate rush.

  “That is why there is more than one of us, it keeps us from getting caught.” His words were quiet, resolute.

  “Then I won’t do it anymore. You have a choice now, to live an honest life. You should take it.”

  “Will he marry you?” He turned then, his mouth drawn down. Sadness in his eyes.

  “I’ve known him for a day.” Her hands landed on her hips. “But if the chance for a good life presents itself, I will take it. You should take it.”

  His eyes flashed. “You want to abandon me now, then fine. I don’t need you. There are others who—”

  “Absolutely not.” Her hand slashed through the air. “You will not make those girls criminals. I won’t allow it.” Her voice grew louder with every word.

  Crimson moved very close. For the first time since living with Crimson, she was afraid. She backed away a half step, her breath coming in short gasps.

  He grabbed her arm. “Find that object for me and you won’t have to worry about the girls. It will take care of everything.”

  “Crimson, you’ve lost your mental faculties. There are no such things as magical objects!” He was frightening her but she wouldn’t back down.

  “Prove me wrong and find it then.” His rough voice was made harsher because he was so close.

  “I won’t.” She was shaking now but she held her ground.

  His head reared back and for a moment, she thought he might strike her. She flinched but didn’t back down.

  His lip curled, “I will tell him what you’ve done. Rest assured, he won’t want you after that. Do this for me and he need never know.”

  Barely able to understand what he had said, she stared at him, dumbfounded. He walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind him as though the conversation had never happened. It frightened her more that he was so in control. If he had slammed the door, she could have blamed his actions on a fit of anger.

  She shook with fear. Every part of her rebelled at deceiving Tom directly, but to go against Crimson could mean finding herself on the street. Tears formed in her eyes but she refused to let them out. Samantha and Melody needed her to be strong and she had to find a solution that would keep them safe.

  Chapter Six

  Tom could sense the difference in her the moment she walked toward him in the theater lobby. Even in the crowd, signs she was troubled showed clearly on her face. Her bright smile was replaced with one that was stretched and her eyes bore the marks of strain.

  He made to step toward her but something stopped him. Crimson stepped next to her. He reached for Caroline’s arm and whispered furiously in her ear. While his touch didn’t appear rough, she was wincing.

  Anger hardened him and a protective need rose in his chest like bile. Crimson was the driving force behind Caroline’s worry.

  Tom began to move toward them, anger clenching his fists, ready to battle the man manhandling her, but Charlotte swept past him.

  She sailed over calling a greeting and Crimson immediately backed up, his show mask in place. He smiled and bowed as though he didn’t have a care in the world and Tom’s suspicions intensified.

  Following behind Charlotte, he allowed her to greet Crimson as he bowed to Caroline. Her luminous eyes were near haunted as she reached her hand out to him. Without hesitation he took it and watched as she relaxed, the hurt in her gaze easing.

  His mind worked to figure out a way to get her alone. He wanted to sweep her into his arms and hold her until all signs of her anxiety were gone.

  Graham came to stand next to Charlotte and his frame blocked Crimson from seeing them. Tom stepped closer to Caroline and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Are you all right?”

  She gave a quick nod but her mouth turned down. She looked deep into his eyes, her own cloudy as though trying to make a decision. Then they cleared. “Invite me to dinner.”

  He gave a quick nod and then she pulled away. Not a moment later, Crimson managed to step around his brother, his eyes searching out Caroline.

  She gave a sweeping smile to the group. “So wonderful to see all of you.” Her tone was light and airy. Now he knew she was disguising her feelings but he no longer worried that she was deceiving him. Whatever she was involved in, Crimson was at the heart of the matter.

  “You as well,” Charlotte beamed.

  “Shall we head to our box?” Caroline stepped ahead of them to lead the way.

  Crimson stopped her, his hand coming to her arm. “Do as you’re told.” He whispered it but Tom had stepped just behind her and he heard the words as though whispered in his ear. A fresh wave of anger and a certainty he had to help her surged through him.

  His hand came up to strike the man but Graham grabbed it, holding it down. Crimson walked away in the second it took him to wrest his hand from Graham’s grasp. “Why did you do that?” he gritted his teeth, glaring at Graham.

  “This is not the place,” Graham whispered back. “Proceed with care.”

  Tom rolled his shoulders and followed behind Caroline. The gentle sway of her hips seemed to soothe his anger while it furthered his desire.

  Once settled in the box, Charlotte kept up a stream of chatter while the other three were quiet. Tom loved his sister-in-law but he wished she would cease with her prattle. But Charlotte was determined to fill the space. “It’s amazing how much of the ton is here. What a business you have built for yourself. I am excited to see Crimson’s act. I’ve heard wonderful—”

  “Charlotte, darling,” Graham interrupted. “Crimson will be on in a minute.”

  Charlotte nodded then leaned over to her. “If you need anything—” Her hand squeezed Caroline’s. All Tom’s annoyance with her evaporated.

  “Thank you,” Caroline responded.

  Crimson stepped onto the stage and glanced up at them before he began his act. Tom waited until Crimson had begun before he took Caroline’s hand and pulled her lightly out of her seat. Graham shook his head in dissent but Tom ignored it and pulled her out of the box

  Once in the darkened empty hall, he pulled her close, his lips claiming hers. Every part of her clung to him as he claimed them over and over.

  His body tightened in
response to hers. He gathered her closer, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. She snaked her arms up around his neck, her fingers winding into his hair. He thought for a moment she might pull him away but she only pressed him closer.

  Every part of him wanted to deepen the kiss, claim her as his own, but he had come out to speak with her. He didn’t know what he wanted for the future but he knew he needed to help her. Lifting his head, he whispered, “What is happening?”

  “I can not tell you here. There isn’t enough time and we are likely to be overheard.” She stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his again.

  He pulled away a tiny bit. “If you don’t tell me, I won’t know how to help you.”

  “This helps me. Kiss me again.” Her voice held a note of desperation that he couldn’t ignore.

  His lips descended onto hers again then he parted them to slip his tongue into her mouth. She gasped then moaned and he deepened the contact further while she melted in his arms, molding to him. For a moment he thought he might not be able to stop.

  The sound of footsteps on the stairs pulled him out of his stupor and he parted the curtain to slip back into the box with her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?” he whispered in her ear. Graham and Charlotte we determinedly keeping their eyes on the stage, ignoring them behind their seats.

  “For that kiss. I will cherish it always,” she said as her hand came to his cheek.

  “There will be many more,” he promised as his lips brushed her cheek. Because now that he had tasted her, her sweetness, he was never letting her go.

  She said nothing as she slipped out of his arms and returned to her seat.

  Tom followed suit. Within minutes, Crimson’s act ended and almost immediately he was in the box with them.

  Drawing his eyebrows together, Tom wondered again what had happened. Yesterday, they had been permitted in a box together, alone. While it was a public event, it was still worthy of scandal. Crimson hadn’t appeared in the box. Now that they were appropriately chaperoned, here was Crimson.


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