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Stealing Scarlett

Page 3

by Isabella Snow

  Chapter Three

  Scarlett felt like she was having an out-of-body experience as she stood in the corridor. She’d never felt so helpless. What were the odds he’d end up living down the hall from her? One in a zillion, surely.

  “This way.” He slipped the key into the lock and pushed the door inward.

  She fidgeted nervously for a moment and took a step backward. “No doubt you’ll be wanting some privacy,” she hedged. “I’ll just be in my apartment.”

  He paused and gave her a quick once-over. Sliding the luggage strap down his shoulder, he sighed as the leather bag hit the floor. “Very well,” he conceded. “Don’t disappear.”

  “Why would I?” she scoffed.

  He raised an eyebrow as if to challenge her nonchalant tone. She wondered if he could tell how flustered she was at the prospect of being alone with him. Disquieted by the weight of his stare, she turned on her heel and headed for the sanctuary of her apartment. She could feel his eyes on her as she fumbled with the key. Any other day, the stupid thing would have just slid right in there!

  “Can I be of service?” He let the words hang in the air suggestively.

  On the verge of shouting several obscenities, she practically jumped with joy when the key finally worked its way into the slot. Throwing the door open in a flurry of haste, she stepped over the threshold and slammed the door behind her.

  He chuckled softly.

  If she wanted to pretend she was safe behind a closed door, that was fine with him. He turned back to his apartment and gave the place a brief inspection from the doorway. Daniel had left a moderate amount of furniture behind when he vacated last week. It would do for the short term. If things went as planned, short term would be all he needed.

  Slipping his wallet into his back pocket, he grabbed the keys and stepped back into the hall. Pulling the door closed, he grinned as he walked toward her apartment. She was more tempting than he remembered. Rapping softly against the heavy oak door, he frowned as it opened slightly. She’d slammed it so forcefully, the lock hadn’t latched properly.

  The frown deepened as unpleasant scenarios filtered through his thoughts. Nervosity was hardly an excuse for a beautiful woman leaving herself open to any strange man who desired her. Nudging the door all the way open, he scanned the living room for her. The sound of running water was audible in the distance. She wouldn’t be able to hear him, regardless of how loudly he announced himself. Stepping into the foyer, he closed the door behind him. Properly, this time.

  His gaze swept the area briefly, an elegant baby grand piano drawing his attention to the center of her living room. He wondered if she could play it. The black Steinway stood in brilliant contrast to the plush, beige-colored carpet which lay beneath it. Opulent, black corduroy furnishings surrounded the piano, as though begging for a private interlude.

  She had excellent taste. Turning toward the other end of the room, his focus returned to the echoing sound of water. It wasn’t loud enough to be coming from the shower, though it had certainly been running long enough to be. Catching a glimpse of kitchen cabinetry around the corner, he presumed she must be washing dishes.

  A few powerful strides and his long legs brought him to the entrance of the kitchen. Still conscious of not wanting to frighten her, he cleared his throat loudly as he reached the doorway. Fully expecting to find her bustling around the sink, he was completely taken aback when he finally spotted her.

  She was crying.

  He was a man of few weaknesses, but the tears of a woman never failed to wound him. He couldn’t begin to imagine what had overtaken her. She had seemed fine not twenty minutes ago. What could possibly have happened between then and now?

  “What’s wrong?” Chase stepped into the kitchen.

  Completely unaware of his presence, she jumped a good foot in the air at the sound of his voice. Embarrassment quickly replaced shock as he stood there taking in her appearance. Grabbing a hand towel from the countertop, she slammed the faucet closed with the palm of her hand and took a step backward, putting as much distance between them as possible.

  “How did you get in here?” Her expression was a mix of confusion and dread.

  “The door was ajar ‑‑ a beautiful woman really should take more care.”

  “We wouldn’t want anyone just letting themselves in,” she spat sarcastically.

  “Certainly not.” A smile played at his lips.

