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Claimed By The Lycan

Page 10

by Kristen Middleton

“It’s grown tremendously, and in more ways than one.”

  “If you ask me, his pack should be grateful he’s dead.”

  “On the contrary. Blake, as much as he thought that he was in control, was a pawn in a big political game. If he dies, then those controlling him are going to come out here and clean house. They don’t want information leaking that might cause problems for those Lycan hiding in our government.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that dead or alive, Blake is still a threat to us?”


  Megan rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Dammit. Here we go again.”

  His eyes softened. “How long have you been running, Megan? Almost twenty years, right?”

  “Just about.”

  He put his hand on her shoulder. “This is the answer. Dublin. You don’t have to run anymore. If you join me there, you’ll be protected by my family, and we are a force to be reckoned with. You also won’t have to deal with any of Blake’s successors. You, your daughter, and your mother will be able to finally lead a safe and normal life. You won’t ever have to worry about looking over your shoulder for threats. You can finally relax.”

  Stiffening up, she shook his hand away. “And how am I supposed to trust you? You’re the one who handed me over to Blake in the first place. You lied to me, Torin.”

  His face darkened. “Bullshit. I never lied to you. I told you that I worked for him. I was up front about that right away.”

  “But you held back what you did to earn your money.”

  “You never asked me for specifics,” he countered.

  He had her there. But, wasn’t holding back such critical information the same as lying? “I’m sorry but I just don’t trust you.”

  He looked exasperated. “Even after everything I did to help you tonight? You actually think I’d place any of you in harm’s way?”

  “The fact is that we barely know each other and… I know you less now than I did a few hours ago.”

  “You may not trust me but you can’t deny the fact that I turned my back on Blake to help you.”

  “After he paid you,” she sneered.

  “He owed me the money. Why shouldn’t I?”

  “I suppose you demand my money as well now, too? What is it that we agreed on? Double payment? Guess you can’t go wrong there,” she snapped.

  “I only want one kind of compensation from you, Megan,” he said, lowering his voice. “A payment you seemed pretty willing to give earlier.”

  “You really are a cad,” she said, gritting her teeth.

  He touched her hair. “Call me what you want, but there’s no denying the attraction between us.”

  Megan slapped his hand away. “It’s one-sided,” she lied, wishing it wasn’t true. “And that’s only because of what I am and what you are.”

  “So. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s real, and believe me, it is. I felt it, I smelled it, and I tasted it,” he said, staring down into her eyes. “You want me just as much as I want you, Megan Fontaine.”

  Not wanting to give in, she tried another tactic. “Our agreement was that I’d sleep with you if you saved my daughter and mother. You didn’t actually have to save them because the others showed up. I could have gone there on my own and had the same results.”

  Amused, he grinned. “You’re really going to try and talk your way out of this?”

  “I don’t have to. You see, our contract was made under a false understanding and now that I know the truth, I’d say the entire thing is nil.”

  “The contract?”

  She nodded.

  “There is no negotiating a contract after the fact, Megan Fontaine. You owe me and I’m either going to collect my payment here or in Dublin. But make no mistake, I always get what’s coming to me.”

  We’ll see about that, she thought, stomping away.


  Still stewing with anger, Megan went upstairs and checked on Caitlyn.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. It was after nine and Caitlyn was curled up in Megan’s old bed, staring at the wall.

  “No. Would you be, after everything that’s happened?” she said tersely.

  Megan sat down next to her on the bed. “No. Probably not.”

  Caitlyn looked at her. “How could you keep something like this from me?”

  “I was frightened for you.”

  “You know, this isn’t the kind of secret that belongs in a closet to be dragged out when the time is right.”

  “I know, it’s bigger than that but I was only trying to protect you from everything. If you would have known –”

  “Maybe I could have protected myself better,” she snapped.

  Megan touched her arm. “Maybe. Look, I’m sorry. I wanted you to have something normal in your life growing up.”

  “Normal? My entire life has been anything but. I mean, every time things began to feel close to ‘normal’, we’d have to pick up and move, obviously because you thought our lives were in danger. At least if you’d have told me the truth, I would have understood.”

  “You’re absolutely right. I probably should have confided in you a long time ago. But, I didn’t and now… well, here we are.”

  Caitlyn sighed.

  “I’m going to be honest with you from now on. I promise.”

  “I should hope so.”

  Megan rubbed her arm. “We’re still in a lot of danger. We can’t stay here.”

  “I don’t want to stay here. I want to go back to Tucson,” she mumbled.

  “We can’t go back there, either.”

  She sighed. “Then where are we going?”

  “We might be going to Dublin.”

  Caitlyn stared at her in shock. “As in Ireland?”

  She nodded. “Torin’s family owns a castle and said that he’d help protect us.”

  “A castle?”

  Megan smiled. “Yes. It sounds kind of magical, doesn’t it?”

  She snorted. “Right. It’s not Disney World.”

  She laughed. “I know. I’m just kidding. But, it does sound safe and that’s the important thing.”

  “What’s going on between you two?”


  “He likes you. I can tell.”

  Megan didn’t respond.

