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Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 16

by Henrietta Harding

  “So what brings you here?” Lady Lavinia asked.

  Helena understood Lady Lavinia’s surprise. Helena visited her roughly once a season. This would be the second time this season.

  “Not any serious ordeal,” Helena said. “I was bored at home.”

  Prince Drew bent and spoke some words into Lady Lavinia’s ears. Lady Lavinia nodded. Prince Drew looked back at Helena.

  “If you would excuse me, fair ladies,” he said in his thick Irish accent before walking away.

  Helena watched him leave. He swung slightly to both sides as he walked. She wondered if that was because he was so tall.

  “Why are your eyes so riveted to his departing figure?” Lady Lavinia asked.

  Helena shook her head.

  “Did I disturb anything?” Helena asked as she sat down on the bench. Lady Lavinia sat down opposite her.

  “Yes, I was thoroughly enjoying our discussion before you came. But he has gone to speak to my father; we will see later today,” she answered.

  “So what were you discussing?” Helena asked.

  “He was just regaling me with stories about his friends in Ireland. Even my cousins could be so mischievous, I discover,” Lady Lavinia said.

  The young girl standing behind her smiled wryly. She obviously understood what Lady Lavinia was alluding to. Helena looked at the girl and back to Lady Lavinia, catching Lady Lavinia’s gaze before looking back to the girl. Lady Lavinia turned her head back to the girl.

  “You can go. Justina will help me with anything I need,” Lady Lavinia said to her.

  The maid curtseyed and walked away.

  “Your eyes tell me you have some good gossip for me,” Lady Lavinia said.

  Helena laughed.

  “I don’t, but we usually end up talking about something or someone. Her absence would be much preferred,” Helena answered.

  “Yes, that’s very true,” Lady Lavinia answered, drawing on the neckline of her dress.

  Lady Lavinia’s eyes brightened.

  “So how did your outing with Lord Jeffrey go? I wouldn’t forget; did you think I would?” Lady Lavinia said excitedly.

  Helena smiled, so did Miss Justina.

  “It went fine. Lord Jeffrey is well known, I discover. I don’t think he stopped nodding till we left. So many people wanted to greet him,” Helena said.

  “Did he cut anyone?” Lady Lavinia asked.

  Helena shook her head.

  “I didn’t see him do that to anyone. He is frosty with servants and stewards, but I haven’t seen him deign to return greetings to anyone of rank,” Helena responded.

  “He brought you back home?” Lady Lavinia asked.

  “Of course,” Helena answered, shocked that her friend would think Lord Jeffrey capable of such bad manners.

  “Why would he do otherwise?” Helena asked.

  “You know he has a reputation,” Lady Lavinia said.

  “No, not of such ill manners, he doesn’t,” Helena responded.

  Her eyes rested on Miss Justina for a split second as she remembered Lord Jeffrey’s condescending air when she spoke.

  “I presume you enjoyed the discussions with him. He is a man of great learning,” Lady Lavinia said.

  Helena nodded her head slightly. She remembered how their discussions had gone.

  Lavinia couldn’t be more mistaken.

  “I did. He is a good listener,” Helena responded.

  Lady Lavinia looked at her right hand. Helena noticed there was a timepiece in her fist.

  “Oh, it is almost time to have lunch. No wonder my belly troubles me so,” Lady Lavinia said.

  Helena didn’t want to leave the garden. The air felt wonderful.

  “Let’s tarry here a bit,” Helena said.

  Lady Lavinia touched Miss Justina on her arm.

  “Go into the house and ask for Maurice. Tell Maurice to give you a tray of biscuits and some lemonade,” she told Miss Justina.

  Miss Justina nodded and walked to the house.

  “I wasn’t planning to leave here either,” Lady Lavinia said as she turned back to Helena.

  “So is he looking to settle down soon? He is the next Duke of Beaufort,” Lady Lavinia said.

  “Lavinia,” Helena cried, “we have hardly seen each other for a week.”

  “A week is enough to make up one’s mind,” Lady Lavinia replied assuredly.

  “You have been with Prince Drew more than a week. Have you answered his request? And is he just asking you to leave with him? Or is he asking you to be his wife too?”

  Lady Lavinia’s mouth became a tight line.

  “I have not given him an answer, Helena, but I plan to tell him yes. I don’t think I could last much without him anymore. And no, he has made no mention of marriage,” Lady Lavinia said.

  Helena laughed.

  “Are you so love struck?”

  “I fear so,” Lady Lavinia said.

  She looked from left to right. After confirming that they were alone, she said in a much lowered voice, “I have been sneaking to his chambers in the early morning for the past few days. He’s the first person I see when I wake up.”

  Helena opened her eyes wide.

