Book Read Free

The Hardest Fall

Page 14

by Ella Maise

  The grin I gave her was a little filthy, a little lazy. “You’re so fucking fascinating, Zoe Clarke.”

  What did I get for my compliment? A smack on the arm and an impressive growl.

  It was around ten when I heard a key turn in the lock and the apartment door slammed open, hitting the column right behind it.

  I leaned back in my seat and watched Zoe struggle with taking her bag off her shoulder.

  “I’ve gotta pee! I’ve gotta pee! I’ve gotta pee!”

  Each time she repeated it, her voice rose higher.

  My eyes dropped to the dress she was wearing: black and tight on her upper body, leaving nothing to the imagination as far as the size of her boobs, and looser on her hips—not by much, but still. It ended a few inches above her knees. Date, right—she was coming back from her date.

  “Miss Clarke!” another voice chimed in. “Miss Clarke, I need you to—”

  Holding on to the door and squirming in place, Zoe replied, “I’m sorry, Ms. Hilda, I’ve gotta pee. I can’t. I really really can’t. I have to pee.”

  With that she slammed the door, finally managed to untangle the strap of her bag from her hair, threw it right over her head, and ran straight to the bathroom.

  Like I said, I found her fascinating.

  A few minutes later she came out of the bathroom, and just when I thought she was heading to her room, she stopped in her tracks. I could’ve sworn I saw her tilt her chin up and smell the air.

  “I smell pizza. Is it pizza? Did you have pizza?”

  This time she was running toward me, or more like the pizza box right in front of me, and the expression on her face—priceless. When she finally made it, she didn’t waste a second before she tore into the box…only, I’d already eaten pretty much all of it and there was only one slice left.

  Again, her face when she realized it was all gone—priceless, and cute as fuck. Turned out she could pull off a mean face better than I expected.

  “You ate it all? This is all you left me?” she asked slowly, big eyes staring down at the empty box.

  I raised an eyebrow. “I was really hungry. Didn’t you eat on your date, anyway?” I hadn’t meant to mention her date at all, but apparently I was still stuck on that.

  She scrunched up her nose and the appalled look on her face disappeared, leaving sad, sad eyes. “He couldn’t make it.”

  My brows drawing together, I checked my watch, just to make sure. “It’s a little past ten, Zoe—don’t tell me you waited for him for two hours.”

  She blew out her cheeks and dropped down on the couch behind her.

  “He said he might be late but would try to make it.” She gave me a half-hearted shrug as if to say it was okay, but her facial expressions were so easy to read. Anyone could see that it wasn’t okay.

  Worthless son of a bitch.

  “You didn’t have anything to eat while waiting for him?”

  She rubbed her temple. “The restaurant wasn’t anywhere near campus, and it was a fancy place. I didn’t feel like having anything on their menu—didn’t wanna spend over fifty dollars for a few spoonfuls of pasta. Also, I’m not good at eating by myself at restaurants, or anywhere really. It feels like everyone is looking at me and collectively thinking, Oh, poor girl. So, short answer to your question: nope, I didn’t have anything to eat.”

  There were a few things I could’ve gone after in her speech, but I chose to focus on one thing and one thing only while fishing for more. “Your boyfriend is a college student and he can afford fancy restaurants, huh? I guess I can see why you would have trouble ending it.”

  Just like that, I’d screwed up. I didn’t know what had pushed my buttons exactly, but as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I knew I had fucked up—big time.

  Her brows inched up to her hairline and she met my eyes—a rare occurrence—then tilted her head.


  Placing both her palms on the couch, she pushed herself up. The pizza forgotten, she continued to hold my eyes as she stared down at me.

  “Wow, Dylan. I don’t expect you to know me in a month, or however many weeks you’ve been here—hell, we barely see each other some days—but…actually, you know what? Maybe I did. Maybe I did think you’d figure out at least that much. I’m the last person who’d date someone for the amount in his bank account.”

  Having trouble taking my eyes off of her, I flinched at her words. When she moved to storm past me, I caught her wrist and got up.

