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Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 27

by Henrietta Harding

  Even more dilated than they had been at first.

  The Duke seemed to have fallen asleep now.

  It’s better this way. It is better he recovers from sleep.

  “How is he?” Duchess Mona asked.

  “I think he has recovered. I’m not sure, Your Grace, but the initial crisis has passed. He has fallen asleep. I need to observe him for a bit then we know what to do from there,” Dr Frederick said.

  The Duchess crept closer to her husband, taking one tentative step after another like a baby just learning to walk. She stood with her hands by her side in front of the sleeping Duke, and then gently bent with her ears to his chest. The smile that enveloped her face reminded Dr Frederick of the beauty he had seen in her the first time he laid his eyes on her. She beat her lap excitedly and moved her head upwards to his face. After a few moments, the smile became a laugh. The Duchess threw herself on Dr Frederick, holding tight to his neck and pattering his cheeks with kisses. Dr Frederick was embarrassed. He hadn’t fathomed that a Duchess could be so careless and effusive in showing her emotions.

  After the initial excited squeal and laughter, the Duchess, even with her arms around Dr Frederick’s neck, started crying. Dr Frederick felt warm water falling from her cheeks to his neck, wetting his skin and his collar. Her body quaked as she cried, and her moans irritated Dr Frederick’s left ear. Dr Frederick was confused. He didn’t feel it right to wrap his hands around the Duchess to comfort her, neither could he push her away.

  “Mother, that’s enough,” Lord Jeffrey said behind them.

  Lord Jeffrey walked to Dr Frederick and wrested his mother away from him. The crying woman wrapped her arms around her son’s waist and continued her crying. Dr Frederick took a few steps away from them for fear of the woman wanting to come to him for more consolation. The door behind him opened, and Dr Frederick looked back.

  “Dr Frederick,” Mister Frank said looking flushed as he came in. Roman walked in behind him.

  Mister Frank walked to his master, standing beside him.

  “Was he dead already when you got here?” Mister Frank asked.


  Dr Frederick looked at his dresser and was about to ask why he would think that when he realised it himself. The Duchess was weeping.

  Why wouldn’t he think the Duke had died?

  “He didn’t die, Frank. We saved him just in time. The hormone worked,” Dr Frederick said.

  “It did?” Mister Frank said.

  “Yes,” Dr Frederick replied.

  “Yikes, this is good news. Aren’t you meant to document this?”

  Dr Frederick nodded. Mister Frank was right. His only reservation was that he couldn’t report to the English Council of Physicians that he had tried it on a human. Regardless of the result, he would be viewed as endangering the sacrosanct life of a patient for the progress of his scientific research.

  “I know what you are thinking, sir,” Mister Frank said.

  “How do we use this to our favour when presenting to the English Council of Physicians?” Dr Frederick asked.

  Mister Frank nodded.

  “What if you can get a signed note? A waiver, that permits you to test your research on the Duke and a testimonial of the positive result of its use,” Mister Frank said in a lowered tone.

  Yes, that’s true. He could try that.

  “I will leave in a bit. I need you to stay and watch the Duke. When he wakes up, check his vital signs and make him comfortable. I’ll be back in a day or two,” Dr Frederick said.

  Dr Frederick walked to the Duchess who was wiping her tears.

  “I need your help, Your Grace.”

  The Duchess smiled broadly.

  “Oh, I will help you Dr Frederick. I’ll give you anything you ask for, asides for the financial remuneration that you deserve for saving my husband’s life. Ask anything, it’s done.”

  Dr Frederick smiled.

  Wonderful. Thank goodness, I looked outside that window.

  Chapter 24


  Helena closed her eyes tightly, fighting the temptation to open her eyes as Miss Jacqueline said grace. Her stomach growled and ached, but Helena didn’t react. She didn’t know why she woke up so hungry.

  Of course I do, it’s because I slept early last night without having dinner.

  Lord Jeffrey was still in their house when she had gone to sleep. He had been discussing with her father for over two hours, and Helena was tired of waiting for him. She was also starting to get anxious at what Lord Jeffrey and her father always discussed.

  What could they find to say for so long?

  She didn’t wait for dinner. Now, she was all too eager to dive into a sumptuous looking breakfast.

  “Amen,” said every other person on the table.

  Helena was too distracted to follow her sister’s prayer. She said her amen mutedly after they all had. For the next few minutes, the table was quiet. Everyone seemed invested in the meal in front of them. Helena looked at her youngest sister.

  Even Melanie is in no rush today.

  “Is there nowhere for you to go with your friends this fair morning?” Helena asked.

  Miss Melanie looked up and smiled. Her smile made her look like a child.

