Stealing Scarlett

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Stealing Scarlett Page 8

by Isabella Snow

  “Why, bella.” A slow grin lit up his face. “Have you never been restrained?”

  “You’re a madman,” she whispered, her voice suddenly hoarse. She could feel his eyes on her body as he walked behind her. His groin pressed into her bottom as strong hands circled her waist.

  “Don’t worry.” He bit her shoulder, bringing an involuntary moan to her lips. “I’ll be gentle.”

  Scarlett was thoroughly transfixed. Whether it was due to fear or that burgeoning sense of excitement, she couldn’t be sure. Either way, she felt powerless. A sensation she was not overly familiar with, but one which made her knees weak.

  Chase slid his hands upward, tracing her skin through the nightgown. Goose bumps spread across her body as his fingertips caressed her. He took his time, tracing every curve they encountered. As he reached her shoulders, he gathered her long hair into one hand, exposing the sensitive nape of her neck. A chill ran down her back as the warmth of his breath touched her skin. Biting her lip, she did her best to conceal her arousal, but she knew he could sense it.

  “Time to go.” His teeth grazed the softness of her neck, and she moaned loudly. “Do you walk, or do I carry you?”

  “Neither!” She turned her head away from his voice.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” He murmured the words softly.

  Scarlett opened her mouth to issue a scathing retort, but could do little more than groan as the silky material slipped between her lips. Her hands flew to the makeshift gag, trying to yank it down, but he tightened it quickly and took hold of her wrists.

  She’d never been gagged before.

  Truthfully, it was something she’d fantasized about, but would never dared to have mentioned. Not in the prim and proper circles her occupation kept her in. There was something very exciting about having a man suddenly take control of her like this.

  Have you gone mad as well?

  Had she?

  Powerful hands on her wrists drew her back to the present as he cinched her wrists together with the remaining stocking. Her arms were now firmly secured behind her back. It wasn’t painful, but the fit was snug enough to make a statement of who was in control.

  A rush of heat fanned through her panties, and she crossed her legs, desperate to bring her desire under control. A plan which backfired as her clit came in contact with her inner thighs.

  “Mmmm…” A soft cry escaped through the gag.

  Chase pulled her frame against his chest, letting his hands slip into her hair. His fingers delved deeper, turning her head roughly to the side as his lips hovered against the hollow of her neck. Her body arched itself against him, trying to entice him further.

  “Later.” He chuckled, his lips teasing her skin. “I promise.”

  Head reeling with desire, body shaking with need, she was only vaguely aware of his arm hoisting her up and over his shoulder. She was actually grateful for the tiny reprieve, certain she’d been on the verge of begging for more.

  Something she intended to avoid doing!

  Flicking the lights off, he carried her through the hall and set her down on a chair in the living room. Snapping the overhead lights on, he grabbed her purse and fished her passport out. She groaned at having made everything so easy for him! Shoving it into his pocket, he snatched a pair of slippers near the door and stuffed them into his coat.

  Slinging her already-packed suitcase over his shoulder, he grabbed her keys from the display table and opened the front door. Scooping her up, he carried her into the corridor and locked the deadbolt behind them. As they headed toward the elevators, Scarlett scanned the hall as best she could, hoping one of her neighbors might be up and about. But he was right ‑‑ most of them were elderly and unlikely to be awake at this hour.

  Don’t worry, he still has to carry you through the lobby ‑‑ Gus will put a stop to this madness!

  The very thought had an immediate calming effect. In a few moments she’d be rescued. A jingling of metal could be heard as Chase pulled something out of his coat pocket. She tried to get a look, but it was no use, she couldn’t see past him. A loud click could be heard, followed the sound of moving hydraulics. What the hell was he doing?

  Oh, no…


  The service elevator. She had completely forgotten it stood side by side with the residential elevators. Obviously, Jefferson had a key to it on his ring. This meant Chase could take her straight from here to the garage without Gus ever knowing. The doors opened, and he carried her inside.

