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Wings From Ashes Trilogy

Page 42

by Linda Nelson

  The song ended, and Neil let Karla end the kiss and pull away. She went to hurry back to the table to sit this next song out, it was a fast paced one, but Carol called after her making her remain on the dance floor.

  Karla couldn’t help but have fun. Even though she danced with both Logan and Neil, Neil was the only one she had kissed. It was just that one time, but it was enough to tell her how he felt about her. She was sure, by the way he looked at her that he had felt the fireworks too.

  The last dance was a slow dance, and it was Logan’s turn to dance with Karla. But it wasn’t the same as dancing with Neil. Logan was stiff and sweaty and seemed to not be into the rhythm of the song. There was nothing sensual about being next to him. No fireworks and no butterflies in her stomach. Logan wasn’t her type after all. She liked him but not the way she felt with Neil.

  Neil had lost his bet, and Karla secretly had fallen in love with him.

  Chapter 26

  Logan was a noble sport about taking Maggie to the dance instead of Karla. He even handled it well when he saw his best friend kissing the girl who was supposed to be madly in love with him. He knew Neil had been wrong about that the whole time. Everyone knew that Karla had a thing for jocks. It didn’t matter what the sport was she was just into them more than the introverted geek like him.

  He secretly had a crush on Marla anyway, even if she loved to dress Goth. Someday he would get the nerve up to ask her out. He just hoped she wasn’t gay like the way everyone kept telling him she was.

  When Maggie had made that comment about him being a geek and that she had never been interested in him he hadn’t been surprised. He kind of welcomed the knowledge that she didn’t honestly care for him. In fact, it came as a relief.

  He was mildly disappointed when the teachers had escorted Maggie from the dance. She was supposed to be his dance partner, but then again, he wasn’t sure if she ever had any intention of dancing with him that night. He probably had been better off being at the dance alone. Logan had had a great time never the less. Between getting to dance with Darcy and then with Karla, it turned out all right after all.

  The most surprising thing that had happened to him that night was when Carol, of all people, had spoken to him like he was a somebody, and not a piece of crap. It was a first for her. Maybe people could change after all. Ever since grade school she had always been pretty meant to him until this night.

  Monday morning before homeroom Logan made sure to collect on his bet with Neil. He knew he would not be able to deny the way Karla had been with him. He was alright with having won. It meant getting that rookie card that Neil had been hard pressed to relinquish. It was now his, all his and only his. That card would be worth a pretty penny someday.

  Neil couldn’t believe he was giving up his most valuable card for a girl. How could things have come to this? He seriously needed to stop betting before he lost it all.

  Maggie and Ashley were not to be seen anywhere. Apparently Maggie would be out of school for the rest of the week. It had something to do with a school policy of some sort for her behavior at the dance the other night. Ashley just never showed up for school. Neil felt a little guilty about how he had broken up with her, but she had pushed him to the brink of breaking. He couldn’t take another minute of her.

  When lunch time came around, Neil was surprised that Karla had not taken Ashley’s seat beside him at the table. Instead, she had remained eating her lunch with Darcy and Heath. It was like the dance had never happened. It left him puzzled. Didn’t that kiss mean anything to her?

  He waited for her at her locker at the end of the day. There was no need for him to hurry to catch the bus. His car was fixed and back on the road, he also had wrestling practice after school.

  “Hey.” Neil said to Karla as she approached her locker.

  “Hi,” she replied. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to say I had a great time at the dance.”

  “I did too,” she replied.

  He stood silently watching her for a minute.

  “What do you want?” She asked, baffled by his lingering there beside her.

  “I…” He stammered while he tried to think of what to say. Should he ask her out or not? Was it to soon after breaking up with Ashley?

  Karla gazed into his eyes while her cheeks grew a dark shade of pink. Why was he just staring at her? “What?” She asked again.

  He couldn’t do it. But he wanted to so badly. Instead, he asked, “Would you like to go to the movies with me Friday night?”

  “I’m not sure if I can.”

  “Why not?”

  “It depends on what my dad says.”

  “Oh, then find out. If you can’t, then we can think of something else.” What else could he do? He couldn’t ask her to go out with him right then and there. “Just let me know.”

  He had an impulse he had at the dance he was trying to fight off. Her behavior bewildered him, and he wasn’t sure if she was rejecting his idea. Her dad seemed to genuinely like him. Could her dad actually have her grounded like she said he did? He had to do it anyway. Before she knew what he was doing, he had laid his lips to her forehead with a soft gentle kiss, and ran off before she recovered her senses.

  What did he want, she wondered? Had he been thinking of asking her something else? She was puzzled and could do nothing but watch him scurry away. What had that kiss been all about?

  Once again her heart was on over drive, and that had just been one of those sweet tender delicate kisses one gives to their loved ones and friends every now and then. Or was it supposed to mean something else?

  Should she follow after him and ask him what he actually wanted besides asking her out on a date? Or she thought that was what he had been implying by asking her to go to the movies with him. Was it about asking her about something more than that? They had indeed kicked it off the other night at the dance with that kiss.

