Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 23

by Henrietta Harding

  “Are we to open the door sir? I was thinking we should knock,” Mister Frank said.

  “They must have seen me. They’re expecting me,” Dr Frederick said before turning the doorknob and letting him and Mister Frank in.

  Roman stood by the inner door and smiled when they came in.

  “Dr Frederick, it’s been a while sir,” the steward said as he bowed.

  Dr Frederick extended his hand for a handshake. Roman shook Mister Frank’s hand too, after shaking Dr Frederick’s.

  “How is the Duke now, Roman?” Dr Frederick said.

  “He’s better now, sir. He sleeps better and has more strength.”

  “Good,” Dr Frederick replied, “please inform the Duke of my presence.”

  “You can go in sir, they’re expecting you,” Roman answered.

  Dr Frederick looked knowingly at Mister Frank and pushed the door to the Duke’s room open.

  “Dr Frederick.”

  The Duke sat on the bed now, smiling as Dr Frederick came into his bedroom. The room remained as he had remembered it. Dr Frederick wiggled his toes as the softness of the rug enticed. He bowed from a distance, observing the Duke furtively.

  He looks well. The fact that he is no longer bedridden is doing wonders to his health.

  “Dr Frederick, welcome. This would be the first time I would speak to you in person,” the Duke said.

  “Yes, Your Grace, it would.”

  Dr Frederick wondered where the Duchess was. She was always beside her husband. A door at the side of the room opened, opened in two flaps in fact. Dr Frederick looked at the door because he had never noticed one there since he had been coming to check the Duke. The Duchess walked in through the doors from what looked like a small balcony. She had a solemn look on her face on entering the room, but when her eyes met Dr Frederick’s, she smiled and walked to sit on the other side of the bed beside her husband.

  “I feel better than the last time you came, as you would observe,” the Duke said.

  “Yes, Your Grace, I do. I need to know a few things to ascertain your correct state of health,” Dr Frederick said.


  Dr Frederick walked to the Duke and asked that he lay down facing upwards. The Duke complied. Dr Frederick pushed the Duke’s eyelids upwards, looking into his eyes.

  They looked normal, no discolouration and no dilation. He took the Duke’s palm and looked into it. The Duke’s palm was pink, no signs of reduced blood flow. The Duke’s temperature was normal.

  “Your Grace, could you hold your breath for a few seconds?”

  The Duke looked surprised, and then he nodded. Dr Frederick waited a second to be sure he was already doing it before he placed his head on the Duke’s chest. The beat of his heart was steady and rhythmical.

  “Frank,” Dr Frederick said when he removed his head from the Duke’s chest. He didn’t look back at his dresser.

  “Sir,” Mister Frank answered.

  “Bring my tube listener.”

  After a few moments of ransacking Dr Frederick’s tube box, Mister Frank gave him a long tube with flannelled ends. Those were the ends to be placed on the chest. He put one ear at the other end of the tube. Dr Frederick found that when in a calm environment, like this, it gave a much clearer sound of the heartbeat. He placed it on the Duke’s chest and closed his eyes, pouring all his concentration into what he was hearing.

  After a few moments of listening, Dr Frederick found what he was looking for. There was a quirk, a small change in rhythm at the end of the Duke’s heartbeat. Dr Frederick suspected that the Duke’s problem was congenital and incurable.

  At least not by the medicine we have now.

  He believed it could be managed. Crisis would always prop up after a bit, but with a proper lifestyle and medicine, the man could have a fair swing at a longer life than his father.

  “You can sit up again, Your Grace,” Dr Frederick said.

  The Duke sat down again. His eyes focused on Dr Frederick, making Dr Frederick very conscious of what he wanted to say. He couldn’t see the Duke’s eyes, despite his intense gaze.

  This is who Lord Jeffrey gets his dark eyes from.

  “So how is he?” the Duchess asked.

  “The Duke is doing very well, Your Grace.”

  “I presume you have been resting properly now. And you spend enough time in the outdoors,” Dr Frederick said to the Duke.

  “Yes, I do. Sometimes I choose not to go on assignments. I send Jeffrey there,” the Duke said pointing behind Dr Frederick.

  Dr Frederick turned back to see Lord Jeffrey standing just behind him. He was so scared he almost jumped.

  Lord Jeffrey did not say anything. He didn’t acknowledge Dr Frederick’s stare at him. He just kept his gaze on his father.

  “Is there anything else I need to incorporate into my lifestyle?” the Duke asked.

  “Nothing. Your Grace, Did you need to use the laudanum?”

  “I used it a lot at the beginning, but when the pains stopped, I stopped.”

  Dr Frederick nodded his head. Then there was no need to give them the new one.

  “Then we have no serious changes needed to be made. I just want to implore that in the case there is a sudden change, I mean a downturn in health, that you summon me without delay. I am developing something that might be able to lift you out from situations where–”

  “–where your heart is acting up,” Dr Frederick had meant to say, but he remembered Lord Jeffrey stood just behind him.