  This was news that could easily turn out to be scandalous if discovered. Helena remembered how close Miss Justina had been to catching herself and Dr Frederick. Her heart beat faster, and her throat became dry.

  “You have to stop that,” Helena said in a tone far calmer than she felt.

  “Yes, I know. And Drew is a perfect gentleman. The first day he saw me at his door, he said nothing. He just opened the door and let me in,” Lady Lavinia said.

  “What if one of the stewards sees you? That’ll be news worth a season’s tongue wagging,” Helena said.

  Lady Lavinia smiled wryly. She obviously didn’t like the thought of that.

  “I am aware of the risk, Helena. It’s just that,” Lady Lavinia sighed before continuing, “he’s leaving in less than a month. I fear I might fall ill.”

  Helena laughed.

  “So why don’t you follow him? He has requested that you do so.”

  Lady Lavinia nodded.

  “It would be my first time in Ireland. I just can’t imagine not being here in England. There are so many differences, the food, their customs, even their funny accents.”

  “You never complained about his funny accent.”

  “I tease him a lot about it, but it doesn’t matter much.”

  “I say you should go with him. It would make you really happy,” Helena said.

  “It would,” Lady Lavinia confirmed.

  “And he’s told my parents too. They have given me permission if I choose to go,” Lady Lavinia continued.

  Helena said nothing. If Lady Lavinia left, she’d be left with no close friend except Miss Justina. Life would get incredibly more boring.

  “I’d miss you greatly if you leave,” Helena said.

  “I would miss you more, Helena. I will come back. It’s just a visit.”

  “What if he asks you to marry him?”

  Lady Lavinia stared forward. Her eyes showed her reflective mood.

  “I’d still come back, but that means I will go back to Ireland, surely,” Lady Lavina finally added.

  There was a rustling of leaves as Miss Justina appeared around the corner carrying a tray with a jug on it. She dropped the tray on a bench opposite the bench her mistress sat on. Then she drew the bench closer to Lady Lavinia and Helena. There were sandwiches on plates with cookies on other smaller plates. There were two cups in the tray. Miss Lavinia poured out lemonade from the jug into the cups.

  Helena picked a plate with a sandwich on it. She bit into it and chewed. She was hungry. She realised that now the food was here. She hadn’t noticed before Miss Justina brought it.

  “Miss Morgana is hosting a ball in two weeks’ time. You are going to be there, aren’t you?” Lady Lavinia asked Helena.

  Helena knew of no such ball. She waited to chew and
swallow the food in her mouth before speaking.

  “I knew not of the ball. Is it Miss Morgana of Cornwall?” Helena asked.

  The comment drew a stifled laugh from Miss Justina. Lady Lavinia couldn’t be bothered to hide hers, allowing herself to laugh aloud. Helena had only seen Miss Morgana once. The woman was a beauty with a voluptuous body, just as beautiful as mouths had reported. She was a Cyprian and rumoured to be the favourite mistress of the Duke of Cornwall. The woman lived in a fine house with handsome furnishing; it was said, all from the pocket of the Duke. Miss Morgana of Cornwall soon became a way of referring to her.

  “Are you attending?” Helena asked Lady Lavinia.

  Lady Lavinia nodded.

  “Of course, I will be there. She sent me an invite, and one for a possible partner. The woman really knows how to host a splendid party, despite her shady morals. And her friends will be there, the light-skirted lot,” Lady Lavinia said.

  “So you would be going with the Prince,” Helena said.

  “Drew would, of course, be my partner. He’ll be at my side throughout.”

  Helena understood what her friend meant by the final statement.

  She won’t let him out of her sight.

  “Since she invited me, expect an invitation anytime from now. And do not even worry yourself about Lord Jeffrey. He is going to be there. The woman invites the cream of the crop. Besides, Lord Jeffrey hardly misses parties like this.”

  Helena said nothing. She felt no impulse to protect Lord Jeffrey. She really felt nothing at all.

  Chapter 14

  Bearing Gifts

  Dr Frederick dropped the shiny paper he had removed from the small, white envelope with a green ribbon. It was an invitation to attend Miss Morgana’s private ball in two weeks.

  How do I get invitations to these kinds of balls anyway?

  Dr Frederick had not seen the woman in his life.

  “Frank, Frank,” Dr Frederick called.

  “Yes, sir,” Mister Frank answered before running into the room.

  Dr Frederick stretched the letter to him. Mister Frank collected it and read.

  “Do you know of this Miss Morgana?” Dr Frederick asked.

  “Yes sir, I do. She is, uhm, rumoured to be a ladybird of the Duke of Cornwall.”

  Dr Frederick tapped his forehead. He now understood how the invitation had gotten to him. He was a family physician and good friend of the Duke of Cornwall. The woman must have somehow gotten his particulars from the Duke.

  Dr Frederick smiled knowingly. He always warned the Duke about his goatish character, but the man never regarded it.

