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Stealing Scarlett

Page 10

by Isabella Snow

  Eyes narrowed, she watched him return to the captain’s chair. He enjoyed that, the creep. Sighing miserably, she opened the storage room and stepped inside. Spotting her suitcase on a shelf, she pulled it down and headed for the lavatory. Mentally running down the list of packed clothing, she was fairly certain her luggage contained nothing wearable. Okay, it was all of it wearable. If you wanted to show the world what color your knickers were. In truth, she surely would have repacked the bag with more suitable clothing at the last minute.

  Now she was stuck with a wardrobe Paris Hilton and the Panty-less Posse would envy.

  Balancing the bag on the sink, she flipped it open and sighed. Nearly everything was black or red. Or black and red. Part of her wanted to wear straight lingerie, just to shock him. But another part of her worried he might strip her down and redress her if she did. Hell, he’d undressed her twice already; he clearly had no qualms about doing so. And that would just boost his already over inflated ego.

  Instead, she reached for the only semisuitable outfit she’d brought along. One she’d bought on impulse. Something she’d never worn in her life and for good reason! A white PVC miniskirt, and a soft, sexy, off-the-shoulder sweater, accompanied by a trendy white belt that would slant across her hips like an old-fashioned holster. Shame she didn’t have a gun to stuff in there.

  The ensemble went well with the white stilettos she’d packed. Five-inch heels. That would put her at six-foot-three. She would tower over everyone.

  Except him.

  A rapping sounded at the door, and he called out from the other side, “Five minutes.”

  Groaning inwardly, she dressed herself as quickly as possible and cleaned herself up as much as she could. She’d give anything for a proper bath right now! Giving herself a quick look in the mirror, she tried not to flinch. This was exactly the kind of look she felt did women a disservice. Objectified them. Painted them as toys for any man willing to pay for them.

  So how is it you’ve come to own a suitcase full of such clothing?

  Scarlett pursed her lips and kicked the thought away before her subconscious could reply. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the answer. Reaching for her makeup bag, she scattered the contents on the counter and tsked softly. During her earlier mid-mid-life crisis ‑‑ the one where she thought it would be nice to take Jezebel’s wardrobe to Paris ‑‑ she’d also thought it would be swell to also include the harlot’s cosmetics. For authenticity’s sake, obviously.

  Her regular makeup bag consisted of soft, subtle colors meant to enhance her appearance. These colors, even when used sparingly, created a very dramatic look. The kind you admire on the Cosmo cover, but wince at when you see it on your best friend.

  Giving herself a closer inspection, she couldn’t help cringing at the dark circles under her eyes. Nor could she ignore the deathly pallor of her face. Sighing heavily, she picked up the blush compact and popped the lid. In the grand scheme of things, she’d take Jezebel over Plain Jane any day.

  * * * * *

  Chase glanced at his watch and frowned. He was preparing to start the descent, and she was still in the bathroom.

  “Global niner-three-seven-alpha, change to Savina Approach on 125.19.” A heavily accented voice stole his attention.

  He reached for the radio dial and changed to the directed frequency. “Savina Approach, niner-three-seven-alpha, Bombardier Global Express, currently overhead at fifteen thousand feet, estimate you at twenty minutes, request QFE and joining instructions, three-seven-alpha.”

  The controller started relaying information to him as he caught glimpse of something moving slightly behind him and to the right. He sighed to himself, relieved she’d finally returned to the cockpit. God forbid they crashed; he at least wanted her in arms’ reach if they survived. It would only make things more difficult if he had to break down walls trying to locate her.

  As he ran down his landing checklist and continued his communication with the controllers, he very nearly did a double take as she slid between the pedestal and the copilot’s seat. In fact, were he not so diligently prudent with his flying procedures, he would’ve flat out gaped at her. She looked like a bona fide sex kitten.

  Switching from radio to intercom, he forced himself to conceal his surprise as she sat down and put the headset on. “Put the harness on and make sure each cross-section is tight.”

