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The Billionaire's Baby Swap

Page 13

by Rebecca Winters

  She looked down. “I don’t know exactly.”

  “When a man like Giovanni gives up everything for his children, it says something loud and clear. I think you know what it is. In the morning I’ll fly you to Ravello so you can find out for yourself.”

  She couldn’t credit that he was saying all this to her. “You don’t think I’m terrible?”

  Rini got up from his desk. “For loving a good man?”

  Valentina blinked in surprise. “You think that about him?”

  “I do.”

  “He’s more than good,” she cried softly. “He’s the most wonderful man alive.”


  GIOVANNI AWAKENED TO the sound of a text. Morning had come. Ric was awake, lying there in his carry-cot on the floor in his life preserver. Giovanni picked him up to hug him and change his diaper. After that he reached for the phone.

  He’d ignored all his calls and texts for the past eighteen hours. Unless it was Stanzie with some emergency, he had no desire to communicate with anyone. He looked at the screen and discovered it was Paolo.

  Giovanni—come home immediately. This concerns Vito.

  Just the mention of Vito caused an adrenaline rush. He texted back. What’s wrong? While he waited for an answer, he got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. When there was no response, he texted him again. I’m coming.

  More anxious than ever, he freshened up, then took Ric on deck and fed him a bottle. Still no response on his phone. Why hadn’t Valentina phoned him about Vito? He frantically searched all the calls and saw that she had phoned him late last night.

  He’d made another mistake by not checking the calls until now so he could call her back. Maybe she’d taken Vito to the hospital. The thought of anything being seriously wrong with the baby made him break out in a cold sweat. He’d anchored the cruiser off Amalfi. The sea was calm. If he opened the throttle full strength, he could make it back to Ravello within a half hour.

  The normally short trip seemed to take hours. Relief swamped him when he reached Ravello and slowed to a wakeless speed to pull alongside the dock. He tied the rope, then removed Ric’s life preserver and lifted him to the dock in his carry-cot.

  He grabbed the diaper bag. “Come on, buddy. We’re going to find out what’s wrong with your brother.”

  The drive to the villa only took a few minutes. He sprang from the car with Ric and hurried into the sunroom. “Paolo? Stanzie?”

  Where in the hell were they? He raced through the house with Ric. Maybe they were in their suite at the back of the villa, but he didn’t find them. Since he knew they wouldn’t leave, he decided they were upstairs for some reason and couldn’t hear him.

  He carried Ric with him and headed for the nursery. Before he reached the entrance, he heard the music box playing from the mobile. What on earth? He rushed in the room and caught sight of Vito in the other crib.

  Giovanni set down the carry-cot and walked over to him. The baby saw him and started wiggling with excitement. “Vito—you don’t look sick, thank heaven.”

  “He’s not sick, but he is missing you.”

  Valentina’s voice. He wheeled around. When he saw her, he thought he was hallucinating. “You’re here—”

  She smiled. “Yes. Aren’t you going to pick him up? He’s been waiting for you. I’m dying to hold Ric.” She leaned down and pulled him into her arms. “I’ve missed you so much. Did you have a fun overnight with your papà on the cruiser?”

  While she covered him in kisses, Giovanni stood there dazed. “Where are Stanzie and Paolo?”

  “I gave them the rest of the day and the night off and take full responsibility if that upsets you.”

  “No. They work too hard.” He rocked Vito in his arms, but his eyes were a piercing black as they centered on her. “How did you persuade Paolo to text me with a message you knew would turn me inside out?”

  “I honestly have no idea what he said.”

  “He indicated something was wrong with Vito.”

  “I’m sorry. When I asked them to help me find you, he said he knew how to do it.”

  “Paolo knows me well.”

  “I was cooking dinner last night when I heard about your resignation on the news. I almost fainted from shock and pain. To walk away from your life’s work and have it go out over the news—Giovanni—when you change your mind and want to go back, the media will turn it into a circus.”

  The features of his handsome face were masklike. “I’ll never change my mind.”

  She took a deep breath. “You say that now, but—”

  “But nothing. While Tatania was carrying our child and refused to let me share in any of it with her, I had months to do a lot of soul-searching about my life and the things I’ve done wrong.”

  She shook her blond head. “What wrong things?”

  “For starters, I should never have married her. That decision has ruined her life, but I can’t do anything about that now.”

  Valentina moved closer to him while she held Ric. “She didn’t have to marry you.”

  “Yes, she did. Her father had a powerful hold on her.”

  “Just as the love for your father persuaded you to act in a way that would make him happy.”

  His mouth tightened. “Our divorce has damaged her. You talk about your guilt, but you have no idea of mine.”

  “Didn’t she ask for the divorce?”


  “Did you ever have a down-to-the-bare-bones talk with her before you separated for good?”

  “No. She wouldn’t allow it.”

  “Maybe you need to find a way to reach her so you can both talk it out.”

  “I don’t want her back, Valentina.”

