Goodbye Normal
Page 15
“Who are you and why are you following me?”
Three men dropped out of the vehicle, She flinched when she notice the two black guys from palm street, but she didn’t know the third, he was Caucasian. They looked confident and that wasn’t a good thing for her.
“You remember us now, nasty witch” said the ringleader.
Yes she did, but why would they come hunting for her? They had to be dumb or the Caucasian was…
“You didn’t have enough of me last time?” She quipped, pretermitting her suspicions.
“Oh no, we brought you a dose of your own medicine.”
Just what she was afraid not to think of, a black magic witch! “Oh really? And who told you I can’t take him down” she said, fighting to remain unnerved.
“We still have some unsettled business baby” the guy said his eyes on her ride.
“I don’t do business with hooligans.”
“I cannot see it on you! Where is the goddamn pentagram?” the white guy finally spoke, his tone was loud but not very assuring.
Shit. “Perhaps you cannot see it, because I do not have it” She said and narrowed her glare at them as they started moving towards her.
“Stay away from me, or else so help me God I’ll-”
“Or else what…what will you do?” the ringleader took hold.
Was he really provoking her, could it be that their witch was that powerful? She didn’t want to cause the coven anymore trouble, they had to reach a painless end.
“Listen, I don’t have what you came for, so why don’t we leave it at that and let it be for the day”
“There is no way I am leaving without it” he bellowed and cast a spell towards her.
Zoe stumbled backward from the white guy’s magic, she was just about to fall when she managed to lurch forward and channel out her own power to the lot. Her magic was manifestly way stronger than his. It sent him flying to the ground. Apparently the outburst only affected the witch. The other two were left standing as if nothing had happened. She heard the white guy groan and she glared down at her hands in shock then tried again but nothing happened.
She willed her power at them for the third time, watching as the black guys come to terms with what was happening to her. Zoe had no effect upon them. They began walking towards her and she flinched, confused as fear struck her. Why wasn’t the power working on them? She impulsively caught her neck. The pentagram!
Not now, she screamed inwardly. Her powers were immune to ungifted people, without the pendant she was not able to harm them.
She ran to her car but the two guys caught up with her, each gripped one arm tightly. She struggled in their command.
“Leave me alone. I don’t have it.” she grunted angrily.
“I don’t care about what you’re talking about, I came for my revenge and he came for whatever witch business you have together. Today I will make sure you beg for mercy and suffer for what you did to us” he puffed into her ear, his breath stinking alcohol and cigarettes.
“You seriously expect me to beg, you’re stupid than I thought.” she snarled.
The ringleader tightened his grip on her arm, evoking pain on it. She winced while trying with all her strength to wiggle out of them but they were twice as large. It was useless strategy, but she had to try. There was no way other than magic she was getting out of the situation unharmed. As they pulled her to the white guy who was collecting himself painfully, she prayed hard for a car to appear. Only that it had to have someone with the ability and willpower to defend her against three strong men.
She now more than ever wished she had accepted Chris’s offer to take her home.
“I am going to search your car. If I don’t find it, you will take me where you left it.”
The white guy hobbled to her car, she closed her eyes and willed her power to push the chain deep in to the car seat, a place where it will not be easily visible. Without her knowledge, she had succeeded. After two minutes the guy came back with nothing.
“It’s not in the damn car” he shouted angrily.
“I told yah” she rolled her eyes at them with a proud grin.
“Where is the effing chain?” he clamored, sprinkling saliva on her face.
“Get of my face you stupid witch” she widened her eyes at him in disgust.
He yanked his arm and flailed her right cheek with a painful slap. Zoe shrieked as her cheeks burned and spikes of pain dissipated her skin. She glowered at him, hating and at the same time conning every inch of his despicable rowdy face.
“You feel my strength now?” he barked at her.
She did, but not enough to give out her sacred weapon.
“Do what you want to. But know that there is no way you’ll ever get it” she said coldly.
He swigged a heavy punch on the left side of her cheek this time. She tried avoiding it but it got to her. Luckily not with the full force intended but enough to entice pain.
Zoe groaned painfully, feeling woozy and the taste of blood in her mouth. Seconds later her cheek felt numb and so did her jaw. The black guys holding her were enjoying the show, with curses and raucous laughter.
“Will you take me seriously and take me to it now?” he asked rudely.
“Go screw yourself” she muttered sorely.
When he lifted his hand to place another blow, a car appeared and stopped in front of them. They all turned to it. Zoe’s head was banging from the blow, she could hardly see clearly. But before she could take a good look, she was pushed to the ground. Zoe dropped and uttered a painful moan. From the effects of the flashing light of the cars, she narrowed her eyes to see the good Samaritan. Getting the clear picture of him, she thought her eyes were betraying her.
Josh fought the guys with such impeccable technique, the kind one watched in movies. His arms and legs moved with a grace that proclaimed power and very good training. With just a few right placed kicks, blows and elbows she foresaw that the hooligans have no chance with Josh. From the short distance all she heard from the slugfest was brawls, shrills and moans. One by one, the hooligans fell to the ground, passed out. After he was done handling them, Josh sprinted to her, squatting to support her up. When he held her, she noticed he was rather warm. It could be from the fighting, she reasoned.