  He took a step forward, hazel eyes growing dark with obvious desire as he approached her. Sidestepping him as casually as possible, she placed her hips and lower back against the marble countertop. It would be easier to grab a makeshift weapon from here, should the need arise.

  “Why were you crying?”

  You’d cry too, if the Devil had just moved in a few doors down!

  “I wasn’t.” She flinched, knowing the answer came out far too quickly.

  “I see.” His voice was gentle as he wiped a tear from her cheek.

  Was this really the same man she’d just picked up from the airport? If she didn’t know better, she’d think he actually cared. “I appreciate the sentiment, but there’s no need ‑‑”

  Without warning, he reached out and pulled her into his embrace. His free hand slipped into her hair, drawing her head forward and placing her cheek against his chest. His arms were so large, they completely engulfed her as he smoothed her long, black tresses. She couldn’t recall a time when any man had made her feel so safe with so simple a gesture. So comforted. So protected.

  So sexually harassed!

  The spell began to weaken as the little voice in her head grew louder and louder. She stood up straight, trying to extract herself from his hold. “I’m sorry, this seems somehow inappropriate ‑‑”

  He cupped her chin and tilted it upward. “That Ice Queen routine is lost on me.”

  She closed her eyes, her stomach quivering as the words left his lips. His little quip should have irritated her, not made her knees go weak. His lips brushed against her neck, the warmth of his breath setting her skin on fire.

  “Open your eyes, Scarlett,” he whispered.

  Don’t do it!

  His fingers drove deeper into her hair, and she mewled with reluctant pleasure.

  “Open them.”

  Slowly, her eyelids fluttered open, light blue eyes meeting his hawklike gaze.

  “Good girl,” he murmured.

  Their eyes remained locked as he bent his head downward. She felt her knees tremble as his lips drew closer.

  Oh, my God, he’s really going to kiss me!

  A deliberate grin spread across his face, and he paused a few inches from her lips. Her eyes widened with the sudden realization she’d molded herself to his body. She’d even parted her lips, in the hope his tongue might plunder her small mouth. His eyes twinkled, and she just knew he was taking great pleasure in her sudden awareness.

  “I should go.” Her head was clouding over, and she felt like she was spinning in his embrace.

  His eyes filled with laughter. “Scarlett, this is your place, not mine.”

  The blush was instant.

  “Then you leave!” Her hands curled into tiny fists, pummeling his broad chest with everything she had. She was no shrinking violet. If he thought she was going to swoon every time he touched her, he was in for a rude awakening!


  Large hands closed over her fists, ending her attack easily. Forcing her wrists behind her back, he grasped them with one hand while the other hoisted her up onto the counter. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he pulled her legs around his waist. He didn’t look the slightest bit apologetic as he brought his lips close to hers.

  “No!” She turned her head to the side, determined to avoid the kiss.

  He chuckled softly as he drew her face back to his. “I’m beginning to think you don’t like me.”

  “I don’t,” she declared huffily.


  “Seems I have nothing to lose, then.”
He yanked her forward suddenly, her gasp echoing through the kitchen.

  His mouth found hers quickly, relentless in its sensual assault. The sheer power of his kiss sent a charge through every inch of her body. He released her wrists and placed his hand on her lower back, supporting her slender frame as his lips devoured her. His other hand clasped her thigh, drawing her leg up and over his hip. How did this happen? She wasn’t supposed to be a company perk!

  Wriggling against his massive build, she managed to create a reasonable gap between their bodies. Flattening her palms against the countertop, she slammed her weight against him and jumped down as he took a step backward. Without hesitation, she shoved past his hulking frame, fleeing the kitchen without a backward glance. In her mind, she knew he’d allowed her to escape, and knowing he could have kept her there if he’d wanted to only added to her panic.