  “I believe you, but maybe she’s sorry she shut you out of her life so abruptly and wants a chance to explain why she didn’t want to see the baby. Have you thought she might be too nervous to approach you after the way she cut you off?”

  His head reared back. “Is that why you’re here? To convince me to talk to her?” He sounded incredulous.

  “Of course not,” she whispered. “It hurt me that you made a decision about stepping down without telling me. I thought we were partners.”

  “Did it occur to you it hurt me that you left for Naples within an hour of my mother-in-law’s visit? I didn’t have the luxury of knowing what she’d said to you.”

  His remark squeezed her heart. “After the wonderful way you’ve treated me since we met, that was a mistake I freely confess I made. I shouldn’t have gone anywhere until you knew everything. If I’d stayed put until you came home, we could have talked everything out and it might have prevented you from making a decision that is going to have a lifetime effect on you. Please forgive me.”

  His black brows furrowed. “Contrary to what you’re thinking, my plan to step down had its genesis the moment Tatania told me she was pregnant. Long before I knew you existed, I realized that becoming a father trumped every honor the world could bestow on me. I’d been an absent husband, but I vowed I’d turn my life around and be the best father possible. Up to the end of her pregnancy, I begged her to reconsider visitation.”

  Valentina prayed that what she was going to say wouldn’t spell the end of their relationship. “As I said, maybe you need to make one more effort. Almost six weeks have gone by. Tatania has to be feeling much better physically. I know I am. Take Ric with you. I’m sure Violeta could arrange it. She loves you and Ric. It’s possible Tatania will have a change of heart and want to see your baby.”

  “You’re serious.” Again he looked astounded.

  “Yes. Because of your defining moment when you found out you were going to be a father, it’s possible Tatania will have that same kind of moment when she sees his precious little face. As the years go by he�
�s going to be curious about his own mother. He’ll crave her love. Think how wonderful it would be if she changes her mind and wants to be a full-time mother to him now. It could be the making of her life and Ric’s.

  “If she turns down the opportunity, then you would have done everything you could and you’ll be able to answer Ric honestly that you tried to do all in your power to unite mother and son.”

  Giovanni’s gaze searched hers for at least a minute. “When did you get to be so courageous and wise?”

  “When I looked in Ric’s face for the first time. I didn’t know he wasn’t my son, but like you, I felt an overwhelming feeling of love that transcended anything else in my life. When I saw Vito for the first time, that joy doubled.”

  He kissed her son. “I’ll think about what you’ve said.”

  “Good. Now, why don’t we take the children downstairs and I’ll serve us lunch. Last night I made a big casserole of cannelloni and brought it with me. Afterward we’ll put the children down for their naps and talk.”

  “How long are you here for?”

  “For as long as it takes.”

  His heart raced. “I thought you were moving into your apartment on Friday.”

  “That’s still a possibility.”


  “I don’t know the answer yet. I’m still on vacation and I was thinking how fun it would be to drive to Laurito in your car tonight. We all want to see the town where your family came from and have dinner there. Maybe stay overnight in one of the hotels?”

  “You’d better be careful what you’re saying to me. I’m holding you to all of it.”

  “That’s a relief,” she tossed over her shoulder.

  Valentina, Valentina... “It’s high summer season. We may not be able to get separate bedrooms.”

  “The boys took a vote and don’t see that as a problem. We’re one big happy family, right?”

  Excitement swept through him. If she was saying what he thought she was saying...

  “As long as we’re going to Laurito, I suggest we get started after lunch. There’s a quaint hotel at the foot of Bulgheria Mountain in Cilento National Park. You’ll love the green setting. We’ll get a room right by the pool and swim tonight under the stars. How does that sound?”


  After he took Vito downstairs to the sunroom, they put the children in the playpen. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  “Lunch will be ready when you come back down.”

  He paused in the doorway. “If I didn’t tell you earlier, it’s good to see you. Does your brother know?”

  “Rini knows everything,” came the cryptic response. She flashed him an intense blue glance. “It’s good to see you, too. When Paolo told me he’d sent for you, I didn’t know how long it would take before you came. I feared maybe you’d gone far away and wouldn’t respond.”

  “Vito was the magic word to bring me back in a hurry.”

  “Of course. That boy changed your life and mine.”

  Streams of unspoken thoughts and memories passed between them before he raced up the stairs two at a time. Too much more of this emotional roller-coaster ride and his heart might not be able to stand it.

  Before he headed for the bathroom, he reached for his phone and made reservations at the hotel he had in mind. A few rooms bordered the pool. The concierge said he’d arrange one for their esteemed guest Signor Laurito. Normally Giovanni didn’t use his name to get what he wanted. Today was an exception because he wanted this night to be perfect.

  He had one more phone call to make. Violeta picked up on the third ring. “Giovanni? Oh, how good to hear your voice. I’ve been out of my mind with worry over you.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you before now. How would you like to do me a favor?”


  “I need to sit down with Tatania and have a long talk. I’ll be bringing Ric with me. Do you suppose you could arrange it without anyone else knowing? Not even Salvatore?”

