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The Hardest Fall

Page 38

by Ella Maise

  “Did they land? Did they call you? Amelia texted me before they boarded, but I haven’t checked my phone since then.”

  “They did. I just talked to them before coming inside. They’re waiting for JP and his wife then they’ll head here together.” I reached forward and stole a piece of cheese before she could stop me. “JP will probably land at any moment.”

  “Is he happy now?” Zoe asked before turning off the stove.

  “Yeah, he’s happy with the assistant coaching job for his old high school, and we have more ideas. It’ll be okay.” My best friend had struggled with the outcome of his injury, but he’d never given up on anything in his life. A shift of career wasn’t going to change that. Just a different road now, he’d said. Just a different dream. “When is Chris coming?”

  “He should be here any minute, and Kayla should be here not too long after him.”

  “Good.” I nuzzled her neck. “Are you happy to live just an hour away from your friend? She’s doing better, right?”

  She tilted her head to give me more access and dropped the wooden spoon on the counter.

  “Yeah,” she murmured. “She’s not dating seriously, not after that Tyron guy, but she is at least dating. Dylan, my dad is gonna come inside any minute—Dylan! Don’t do that.”

  “I can hear them, and Soph is asking him what pressies he got her.” I chuckled and gently bit Zoe’s neck as she melted into me. “Just in case you didn’t know, we’re raising a monster. I don’t want her to grow up. This size is perfect.”

  “You’re just now noticing that? Mmmm, that feels good. Jared can’t make it by the way. He’s busy with work, but he said he’d call you later.”

  I nodded and kept brushing small kisses on her skin.

  The doorbell rang and we both froze. A second later we could hear Sophia’s shriek as she ran through the house to get the door.

  “Uncle Chrissy is here!”

  Zoe chuckled. “Chrissy—he’s gonna get you back for that, you know,” she mumbled as we reluctantly let go of each other.

  I sighed and yelled at my daughter. “You’re not allowed to answer the door, Soph! Wait for me.”

  “Hurry up, Daddy. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!”

  I saw Ronald come into the kitchen with a smile on his face and left Zoe with him so I could go open the door for my best friend, Sophia’s Uncle Chrissy.

  Zoe and Chris’s relationship had definitely evolved. They were much closer than they had been six years before during those first few months after he learned about everything, but it had taken them a long time to get where they were. There were still moments where you could see them holding back, but Zoe was happy she got to see him as often as she did since we were playing for the same team and were pretty much unbeatable.

  And Sophia…well, Chris was her favorite human in the world, and we were pretty sure her feelings were reciprocated, which was probably why he came to our house for dinner three or four times a week.

  As I walked through the corridor that held my talented wife’s beautiful photographs and made it to the front door, Sophia was talking to her favorite uncle through the door.

  “I missed you, Uncle Chrissy. Where were you? Did you bring my presents with you? It’s my birthday today.”

  Laughing, I opened the door and Sophia threw herself at Chris, shouting joyfully when he lifted her up in his arms.

  “Who is this beautiful girl?” Chris asked, and my daughter beamed at my best friend.

  “It’s me, silly.”

  Chris drowned her in kisses and her laughter echoed throughout our house, as it continued to do for the rest of the day.

  It was eleven PM and my parents had gone to sleep when I found Zoe sitting on our bed.

  “Where did you disappear to?” I asked as I opened the door wider and stepped inside.

  She looked at me over her shoulder and smiled. “I’ll be down in a minute. Where is Sophia?”

  I grinned. “Sleeping in Chris’s lap.” I sat down beside her and grasped her hand in mine. “Is everything okay? Did Chris say something about…?”

  “What? No, no. They haven’t talked in years, if that’s what you’re asking. As far as I know, he only talks to his mom, and they’ve divorced, although—I don’t want to talk about him. You don’t have to ask anymore.”

  “Okay, Flash, whatever you want. Are you just tired then? You barely sat down today.”

  She sighed and rested her shoulder against mine, eyes on our hands.

  “It’s a good tired. It was the best day.” She glanced at me and our eyes met as she whispered, “Happy birthday, Dylan. Don’t think I forgot you. I’ll give you your present after everyone goes to sleep.”

  “Thank you, Flash.” My smiling lips touched hers and we broke apart too soon for my liking. “What are you doing in here?”

  “I came up to get my laptop. I was gonna show Kayla the shoot I did for that couple I mentioned at dinner. And the other two I decided to send out to the gallery in New York. I just sat down for a minute.”

  “You okay?”

  She touched my cheek and smiled. “Yes.”

  “Are you happy, Zoe?”

  She laughed. “It’s your birthday—I should be the one asking you that.”

  I just continued with my questioning. “Do I make you happy? Does our life make you happy?”

  Her brows drew together and then she was climbing onto my lap, holding my face in her hands.

  “Where is this coming from?”