  She stopped, but she didn’t look at me. She didn’t even tell me to let go of her.

  Her complicated situation had officially started to fuck with my head. If only I knew for sure that it wasn’t…

  “I’m sorry, Zoe. You’re right, and I’m an asshole. Of course I know you’re not like that. Of course I do.” I softened my grip on her wrist and snaked my fingers around hers. “I’m sorry. If it’ll make you feel any better, you can insult me too.”

  She hesitated before sending a quick glance at me. “You really ate the whole thing?” Of all the things she could’ve said, she went with that.

  “You’re not gonna bust my balls?”

  She slipped her hand out of mine and rubbed her palm on the side of her dress.

  “What am I supposed to insult you with? Gee, your body is so ugly, you’re ruining my view every damn morning? How pathetic does that sound? I don’t have anything on you—at least not yet—but I’m pretty sure I’ll remember this and say something when the time is right, when you’re least expecting it, of course.”

  I smiled at her. She liked watching me work out in the mornings. I already knew that since she came out and found things to do while I was busy with my sit-ups and push-ups, but hearing it from her confirmed what I’d already guessed. My smile slowly morphed into the biggest grin.

  “What now?” she snapped.

  “I hope you won’t break my heart too much, Zoe Clarke.”

  “Only as much as you broke mine, thinking I’d be interested in someone because of their bank account.”

  That wiped the smile clear off my face.

  In a rough voice, I said, “I’m an asshole. I deserved that.”

  Her teeth scraped her bottom lip. Helpless to do anything, I just watched.

  Averting her gaze, she took a step away from me. When she looked up, her eyes only made it to my lips. “Look, I’m cranky, a little tired, and maybe just a little hangry thrown in there, too. I’m just gonna go to bed. I have an early class tomorrow, anyway.”

  “Don’t you want the pizza? If nothing else, we can fix the hangry part.” Just because that sick bastard had stood her up and hadn’t fed her didn’t mean I was gonna let her go to bed unhappy.

  “The pizza?” She sighed and looked back at the almost empty box. “That doesn’t count as the pizza, Dylan. It’s just a slice of pizza. So, I rather not. It’ll only make me hungrier for more. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Another step away from me.

  “I guess that means you’re not up to watching a movie with me either.”

  She only managed half a smile when she looked my way. “Maybe another night. Good night.”

  “You might wanna check the oven before you leave.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “It was supposed to be a thank you for helping me out with the groceries today, but I’m thinking I owe you an apology now.” Finally her eyes met mine, and I tilted my chin toward the kitchen. “Just see if you want it. If you don’t, you can get away from me.”

  A small smile formed on her lips. “Is it pizza? Please say it’s pizza. I want it to be pizza so badly. Please say pizza.”

  I laughed. “I don’t know, see for yourself.”

  Moving toward the kitchen, she threw over her shoulder, “If it’s not pizza, I’m gonna be doubly pissed at you, just so you know.” She opened the oven and bent down to check inside.

  There was a small gasp then she came up with the pizza box in her hand and the biggest smile pl
astered on her face. “Dylan, it’s a whole pizza…just for me?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, you don’t have to share.”

  “It’s from that Neapolitan place, and it’s still warm, too.”

  “I just got in about ten minutes before you. I wanted to wait, but I wasn’t sure what time you’d be back, and the smell got to me.” I tried not to think where she’d been or who she’d been waiting for.

  Giving me another one of her sweet-as-fuck smiles, she set the box on the island and opened it. Holding back her wavy dark brown hair with both hands, she leaned down until her nose was almost touching the pizza and inhaled.

  The loud groan she let out made my dick surge to life in my pants.

  “God, the smell. This is not fair, you know,” she said quietly, her face still practically in the pizza. “I’m kind of angry at you, and you got me my absolute favorite thing.”

  I wouldn’t tell her I’d spent the last bit of cash I had on me so I could get us this treat. Whatever was left on my debit card after the grocery shopping she’d done for me was all the money I had until I could pick up some shifts at the bar, which was probably thirty dollars or less. “I told you, I’m an asshole.”