  That kiss, she couldn’t forget that kiss. It had been like heaven, and left her floating on cloud nine for the rest of the night. She would never forget that kiss.

  But what about Max, should she forget all about him? They had never officially broken up. Was she still considered going out with him?

  “Karla, are you coming?” Asked Darcy.

  Half way home from school Karla asked Darcy. “If you are going out with someone and you haven’t heard from them in months are you still considered going out with them?”

  “Not if you don’t want to.” Darcy said. “You can break up with them when you want for any reason you want. It does not matter.”

  “But what if you can’t tell them you want to break up because they are not around for you to tell.”

  Darcy stopped walking. “Karla, if you are talking about Max, it’s not your fault you haven’t heard from him. He knows your phone number, and it isn’t likely that he would forget it. That just doesn’t happen when someone truly likes you, or loves you.

  So if I was you, I would just tell myself I broke up with him, and if he didn’t like it when he found out, well to bad. If he had truly cared, he would have gotten in touch with you months ago.”

  “I guess you are right.” Karla said.

  Darcy suddenly smiled. “Who are you thinking about asking out?”

  “Me, I’m not thinking about asking anyone out.”


  “Seriously…” Karla couldn’t help but smile. “But I think someone might be thinking of asking me out.”

  “If it is whom I think it is – I mean it is obvious that he likes you – what are you going to say?”

  “I don’t know.” Karla kicked her feet at the frozen ground exposed under the snow bank.

  “I think you should go for it.”

  “I might.”

  Chapter 27

  Every night since that Monday in school when Neil had placed his kiss tenderly on her forehead he called her. It was always right after dinner. The first time it happened Karla was surprised to hear his voic
e. He not once said why he was calling her either except to see if she had asked her dad yet about

  She didn’t ask her dad right away. Karla waited until Wednesday night when they sat down to eat. It happened to be the night Carrie was joining them for dinner.

  He started to remind her that she was grounded, but Carrie butted in. “Don’t you think she has been grounded long enough? And what about this guy who wants to take her out? Haven’t you met him what more do you want?” Carrie asked.

  “But I don’t think I can trust her yet.” He said.

  “What will it take for you to let go of the past. She knows she made mistakes. That is what growing up is all about. If you ask me, I think she has learned a few valuable lessons this past year, and it is time you let her off the hook.” Carrie replied.

  He gave Carrie a frustrated look. “Obviously I’m not going to win this one.” He said to Carrie. “All right young lady. This is your chance to prove to me that you can be responsible. I will let you go, but with a chaperone. Carrie and I will take you.”

  That was not what Karla had in mind. “But dad – I think I have learned my lesson.”

  “I see a compromise here. Karla, your dad is right. I think it is an excellent idea to prove to your dad that you can be trusted.”

  “But…” Karla sputtered.

  “What is the problem?” Her dad asked. “Do you think this guy will like you any less if we accompany you to the movies? If he does, then he isn’t worth it. I’m sure he will understand.”

  Karla wanted to throw a temper tantrum. This was not what she had in mind when she asked if she could go to the movies with Neil. Now what was she going to tell him? He was probably going to change his mind and find someone else to be with.

  Carrie reached across the table and put her hand on Karla’s. “It will be all right. Neil seems like a decent guy. I’m more than certain he will understand. You’ll see.”

  Later that night Neil called at his usual time which was 7 o’clock.

  “Did you ask yet?”

  “I did.”

  “And what did he say?” Neil asked.

  Karla swallowed. She was afraid of how he was going to take it. “He said that I could go only if He and Carrie went with us.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line. Karla was afraid Neil had just hung up. “Hello, Neil, are you still there? Did you hear me?”

  “Hang on a minute. I’ll be right back.” He had an idea.

  Two minutes of silence seemed to last forever. Karla only could think of the worst.

  Then Neil returned as suddenly as he had left. “Karla, I’m back. I just thought of a better idea and my folks like it. On Saturday, you and your dad – his girlfriend included are to come to dinner. While our folks spend time together, you and I can watch a movie down stairs. How does that sound? By the way – this was suggested earlier by my mom.”

  “Hold on…” Karla said. “I’ll be right back.” She set the phone down without waiting for Neil to reply.

  “Dad, there is a change of plans. I guess Neil’s folks want you, me and Carrie over for dinner on Saturday.”

  Carrie nodded at her dad. He asked, “What time?”

  Karla ran back to the phone. “My dad wants to know what time?”

  This time it was Neil’s turn to disappear, but he was back moments later. “Mom said, about four-ish.”

  Karla poked her head out of her room while cupping the mouthpiece of the receiver. “His mom said four-ish.” She repeated.

  “We’ll be there.” He answered.

  “My dad said we will be there.”

  “Great. I’ll see you in school tomorrow.”

  She hung up the phone. Karla hand never expected her dad to let her date someone. Maybe he was going to ask her out after all. A guy doesn’t ask a girl’s family over for dinner if he didn’t have a reason.