  After a hesitation, she said, “I’ll do it. Does this mean—?”

  “Violeta—” he interrupted her. “Though the divorce was final, I loved Tatania in my own way, but not the way she truly needs to be loved. I want her to marry a man who thinks the sun rises and sets with her.

  “If she’ll allow it, she has a son who will see her as his whole world. He needs her and she needs him. Ric already loves you.”

  All he heard was her weeping. Finally she said, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Bless you, Violeta.”

  He hung up the phone.

  And bless you, Valentina.

  * * *

  Valentina’s breath caught when she spotted the fabulous white monastery turned resort in the middle of an enormous forest. “How big is it?”

  “The forest stretches sixty thousand square meters.”

  “So huge! The thick pines are such a dark green, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “With the night falling so fast, they look almost black.”

  “I love it!”

  With the darkening sky she could barely make out the sign as they came to the town before entering the forest.

  Welcome to Laurito, with its population of a thousand souls. Its namesake is the Italian-Greek monastery established in the tenth century.

  “These mountain villages are so charming, Giovanni. But you’ve seen all this so many times before I must drive you crazy while I gush over everything. I’m as bad as a nomad in the desert who breaks into song at the sight of an oasis.”

  He burst into laughter, the kind she loved to hear because it told her he sounded happy. “How do you know so much about nomadic life?”

  “One of my ancient history classes on Egypt suggested reading a true account of a nomad around 600 BC.”

  “Did it make you long for the desert?”

  She smiled. “No. Their hardships sent shudders through me. Give me tonight’s mouthwatering fish pasta dinner and the lush vegetation of these mountains any day.” They drove on through the greenery until they came to the cluster of white buildings.

  “We’ve arrived.”

  “I love it already.”

  Valentina waited in the car with the babies while he went inside to register. In another few minutes they went around to the end. When he let them inside their room with two queen-size beds, she noticed that two cribs had been set up in the corner. Giovanni had said this was a family-friendly resort.

  The large window looked out on the swimming pool shaped like a giant pear. It was so close all you had to do was step out the door and dive in. Lights illuminated the water that shimmered pure aqua in the night air. A few people were out in it having fun.

  She turned to Giovanni. “How did you know I’ve been longing for this?”

  “You’re not the only one.”

  Together they fed the babies and put them down for the night in the cribs. “Do you ever wonder if they communicate when we’re not around?”

  He grinned at her. “No doubt they can hear each other breathing.”

  “I bet it’s comforting.”

  Giovanni kissed both of them. “I’m going to get changed and meet you in the pool.”

  It only took him a few seconds. After he left, she changed into her new aqua bikini. Before anything else she walked over to the cribs. Their darlings were asleep. Confident that it would be all right to leave them for a little while, she slipped out the door and stepped down into the water. Giovanni was already doing laps. With the water being the perfect temperature, she swam to the other end.

  While she trod water, Giovanni’s dark head emerged in front of her. “This is a surprise.” His deep voice sent spirals of desire through her.

  She loved it wh
en he was in a playful mood. “I hoped I’d find you here.”

  “Did you indeed. Come here to me, darling.”

  No sooner had he spoken than Giovanni reached for her and drew her to the edge of the pool. He lifted her face to him. “Be very sure this is what you want.”

  “I want you to make love to me, but I haven’t been to my doctor yet. Still, that doesn’t prevent me from wanting to be close to you right now. If you don’t touch me, then I’m afraid I’ll be the one to die.”

  She heard a moan before he lowered his mouth to hers. Valentina had been wanting this for too long. She welcomed his kiss with a hunger she couldn’t appease no matter how hard she tried. To be in his arms and set on fire by his passion had turned her into someone she didn’t know. Every touch from him thrilled her to the marrow of her bones.

  He kissed her face and neck. She did the same to him. It was as if they couldn’t get enough of each other and were trying to love each other all at once. “I’ve been wanting to do this for weeks,” he confessed.

  “Then you have some idea of what it has been like for me. Whenever you’ve kissed the boys, I’ve wanted it to be my turn.”

  “When I look in Vito’s face, I see yours. I smell your fragrance on him. From the beginning I’ve suffered agony because I didn’t dare make a wrong move with you. I need you, Valentina.”

  “Don’t you know that’s how I feel, too?”

  His kisses grew longer, deeper. She never wanted this ecstasy to end. Then she heard a groan and he tore his lips from hers. He was literally trembling. “I don’t want to do this out here where anyone can see us. Let’s go inside.”

  She’d forgotten about the other people in the pool. Giovanni had become her entire world. With her arms around his neck, he swam them to the other end and carried her up the steps into their hotel room.

  Once inside the door, he backed it closed and set her down. They didn’t want to let each other go. He crushed her in his arms until there was no air between them. Those rock-hard legs trapped hers. His hands smoothed over her back and hips, igniting the woman in her. This man was everything she’d ever wanted and so much more, she was lost in a frenzy of longing that had burst out of control.


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