  “So, is that man, Mitch, going to be okay?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Did you know him before you left Pine River?”

  “I did.”

  “He tried saving my life,” she said, her eyes softening. “That’s why he got hurt.”

  Megan let out a ragged sigh. “There’s something else I need to tell you.”

  “I know, I’m going to become a Lycan soon,” said Megan, looking ill.

  “It’s not all that bad,” said Megan. “In fact, it’s… exhilarating at times.”

  “Sorry if I don’t share your enthusiasm for it. It sounds terrifying to me.”

  “I was scared the first time, myself. But, it wasn’t as bad as I thought.”


  “You’ll be fine. I’ll be with you when it happens, honey.”

  “I hope so.”

  Megan had been about to tell her about Mitch being her father, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. She knew it would complicate things even more so. She also knew that Caitlyn might refuse to leave him behind when she learned the truth.

  Meredith stuck her head into the bedroom. “We need to get going. Torin says that we should all stick together.”

  “He’s probably right,” said Megan standing up. “Did he mention Dublin?”

  “No. What about it?”

  Megan explained and Meredith sighed. “He’s probably right. You should go.”

  “Not without you,” said Megan.

  “I’m not leaving my home. I’ve been here most of my life. It’s where I belong.”

  “It’s not safe,” argued Megan. “You can’t stay here. Torin said –”

  “I’m not leaving here,” she
said firmly.

  Megan sighed. “If you’re not going, we’re not.”

  Torin appeared in the doorway. “You all need to come to Dublin,” he said, looking anxious. “I’ve found out that Blake is still alive. Apparently, Lucah and Milayna weren’t able to kill him.”

  “How do you know this?” asked Megan.

  “Blake just sent me a threatening text. We have to leave. Now.”

  “Oh, my God,” cried Caitlyn, scrambling out of the bed.

  They quickly made their way downstairs, where Meredith grabbed her keys. “Let’s take my Yukon. It will be more comfortable, with all of us.”

  “What about Mitch?” asked Megan. “Do we have time to take him to Anna Marie’s?”

  “We need to get out of town as soon as possible,” said Torin. “That would probably be too risky.”

  “What are we going to do with him, then?” asked Meredith. “Anna Marie hasn’t called me back yet.”

  “Leave him here,” said Torin, as they stepped outside.

  “No,” said Megan firmly. “Blake will most certainly kill him if he shows up.”

  “Then he comes with us but we leave now,” said Torin, heading toward his car. He opened the back door and pulled Mitch out.

  “What’s going on?” mumbled Mitch, still barely lucid. His eyes were cloudy and he looked pale.

  Too pale, thought Megan, very worried about him. If he was becoming a Lycan, shouldn’t he be getting stronger?

  “We’re leaving and taking Meredith’s SUV,” said Torin, helping him walk. “Ladies, please, hurry up and get in before Blake’s pack gets here and shit hits the fan.”

  Megan and Caitlyn quickly got into the back with Mitch.

  Meredith handed Torin the keys. “I’d better let you drive. I’m too shaky.”

  “No problem.”

  “Where are we going?” asked Megan, wishing she had time to grab the few belongings they had. But something told her that it wasn’t worth risking any of their lives.

  “To Walker. We’ll stay there until morning and then my brother is sending a plane to the nearest airfield,” he replied, starting the engine.

  “I’m not going to Dublin,” said Meredith firmly. “You and Caitlyn should go, though.”

  “If you stay, you’ll be hunted down by Blake. Once he finds you, he’ll torture you until you give up your daughter. He’s that obsessed with her. He left you alone for all of these years, but he won’t do it again.”

  Meredith sighed.

  “You stay, you’ll die. You go, you’ll live. It’s as simple as that,” said Torin.

  “We have to go,” squeaked Caitlyn in the back. “All of us. He’s right.”

  “He is right,” agreed Megan. “Mom, don’t be stubborn. It’s going to get you killed.”

  Meredith released a ragged breath. “Fine. We’ll all go. For now.”

  Torin relaxed his shoulders. He hadn’t really received a text from Blake, but he knew that if they stayed, it would end badly. It didn’t matter if Blake was alive or not, his pack would hunt the women down and torture them mercilessly. Being that they were female, he could only imagine the abuse they’d have to endure. But that wasn’t going to happen. Not under his watch.

  “What about Mitch?” asked Megan, looking back at him. He was unconscious again and snoring softly.

  “He’ll be fine. He just needs a few hours to go through the changes,” said Torin, looking in his rearview mirror.

  “I’ll call Alex and Anna Marie again. Let them know where he’s at,” said Meredith.

  “You’re sure you can trust them?” asked Torin, looking back at her.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Without a doubt.”

  “Good, because right now, the only other person you can trust is me,” said Torin, looking directly at Megan in the rearview mirror. “And I swear, no matter what kind of relationship that I had with Blake earlier, I’ll do everything in my power to protect you from him now.”

  Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, Megan could only nod.


  When they arrived at the motel in Walker, Torin helped Mitch into the adjacent room. There were two queen-sized beds and he dropped Mitch into the one closest to the bathroom.

  “I need food,” said Caitlyn, plopping down onto the next bed. “I’m so hungry, I can’t even think straight anymore.”