  She looked relatively annoyed by the order, but complied just the same. When she seemed satisfied with her efforts, he reached over and gave it a good shake for his own peace of mind. Not that his mind was peaceful at the moment. Each step in his checklist was being met with alternate thoughts.

  Flaps ‑‑ down. Is that PVC she has on? Gear ‑‑ down. That skirt barely covers her backside, for Christ’s sake! Power ‑‑ down. I’m going to have to fight every man in the country! Chase sighed to himself as he came in for the final approach. His initial concerns revolved around keeping Scarlett from telling the world how she got here.

  Now, he was more worried about having to fend off Nico and Luca.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tapping her foot impatiently, Scarlett stood beside the passenger door as Chase entered the cabin. Closing the cockpit door behind him, he locked it and headed toward the back of the plane.

  “Customs will be here any minute,” he called out from the storage room. “I suggest you not tell them anything…fantastical.”

  Scarlett snorted loudly. “Like the truth, you mean.” He must finally be getting nervous. Good. Let him sweat.

  Retrieving their bags, he shut the door and walked back to the front of the cabin. “You haven’t a single witness to suggest you’re not here of your own free will.” Chase unlocked the door and lowered the airstairs. “You show no signs of distress, bodily harm, or even crying. Indeed” ‑‑ he paused to give her a quick once-over ‑‑ “you look rather well rested.”

  Her mouth fell open as reality dawned on her. He was right. Oh, she could make a big fuss, tell them everything from start to finish, but in the end it would come down to her word against his. Then what? Then he’d smile, possibly even laugh at her. Forget it, she’d be better off sticking to her original plan and escaping when the opportunity arose. The best revenge would be damaging that monumental ego of his. He couldn’t keep an eye on her once he fell asleep. Let him feel like an ass in the morning when he woke up and found his captive gone.

  “Take my jacket.” He held the coat open for her.

  “No.” She snapped the word out, grabbing the side rails and starting the downward climb. Something easier said than done, in these heels. Heels that accompanied the sexiest outfit she’d ever worn. Not that he’d even noticed. And not that she cared.

  Oh, obviously.

  Ignoring the voice in her head, she scanned her snow-covered surroundings, trying to determine the local terrain. Unfortunately, the sun had already set, and the outdoor lighting was minimal. She suspected they were in the mountains, but couldn’t be sure.

  “Signor Chase!”

  Scarlett spun around as two twenty-something officers approached them. They were of medium height, thin, and boyishly handsome. Both with massive grins on their faces, neither one bothering to hide their blatant appreciation of her body. One of them whistled, his gaze running down her length. “Buona sera, signorina.” He stepped forward and took her hand, raising it to his lips.

  Before she could react, her captor’s large form stepped between them, forcing the smaller man to step backward and release her. Placing a hand on her hip, Chase pulled her against him. “Luca, Nico, this is Scarlett.”

  “Buona sera,” Luca repeated his previous greeting, this time with a sheepish grin on his face.

  Nico, though visibly impressed, kept his distance. “You are very beautiful, signora.”

  Scarlett opened her mouth to speak, but Chase cut her off. “Luca and Nico are the grandsons of one of my employees.” He reached into his jacket and withdrew their passports.

  “Not necessa
ry.” Luca waved a hand dismissively, a smile in his eyes. “Officer’s discretion.”

  Chase nodded his appreciation and pulled her even closer. She wrinkled her nose and tried to put some space between them, but he only strengthened his hold. Did he really think she was going to run off in the snow, dressed like she was? She’d freeze to death! No sooner had the thought entered her mind than she suddenly found herself shrouded in leather, strong hands pulling the lapels together roughly. She’d already declined that damned jacket!

  “We need to get going before they close the pass for the night.” Chase picked up their bags and nudged her forward.

  Well! He was certainly in a hurry to get her out of here before she could start telling the world what he’d done! Craning her neck to get a look over her shoulder, she found herself turned right back around. He wasn’t even going to let her look!

  “The northern pass is closed due to a minor avalanche,” Luca called out. “Take the southern pass; they’ve just salted it.”

