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Nanny and the Beast

Page 12

by Georgia Le Carre

  There was no chair in my bathroom, so I carried one of the stools from the bedroom lounge and sat in front of the massive bathroom mirror while she faced me with a pair of scissors.

  It was an intrinsic part of me to be wary whenever weapons of any sort were in my vicinity, but with April, I actually shut my eyes and allowed her to work. I listened to the sound of her quiet breathing, and reveled in her warm scent.

  “Aren’t you scared I’ll mess up your entire head?” she teased as she snipped away.

  I smiled. “If it’s too bad I’ll just shave it all off.”

  She stopped then and I opened my eyes to look at her. Hers were very green and very wide. My pulse quickened, but I ignored it. “It’s just hair,” I said softly. “There are worse things to deal with.”

  We were silent as we stared at each other, then she hastily returned her attention back to my hair.

  I reached out and pulled her hips into my face.

  “Hey!” she scolded, but I grabbed her full ass and nudged up her T-shirt with my nose. I kissed her stomach and she held onto my head.

  Before she could move fast enough to stop me, I was on my knees, my head was between her legs, and I had a mouthful of her cunt. So the little minx had come to my bedroom commando!

  Her body shuddered at the contact as she held onto my shoulders for support. “Yuri,” she gasped. “I’m not done.”

  “You can finish later,” I rasped, as I began to thoroughly lick and suck her swollen clit.

  In time, the tools fell from her hands to join the smattering of nipped hair on the marble floor.

  I rose and lifted her into my arms. In the shower stall, she ripped her shirt away and was back on me, unable to control herself. Her hands tugged on the band of my pants, and as they went down to the floor, so did she. She sucked my cock deep into her mouth and I held onto the wall for support.

  I looked down and watched her lips feverishly worshipping the engorged head. Her pink tongue slid down my shaft, kissing and licking the burgeoning blue veins…then she took my balls in her mouth.

  Fuck, I cursed and fought to catch my breath.

  This woman consumed me. Guttural sounds emanated from the back of her throat as she mouth-fucked me. Her greed was beautiful to watch. All the blood left my brain as I came hard, hot spurts of cum shooting down her throat.

  I pulled her up to me and crushed my lips to hers. I held her desperately to me as I drank her in. We were one. She tasted of me and I tasted of her. Before I knew what I was doing she was in my arms again, and we were exiting the bathroom.

  “I thought we were taking a showe—”

  I tossed her unto the bed.

  She bounced and looked up at me with wide eyes.

  “That will be afterwards,” I said as I zeroed in on her. “Right now, I can only think of at least ten ways I need to have you.”

  She squealed with excitement as I took her nipples in my mouth and the sound sent tingles down my body.

  More than an hour of mind-blowing sex later we collapsed against each other, spent and twisted. I was close to passing out from exhaustion. I’d had her in more positions than I could recall. She had her legs on my shoulders. I could smell her pussy. I was so tired my eyes were half-shut and yet her scent lured me. I turned my head and sucked at her poor swollen clit.

  She moaned and whispered, “No more, Yuri. No more.”

  I didn’t listen to her pleas.

  Chapter 29


  The panic set in slowly.

  Yuri was asleep and no longer available to me. The tremors of extreme sexual satiation had stopped crashing in endless waves all through my body. All I was left with was the panic of knowing there could be no turning back. From day one, I knew this unearthly attraction was dangerous. It set a fire inside of me, but I thought I could control it. But now it looked as it would grow and grow until it consumed me whole.

  I wanted to run.

  Attachment was what I feared most because people broke your heart. And people like Yuri, they were the worst. They had their own hell to deal with. Walls were what had kept me safe… walls were what kept me sane.

  I was falling, fast and deeply for this unknowable beast of a man. It was a bad sign when I wanted to bare my entire self to him.

  I needed to run.

  But I didn’t want to leave. In his arms, at that moment, it all felt like home. At least what I imagined home would feel like, warm and safe and full of love. But there was neither warmth, safety or love here. Tears filled my eyes. I wanted to stay, but falling asleep with him would be breaking another rule.

  He was dead to the world, but I moved as quietly as I could. Try as I might, I found him impossible to budge. His thick biceps pinned me solidly to the bed. I wrenched his arm from me and he came awake.

  He didn’t awaken fully, but enough to ask me where I was headed.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I replied.

  He yawned, mumbled something, and moved away in quiet agreement.

  I was freed. I grabbed my clothes, pulled open his door and sped down the hallway. Hopefully, he would assume I left just before the sun arose. Either way, it wouldn't bother him.

  However, I had to protect me.

  No one else would.

  Chapter 30


  “You ran away?” Charlotte asked.

  I spun back around to face her. We were shopping at our local supermarket. “I didn't run away,” I refuted. “I just went back to my room.”

  “What about his hair, then?”

  I smiled. “I think he must have called his own hairdresser the next morning because it looked pretty good when he met Yulia and I for breakfast.”

  She stared at me for a few moments and then she peered down into our cart. “Okay,” she said and picked up the bag of dumplings to return back to the shelf.