  “–where you feel rather down.”

  “Of course, we would do that Doctor,” the Duke answered.

  “I would like to be excused now, Your Grace. I have to take my leave,” Dr Frederick said.

  “I will escort you.”

  Dr Frederick looked back again and saw that Lord Jeffrey had already started walking to the door.

  What does he want to say that requires him escorting me? Whatever it is, it can’t be good.

  The Duke sat up and enveloped his right hand in a two-handed shake. Dr Frederick looked at the Duchess who gave him a slight nod. He turned and heard Mister Frank make a clatter behind him as he rushed after him while trying to close the tool box. Dr Frederick said nothing as he walked past Lord Jeffrey who opened the door and waited in the other room. Lord Jeffrey closed the door behind Mister Frank and walked quickly to Dr Frederick’s side. He led them down the way Dr Frederick was familiar with. When they got to the verandah on the ground floor, he suddenly gripped Dr Frederick’s wrist, making Dr Frederick aware of the sharp nails he had on those long fingers. Dr Frederick did not attempt to drag his hand out of Lord Frederick’s hand, but he met his gaze with steel and daring. Mister Frank, who looked shocked at what was happening, had stopped in front. Dr Frederick gestured to him to continue to the curricle. Mister Frank continued on his way.

  “Why do you hold my hand hostage?” Dr Frederick asked, struggling to keep his anger within himself.

  Lord Jeffrey didn’t reply. He was a bit taller than the doctor and stood very close to him. Lord Jeffrey looked directly into Dr Frederick’s eyes, and for the first time, Dr Frederick saw the colour of his pupils.

  Black, pitch black.

  Dr Frederick knew he was trying to cause him to fear him. Dr Frederick laughed.

  He doesn’t know me.

  Dr Frederick put his second hand on the hand Lord Jeffrey held his wrist with and slowly forced the Marquess’ fingers off his wrist. He could see Lord Jeffrey applying his strength, attempting to force his fingers to remain in their vice-like grip. But Dr Frederick was too strong, far stronger than Lord Jeffrey. He had built incredible levels of strength during his time as a worker while in the college of medicine. He just kept that “Frederick” under multiples layers of the polished physician he was such that no one could ever reconcile him with what he once was.

  Life was hard then. To be a construction worker, you must be strong.

  Lord Jeffrey’s eyes opened wide as Dr Frederick
finally twisted his fingers off his wrist without showing any signs of strain.

  “Do not lay your hand on me again. You might regret it,” Dr Frederick said.

  Lord Jeffrey laughed, while slowly massaging the twisted fingers.

  “You do know who I am. I doubt you’d be stupid enough to try anything funny.”

  Dr Frederick shook his head. He didn’t care for this sort of posturing. He attempted walking past Lord Jeffrey but the Marquess sidestepped in front of him.

  “What do you want, Jeffrey?”

  Lord Jeffrey smiled, his eyes had widened a bit when Dr Frederick had called his name without the accompanying title.

  “I wanted to inform you. I have asked Helena to marry me, and she’s agreed. The Baron and Baroness of Strabolgi have been duly informed. We’ll have a big wedding when she’s back from her trip.”

  There was a sudden rumble in Dr Frederick, like a rolling boulder. He had told himself he wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Miss Helena was engaged to Lord Jeffrey, but he hadn’t known it would hurt so much. It hurt so much, his heart felt like it would stutter to a stop any second. Dr Frederick closed his eyes and mustered all the male pride he had; he looked back into Lord Jeffrey’s eyes. Lord Jeffrey had a wry smile on his face. He had seen his reaction, and he was bemused.

  “How do I know what you say is true? And why would it matter to me?”

  “Why do you think she left so suddenly? She asked for time to think about it. I just received her reply letter. And for the second question, I wouldn’t know. I just felt I should inform all parties,” Lord Jeffrey said.

  Dr Frederick turned and walked towards his curricle. He didn’t want to hear any more about it.

  Why would Lord Jeffrey lie? I am not a peer and can’t possibly provide any sort of competition for Miss Helena’s heart.

  He got into the curricle. Mister Frank let the horses run as soon as Dr Frederick sat properly. Dr Frederick tried to think about other things. He tried to think about his research, but the pain was too much. It gnawed at his heart like the blunt tooth of a saw against wood. When he noticed Mister Frank driving towards the town, he finally spoke.

  “Take me home.”

  That was the only thing he said till they got home. When he saw his door, it seemed to open his mouth and allow the heavy load in his heart to flow out.

  “Lord Jeffrey says Miss Helena has agreed to marry him.”

  Mister Frank didn’t react. After a short while, Dr Frederick was about to repeat the statement.