  “I didn’t think you were, actually, but yeah, apparently you are.” Closing the box, she picked it up and made her way back to me. “Still, thank you. I was trying to play it cool, but I was really pissed at you for eating an entire large all by yourself.”

  I laughed. “I’m afraid you weren’t that good at playing it cool, Zoe.”

  “Whatever,” she mumbled under her breath as she climbed on the couch. Sitting cross-legged, she carefully placed the box on her lap and opened it. Breathing in deeply, she let it all out, picked up a slice, and looked at me intently. “I’m not good at sharing.”

  I never would’ve guessed. “It’s okay,” I said, chuckling. “I already ate more than I should.” I sat my ass back down, right across from her.

  One hand curled around the box possessively, she took her first bite and released another groan, this one longer and somehow more erotic than the one before.

  “So good. So so good,” she mumbled in between chewing.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Swallowing, she took another bite, closed her eyes, and chewed as slowly as possible, her lips curling up in the process. It felt wrong to watch her eat. If I’d known her entire face would light up just for pizza, I’d have somehow bought ten more. My eyes drifted down to her throat where I could see the exact moment she swallowed. Then my gaze dipped lower and I watched the swell of her breasts rising and falling with each breath. I was in so much trouble.

  “You okay?”

  When I looked up, she was looking at me. I shook my head and cleared my throat. “Yeah.”

  “So are we gonna watch something or not?”

  I checked my watch: it was almost eleven.

  “I’m sorry,” Zoe muttered, putting her slice down. “I know you get up early. You don’t have to sit and watch me eat.”

  “I can watch a movie with you,” I told her. How could I leave her? “No doomsday movies, though. Anything but that.”

  Her smile back in place, she picked up her slice and took another damn bite. “I actually wanted to watch Geostorm, but didn’t wanna do it alone.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so. Pick something else.”

  “I still get to pick?”

  “Sure, why not? I’m an asshole, remember? You get to pick the movie.” And I get to know you better, I thought to myself.

  “How about an old-ish movie, like The Fifth Element or…Speed? Or how about Lord of the Rings? Both Kayla and Jared refuse to binge-watch them with me, and that’s a movie I’d rather watch with a friend. Definitely one of my favorites.” One more bite and she had me licking my lips. Before I could manage to respond, she’d already swallowed and was starting again. “I know we can’t binge them tonight, but maybe another time? The only other person who loves it as much as me is in Phoenix, and it’s been so long since I watched it.”

  I cleared my throat. “I thought for sure you’d force Titanic or The Notebook on me as a punishment.”

  Licking her fingers, she shook her head. “I like romantic movies, but sometimes they’re too sweet. I have to be in the mood for that.”

  Great. I was her buddy, her friend—nothing romantic about that.

  “How about we go for Fifth Element then. It’s been a while since I watched a Bruce Willis movie. How are we gonna do this? Your laptop or mine?”

  “Mine. I think I have that on my account already.” She sprang up from the couch, barely keeping her balance as she thrust the pizza box into my hands. “Don’t steal,” she warned, her expression serious.

  Holding back my smile, I gave her a nod.

  Just as she took off in a jog, the doorbell rang, stopping her forward movement.

  Slowly she turned to me and whispered, “Ms. Hilda? I don’t wanna open it. If she wants me to do something, by the time I get back, my pizza will be cold.”

  Just as quietly, I whispered back, “I already helped her with some heavy boxes today. Let’s ignore it—I’ll check on her tomorrow.” I wouldn’t exactly call the old lady sweet, but she was definitely treating me better than she treated Zoe; I’d witnessed that on more than a few occasions.

  She bit her lip and glanced at the door.

  Before I could get up and nudge her toward her room, someone knocked loud enough to wake the whole damn building.

  The noise made Zoe jump, and she looked at me in confusion. Frowning, I got up from my seat.

  Chapter Ten


  “I know you’re in there, you asshole! Open the fucking door.”

  Oh fuck.