  “Just want to make sure.”

  Her hands moved to my shoulders and she settled down more comfortably on top of me, earning a small grunt and groan from me.

  “I never thought I could be this happy,” she whispered.

  “Do I give you everything you want?”

  “Yes, you idiot, and so much more. I would’ve been happy with just you—”

  I cut her off. “Deliriously happy.”

  “Yes, deliriously happy, but look at everything you’ve given me. I love our family so much. I love you so much, Dylan Reed. I’m so happy I barged in on you in that bathroom and saw your glorious cock.”

  “Glorious, yes—good word choice.” We laughed together as I caressed her back. “And your little family loves you back, especially me. I love you the most, baby. I’m your biggest fan. However, you missed our breakfast this morning, so clearly I’ve been worrying. I could barely do my push-ups without your eyes on me. Don’t make it a habit, my little pervert.”

  My dick was already hardening under her, and with the smile she gave me, I lost the battle.

  “I was getting our daughter ready.”

  “And that’s the only reason I didn’t come get you so you could stare at me.”

  Holding my neck, she rested her forehead against mine, our lips almost touching.

  “Am I too weird for you? You always make fun of my quirks.”

  “Quirks? Oh, is that what we’re calling them now?”

  I held her butt in my palms and pulled her a little forward then pushed a little back. Thanks to her short skirt, she could feel all of me. Her eyes closed on their own and she bit her bottom lip.

  “I’m stuck with you so…I guess I’ll make do?” I smirked and she chuckled.

  Ever since the first day I met her, she’d never seen her own perfect, but that was okay. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere; I’d be right next to her to show her every day for the rest of our lives.

  It’s hard to explain what draws you to a person, what it is about them that makes them so special that you give them your heart. I believe it’s all about who you are together, how you are together. It’s simple, what I feel for her—simple, and the most powerful thing in the world.

  We chose each other, and we’d keep choosing each other long after we took our last breaths on this earth.

  Zoe Clarke was my forever, the love of my life, and I was hers.


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  My Upcoming Novel

  Marriage For One

  Do you, Rose Hawthorne, take Jack…

  I don’t. I don’t. I don’t.

  Wide eyed and a little shaky, I stared straight ahead as the officiant said the words I was dreading to hear. When he was done and it was my part to give him an answer, I was on the verge of hyperventilating. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat so I could speak.

  I was standing next to the wrong man. A stranger.

  Yet, I had agreed to this.

  Clearing my throat, I did my best to put steel into my voice so I would’t cry. Not there. Not then.

  “I do,” I replied eventually.

  I don’t. I don’t. I don’t.

  Marriage For One on Goodreads

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  Other Books by Ella Maise

  To Love Jason Thorn

  Jason Thorn… My brother’s childhood friend.

  Oh, how stupidly in love with that boy I was. He was the first boy that made me blush, my first official crush. Sounds beautiful so far, right? That excitement that bubbles up inside you, those famous butterflies you feel for the very first time—he was the reason for them all. But, you only get to live in that fairytale world until they crush your hopes and dreams and then stomp on your heart for good measure. And boy did he crush my little heart into pieces.

  After the stomping part he became the boy I did my best to stay away from—and let me tell you, it was pretty hard to do when he slept in the room right across from mine.

  When tragedy struck his family and they moved away, I was ready to forget he ever existed.

  Now he is a movie star, the one who makes women of all ages go into a screaming frenzy, the one who makes everyone swoon with that dimpled smile of his. Do you think that’s dreamy? I certainly don’t think so. How about me coming face to face with him? Nope still not dreamy. Not when I can’t even manage to look him in the eye.

  Me? I’m Olive, a new writer. Actually, I’m THE writer of the book that inspired the movie he is about to star in on the big screen. As of late, I am also referred to as the oh-so-very-lucky girl who is about to become the wife of Jason Thorn.

  Maybe you’re thinking yet again that this is all so dreamy? Nope, nothing dreamy going on here. Not even close.

  To Love Jason Thorn

  To Hate Adam Connor

  So you may ask, who is Adam Connor? He is the recently divorced, Academy Award-winning actor who just moved in next door with his kid. He also happens to be an exquisite male specimen and the most infuriating sly bastard I’ve ever come across.

  Let’s be honest here, wouldn’t you wanna take a peek over the wall to catch a glimpse of him, hopefully when he is naked? Wouldn’t you melt away after watching him work out as his five-year-old kid cheered him on? Do I even have to mention those abs, the big bulge in his pants, or that arm porn? Oh, wait, you would never spy on him? Sure…

  While I was being thoughtful by not breaking and entering and was actually considering going over to offer him a shoulder—or maybe a boob or two—to cry on (y’know, because of his divorce), instead he had me thrown in jail after a small incident. Jail, people! He was supposed to grant me countless orgasms as a thank you, not a jail cell.