  Think of something, damn it!

  Like what? Gagged, wrists tied, slung over the shoulder of the strongest man she’d ever met ‑‑ what could she do? He appeared extremely sure of himself and his actions, while the only thing she could be sure of was the state of her ever-dampening panties. Her mind was still racing ahead when the elevator reached the garage.

  “Have you ever been to Italy?” Chase slid her body down from his shoulder, swinging her into his arms and cradling her against his chest.

  Did he think she could answer him with a gag in her mouth? She squawked against the black silk, hoping the garbled sound at least conveyed her irritation.

  “Never?” He chuckled as he carried her toward their parking spaces. “You’re going to love it.”

  The suggestive tone of his voice made her belly flutter. Dear God, what was he planning? As they neared the end of the garage, a sleek, black Porsche Carrera came into view. Her eyes widened. If he drove like a lunatic in her SUV, she was almost afraid to imagine the speeds that car had seen.

  Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed his car keys and unlocked the doors with the fob. Setting her belongings on the ground, he opened the passenger door and placed her inside the car. Shrugging out of his coat, he covered her body with it before strapping her in. Reaching inside the lapel, he retrieved a few items from the interior pocket. Scarlett bit down on the gag as his arm brushed against her nipples, hardening them almost immediately.

  Stay focused ‑‑ we are not enjoying this!

  Speak for yourself, a wicked little voice snickered.

  Snorting loudly, she closed her eyes and tried to distract herself with other thoughts. At this point, the only retaliation possible was feigning indifference. Let him think his efforts were being wasted on someone who had little or no interest in his manhandling. Her slippers hit the car mat with a thud, and she slipped her feet inside, happy to have something else to focus on.

  Eye squeezed shut, she could feel him test the seatbelt, making sure she was secure. A few seconds later, the passenger door closed, and she could hear the trunk pop open, the sound of her suitcase touching down inside of it. The car bobbed slightly as he closed the lid, the sound of his footsteps approaching the driver’s door. As he jumped in beside her, she opened her eyes and stared ahead in silence. At the very least, she was determined to pretend she didn’t find this situation unnerving.

  Or exciting.

  Shut up! She mentally stomped the obnoxious voice until it could no longer be heard.

  Chase reached behind her suddenly, gingerly tilting her head forward and untying the gag. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before tossing the gag into the glove box. The move was so tender it took her by surprise. How could he be so barbaric, yet so gentle at the same time?

  He turned the engine over, and the garage filled with an almighty roar. Her heart rate increased at the thought of barreling down the Interstate in this beast. Masculine hands gripped the steering wheel as he backed the Carrera out of the parking spot, turning it toward the exit. As they made their way up the ramp, he glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

  “Relax.” He smiled as they turned onto the main street. “I’ll only bite when you want me to.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Scarlett was doing a good job of presenting a calm appearance, but in reality, she felt like she was on the edge of a breakdown. Here she was, in a very fast car, speeding down the highway toward God knew where. Toward the airport?
r />   Unlikely.

  She’d come to terms with that a few moments ago. No crew on earth would allow a madman to board a plane with a bound woman in tow. Surely he must know she’d alert the authorities the second she had her chance ‑‑ making the airport a very dangerous place for him.

  Yet he was still carrying on. An indication of marked delusion, or his plan had been different all along. What was he really up to, carrying her off in the night, with nothing but her nightgown to shield her from the cold, wet rain?

  That last thought distracted her for a moment. Glancing down at herself, she sucked in her breath. One little nightgown, bare legs, and fuzzy slippers. She was practically naked! Her state of dress had gone unnoticed while the man was busy stealing her.

  Relax, you have a suitcase in the trunk.

  Scarlett closed her eyes and groaned out loud. Yes, she did have a suitcase in the trunk. A suitcase full of skimpy, sexy clothing. Most of it lingerie she’d never even worn! That had been the plan, remember? A sexy weekend in Paris?