“Are you okay? Oh No! Your face is swollen” he observed, his gray eyes mirroring concern.
“It would have gotten worse, thanks for stopping.”
While speaking she felt like her mouth was heavier than her entire body.
“No problem. Let me take you home.” Josh offered, helping her stand. This time Zoe couldn’t dare to refuse that offer.
“Ssssh”…she hissed from pain on her rib, she had fallen forcefully when the guys pushed her.
“Am sorry” he said, his face contorting.
“Thanks” she hissed.
He helped her to her car, placing her gently on the passenger seat, which was mildly cold considering the difference she had just experience in his extremely warm lenient arms.
“Will be back in a second let me park the car.” he informed her quiet amiably.
She nodded tardily then when he was gone Wow! she thought, I should consider blocking my worst memories of him, where did this gentleman come from?
Swift seconds later he dashed around and took over the driver’s seat. She sat silently wondering what could have happened if he hadn’t shown up. Horror of more blows masked her face and she dislodged from the subject. She could still taste blood in her mouth. She checked for her molars safety by rolling her tongue around her gum. It felt safe.
That wasn’t her first time in a fight. She stared past the road and flashbacks of her 2nd grade’s Halloween festival swam in her mind, where it had all begun. Halloween was the second most celebrated festivals in the country that is after Christmas. It was almost a sacred celebration for the people of Doomsberg. Now she knew why. In Doomsberg they celebrated both the holiday and their town’s crazy history. The night of the fe
stival she had dressed like a witch, and her costume was quiet effectual. Just like any other child in town would love to dress once in while during Halloweens.
She was doing trick or treating, with a secret mission to scare the hell out of a girl who’d stolen her crayons in school. Zoe succeeded tremendously on the agenda. She cast a fake spell on the poor kid that wanted her to have nightmares for the whole week. The kid was so terrified, she ran away screaming and crying to her mother. Apparently the kid had nightmares for the whole month. The spell must have been so strong it had to give her bonus nights.
The following week, the news got around, and she was subject to lots of gossip and unfriendly glances. Normally she had a scarcity of friends, logically after the incident she was left dry. No one wanted to associate with a witch. They were tough childhood times that unfortunately got her loving her own solo company.
That same history astoundingly led to her very first fight. Her first experience was in 5th grade. She was defending her pride after a classmate called her witch to her face. No one did that openly, not to her face, she heard rumors and gossips. And it was just that, rumors and gossips. Although she had a small body, she had feared no body irrespective of their size. Carol had been so disappointed with her. The cases had cost her lots of detentions and getting grounded, which oddly enough was just fine. There was truly nothing major she was missing.
Damn! karma was a b***, now she truly was a witch.
Back to the present, while driving, Josh shot quizzical glances at her not less than two times. It looked like he was trying to make up his mind on something. Zoe on the passenger seat was preparing for a question and answer session with Carol. She knew it won’t be pleasant but hopefully with little time, she would get over it.
“What did they want from you?” he asked very keenly.
She had expected the question, but still hoped it wouldn’t be asked. It was a logical question but had an incoherent answer.
“They wanted my car. I succeeded hurting one of them. What you saw back there was a lesson. They were teaching me not to mess with a homeboy.” She answered groggily from the pain. The words came out with such an awkward effect; it was like she had stuffed her mouth with potatoes. She saw him bite his lip, was he….no he couldn’t, he couldn’t laugh at her.
Regardless, what she told him was partial truth just not all of it.
For a split second he looked wary, then as if considering the possibility of her answer the skeptic face ceased.
For the rest of the drive they were both silent. The circumstances made it hard for them to chew the fat and reminisce about their shoe length past. It was embarrassing for her to meet him again that way. They had a knack for meeting in the most awkward situations. By then, it was kinda like a silent truce. But her incident wasn’t self imposed and as shameful as his. She apprehended.
When they got home, she took with her phone and journal from her seat. The dizziness had subsided so she was able to get to the front porch with little help.
“Thanks for tonight” she told Josh.
“Sure, I hope there won’t be a next time.” he watched her with such pity.
It was humiliating for her. She didn’t want to imagine how she really looked like. If she made a face he may as well decide to carry her inside himself.
She nodded and smiled faintly “Goodnight”
He hesitated, as if he wanted to do something then thought out of it. Instead he nodded and scurried away trotting into the darkness.
What a night! she thought watching her own ‘knight’ go.
Zoe opened the door and horror was back to life.
“Mooooom” she called, her voice was weak and panicky. Her swollen eyes wavered around the house, it was a mess. It looked like somebody had broken into their house, everything was everywhere. The place was literally torn apart. She tossed her keys, phone and the journal on the key high table by the door and ran around aimlessly.
“Zaaaack….Mooom” her voice quivered.
She couldn’t think clearly, she was hysteric. There was no answer, Why were they silent? Please God no, not my family NOOO..!