  “Hey!” I called.

  “What? I have enough problems of my own. I don’t need to point yours out.”

  “That’s not what I meant. What I mean is…” I took a deep breath at my inability to properly communicate. “Why are you putting the food back?”

  “I don’t need dumplings.”

  “What do you mean? You’re obsessed with them.”

  “Well, I need a break from it.”

  I looked into the cart and noticed then that other items had gone missing from it. “Where are my chicken wings?”

  “We already have an entire pack of drumsticks.”

  “I want chicken wings,” I said.

  She straightened to give me a dry look as though she were putting up with a toddler. “It all tastes the same.”

  I looked back into the cart. “Where are the baby sausages? And oh my God, the yoghurt flapjacks!”

  “I don’t need all of those,” she said.

  I searched through the cart then looked back up at her in bewilderment. “Charlotte!”

  She sighed. “I’m broke okay? Until things get better, I have to scrimp and cut down on expenses.”

  “You’re broke? What do you…” Things fell into place in flash. “Why?”

  “I had an unexpected expense and I quit my job,” she said.

  My eyes widened. “When? Why didn't you tell me?”

  “You had your own stuff to handle. It was when Yulia came over.”

  “What was it?”

  “My boss was a bitch. Nothing I ever did was right. Why is Francine awake this early? Why is she awake this late? Don’t you think that portion is too much for her? Don’t you think these clothes are not flattering on her? You bought the damn freaking clothes, you freak,” she yelled. She took a calming breath. “In the end, I just wanted to poison her stupid ass.”

  “Oh, Charlotte. I’m so sorry.”

  “I envy you,” she said with a bitter smile. “At least yours is fucking your brains out.”

  “There’s not much beyond that to envy. If I fall for him, I’m screwed.”

  “What if he falls in love
with you too?” she asked.

  I stopped. The thought had never even crossed my mind. Not even in my dreams did I ever imagine that possibility.

  Her lips slowly stretched into a thin smile. “You didn’t think of that one did you?”

  “Impossible,” I muttered under my breath.

  “Okay,” she said and pushed the cart ahead of me.

  I hurried after her. “No, I’m serious Charlotte. He’s a super successful billionaire. He could have anyone he wants. He would never do that. Haven’t you met him? Men like that are hard and cold.” I paused. “They’re beyond salvation.”

  She stopped and turned, eyes widened with concern. “So he’s dead to you?”

  I was confused. “What do you mean?”

  She eyed me with amusement as she grabbed a bag of potatoes and continued on her way.

  The mockery eventually registered. “He’s too dangerous, Charlotte.”

  “Okay, then get out of his house.”

  “I’ve tried, remember?”

  She stopped. “So now you’re his hostage? Do you want me to call the police?”

  “This isn't funny Charlotte.”

  She gave me an apologetic smile. “I know, I’m sorry, but it’s high time you let down your walls. You’ve had them forever. I still don't even know how I was able to find a crack in.”

  “I made the crack for you,” I said and threw my arm around her.

  She tried to displace it, but eventually just gave up and hugged me back. “Then make one also for him,” she whispered in my ear.

  “No,” I said instantly, pulling back. “He’s not asking for one, and I do not need any heartbreaks in my repertoire.”

  “Come on. What do you have to lose?”

  What did I have to lose? “My sanity.”

  “It would be great if you lost that for once. You overthink every goddamn thing. It even took you almost a month to decide to live with me, my God.”

  I shifted. “Well, it was a big decision. I was afraid I could be ruining a good thing.”

  “And all your fears were unfounded.”

  I sighed. “My life is already complicated enough. I don't need to turn an affair with my boss into a horrible heartbreak.”

  “I don’t even understand why the fact that he probably owns half of London is not a matter for consideration,” she said beneath her breath.

  I heard her, but wanted her to repeat it. “What was that?”

  Her voice went up a couple of notches. “Nothing.”

  “Gold digger,’” I spat.

  “Self-righteous idiot,” she threw back.

  I tugged at her hair. “Enough about Yuri. You said you had an unexpected expense? What is it?”

  She was silent for a while and then she said quietly. “My mother needed some money.”

  “Oh, Charlotte.”

  “It’s okay. She’s all right now. Sometimes, it’s hard for her to manage on her measly pension, you know. If something breaks down, it’s the end of the world.”

  “Listen, do you need some money?”

  “Nah, I’ve already got another job.” She crinkled her nose. “It’s out in Wales though.”

  “Wales!” I wailed.

  “It’s only three hours by train.” She grinned.


  “I’ll be taking care of a little boy. I spoke to his mother and I really hope I’m not exchanging one bitch for another, but I’ve got to give it a shot. I’m desperate.”

  “Why can’t I give you some to tide you over first?”

  “No, April. I can do this on my own. I can’t pull out the despair card yet. I’ll be proud of myself if I get through this on my own.”

  “You’re crazy, you know.”

  “I know,” she said. “Will you come visit me in Wales? I think I’m going to be living in some kind of castle.”

  “Oh, you know, I’m scared of ghosts.”