  “Who is it?” Zoe asked, still whispering.

  I sighed and put her pizza on top of mine. Rubbing my neck, I went to open the door before someone called 911 for a noise complaint, or worse, Ms. Hilda decided to come out, if she hadn’t already.

  I knew it would be pointless, but I still blocked his entrance.

  “What the hell are you doing here JP?”

  “Hello to you too, you motherfucker.”


  I glanced at Zoe over my shoulder and she made a face that clearly said shit.

  Shit, indeed.

  I turned back to my impatient, pissed-off friend. “What do you want?”

  He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe I’d ask such a question, and then he pushed me back, sweeping right into the apartment and coming face to face with Zoe.

  “Oh, what do we have here?”

  I exhaled a deep breath and closed the door. At least the dumbass had come alone.

  When Zoe said hi, I turned around to find JP circling her like a shark observing its prey before deciding on an attack plan, much like he had years before, actually, though I doubted he’d remember her from that night, not like I did.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I warned him. “What are you doing here, man?”

  He quit playing and focused on me.

  “What am I doing here? Good question. Wait, I think I have an even better one—what the hell are you doing here?”

  “I live here.”

  “I already got that much. You’ve been coming straight here after splitting with us these last two days.”

  “Are you fucking crazy? Have you been following me?”

  “Excuse the fuck out of me for being worried about you.”

  “Maybe I should just go to my room so you guys can—”

  My eyes landed on Zoe as she started to back away. “You stay,” I ordered her.

  JP glanced between Zoe and me. “Is this why you’ve been so tight-lipped about where you’re staying? Because you’re shacking up with some girl and playing house?”

  “Do you want me to knock your ass out?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I’d love to see you try, you fucker.”

  “O-kay. As fun as this is to watch, I’m just gonna take my pizza

  “Sit down, Zoe, and eat your pizza. JP will be leaving soon.”

  Her eyes grew big and her lips twitched. “Aye aye, captain.”

  As she walked back toward the couch, I scrubbed my hand down my face and sighed. JP was apparently still waiting for an answer, because he was still standing in the same spot, arms crossed over his chest.

  “I told you I found a roommate. Why the hell are you worried about it?”

  He relaxed his stance and sighed. “Come on, man. Finding a roommate isn’t the problem here. You barely speak to the guys unless we’re on the field or in a meeting. Do you think they don’t notice how distant you’ve been? You’ve been ditching us for study groups, and you always get all tongue-tied whenever we ask where you’re staying. I get calls from Vicky asking me where you are, and I don’t even know if you’re talking to her again or if it’s just her crazy ass trying something. It’s not just you trying to keep a secret about where you’re staying for some damn reason. It’s our last year—you can’t pull this shit now. What the hell is going on with you?”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zoe tuck her legs under her and hug the pizza box to herself as she lifted a slice up to her lips. At least one of us was enjoying the moment. I turned my focus back to JP. I really didn’t want to get in trouble with Coach by having JP in the apartment, but since he was already standing in the middle of the living room, I couldn’t see how I could avoid it either.

  “Nothing is going on with me, JP. What do you expect me to do about the team? I’m not dropping the ball out there, that should be enough. I don’t think you’d act any differently if you were in my shoes. Do you honestly believe none of them saw what was going on with those three at that party?”

  “I was at that party, Dylan, remember? Chris was there too. You think we knew what was going on?” he asked in disbelief.

  “No, not you, but don’t tell me you believed them when they said it only happened that once. Screw that. I don’t even care about it anymore, but don’t expect me to trust them any time soon. On the field, we’re a team, always, and I’ll have their backs, but off the field?” I shook my head and leaned my back against the door. “No, man. I don’t have a problem with everyone, but nothing says I have to like those few who I’m sure knew what was going on just because we’re playing for the same team. And of course I’m going to ditch your ugly asses to study. You said it yourself, it’s our last year. Scouts are there, watching every game. This is it. We either make it or we don’t. I gotta give it my all. Instead of being a creep and following me around, you should be studying too since Coach will have your head if your average drops.”


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