  “Do you believe him?” Mister Frank asked without looking to his master.

  “Does it matter whether I believe him? I have been so daft. I never had a chance against the Marquess, he’s the son of arguably the wealthiest man in England. I’ve been such a fool,” Dr Frederick said, not minding that he had never spoken words of any relationship between himself and Miss Helena to his dresser. He knew Mister Frank knew he and Miss Helena had something.

  “I’d ask you to cool down, Dr Frederick. There’s no gain in getting yourself worked up. The woman will choose who she wishes. She’s one of the most attractive young women in the peerage. She’s sure to have more than two potential suitors,” Mister Frank said.

  Dr Frederick shook his head.

  What in tarnation is Frank saying?

  He removed his hat and wrung it for lack of having any other thing to squeeze.

  “How is what you are saying helping matters, Frank?”

  “Oh dear heavens, you don’t understand me. No matter what you feel for the woman, she’s always going to have a glut of choices. I don’t know what is between you two, but I have never seen any signs of you preparing to get married. She will marry who she will marry, Doctor. All you can do is let her know your mind,” Mister Frank said.

  “Do not worry your mind over what you cannot determine. It’s no slight on her part if she chooses Lord Jeffrey, no matter how undeserving you think he is,” he added.

  Doctor Frederick shook his head. Mister Frank was right, very right. No matter how many sensual sessions they had shared, it might not matter one bit to her. All it did was gratify her.

  I’ve been such a fool. I am not going back to that house again. My episode with Miss Helena has come to an end.

  Dr Frederick walked into the house and into his reading room. He walked to the sink and rinsed his face with water. The dropping rivulets didn’t drain the pain with them, though. And when he looked into his image in the mirror, he wasn’t sure there were no tears mixed in with the falling droplets. If he didn’t cry, his heart was wailing. That he was sure.

  Chapter 20

  Not Here Now

  Helena looked to her house’s gate. A carriage rode as if coming into the compound but then went by it. Helena shook her head. She had spent almost two months in Ireland, which was a thoroughly enjoyable place. She had been back for more than two weeks now.

  One would think that time enough to get over a person.

  One could never be more wrong. She was sure Dr Frederick knew she was around now, but he had never shown. Lord Jeffrey’s first visit was a mere two days after she first came back.

  He spends more time with Father now. They are pretty close, and I do not fancy it one bit.

  She no more had a frigid relationship with Lord Jeffrey. She didn’t change for him, but she understood what he wanted now.

  He wants a woman who scurries at the sight of him, a woman who will thoroughly execute his every whim and caprice. I am not that woman.

  But Helena knew she would have to marry him, despite what her picture was for the man of her dreams.

  Dr Frederick.

  Helena described what she had with Lord Jeffrey as functional, at best; cold, at worst. She saw him almost every other day now and was already tired of his acts and attitudes. He was plain nasty to stewards and never accorded Miss Justina with fitting respect even though Helena had taken her time to explain who Miss Justina was to her, what she meant to her.

  “So what is she?” he had asked her when she was done explaining that day.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “She’s a steward, Helena, a servant. Forget the frailties your heart shows because of how long she’s spent with you. She’ll always be a servant to me.”

  Helena had felt like giving him a hard slap across the face when he said that.

  What a prod! He is such a devil.

  Now everyday was boring and fearful. She had not spoken to her parents about the financial situation since she came because she was scared. They were unnecessarily happier than before, like they had forgotten about the issue.

  Or had accepted their fate and were compensating for the uncertain future with making the best of their time now.

  She was scared for her father’s mental health. She had heard of people being unnecessarily happy when they suffer bad times.

  That is one step from madness.

  Lady Lavinia was no more around to cheer her up with her untiring tongue and her untamable happy demeanour. Lady Lavinia was now in Ireland, having the time of her life with the love of her life.

  Lady Lavinia had told her they would come back to England before the turn of the year to hold the wedding. Helena was happy for her friend, but the situation made hers all the more saddening.

  I am damning all I ever felt marriage should stand for, and I am making a choice for future and family. So why does it feel so wrong?

  Miss Justina suddenly appeared at her side.

  “You have to stop this,” Miss Justina said.


  “You are always in thought. And I am sure they aren’t thoughts that lighten the heart because you are given to extended bouts of melancholy now.”

  Helena shook her head. Even more than Lady Lavinia, Miss Justina knew her best. She had the ability to read her excellently. There was no use lying to her.

  “I am not happy.”

  Miss Justina chuckled.

  “I’d have preferred if you to
ld me something I didn’t know.”

  Helena laughed.

  “That’s as much as my heavy lips can say.”

  “I know Dr Frederick’s absence since we came back has played a big part.”

  More than you can imagine.

  Helena said nothing.

  “I know this subverts everything a woman of stature should stand for, but I could visit him on your behalf, convince him to come to see you,” Miss Justina said.


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