  “Will do.” Chase pressed her forward.

  “Arrivederci, signorina!” The two officers could be heard chuckling in the background.

  Scarlett tried once more to turn around, to at least get a fleeting look at the men in case she might need to recall their faces in the future. Her attempt was quickly met by a stern look and furrowed brow. Chase did not look happy. In fact, he looked downright annoyed.

  “Did you enjoy that?” He tossed their luggage into the back of the red Range Rover.

  “Enjoy what?”

  “Putting yourself on display for strange men.” Chase slammed the trunk and walked over to her. “Letting them ogle you.”

  “At least they found me attractive.” She regretted the words as quickly as they left her mouth. He’d take that the wrong way, for sure.

  And which way would that be? The I’m-sulking-because-I-couldn’t-turn-your-head way?

  “Why are you dressed like this?” His voice lowered as he stepped forward, his hands taking possession of her waist.

  A tiny whimper escaped her lips as he pulled her against him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t you?” His fingers swept through her long locks, pulling her head back roughly. His other hand slid down her body, grabbing her buttocks and holding her against him. With as little as she had on, the move put her in a precarious position. One she found amazingly enticing.

  “No.” She bit her lip nervously.

  “Did you want to arouse me?” His hands slid upward, stopping just below her breasts.

  “N-no.” She felt like she might hyperventilate any moment.

  “And if I said you do?” His lips moved to her ear, the words sending goose bumps across her body.

  “I’d change at the earliest opportunity,” she snapped frantically, desperate to keep her own arousal a secret.

  “Wrong answer.”

  He spun her body around and pulled her back against his chest, his palms sliding over her hardened nipples. A scorching cry of lust filled the empty hangar, and she winced with the realization it had been her own.

  “I’ll dress as I please!” she cried shakily.

  “You’ll dress this way for me and me alone.” The declaration was powerfully erotic, and she moaned with every fiber of her being.

  “You don’t own me,” she whispered.

  “Oh, but I do.” His teeth dragged across the nape of her neck, and she could feel her clit begin to pulsate. “You’re mine until we leave.”

  Scarlett’s breath caught in the back of her throat. That should have sent her into a raging tizzy. And it would have, if any other man had said it. So why was she trembling with desire? How could a mere statement send the butterflies into a frenzy?

  “Or until I escape.” She shook her head, desperate to break his spell.

  “There’s no escaping the chateau.” He chuckled softly.


  “Bianca said you were staying at a hotel.” She whipped around to face him, unable to hide her surprise.

  “Hotels are for business, not pleasure.” His gaze wandered to her ample breasts. “The reservation’s been cancelled.”

  “Won’t Natalia be disappointed.” Her eyes narrowed slightly.

  “My, my.” Chase looked both confused and taken aback. “Jealously becomes you.”

  That’s the best he could do? He didn’t even have the decency to look chagrined at having been caught playing two women! Were you expecting a written apology? No. She expected nothing. A timely revelation, considering nothing was all this man could offer.

  “I’m going to escape.” Her tone was flat as he helped her into the Range Rover.

  Chase stepped back as he prepared to close her door. “You don’t want to escape, bella.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The cloud cover was remarkably low as they drove through the mountains. Visibility was more than limited. She’d never experienced anything like it and certainly wouldn’t have been comfortable behind the wheel. Fortunately, Chase seemed unfazed by the weather conditions.

  “It’s just up ahead.” He turned the Rover onto a dimly lit, narrow road.

  She ignored him, keeping her attention focused outside. Dark though it was, she at least wanted to keep track of where they were going, so she knew how to get back to the main road when she escaped.

  “Some ground rules.” He downshifted as they approached an incline. “You’ll be free to move about the chateau as long as I’m home. You’re a guest and may help yourself to anything you need.”

  “A guest?” She kept her eyes on the window. “What dictionary do you use?”

  “I’ve both a groundskeeper and a housekeeper.” He ignored her barb. “They came with the property, more or less.”

  “Slavery’s in fashion again, is it?” She snorted.