  “Do you think it would be a ball worth attending?” Dr Frederick asked his dresser.

  Mister Frank shook his head and smiled.

  “Miss Morgana might be a woman of distasteful character, but she is one of the finest hosts. It will be one worth attending,” Mister Frank said.

  “If that is the case, draft a reply letter accepting the invitation and send it to her.”

  Mister Frank nodded and walked out of the room.

  Miss Helena might have been invited. I would love to get a chance to dance with her.

  Dr Frederick had not slept soundly since that day in the garden at the Baron of Strabolgi’s house.

  What if? What if the maid had not come back?

  Dr Frederick picked up his laboratory notes, only the rigours of research had been able to capture his attention, and not completely. He had managed to extract the small compound from the pancreas of the puppy. The puppy was dead now, so he needed another to test the effects of his extract on. Mister Frank had put in his request at the animal home for another one, but he was told it could only be ready next week. Dr Frederick could not wait for the coming week. He couldn’t wait for the end of this week either. He would visit Miss Helena once again.

  His member hardened and grew with the thoughts of the planned visit. He would check her ankle, first. Make sure it was entirely healthy. He didn’t think about what would happen next. His body did that for him. The rise of her bust tormented his mind. How he couldn’t get a grip on the stud of her nipple beneath the gossamer fabric of her dress still frustrated him.

  It has to be her shift that kept deucing me.

  Dr Frederick placed his hand on his member as it pulled up against his breech. He pushed it back down. He couldn’t manage to think about the visit without his body responding. He had never been so excited because of one woman in his life.


  Lord Jeffrey visited Helena once again during the week. He came in a carriage with gifts of fine silk for Helena’s father. Helena was caught unprepared and was pleasantly surprised by his actions.

  Lady Lavinia and Helena had just finished a game of cards that Helena had quickly lost. She lost interest in the game and refused to play again despite Lady Lavinia’s plentiful requests and pleading. At last, Lady Lavinia summoned Miss Justina, who was inside the house, to play with her as Helena busied herself with another book she had gotten from her father’s library. Lady Lavinia’s shrieks of despair told Helena she was losing the game. Helena looked at Miss Justina, only the small crinkling at the sides of her mouth showed how pleased she was at the way the game was going.

  “How are your cards so favourably selected?” Lady Lavinia asked.

  Helena smiled.

  “You wouldn’t be asking that if you were winning,” she said.

  “Just read your book,” Lady Lavinia responded harshly.

  Helena opened her book again and looked at it when the entrance door burst open. Mr Booth came into the sitting room.

  “Mr Booth,” Helena said.

  “Good day, my ladies,” Mr Booth said, tipping his hat.

  “The Marquess of Beaufort is outside, awaiting your attention,” he said.

  “Lord Jeffrey?” Lady Lavinia asked.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Mr Booth responded.

  Lady Lavinia jumped to her feet.

  “Do get up, Lord Jeffrey is here. Will you not go into your chamber and in the least, powder your face,” Lady Lavinia said to her friend.

  Helena sluggishly stood up then walked down the corridor. She opened the door of her room and went inside. She walked to the dressing table and looked into the mirror.

  Truly, my face looks a bit flushed.

  She decided to change her dress. She was in a morning gown since she hadn’t received any visitors that day. She removed her dress and petticoat. She wore a chemise instead because of the short gown she intended to put on. She wore the short, blue gown then turned to the mirror.

  I look fine.

  She powdered her face and brushed her long hair before walking back outside. She met Lord Jeffrey already sitting in the sitting room.

  “Lord Jeffrey,” she said.

  “Miss Helena, good afternoon,” Lord Jeffrey answered, bowing stiffly.

  “I do have to better grasp the timing of your visits,” she said.

  “This one would have been hard to grasp because I decided to come here on a moment’s whim,” he answered.

  Miss Justina and Lady Lavinia sat on the opposite chairs, looking interested but saying nothing.

  “I brought some, uhm, merchandise,” Lord Jeffrey said.

  Helena laughed.

  “Merchandise,” she repeated.

  Lord Jeffrey stood up and gestured to her.

  “If you would follow me,” he said.

  Helena followed Lord Jeffrey outside the house. He walked to his carriage, which was still parked in front of the stairwell. As the driver and coachman saw him come down the stairs, they jumped down from their positions and moved to the carriage door. Lord Jeffrey walked to them and nodded his head, saying nothing. The coachman opened the door and walked into the carriage. He stuck his head out a short while later, extending a big package out to the driver who collected it and placed it on the final step. The coachman brought out four more packages. After that, he got down and closed the door, waiting for Lord Jeffre
y’s next order. Lord Jeffrey gestured for them to return back to their positions.

  “What are these, Lord Jeffrey?” Helena asked.


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