  “What is it?” Chase turned his head toward her.

  “My clothes are going to draw some attention.” She slouched down in the seat, her tone sullen.

  “Don’t worry,” he replied. “You can change on the plane.”

  “Well, haven’t you just thought of everything!” She couldn’t bring herself to explain which clothing she’d actually been referring to.

  Chase sighed and shook his head, placing a hand on her thigh. “I’m not the madman you think I am.”

  “What a relief!” she spat sarcastically. “For a moment, I’d thought I’d been kidnapped.”

  He ignored the jibe, his fingers tracing the length of her thigh. She found herself holding her breath in anticipation of where they might go next. Clearing her throat, she did her best to draw her leg away from his touch and pull herself upright.

  Turning her head to the side, she found herself staring at a long row of lights somewhere east of the highway. They ran parallel to the Interstate, a large fence surrounding the area. Scarlett felt her stomach drop. It looked an awful lot like a runway.

  Oh, my God.

  She was still staring when Chase turned off the highway and slowed down, the sound of gravel hitting the tire rims. They followed the fence for what seemed like a quarter of a mile before finally arriving at a large gate.

  “Where are we?” She whispered the question, fairly certain she wasn’t going to like the answer.

  “I believe it’s called an airport.” He turned the car off with a chuckle. “Wait here.”

  Chase was out of the car before she could retort. She craned her neck to get a view of him through the windshield, but all she could see was him standing next to some kind of electronic scanner. Squinting in vain, her eyes widened as a green light appeared above the gate. The doors began to slide open, and he turned back to the car, shoving something into his breast pocket.

  Hopping back into the car, he turned it on and drove forward onto the grounds, glancing in the rearview mirror as the gates closed behind them. Steering the Porsche toward a medium-sized building, he stopped a few feet away and turned the engine off.

  Scarlett’s stomach was doing somersaults as he got out of the car. This was so insane she couldn’t believe it. Yet, at the same time, his ability to take full control of her was maddeningly attractive. This guy was playing John Wayne to her Maureen O’Hara. And she was having serious trouble pretending it wasn’t affecting her on a much deeper level. A level she liked to pretend she didn’t have.

  Opening the passenger door, he leaned inside and unbuckled her seatbelt. “How do your wrists feel?” He lifted her out of the car, lowering her to the ground gently.

  “Tied.” She gave him a flat stare.

  He grinned and turned her around to inspect the restraints. Seemingly satisfied with their condition, he ducked into the car and retrieved the gag from the glove box.

  “Do you need anything?” Chase stepped closer, stuffing the gag into his back pocket.

  “A knight in shining armor would come in handy right about now.” She turned her head away as he draped his coat around her shoulders.

  Strong fingers clasped her chin, turning her back to him. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  There was a strange look in his eye. He seemed to be searching her very soul. Scarlett cleared her throat as the wind nipped at her bare legs. Looking down at her feet, she tried to focus her thoughts elsewhere. Turning to mush every time her abductor came near was not going to help her case.

  Walking around to the front of the car, he popped the trunk and grabbed their bags. Luggage in one hand, he closed the lid and locked the car, beckoning her over to him. Reluctantly, she complied. Better that than to be slung over his shoulder again. He took hold of her arms and led her toward the building’s entrance. Scarlett peered into the darkness, trying to figure out where they were. An airport, obviously. But where were the terminal buildings? Where were the people? How could she scream for help if no one was around to hear it? Not that anyone could hear anything above the howling night winds. A fire truck could pass by, and she wouldn’t have been able to hear it.

  As they reached the door, Chase released her and pulled a small card out of his shirt pocket, swiping it through the keypad. A buzzing noise sounded briefly, followed by a loud click. Turning the handle, he pushed the door open and flicked the lights on, and gave her an expectant look. Scarlett entered hesitantly, glancing warily at the four and five planes situated around the hangar. Chase closed the door behind him, and it locked automatically. Their belongings in tow, he nodded toward the back of the hangar. Hesitantly, she made her way through the maze of Cessnas toward the end of the massive building. When she could walk no further, he moved to her right and reached for something on the back wall. A second or two later, a large metal door slid open, and he waved her outside.

