Stealing Scarlett

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Stealing Scarlett Page 7

by Isabella Snow

  “Um…no…not really…”

  Chase waved a hand dismissively. “Enjoy your sanity while it lasts.”

  “Is it that bad?” The younger man’s eyes widened a bit.

  “It can get awfully damned close, when the right woman is involved,” Chase mumbled into his drink.

  * * * * *

  The alarm clock displayed an ungodly hour. Who could possibly be calling right now? Fumbling for the phone in the dark, Chase dragged it across the night table and snatched it from the cradle.

  “Hello?” he grumbled into the mouthpiece.

  “Damn it, boy, what the hell’s going on over there?”

  Chase groaned inwardly at the sound of his father’s voice. “Can this wait until morning?”

  “By morning, my Chicago VP will be on her way to Paris, you’ll be on your way to Rome, and I’ll be on my way up shit’s creek.”

  How did he know about that already?

  “If this is about the Granger account ‑‑”

  “This is about Vince wining and dining their reps for years, resulting in nothing.” His father interjected. “More importantly, this is about Montgomery convincing Granger’s president to sign with us, after a chance meeting two months ago. If she’s not there to receive the old man Wednesday morning, we can kiss that account goodbye.”

  Chase arched a brow. He hadn’t known that. If she were already familiar with the company, her trip to Paris wouldn’t have been an issue. Why not mention it and forgo the ensuing drama?

  Cat and mouse.

  He rubbed his jaw for a moment and shook his head. She was playing a game. A test, to gauge how interested he really was. It was the only plausible explanation. How else could one explain her sudden change in personality? One minute she’s purring his name, the next she’s clawing her way out of his life.

  If it’s proof she wants, it’s proof she’ll get.

  “She’ll be there.”

  “Not if her definition of ‘quit’ is the same as mine!” his father exclaimed. “I’ve an e-mail right here saying I can expect a formal resignation when she returns from France!”

  “She’ll be there,” he repeated calmly.

  “You’re sure?” Preston Turner’s voice was tinged with doubt.

  “I’m sure.” Chase climbed out of bed and flicked the light on. “Good night, Dad.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Scarlett pulled the covers over her head, a strange buzzing drifting through her beautiful dream. The priest was smiling, nodding his approval as the gold band slid over her ring finger. Strong fingers grasped either side of her veil, lifting the sheer material away from her face. This was the moment she’d been waiting for.

  In the background, the buzzing persisted, bringing a frown to the priest’s face as he searched for the origin of the offensive noise. As her new husband leaned forward to kiss her, she glanced upward, eager for a glimpse of his sure-to-be handsome face.

  “Scarlett Montgomery, open this door!”

  She awoke with a start as the voice cut into her dream. Her heart was pounding. Damn it! She’d been having that dream for weeks now, and every time she tried to get a look at her husband’s face, she woke up just before. Could anything possibly be more annoying?

  “Scarlett!” Chase’s voice infiltrated her apartment from beyond her front door.

  She rolled her eyes at how quickly her question was answered. The neon glow of her alarm clock indicated two o’clock in the morning. The man was socially inept if he thought this an appropriate time to visit his employees.

  Former employees, a voice reminded her.

  Wincing slightly at the thought, she pushed it from her mind, hopeful that something better would come along. A loud thumping sounded against her door, and she realized he wasn’t going to leave until she answered it. Much as she’d love to see him spend all night begging for her attention, it would be unfair to subject her neighbors to such behavior. Even if most of them were quite old (and hard of hearing) and likely to be sound asleep.

  Lucky them.

  The buzzing returned as her doorbell rang out once more. That was it! Tossing the covers aside, Scarlett stormed out of her bedroom, down the hall, and into the living room. Pausing just long enough to turn on an antique Tiffany lamp, she unlocked the door and threw it open.

  “Have you gone mad?!” She spat the words out in a fit of rage.