She fought the overwhelming burst of direful apprehension which was already sweeping her off her feet. She heard a noise, something like a clangor coming from the kitchen and she sprinted to the sound without second thought.
She got to the kitchen doorway; her shoulders dropped, breathed out heavily and blinked away some arising tears. Her mother was crawling under the kitchen counter, with earphones plugged to her ears. Which was very odd, to both accounts the crawling and earphones. Either way it seemed like she was looking for something, groping all over the kitchen floor.
Instinctively Carol jerked her neck and abruptly rose up, pulling out the earphones after seeing her daughter’s rearranged face.
A concept Zoe had forgotten about until then.
The horror in Carol’s face said, she looked scary. It was either maternal feelings or Josh knew how to hold his feelings together.
“Oh my God, Honey Ww…what happened to you?…who did this to you…are you okay? D…does it hurt” Carol stammered, panic-struck as she helped her seat on the dining table chair. She swiftly skittered for her first aid kit and ice bag in the fridge.
“I can’t find it anywhere, your ring is lost mom just accept the fact.” Zack appeared launching his presence in between the commotion.
Zoe automatically veered to her mother’s wedding finger, and it was ring less. That explained the mess she walked in too and the groping. After seeing his sister’s face Zack blundered out a loud laugh.
“Wooow, you got your fist fight pretty rough huh? How many blows did you get?”
Carol shot him a piercing glare that could almost tear him apart. Zoe on the other hand knew it was brotherly love in action.
“Sorry mom, she just looks really… Hilarious.” he wasted no time flashing his camera on her.
“Don’t you dare post that anywhere in the internet.” Zoe groaned, still speaking in that same funny way.
Zack broke out another laugh so hard; Carol had to control her lungs. She cut them some slack, it sounded delirious.
“Zoe, you talk real funny.” He said observing her rest the ice on her cheek.
With an ice bag on her cheek she was in no position to strike back. Brooding silently on the chair she thought, if he only knew what damage she could do to him, he wouldn’t dare. But then again where will the fun be?
Zoe looked up at her mother, she was now fuming…what had she missed? Second ago she was all humorous from her talk, and now this? It’s back to show time!
She had to bring forth her acting skills.
“Ssssh” she faked. She felt some pain but the throbbing was not as severe.
Carol pulled her own dinning chair and sat facing her, she looked at her intently.
“What happened Zoe?” she asked again, her voice warm and full of concern.
“Just some junkies, they wanted my car”
“Oh my God, did you call the police?”
“No need mom, somebody else beat them real hard. It’s okay”
Carol looked at her amazed, how was that okay again?
“Have you seen your face?” she asked.
Musing over the detail, she was surprised. Not once has she peered over the mirror to check on her image! Not even in the rear view of her car. While she continued mulling Carol proceeded eagerly.
“His punch may have not drawn a purple map on your face but its swollen and that’s not okay. It’s just his luck you have thick skin. We need to report to the authorities” she argued standing to go for the landline. Pondering over her argument, it was kinda funny about the purple map. She may have not meant it in a humorous way but it sounded like it.
Zoe removed the ice from her cheek and stretched her jaw. The soreness was still very steady.
“There is no need mom, I can’t even identify their faces, it was dark and am sure it would take ages to find one white guy and two
black guys in hoodys! Because that is all I remember!” she glared back then added “ooouch” just to shift her attention and force her to prioritize.
Zoe watched the reaction on her mother’s face; it was a winning face for her. Carol reasoned and withdrew from the fight.
“Let me get you better pain killers” she said ushering to her bedroom.
Zack went to stand where his mother had sat and his veil of jokes was gone, he examined her, with really sad puppy face.
“Did they really hurt you?” Zack grimaced, his voice was small and affright.
Her insides swell, he was a just a sweet weird boy. “Not really, I beat one real good too.”
That charmed him a little “yah did?” he asked eagerly.
“Yeeah, I swung my finest punch at the guy and he went swirling down to the ground.” now that was too much exaggeration.
“I think I will enroll in karate classes, and I will make sure nobody touches you ever again.” he declared with determination. She then realized the incident had affected him deeper than she thought.
Sweet Zack, “why don’t you start by getting me that ointment you like scrubbing when you get bumps?” she asked casually.
“Okay” he skittered away. She looked after his back and smiled to herself.
Carol came back with a pill bottle on one hand and olive oil on the other. She placed the bottles on the table then went to the kitchen cabinet for a glass.
While filling the glass with tap water Carol said “From tomorrow, no driving alone at night, you are either with somebody I know or your home before sundown.”
WTF!!! I’m I in elementary school!!! That had to be pressure talking, because if it was real talk there sure would be quite a number of unpleasant memories on the subject.
“Mom driving restriction plus baby class curfew really?? What happened to me, could have happen to anyone, It was all just a bad coi-”
“End of discussion Zoe” she cut her short.
She shot a disbelieving glare at Carol that said No mom, it has just begun. Sometime it felt like the older she got, the more Carol got overprotective. She grabbed the pills and ice from the table then slacked off to her room. Carol was left standing with her glass of water midair.