  Stepping over the threshold, a pair of floodlights came on, and she gasped. Scarlett recognized the black jet almost immediately. It was the same one she’d been admiring at the terminal when Chase had first arrived. He must have arrived in that, and this must be that same airport, albeit far from wherever that terminal was. This had to be the opposite side of the airfield.

  Chase left her alone for a moment, walking around to the other side of the plane. A soft hissing noise could be heard, followed by the sound of footsteps climbing what could only be stairs. Scarlett felt like she was spinning. This was too involved to be a charade. How could it be this easy to steal someone and fly them to another country against their will? How could it be so easy to get a crew to go along with it? It could end their careers! Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. Her only hope was to talk some sense into the pilot.

  A few moments later she could hear him climb back down the steps, his shoes touching down on the tarmac. Poking his head around the nose of the plane, he summoned her over to him. Gritting her teeth, she took a deep breath and walked over to the portside door. She was obeying his every command. The very idea was enough to ruffle her proverbial feathers. She should say something. Tell him off, good and proper. Make him think twice about this kidnapping thing. Looking him straight in the eye, she gave him her best glower.

  “I don’t like this,” she declared, her voice barely audible in the wind.

  Oooh, that’ll teach him.

  “I’ll make it up to you.” A broad grin spread across his handsome face as he corralled her in the direction of the stairs. “Up you go.”

  Eyes widening, she bolted for the steps, eager to get away from him and that lascivious stare. Unfortunately, she didn’t take her tied wrists into account; she had nothing with which to balance herself as she climbed upward. By the time she reached the fourth step, her body began to tilt backwards, fear flooding her chest at the thought of falling.

  Gravity continued to work against her until a warm, male torso pressed into her back, stopping her descent. She was both relieved and embarrassed at the same tim
e. She absolutely hated being at his mercy, needing his assistance for even the simplest of things. Shaking her head with disgust, she used his chest as leverage and pushed herself forward, using every ounce of power to climb the remaining steps without his help. She could hear him chuckling behind her, but she didn’t care. Let him laugh. When this was finally over, she’d have him nailed to a courtroom wall.

  Stepping into the jet, she scanned the interior and let out a soft whistle. This wasn’t a plane, this was a luxury suite. Three plush leather seats lined the right wall, their burgundy hue gleaming against the white backdrop. Opposite them, a leather divan of matching color, paired with a gorgeous mahogany dining table. Just beyond that, a divanesque bed, covered in white, fluffy pillows that resembled heaven.

  How she wished she were home in bed!

  With anyone in particular? a snarky little voice chimed in.


  “You have two options, Scarlett.” The sound of the airstairs retracting caught her attention, and she whipped around just in time to see the door closing. He met her gaze with a very serious expression. She bit the inside of her cheek as he took a step in her direction.

  “Is one of them freedom?” She shot him a dirty look.

  His smirk was the only indication he’d heard the question. “You may sit in one of those chairs” ‑‑ he nodded toward the seats behind her ‑‑ “or you may sit in the cockpit.”

  Scarlett’s heart fluttered in her chest. Or she could sit in the cockpit? She might not be one of those poor souls who lost their lunch midflight, but that didn’t make her a fan of flying. If they crashed, the last thing she wanted was a front row seat. Shaking her head emphatically, she opened her mouth to reject the option, when a thought hit her suddenly.

  This is your chance to make nice with the captain!

  Excitement was starting to build at the thought of turning the pilot against her captor. Chase propped himself against one of the leather passenger seats and gazed at her patiently. Clearing her throat, she smiled as sweetly as possible and gave him her reply. “Cockpit, please.”


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