  “She’s still a child,” Helena corrected herself.

  Her sister’s behaviour and mannerisms had made her forget that she wasn’t an adult yet.

  “No, we have nowhere planned to go today,” Miss Melanie responded after swallowing the piece of mutton in her mouth.

  Helena nodded. After that, no other person spoke for quite a while. Helena was pushing her plate away from her when Miss Justina came into the dining room. Helena looked at her maid.

  “What is it, Justina?”

  Miss Justina hesitated for a moment before speaking.

  “Lord Jeffrey is here.”

  Helena knew her moan would have been heard around the table if not for her father’s happy reply.

  “He is. Lead him to the sitting room, Helena will see him.”

  Helena waited till Miss Justina went out of the room.

  “Father, how do you know I want to see him?”

  The Baron looked confused.

  “Yes, how do you know?” Helena asked again.

  “Helena,” her mother said in a chiding tone.

  Helena then realised her voice had risen. Helena shook her head and stood up.

  “Thank you Mother for a wonderful breakfast,” she said hurriedly before leaving the room.

  Helena walked through the passage but didn’t get to the sitting room. She had no will to see Lord Jeffrey. She looked out of the window and saw that he had come with two coaches and quite a number of servants.

  “What is happening?” Helena asked herself.

  She paused to study the situation but couldn’t read what was happening. She didn’t know what was inside the coaches. Helena walked to her room and entered. Inside it was Miss Justina, who was obviously waiting for her.

  “Did you see the coaches?” Miss Justina asked Helena.

  “Yes, I was just going to ask you what all that was about,” Helena answered.

  “I am not sure, but I think the second coach is full of gifts.”

  “Gifts?” Helena asked, not expecting any further explanation from Miss Justina.

  Why would Jeffrey come with gifts?

  Miss Justina sat on the bed. Helena walked to her window and looked outside again. There were five stewards standing beside the two coaches.

  What are you doing, Jeffrey?

  “This cannot be good,” Helena said.

  Miss Justina said nothing. There was a small knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Helena said.

  A steward poked her head into the room.

  “The Baroness asked that I call on Miss Justina,” the steward said.

  Helena looked at her friend as she left the room. Helena went to her dressing table, looked into the mirror and tried smiling, but she could
only achieve a pained look. There were three wavy lines of worry on her forehead. She pushed the skin but it refused to wipe off. Helena was anxious.

  I need something to cool me down.

  Helena picked up a book on her table and walked to her bed. She moved to the edge beside the window so she could feel more air. Helena opened the book to the first page and started reading.

  After a long while of looking at words without assimilating, Helena stood up. She threw the book to the dressing table.

  Why are you here so early, Jeffrey?

  Helena walked to the windows again and saw that the coaches had been opened. While she had been struggling to read, the coaches had been opened and their content taken into the house. Helena stopped herself from cursing and turned back to her bed. There was a sudden knock on her door.

  “What is it?” Helena shouted to the person behind the door.

  “Lord Jeffrey asked that you be summoned, Miss Helena. He says he’s in the garden,” the voice said.

  Helena did not reply. She looked at herself one last time in the mirror and brushed her red hair. The strands refused to bend the way she wanted.

  Even my hair knows how I feel.

  She drew her dress downward before going out of the room. She walked down the passage, out of the house, and down the stairs. When she got to the edge of the garden, Helena consciously wore a hard frown. She went into the garden without missing a step, angry at the nebulous nature of what was happening in the house and anxious to find out exactly what was happening.

  “Helena, my dear, today is a happy day. Why the long face?” Lord Jeffrey said on seeing her.

  He was handsome, even more attractive than before. His hair was brushed backwards and with a sleek look. His top lip was a bit lighter which made Helena realise Lord Jeffrey had a faint moustache there formerly. He had shaved it.

  “Your visit is quite early,” Helena replied.

  “Sit down, Helena. Sit beside me, then I can tell you the good news,” Lord Jeffrey said, tapping the space on the bench beside him.

  Helena hesitated. She looked into Lord Jeffrey’s eyes and saw a glint in them. He was happy about something. Helena felt a small tremor inside.

  Whatever Lord Jeffrey is happy about, I doubt I’ll share the same enthusiasm when I find out.

  Helena was also desperate to find out what it was, so she sat down beside him, taking care to make sure their bodies didn’t touch.

  “You saw the gifts I brought for your father.”

  “I saw the coaches. I didn’t know they had gifts in them. Why did you bring gifts for him?” Helena asked.

  “Why won’t I bring gifts for my wife’s parents? Is that a crime?” Lord Jeffrey said.