  “If you wish to be gagged, you need only ask.” His tone was clipped.

  Scarlett closed her mouth and cleared her throat nervously. She had no desire to arrive wherever they were going with a gag in her mouth.

  “Silvio and Rosalia are close to seventy years old,” he continued. “They’ve been married for fifty. They’ve lived in the chateau for thirty and even raised a child there. The previous owners asked me to consider keeping them on, and I had no reason to decline.”

  Scarlett bit the inside of her cheek and refused to comment. He didn’t need to know how endearing that was.

  “I recommend you not waste time trying to enlist their help with any escape you might have planned.” He drove the SUV through an open gate and slowed down.

  “Afraid they might take pity on me?” She turned her head toward him, a sneer in her voice.

  “Indeed, they might.” He put the car in park and turned the engine off. “If they spoke English.”

  Her face fell as he climbed out of the SUV. She hadn’t considered the possible language barrier. No matter, she wouldn’t need anyone’s help getting away once she had a plan in order. The passenger door opened, and Chase unbuckled her seatbelt before wrapping his arms around her waist. As he lifted her from the SUV, the front door of the chateau opened.

  “Signor Turner!” A tiny man came rushing down the steps to greet him.

  “Ciao, Silvio,” Chase called over his shoulder as he helped Scarlett down to the ground. She tried to get a look at the other man, but forgot all about him as her feet connected with several inches of snow. Her squeal echoed through the night.

  “Shall I carry you?” He grinned as she hopped from one foot to the other.

  Pursing her lips, she stormed past him in the direction of the other man, eager to reach an area clear of snow. The old man’s eyes lit up as she approached him, a cheerful barrage of Italian rolling off his tongue. The man’s gentle disposition disarmed her, and she couldn’t help smiling. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak Italian…” She winced apologetically.

  Chase stepped forward and began chatting with the groundskeeper. His Italian sounded so authentic, she couldn
’t help being impressed. But that didn’t mean she had to show it. She watched from the corner of her eye as the two men bantered, their smiles gleaming in the shadows. What were they talking about, she wondered.

  “Si?” Silvio turned his head toward her suddenly, a gigantic smile on his face.

  Scarlett’s eyes darted between the men, frowning as her captor’s smile broadened. He said something else to the old man before grabbing their bags and handing him the car keys. Patting him on the back, Chase left the old man and joined her on the veranda. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he led her into the house.

  The interior was absolutely breathtaking. Darkly stained wood covered every surface, including the spiral staircase which led upstairs. Handcrafted railings lined the stairwell, polished to a brilliance she wouldn’t have thought possible. To her right, the dining room wall was lined with magnificent paintings, a large Rembrandt masterpiece in the center. She wondered if it was an original.

  Tall, diagonally paned windows covered the adjacent wall, the nearly full moon highlighting the snow-covered mountain just beyond it. A lengthy wooden table lay adorned with beautiful red and yellow flowers, the overhead chandelier perfectly highlighting their petals.

  To her left stood a narrow hall with several doorways, but she was too far away to see where any of them led. One thing she could see: the chateau was in pristine condition. A shame she had to be penned up with such a distasteful man for the weekend. This was exactly the home she would’ve expected to find Prince Charming in. Back when she believed in that kind of thing.

  “Rosalia has already gone to bed for the night.” He paused in front of the stairway. “I confess, I don’t know my way around a kitchen, but I could try to put something together for you.”

  “I didn’t realize prisoners were afforded the luxury of eating.” Her tone was caustic.

  His hand cupped her chin, a deadly serious expression on his face as he turned her head toward him. “That stops now.”

  Scarlett held her breath as a bolt of electricity shot through her body. His entire demeanor had changed in the blink of an eye. She didn’t need to ask what he meant. She knew. It was in his stance, his tone, the fixed gaze. They were in his domain now. Everything would change from here on out. There would be consequences for behaviors he didn’t approve of. How she knew this, she couldn’t say. But she knew. She could feel it deep down in the core of her being.


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