  Chase felt his breath catch in the back of his throat.

  The backlighting of the room, combined with the sheer material of her nightgown, presented him with almost perfect view of her silhouette. It was suddenly difficult to remember why he was banging on her door in the middle of the night.

  Not that he couldn’t come up with a good reason to stay.

  “Speak!” Scarlett demanded, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the carpet.

  His eyes were drawn to her cleavage, her crossed arms pushing her breasts upward. She tsked loudly and draped her long, black locks across them, a sneer in her pale blue eyes. The move did little to dissuade him, however, her disheveled state making her all the more enticing.

  “Sorry to wake you.” He stepped over the threshold, grinning as she lurched backward to keep distance between them. Did she really think air was a viable form of protection?

  “Obviously!” She glared at him. “Are you going to apologize to everyone else on this floor as well?”

  “If they so desire, yes.” He held her gaze as he shut the door behind him. “The other tenants in this wing are quite elderly, however, and I suspect, are very much asleep.”

  Is there anything he doesn’t know? a little voice grumbled in her head.

  “I’m on my way to the airport.” He stepped forward and placed his shoulder bag on the floor. “I’m here to suggest you rethink your resignation before I go.”

  Scarlett’s heart leapt in her chest. Did he really care, then?

  “Why should I?” Her tone was skeptical.

  “Your absence on Wednesday will jeopardize the Granger contract you set in motion.” He tipped his head to the side. “If the deal falls through, you’ll be sued for breach of contract.”

  “Breach of contract!” Her mouth fell open. He did care. About money!

  “You’re obligated to give six weeks’ notice before vacating your position.” He spoke calmly. “The company is within its rights to sue you for any relative loss we may incur, should you leave before then.”

  “That’s only applicable if my boss doesn’t sexually harass me to the point my only alternative is to quit!” She sputtered angrily.

  Hazel eyes darkened as he leaned forward. “You created this mess ‑‑ you could have avoided it by telling me you were already familiar with the Granger account.”

  “You could have avoided it by not giving me orders!” she parried, nose turned upward.

  “It’s not unheard of, an employer directing his subordinates.” Amusement shone in his eyes.

  “Subordinate!” Her hands curled into fists, her blood swirling with anger.

  Two large strides and he stood before her, powerful arms wrapping around her body. “I think you like it when I’m in control.” He spoke the words softly.

  Her nipples hardened against the feel of his chest, and she groaned. This was hardly the time for her body to betray her! Pressing her hands against his shoulders, she pushed until he gave way and let her step backward.

  “You’re right.” She stared at him coldly. “I’ll cancel my trip.”

  He nodded his approval. “A wise decision.”

  “The best decision I’ll ever make.” She bit the words out slowly.

  He paused for a moment, giving her a sideways glance. “Elaborate.”

  “I won’t have time for Paris, if I’m going to relocate before you return from Italy.” Scarlett watched as he clenched the muscles in his jaw. Good. Let him stew over that while he’s dining with Natalia.

  “You’re bluffing.”

  Had he suddenly gone a bit pale?
  Finally! One point for Scarlett!

  “Good night, Mr. Turner.” She opened the door and waved him into the hall. “You’re welcome to sue me when you return ‑‑ if you can find me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Chase stared at his reflection as the elevator carried him toward the lobby. He simply couldn’t get his head around what that woman was doing, behaving in so reckless a fashion. Her entire career could go up in smoke, and she didn’t appear worried in the slightest. On top of that, she was willing to sacrifice one of the best residences in Chicago just to keep from seeing him again?

  It was almost criminal, allowing her to make such ridiculous mistakes without intervening.

  The elevator doors opened into the lobby, and he suddenly found himself feeling as though he were forgetting something. His gaze drifted toward the security desk, and it hit him. The keys! He’d forgotten his earlier phone call, promising Gus he’d return them on his way to the airport this morning.

  Damn her for addling my senses!