  After that day, I was mentally plotting ways to strangle him instead of jumping his bones to make sweet love. So what if my body did more than just shiver when he whispered dirty little things in my ear? I can’t be held responsible for that. And when was the last time he’d kissed anyone anyway? Who’d enjoy a kiss with a side of heart attack?

  Even if he and his son were the best things since sliced bread—and I’m not saying he was—I couldn’t fall for him. No matter what promises he whispered on my skin, my curse wouldn’t let us be. I wasn’t a damsel in distress—I could save myself, thank you very much—but deep inside, I still hoped Adam Connor would be the hero of my story.

  To Hate Adam Connor

  Lost Prelude (Alexander & Maya #1)

  My name is Maya, and I'm not the same girl I was a month ago.

  There is an emptiness I carry around in my chest now. A broken heart caused by grief.

  There are also dark nights where I have trouble breathing as I feel the heavy weight of loss rushing through my veins, painful moments where I can remember my entire being scream in agony as I held onto my father's cold, lifeless hand.

  Then there is always a hero to every story, isn't there? A hero who I despised from the moment he opened his mouth.

  His name is Alexander. He is my inevitable I never expected to find. The one my broken heart leads me to. His existence, his touch, everything he did to make my pain bearable will leave a mark on me forever.

  Yet, I know that when I'm gone, he'll only remember me as a fading memory.

  Lost Prelude

  Lost Heartbeats (Alexander & Maya #2)

  My name is Alexander, and I'm no fucking hero.

  Not when I couldn't even save the little heartbeats I was supposed to protect with my life.

  When a fist closes around my heart after a death brings me to my knees, I finally go after the woman I'd been craving for months. Not just because her beautiful face is the only thing that slips through the pain when I close my eyes, but because she has secretly carved a place for herself in my heart - leaving me with no choice.

  But if I do this, if I make myself believe that I deserve her, will the choices I make ruin everything between us? Will she accept the fact that she doesn't get to leave me twice?

  Lost Heartbeats

  About the Author

  Writing has become my world and I can’t imagine myself doing anything other than giving life to new characters and new stories. You know how some things simply makes your heart burst with happiness? A really good book, a puppy, hugging someone you’ve been missing like crazy? That’s what writing does to me. And I'm hoping that reading my books will leave you with that same happy feeling.

  Everything you’d ever want to know about me and my books is on my website. I’d love to see you there!

  To get the inside scoop of my books, extra materials, and to be the first one to know when I have a new release, you can

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  There is so much that goes into writing a book and with this one there were a few people I can never thank enough because without their support and help, I don’t think I could’ve finished it.

  Erin…You’ve been there for me from the very beginning and I think you will be in every single one of my thank you notes. I’m not sure how you feel about that, but I’m not sorry. You’re my rock. You’re seriously an amazing friend to me and I’m so lucky to have you. You listen to my non-stop ramblings and still help me when I’m stuck. I can’t imagine doing this without you. Thank you for not getting rid of me. Thank you for holding my hand when I’m having a rough time. Are you ready to do it all over again with the new one? I really hope so because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do this without you.

  Beth and Shelly-My Delta Beta Squad. You two…first of all-thank you for being there when no else was around. This book wouldn’t be what it is without you two. It takes a village to write a new book, and you’re the residents of my entire village. You’re also kind of stuck with me to be honest, so there is that. I probably will never find the right words that will convey how grateful I am that you decided that it was a good idea to be my friend, so I’m not gonna try and make a mess of it. I know for sure that I wouldn’t be writing this right now if I didn’t have your help to perfect Dylan and Zoe’s love story. And it’s not only that you were my only beta readers either (though your comments througho
ut the book gave me life), it’s the daily support you give me, the encouragements, the friendship, the voice messages, the smiles… I’m so lucky to have you two. So unbelievably lucky. Thank you for being there for me when I needed it the most.

  A huge thank you to Caitlin Nelson. You make my books readable and somehow even better. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t taken me back after my long hiatus. Thank you so much for being the best editor.

  Ellie McLove, thank you for squeezing me in at the last minute. You’re amazing.

  Nina, thank you for all you’ve done. I hope this is just the beginning for us. I promise not to hoard all the teasers.

  And my readers…do you still remember me? I missed you so much. If you don’t know, I went through some health problems which is why I couldn’t release a new novel for almost two years. And while Dylan and Zoe kept me company through that rough time, the one thing that made me sad was that you guys were going to forget all about me. I hope you didn’t. I hope this was good for you. I hope Dylan worth the wait. For me he was. I hope that you have a smile on your face right now.

  Bloggers. you are AMAZING. Thank you so much for all the love you have shown for Dylan and Zoe’s cover. I really hope you enjoyed their story and you too have a smile on your face right now. I hope that Dylan and Zoe wasn’t a disappointment. I appreciate everything you’re doing for me and my book.


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