  Slinging her purse over her shoulder, she grabbed her coat and flung the front door open. Stepping into the hall, she turned and waited for him to follow. He took his time, ambling into the hall like an arrogant tomcat. Smiling broadly, he leaned against the wall and folded his arms across his chest.

  “Is the tour over, then?” His brow arched slightly.

  “Yes.” She clenched her teeth and locked the door.

  “Where are you headed?”

  “Any place you’re not!” She breezed by his towering frame, greatly relieved to put some distance between them at last.

  A deep chuckle followed her down the hall. At least she managed to keep her head up until she reached the elevator. Her knees wobbled as the double doors slid shut behind her. She told herself it was stress related, but a nagging voice ‑‑ and very damp panties ‑‑ told her it might be something more.

  Chapter Four

  Hugging herself tightly, Scarlett zipped her coat up to her neck and snuggled down into the bucket seat. Shame she couldn’t run the heater without turning the car on ‑‑ it would stop her damned teeth from chattering. She yawned and glanced at her watch. Another hour or two and it would be safe to head back upstairs to her apartment. In the meantime, she didn’t want to risk another encounter with him. She had half a mind to check into a hotel, but decided against it. Too extreme, somehow.

  More extreme than hiding in a parking garage for several hours?

  Whatever! She was better off here than upstairs where that man could sneak into her apartment and take advantage of her again.

  You’re the only woman on Earth who wouldn’t pay to have that man take advantage of her!

  Determined to ignore the unwelcome thoughts bouncing around in her head, she closed her eyes and forced herself to relax. Tomorrow was bound to be a continuation of today’s nightmare, and she needed all the rest she could get. Even if it meant sleeping in her car. Fortunately, she could sleep through just about anything.

  * * * * *

  “Good evening, Gus.” Chase nodded to the security officer as he called the garage elevator from the lobby.

  “Mr. Turner!” The old man smiled warmly. “It’s been an eternity, sir!”

  “Has it been that long?” He grinned.

  “You heading out?”

  Chase shook his head. “Just down to the garage,” he explained. “My car’s arrived earlier than expected.”

  The elevator chimed as the doors slid open. He gave the old man a brief nod and stepped inside. Gus tipped his hat and waved as the doors closed. Chase smiled to himself. The retired police officer was one of the first employees he’d met when his father bought the high-rise six or seven years ago. Nice to see he was still around.

  He rubbed the back of his neck as the elevator reached the first floor of the garage. His day had started before dawn, and he was looking forward to getting a good night’s rest. He’d have gone to bed an hour ago, but wanted to make sure Scarlett returned safely before he called it a night. She’d run out in such a state, he couldn’t help worrying about her driving around like that.

  The doors opened, and he stepped out into the garage. He spotted his car immediately; the young man who’d driven it from New York stood beside it, keys in hand. Chase walked up the ramp to greet him. “She give you any problems?”

  The driver held out the keys and smiled broadly. “Not one, Mr. Turner. If you could just sign here…” The young man handed him a clipboard and pen.

  Chase signed the release papers and passed them back, along with a generous tip.

  The younger man beamed as he stuffed the money into his shirt pocket. “Have a cab waiting outside ‑‑ good night, Mr. Turner!”

  He grinned as the boy skipped up the ramp toward the exit. The tip was probably overdone, but it was worth it. Sliding in behind the wheel, he turned the engine over and steered the car down to the lower level. He turned the corner and promptly did a double take as Scarlett’s SUV came into sight.

  When had she come home?

  Easing the Porsche into its parking spot, he shut the engine off and climbed out. Pointing the fob at the Carrera, he locked it and walked over to the Mercedes. Bending forward slightly, he looked through the back window and frowned. Something was occupying the front seat.

  She wouldn’t.

  He slipped his keys into his pocket and rounded the car slowly. As he reached the driver’s door, he let out low whistle. Yes, she would, apparently. Shaking his head slowly, he couldn’t believe his eyes ‑‑ the girl was sound asleep in her car. It had to be forty degrees down here, for God’s sake. Chase raised his hand to tap on the window and then paused as his gaze was drawn downward.