  “Morning, Mr. Turner!” Gus beamed happily.

  “Morning, Gus.” Chase forced himself to smile. “In my haste, I’m afraid I left the keys in my apartment. I’ll just run up and get them.”

  A look of concern crossed the old man’s face. “If time’s an issue, you can return them when you get back. We have a spare set, anyway. As long as I know they’re in a secure place, I can let it slide for a few days.”

  Chase reached forward and clasped the man’s shoulder. “Good man, Gus.”

  “No trouble at all!”

  “Enjoy your weekend,” Chase called over his shoulder as he headed toward the garage elevator.

  “I’ll keep an eye on Ms. Scarlett for you.” Gus chuckled.

  Chase turned to face the old man, backing into the elevator as the doors slid open. “Good luck ‑‑ she’s moving out before I return.”

  The old man got to his feet. “You’re kidding.”

  Chase shook his head.

  “And you’re just going to let her leave like that?” Gus’s voice was filled with surprise.

  “Would should I do, kidnap her?” Chase snorted and pressed one of the buttons.

  “A woman like that? I surely would!” Gus replied, a solemn look on his face as the doors closed.

  Chase chuckled at the man’s answer. He was serious, bless his heart. Would that I had the same degree of conviction! He sighed as the elevator carried him down to the garage. One weekend in Italy would bring her silly games to an end.

  Heading for the Porsche, he opened the trunk and dropped his bag into it. A million thoughts vying for his attention, one stood out more than any other. What if he never saw her again? What if she really was gone when he returned? She’d have a difficult time finding employment with the kind of referral she’d get for deserting the company. Wasn’t he morally obligated to keep her from ruining her life?

  Grasping for straws here, aren’t you?

  Well, yes. It was a flimsy excuse, at best. But he had to take what he could get at this point. He didn’t agree to come to Chicago just to have his “incentive” skip town over the weekend. And then it hit him. An idea that could go horribly wrong if he wasn’t careful. Weighing the alternatives, he made up his mind quickly. The risks were necessary at this point ‑‑ he might never have the chance again.

  Turning on his heel, he headed straight for the stairs, taking them two at a time. It was more exercise than he needed, but this was the only way he could slip past Gus unnoticed. Thankfully, his adrenaline was pumping like mad, allowing him to reach her floor quickly. The hall was empty as he walked to his apartment. Opening the door, he stepped inside just long enough to grab Jefferson’s keys and get out.

  Steeling himself for the inevitable, he marched three doors down and rang Scarlett’s bell. No response. He tried again. Nothing. She was either asleep or ignoring him. It was now or never. Flipping through the key ring, he found her apartment number and slipped the key into the lock. Turning it quietly, he pushed the door inward and listened carefully.


  * * * * *

  Scarlett’s heart was racing. Racing. She couldn’t be sure, but she was almost positive the front door had just opened. She could swear the doorbell had been rung as well, but that might have been part of her dream. The sound of her heartbeat echoed in her ears as she slipped out of bed and got down on the floor. Thank God she kept a baseball bat under the bed!

  Her fingers connected with the metal frame, and she quickly dragged the bat out from beneath the dust ruffle. Getting to her feet as quietly as she could, she padded across the carpet and stood against the wall behind the door. Sitting ajar as it was, she hoped to hear something that would give her a heads-up as the intruder neared the bedroom ‑‑ assuming there was one.

  The door moved slightly toward her, and she swallowed.

  Hoisting the bat over her shoulder, she prepared to whack the criminal with every ounce of power she possessed. And with her body in panic mode, that was a lot of power. The sound of something brushing against the wall made her spine tingle, and her grip tightened on the bat’s handle.

  Now! her inner warrior screeched.

  Jumping out from behind the door, she lunged in the direction of the sound, swinging the bulky object with everything she had. A deafening crack filled the room, followed by a soft click. The room flooded with light, and she gasped aloud.