  Chapter 28

  During the rest of the week at school, Karla wondered how Saturday was going to go. Things were looking up at school for her for the first time since all her troubles had begun.

  There was a rumor going around school that Maggie had been expelled for her episode during the dance and Ashley hadn’t been seen at school all week. Apparently she was terribly sick. No one actually knew why she was suddenly so sick, but Karla certainly didn’t miss her. She was sure that Ashley would make a point to dramatize her break up with Neil when she did come back. Maybe even just short of putting the blame of her illness all on Neil.

  The other rumor spreading about the school was that Carol would be coming back to school soon. She had another couple of weeks to go before she was done with her program. Karla couldn’t wait. She missed her friend, even though their past had been riddled with nothing but trouble.

  To top off the week, she had two tests, which she had aced. Even her grades were getting better.

  On Friday, she came across Logan in the hallway. It was the first time she had seen him since the dance. He took the whole ordeal exceedingly well.

  “Logan.” Karla called out to him when she saw him. She had been afraid he had been avoiding her. “I haven’t seen you all week. I wanted to tell you I had a fantastic time with you at the dance.” She wondered why she had said that. It wasn’t as if he had been her actual date. But she couldn’t think of anything else to say to him, and she did kind of like him.

  “I had a pretty good time too.” He replied. “Can you believe that Ashley and Maggie haven’t been in school all week?”

  “I heard Maggie was expelled.” Karla said.

  “I heard that too. But Ashley never misses school.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “She must be pretty broken up over Neil.” Logan said.

  Karla found their conversation awkward. It was weird. Before the dance, she hadn’t had a problem talking with Logan, but now he seemed to be the hardest person on Earth to talk to.

  The bell rang. “We should get together again some time.” Said Karla before they parted in the hallway.

  “That would be nice.”

  Karla couldn’t help but think that Logan hadn’t honestly meant that. He sounded off like he actually didn’t want to talk to her for some reason. It didn’t matter anyway. But just the same she still liked him. She didn’t know why but she did.

  Chapter 29

  When Ashley left the dance it was below freezing. She was so distraught from her break up with Neil that it didn’t register how cold she felt on her way home. The cold air bit at her legs that were only sheltered from the weather by nylons that didn’t offer much of a protective barrier.

  Her teeth chattered uncontrollably by the time she reached her house. She had worn a coat, but it wasn’t made for walking long distances in this kind of weather. Her original plan had been that she would have had a ride home with Neil. Her hopes for the evening were destroyed.

  She managed to sneak into the house unannounced to her parents. Ashley feared humiliation. The last person she wanted to see was her aunt.

  After having a good cry, she applied a cold wet compress to her eyes to bring her tear swollen eyes back to normal.

  He had no right doing that to her. Especially in front of the whole school, Neil had humiliated her, and now she was going to come up with a plan with Maggie’s help, of course, to get back at him.

  Ashley thought about calling Maggie, but she wasn’t sure if she was still at the dance or had gone home when she or if she had seen her leave. She never stopped to tell her that she was leaving. The only thing she could think of doing at the time was just to leave. No one likes to be humiliated like that. So, first thing tomorrow morning, Ashley planned on giving Maggie a call to see how the rest of the night went and to run her idea by her.

  Just before heading to bed she decided to make an appearance in the kitchen so her mom would know that she was home from the dance. Her eyes were no longer red and swollen. It was now safe to say they would never know how her night actually went.

did you get home, I never saw you come in?” Her mom asked as soon as she appeared in the kitchen.

  Ashley had already prepared for this. “Oh, I got home a little while ago.”

  “So how was it?”

  “Oh I had a great time.”

  “Well I hope you took pictures.”

  Ashley’s heart sunk. She hadn’t thought of that. “I did. But I will have to show them to you later.”

  “Well I’m glad you had a terrific time and made it home safe. I’m going to bed now that I know your home, good night.”

  “Night Mom.”

  Now Ashley had another problem. How was she going to prove to her mom that she had a lovely time? There were no pictures to show her. Now what was she going to do?

  Maybe Maggie had taken some. She could concoct a story saying how she was the one taking the pictures. Her mom might buy that.

  Her misery over Neil didn’t go away. There had to be a way she could either get back at him or win him back. She preferred winning him back over the later. How could he have done such a thing to her she wondered. Her eyes teared up again. Maggie was bound to have an answer.

  First thing the next morning Ashley set out to see if Maggie could help her out. She needed to know how Neil’s night went after she left him alone at the dance.

  “Can I speak to Maggie?” She said into the phone receiver.

  It was half past nine in the morning. Surely Maggie had to be up by now.

  “She can’t come to the phone right now; she will have to call you back later.” Maggie’s mom stated.

  No, Ashley needed to talk to Maggie right now. Her mom couldn’t be doing this to her. “Why can’t she come to the phone? Tell her it is Ashley, and she needs to get her lazy ass out of bed right this minute. I want to talk to her.”

  “It doesn’t matter what you need, Ashley.” Maggie’s mom gave Ashley back the same tone she had spoken to her in. “Maggie will have to call you back later.”


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