  The car was unlocked.

  Taking a deep breath, he squared his jaw and closed his eyes for a moment. It was one thing to leave her apartment door unlocked, as the building itself was reasonably secure. But the garage was only patrolled every few hours, and the security cameras didn’t have a clear shot of this section. Chase reached for the handle and pulled the door open. Scarlett stirred slightly, black hair falling sexily across her face. He clenched his teeth and tried not to think about how easy it would have been for someone to steal her while she slept.

  Bending downward, he removed the keys from the ignition and placed them on top of the car. Sighing to himself, he slipped one arm under her knees while the other wrapped around her back. He lifted her easily, hauling her out of the car and hoisting her over his shoulder. He grabbed the keys and locked the car automatically before shoving them into his pocket. She began to stir as he walked toward the elevator, and he tightened his hold on her.

  “Rise and shine, love.”

  Scarlett was suddenly very much awake, heart pounding in her chest. How had he found her?! “Put me down!” Her voice was muffled, and she wondered if he could even hear her.

  “Patience.” He called the elevator and casually slipped his free hand into his pants pocket, as though it was perfectly normal to carry a woman around on his shoulder.

  Furious, she pounded her fists into his back. “This Tarzan fetish is getting old!”

  He chuckled as the doors opened and carried her inside. Fortunately, the garage elevator only went as far as the lobby. A nifty security measure which meant Tarzan was going to have to carry her past Gus. She smiled as the elevator made its ascent. The old man would put a stop to this straight away ‑‑ she only wished she could see the look on Chase’s face when he did! The elevator came to a stop, and he straightened as the doors separated.

  “Try to behave yourself.” He gave her bottom a firm pat and carried her into the lobby.

  Her eyes narrowed at his audacity. Kicking her legs wildly as he carried her toward the security desk, she tried to dislodge herself from his grasp.

  “Good night, Gus.”

  Her eyes widened at how calm he sounded. Did he really think Gus was going to stand for this? She craned her neck to get a view of the old man as Chase carried her past the desk and toward residential elevators.

  “Good night, Mr. Tur…” Gus’s voice dropped off as he looked up from his desk. He raised a brow and stood up s
lowly, a confused look in his eyes. “Everything okay, sir?”

  “No!” Scarlett interjected before Chase could reply. “Tell him to put me down!”

  Chase stopped walking and turned to face the security guard. “What do you think, Gus?” he asked. “Should I?”

  The old man cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I hate to be a killjoy, but maybe you should…”

  “Maybe so.” Chase flexed his shoulders dramatically. “She’s not as light as she looks.”

  Scarlett gasped loudly. “Bastard!!” Her fists pounding his back, his laughter filled the room as he slid her down to the floor and released her.

  Her feet had barely touched the carpet when she flew at him in a rage. A brazen smile on his face, his arm snaked around her waist, welcoming her back into his arms. Lifting her slightly off the floor, she was forced to stand on her tiptoes as he jerked her against his chest. His lips found hers quickly, silencing her immediately.

  Anchoring her hands against his powerful shoulders, she tried desperately to free herself, but could not. He was far too strong. He kissed her hungrily, as though starved for the taste of her. A chill ran up her spine as his tongue teased hers gently. God help her, she was actually starting to enjoy the feeling of utter helplessness she felt every time he took hold of her. That little voice which told her to give in and let him take her.

  Do the little voices also encourage exhibitionism?

  Her cheeks burned hotly. How could she have forgotten about Gus? Turning her head to the side, she managed to break away from the kiss, lashes lowered as he stared down at her. A devilish grin touched his lips as he bent forward to whisper softly.

  “Say good night to Gus ‑‑ and don’t forget to smile.” His teeth dragged across her jaw, the sensation delivering a surge of wetness between her thighs. She moaned softly as his hand slipped into her hair.


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