  Chase stood before her, brow arched as he stared at the gaping hole she’d just put in the wall. “I think you won.” He sounded impressed.

  Grateful to see a familiar face, Scarlett nearly cried with relief, completely forgetting the man had just broken into her home. Blushing fiercely, she bit her lower lip. She never would have guessed a bat could do so much damage! “I didn’t mean to ‑‑”

  Her head whipped toward him suddenly, eyes narrowing as the relief began to wear off. Searching him for any clue as to how he entered the apartment, her mouth fell open as he shoved a mammoth set of keys into his coat pocket. Keys just like the ones Jefferson had been carrying! The man was an out-and-out criminal! “I’m calling the police.” Storming over to her bed, she tossed the bat down and grabbed the phone.

  Within seconds, he was standing behind her, a solid torso pressed against her back. Reaching around her, one hand grabbed her wrist while the other took the phone away. “I think you need to calm down.”

  Scarlett furrowed her brow. The way he just walked right up and took the phone away from her; the way he spoke. It was like déjà vu. Why? A light bulb flashed in her head. The Christmas party! That man on the terrace, he’d taken her wine glass away in an almost identical fashion. Her nipples tingled at the memory. A choking sound filled her throat as her heart leapt into it.

  No, it wasn’t possible! That man was the kind of man she could fall in love with. This man was a felon!

  Spinning around, she looked him straight in the eye. “The terrace…” Her words trailed off, cheeks flushing warmly.

  He smiled, obviously enjoying her revelation. “I’m flattered you’ve retained the memory.” His hands slipped around her waist, pulling her close.

  “It’s about to be replaced with one of you behind bars!” she hissed angrily.

  “Desperate situations call for desperate measures.” He swept a lock of hair behind her shoulder. “I’m here to save you, my dear.”

  “Save me from what?” She stared at him defiantly.


  Scarlett blinked. Was he kidding? He didn’t look like he was kidding. He looked pretty damned serious, actually.

  “You’re coming to Italy for the weekend.” His lips brushed against her cheek, and she shuddered. “You can walk to the car ‑‑ or I can carry you.”

  The tone of his voice sent a shiver down her spine. Hazel eyes ran down the length of her body, and she could feel her respiration start to quicken. She kept telling herself it was nerves. Anger, even. Anything to help convince herself that she didn’t
want him stealing her for any length of time ‑‑ let alone the entire weekend!

  A large hand slipped under her hair, clasping the back of her neck as he pulled her head forward. His mouth swooped downward and covered hers quickly, ravaging her lips with a passionate kiss. Her head was swimming. Italy? With him? It was crazy!

  Turning her head, she tore her lips away from his, breathless from his assault. Her chest heaved with every breath as she tried to get a grip on her emotions. It wasn’t fair. He could turn her own body against her with the slightest touch, under the poorest of circumstances. Spending a whole weekend with him? It didn’t take a genius to know she’d be eating from his hand by Tuesday morning, a slave to his every touch, if not his every whim.

  Wouldn’t he just love that!

  Forget it!

  “Perhaps another time,” she stammered, trying to present a chilly front.

  “Scarlett.” He tsked softly, crossing the room in the direction of her dresser. “How long do you intend to play this game?”

  Her stomach quivered as he opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of brand-new stockings. He tugged on them for a moment, testing their elasticity. Closing the drawer with his hip, he continued toying with the black material, winding it through his fingers.

  Run, while you can still get away.

  The thought was a bit late in coming, but she tried her best to set her feet in motion. Unfortunately, they had other plans ‑‑ staying firmly planted being their highest priority. She felt like she was watching everything take place from another dimension. Looking in on her life for this brief moment in time, as this gorgeous man stalked her like a cat in the night. Deliberately, unabashedly, and most definitely, unhurriedly.

  Chase held the stockings up, a twinkle in his eye. “Wrists first?”

  Scarlett felt the blood drain from her limbs.

  What did he just say?


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