  “There’s a pizza place across the street,” said Torin. “I’ve heard they’re pretty good.”

  “That would be lovely,” said Meredith, putting her purse down. “I’m famished.”

  Torin opened up his wallet and took out a fifty dollar bill. “Here, take this. The number is in the brochure next to the phone.”

  “No, I’ve got it,” said Meredith, opening up her purse. “I’ll order them with my credit card.”

  “You don’t want to use any credit or debit cards. Too dangerous,” he replied.

  “I can’t use them anymore?” said Meredith, looking surprised.

  “No you can’t, Mom,” said Megan. “That’s how they track you.”

  She sighed. “So, what you’re saying is that I have all this money but I can’t even touch it?”

  “Not at the moment. When we get to Dublin, we’ll figure something out. But, until then, I’d make one large cash withdrawal tomorrow, and then leave it alone,” he answered.

  “We’ll do it in the morning,” said Megan. “Before catching the plane.”

  “We’re really going to do this?” asked Caitlyn. “Go to Dublin?”

  Megan nodded.

  She smiled. “I guess that sounds kind of cool.”

  “It’s very cool,” said Torin, smiling back. “You’re going to love it. Not only the castle, but the countryside. The people. Everything.”

  “Are there a lot of Lycan in Dublin?” she asked.

  “Not too many but I suppose I should warn you,” said Torin. “My brother Liam has some very unusual friends.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Megan.

  His eyes twinkled. “Vampires.”

  Caitlyn’s jaw dropped. “What? You’re kidding!”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “Do they suck people’s blood?” she asked incredulously.

  “Only those who volunteer,” he answered. “I think, at least. Slade gets his from a blood bank.”

  “Who is Slade?”

  “My brother’s best friend.”

  Caitlyn shuddered. “That just sounds so disgusting.”

  “Okay, time to change the subject,” said Megan, feeling dizzy. She hadn’t eaten for hours herself and the talk of blood wasn’t helping. Although she liked to indulge in rabbit and other small game when she was in her Lycan form, as a human, it sounded far from appetizing. “And order some pizza. Who likes pepperoni and mushroom?”

  “I like anything and everything,” said Torin, handing her another fifty. “Please get me a supreme and an order of buffalo wings, if they have it.”

  “Okay,” she replied, taking the money. “Just how hungry are you?” Lycan, especially males, had a voracious appetite. Since he hadn’t eaten all day, she could only assume that he wasn’t feeling very well himself.

  “Hungry enough to eat the pizza and the wings myself, so if you want some, order enough for everyone,” he said, walking toward the door. “I’m going to my room to take a shower. Could you let me know when the pizzas are here?”

  “Sure. Where’s your room?” asked Megan.

  “Twenty-three. It’s right next door.”

  “What about Mitch?” asked Caitlyn.

  Torin looked at him. “He’s probably going to sleep for the next few hours. When he wakes up, he’s going to be hungry. Order him something now and put it in there,” he answered, nodding toward the mini refrigerator.

  Megan nodded.

  “Lock the door behind me,” ordered Torin, walking out.

  Caitlyn jumped up and hurried over to the deadbolt. She locked it and then turned to look at Megan. “Do you think Blake will fi
nd us?”

  “I hope not,” she answered. “But, we’d better listen to Torin and use caution for everything during the next several hours.”

  She walked away from the door. “This feels like one big, bad dream. One that I wish I could wake up from.”

  “It feels that way to me too,” replied Megan as she began looking through the pizza menu. “It always has.”


  After they ate, Torin went back to his room and called Aiden. “So, we’re good to go?” he asked him.

  “Yes. The plane should be there sometime around ten a.m. Do you know where the airport is?”

  “I’ll find it,” he answered. “Thanks for doing this.”

  “You’re welcome. Just get your ass home safely.”

  “I’m planning on it.”

  “Oh, before I forget, did I tell you that Liam is home?”

  “No, isn’t he supposed to be on tour with Slade and the others?”

  Liam, their younger brother, was the drummer for a rock band called Venom. They were beginning to make a name for themselves, especially in the U.S.

  “They were supposed to be but ran into some trouble in Montana. Have you ever heard of a shifter by the name of Faye Dunbar?”

  “Actually, the name does ring a bell. She’s a shifter?”

  “Yes. She hired the band for her club but then all hell broke loose when Slade stood up to her.”

  “Shifters are usually controlling assholes.”

  “That would definitely describe her,” he said, a smile in his voice. “Oh, and then there are these girls…”

  Torin chuckled. “Of course.”

  “Apparently, their lives were in danger and so Liam and Slade decided to bring them here. The chivalry around here is making my head spin. I tell you.”

  “It’s in our blood.”

  “You ain’t kidding. Anyway, they’re staying at the castle, too, temporarily. You can ask them more about it when you get here.”

  “Are you sure there’s room for us?” asked Torin.

  “Of course. This is your home, too, you know and I’d never turn away a group of female Lycan that need our protection.”

  Torin grinned. “I’m sure you wouldn’t.”

  “Look, I’ve got to go. I’m getting another call.”


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