  She sucked in her breath. “You just said that to put me off, didn’t you?”

  I began to laugh and she joined me too.

  “If you played your cards right you could have your billionaire buy you a castle without ghos—”

  “Stop freaking going there.”

  She put her hands up in defeat. “I get it. You can’t stand to owe anyone and all that. Understood. But you do owe me for sticking by your side all these years, so get me Domino’s tonight.”

  “You were the one who refused to leave me the hell alone. Why do you want pizza? What of all this food?”

  “Are you going to cook? I’m freaking exhausted.”

  “Fine,” I said.

  “Order it now, so it gets home as soon as we arrive.”

  “Yes ma’am.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket. However, just as I began to search for the number, a call from Margot came in.


  “Margot,” I answered, instantly concerned. “Is everything all right?”

  “Everything’s fine, but Mr. Volkov just sent an order. He’ll be returning from Venice today, and wants you to accompany him to an event.”

  For the first few seconds, I couldn’t think. “An event?”

  “I wasn’t given the details. He’s sent over some outfits for you to choose from, and says you should be ready for seven.”

  I took a deep breath. “All right, I’ll be back in an hour.” I ended the call.

  Charlotte was leaning against the cart staring at me. “Why is your face like that?”

  My heart was pounding in my chest. “Yuri just requested I join him for an event tonight.”

  She took a minute to think about it. “Isn’t this a good thing?”

  “He left early yesterday and made no mention of this whatsoever.”

  “Well… I really don’t know what to say. Maybe he really missed you.”

  “He could have called me himself to speak to me. Since he left, he hasn’t even called to ask after Yulia.”

  “I am officially confused by the both of you,” she said. “Either way, attend the event with him.”

  I opened my mouth to say something.

  She held up her hand. “Don’t interrupt me. Attend the event and let’s see what comes out of it.”

  “Why should I? It’s not part of my job description.”

  “And fucking him is?” She sighed. “Whatever this event is it must be high profile, which means that he isn’t reluctant to have you seen with him. That’s amazing to me. He’s not some random business owner, he is a billionaire. Think, April. He could have called any woman and he didn’t.”


  “Give this a chance. Let’s figure out what he is up to. I still want that pizza though.”

  I called up the Dominos and ordered their biggest pizza with extra toppings and a whole pile of sides for her.

  Chapter 31


  Four exquisite dresses were laid out on my bed for me.

  A hot pink, figure-hugging Versace with a plunging neckline, an Olive green loose and short Christian Dior, a stark white, structured Carolina Herrera number, and a two piece, Chanel champagne train skirt with a stark white lacy bodice.

  I studied them, still confused about what exactly was going on. I heard movement behind me and turned to see Zelda walk in with Sandra. They laid four pairs of shoes at the foot of the bed before straightening up to meet my bewildered gaze.

  I felt strangely guilty and ashamed.

  Didn't Yuri know that by doing this he was exposing our relationship, or whatever we had to the world, especially my colleagues?

  The look on Sandra’s face for instance was toxic. She’d been my friend and now she glared at me as if I were her enemy.

  "You have an hour to turn yourself into a Princess,” Zelda said, with a warm smile.

  Her friendly attitude allowed me to breathe just a little bit easier.

  Then Sandra chirped in, her tongue ready to do damage, "I think it now makes sense why he fired the entire house when you left, then r
ehired everyone when you returned. It had nothing to do with Yulia, did it?"

  Zelda ignored her. "Do you need help with your hair and makeup? There is an excellent service that he suggested and—"

  "It's fine Zelda," I said to her. "I'm not going. I don't really understand why he's asking me to go with him."

  Sandra snorted in disgust. "Snake,” she muttered under her breath, and made her way out of the room.

  I was fuming as I watched her go.

  Zelda gently touched my hand. "Don't pay any attention to her, she's just jealous."

  "There's nothing to be jealous about," I responded, almost sorry for myself.

  She gave me a reassuring pat on my arm before leaving the room.

  Immediately, I picked up the phone and called Yuri. He didn’t pick up. After three more tries he eventually did, and my tone was icy, "I'm not going," I declared.

  Silence. "Then who's going to take care of Yulia?"

  Ah, the humiliation…I retraced my steps. “What? Yulia is going to be there too?”

  "Why wouldn't she be?”

  I was silent and confused, both at myself and him. Before I could say another word, he ended the call. I slapped my palm to my head. Why didn’t Zelda tell me? Ugh. I hurried out to find Zelda to ask about Yulia’s whereabouts

  "She hasn’t yet returned from her session with her psychiatrist," she said with a frown.

  "But Mr. Volkov said that she will be accompanying us to the event."

  Zelda cocked her head in surprise. "Of that I am not aware, but maybe he has his own plans." She gazed nervously at my unchanged outfit of khaki shorts and a white tee. “Please get ready,” she pleaded. "Mr. Volkov will not be pleased if you are late. I will sort Yulia out and make sure she is ready at seven."

  Chapter 32


  For the first few minutes after the call, nothing was said.

  Then Alex spoke, "April is going to be there?


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