  The “wife” part of his reply stung her like a drop of hot water on bare skin, but Helena kept her cool.

  “So what were the items in the gift? You wouldn’t keep that away from me now,” Helena said.

  “No, of course not. Most of it is exotic clothing material from Asia and some of the darker parts of the world. I brought jewellery for the Baroness too,” he answered.

  Helena nodded. She turned and looked directly into Lord Jeffrey’s eyes.

  “Why did you bring so much?” she asked him.

  “My dear, it’s not a fault of mine that I feel a yearning to give my wife’s parents expensive gifts, especially knowing the situation on ground,” Lord Jeffrey replied.

  I am not your wife.

  Helena wished she said that out loud

  “What situation on ground?”

  Lord Jeffrey smiled. He looked nonplused at Helena’s continuous questioning.

  “My dear, I have decided to be of help to your father, and you indirectly. I have provided all the financial support he needs, and more, to get himself out of the mess he is in. It’ll be just a shame for the barony to lose a wonderful servant and leader in such an inglorious manner.”

  Helena was speechless.

  Father told him? So that is what they are always discussing.

  Helena felt no drive to appreciate Lord Jeffrey. He wouldn’t do this without vested interest.

  “I also took the opportunity to tell the Baron that we had agreed to get married. Our wedding will be taking place before the end of the year. We should prepare for our banns,” Lord Jeffrey added.

  I didn’t even have to wait too long.

  Helena turned sharply to look at him.

  “When did you ask for my hand in marriage? When did I say yes?” Helena said. Her voice had gone up to a shout, but Helena didn’t care. She stood up from the bench.

  “My dear–”

  “I am not your dear. I am not your wife, Jeffrey. You infuriate me with such endearing remarks when you know we feel nothing of that sort for each other,” Helena shouted.

  She didn’t care anymore. She couldn’t pretend that this was alright. The smile on Lord Jeffrey’s face disappeared. He stood up with a menacing scowl effectively replacing the smile. He towered over Helena and looked down at her.

  “You are going to marry me, Helena.”

  “I won’t,” Helena shouted at him, standing on her toes so she could even lift her face up to his neck.

  “You will,” Lord Jeffrey said.

  His voice was cold and calm. He looked annoyed but unruffled by Helena’s outburst.

  “I won’t,” she screamed.

  She felt her eyes get wet and hot. Helena didn’t want to shed tears in front of Lord Jeffrey so she turned and made to run away when a hard hand gripped her arm.

  “Release me.”

  “Listen to me, Helena. I have provided your father with twenty thousand pounds to get rid of the barony’s debt troubles. And I gave him five thousand pounds extra for his maintenance and other necessities. But that is not all I’ve done. I made sure to properly document all his financial troubles. Do not tempt me to use what I know,” Lord Jeffrey said with a calm voice.

  Helena shook her head.

  No, this couldn’t be happening. Lord Jeffrey is blackmailing me into marriage.

  “So behave yourself and prepare to be called Mrs. Rutledge.”

  Helena dragged her arm away from his grip. There was a sinister smile on Lord Jeffrey face that Helena wanted so much to slap off. But she was scared; she was scared of what he would do to avenge it.

  “You will not succeed.”

  Helena ran away past a couple of stewards who stared at her. She ran up the stairs, past the sitting room, through the passage, and into her room. She turned to lock the door then flung herself on her bed. Tears were streaming down her cheeks in heavy floods. Helena could taste the salt already as some of the tears seeped into her mouth. She dabbed her eyes with a ’kerchief she saw on her bed, but even that was wet in no time.

  Who was she deceiving? He would succeed. He would because despite the pain tearing at her insides, she had finally gotten what she wanted and would do nothing to sabotage the newly found financial security that her father now had.

  Chapter 25


  Dr Frederick smiled when he saw the Chimney house. Maybe he could try to build something with the beautiful chit that lived there. She wouldn’t replace Helena, but she’d make it easier.

  His journey to London was a success. He couldn’t wait to tell Mister Frank how everything had gone.

  When he got to the office for the English Council of Physicians and submitted his reports, the leading physicians who read through his work were ecstatic. He submitted the laboratory notes the day he got there and was told to come back the next day by noon.

  Dr Frederick got an inn to sleep in and was at the office again by dawn. He couldn’t sleep throughout the night and saw it as pointless to put himself through the stress of waiting again. Before noon, he was summoned.

  “Dr Frederick, please have your seat,” the old man in the middle said.

  There were three men in white sitting across the table. They were all older than him. Dr Frederick knew the man by the right. He was
the Chairman of the English Council of Physicians.

  “Do you attest to running all the experiments and making all the observations in these notes?” the man in the middle asked.


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