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Battle Beyond Earth Box Set

Page 98

by Nick S. Thomas

  "Your timing is impeccable," he said to Alita.

  "I know," she replied and smiled at him.

  She lifted the nose of the craft and headed up for the atmosphere to take them back to what was now home.

  "I thought you'd never come." He began to relax for the first time in what felt like an age.

  "Then you don't know me at all. I would overcome anything to not lose you."

  He was appreciative, but that also worried him. He didn't want to lose her, too, and he could just tell that she was being serious.

  "What the hell did you say to Zaya to get him on side?"

  "I told him the truth."

  It was a rather vague and mysterious response, but Taylor was content that she didn't want to be pushed any further. He looked back down the line of troops. Many were glaring at Zaya with suspicion; others were tending to the wounded or just exhausted and glad to be alive.

  "Do you think he can be trusted?"

  "No, Jones, no way," replied Taylor firmly, "but that doesn't mean we can't work together."

  He stood up and went over to Zaya who looked calmer than any of them.

  "You knew you were going to get out sometime, didn't you?"

  There was no response, but his eyes gave him up.

  "Why? Why were you so confident that we would not kill you in captivity?"

  "It is not your way."

  "No, it isn’t."

  "And that is your weakness, Colonel Taylor."

  "And there's the heartless bastard I thought I knew."

  "No, you are wrong. Heartless would suggest I had no emotion. I have plenty."

  "A bitter hatred, is that it?"

  Zaya nodded.

  "Yeah, well, I know just how to help you vent it. There'll be no shortage of people to fight before we get to Bolormaa, are you telling you are in on this? No matter who or what it takes?"

  "I always was. You are asking me to put everything aside. Not a care in the world to achieve what I must. I did that before, and you locked me up for it."

  Taylor sighed. He was right.

  "That was then, and this is now. Our world is invaded. Not any world, but Earth."

  "She wants it, doesn't she? She has always had a great hunger for a world like yours, one she thought she would never find. None of us did."

  It was all beginning to fit with what they had been hearing from the other races. He still didn't trust the Prince, but it was another piece of the puzzle. He began to smile.

  "What is funny?" Zaya asked.

  "It’s that we all thought this war was different. We couldn't work out Bolormaa's motive, and yet we should have known. The same old reason the Krys fought us, because they wanted what was ours."

  "Yes, she wants your world, but even I do not know what drives her. She thinks and does as she pleases."

  "And none of you have ever thought to overthrow her?"

  "Through fear of death, no. One did, many thousands of years ago. He did not just loose a humiliating fight, but was punished with a hundred years of punishment and torture before his execution."

  "You’ve got to give it to her, she sure knows how to set an example."

  “Yes,” he replied sternly.

  “When you came down here, free and clear, why didn’t you run?”

  Zaya looked uneasy by the question as if he found the answer embarrassing.

  “What is it?”

  “I came because I know how valuable you are. That much she is right about,” he said, gesturing towards Alita, “Bolormaa thinks so, too, and that intrigues me. I don’t know how you have lived this long. You seem weak and insignificant compared to my kind, and yet, there is something special about you.”

  “Yep, I’m a stubborn mother fucker.”

  The humour was lost on the alien.

  “When this is over, and she is dead, what will you do? Will you have peace?”

  His eyes went vague as if he hadn’t even considered the possibility of what life could be once Bolormaa had gone.

  “You can see why I might want to know. I’d rather not dethrone a bitch queen to have her replaced by a king set to carry on her legacy.”

  “I do not want her throne. I only want her dead.”

  “Yeah, right, you and me both. So…you’ll fight alongside us?”

  He swayed back and forth as if still uneasy with the prospect.

  “Come on, you know it’s the right thing to do. Together we are stronger.”

  “But you do not trust me, and I do not trust you.”

  “And? We can deal with trust issues. Right now what we need is every ally we can get. For us that means gaining a formidable fighter, but for you, it is to gain an entire Alliance. An Alliance of fighters that want just what you want.”

  Zaya certainly wasn’t at all happy to be working with them, and yet he seemed to have accepted that he needed to. Taylor went back to his seat and collapsed down into it. Jones’ face had an inquisitive expression about him. He must have watched his interaction with Zaya and was waiting for some kind of assessment.

  “So?” he finally asked, as Taylor wasn’t offering anything up.

  “So what?”

  “Come on, Mitch, this is quite literally an elephant in the room. He’s lethal. He could probably tear up everyone here if he put his mind to it.”

  “Is there a question in there somewhere?” Taylor asked wearily.

  “You know very well that there is. Will he fight for us? And can he be trusted not to do us harm? Lastly, are we gonna lock him back up?”

  “We can’t do that.”

  “And why not? He is one of them.”

  “He also saved our lives. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “Not because he had any care for us.”

  “I don’t think the reason why matters.”

  “Yes, it does matter.”

  “Not to me, it doesn’t,” snapped Taylor. Jones stopped and let him continue, “Whatever we do or don’t do from this day on, you have to do it with the knowledge that the reason we even have the luxury of making those decisions is that…that creature over there, made it possible. Without his help, we would be dead in that hole, along with the General."

  “I still don’t trust him. It doesn’t change anything.”

  “I don’t trust him either, but it sure does change things. We have gotten more insight into Bolormaa in one short conversation with that Prince than we have through all other sources since this war began. He is an asset, a blunt instrument, and I intend to use him to full effect.”

  Jones had nothing left to say, but he still wasn’t at all happy. He watched Zaya like a hawk all the way back to the Indy. As they made their final approach, Taylor leaned into the cockpit. He could see a hundred marines awaited them, as well as Fortier and several other officers. They were all well armed, but it made Taylor laugh.

  “They wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  As they landed, they found themselves surrounded by the marines. Taylor headed to the door to be the first out.

  “Wait here. Do not move. Do not give them any reason to fire on you,” he said to Zaya.

  “Why would I care? They cannot harm me,” he said, peaking past Taylor and through the door to see their puny rifles.

  “It’s not your safety I worry about. It’s theirs.”

  He turned and walked out casually. He refused to be treated like the enemy.

  “Colonel Taylor, you are harbouring an escaped prisoner and an officer of this fleet who is to be charged with…more crimes than I care to list!” Fortier yelled from behind the cover of a line of marines.

  “Yeah, well, that’s just tough. Time we moved on from this,” he replied.

  “What do you mean by that, Colonel?”

  “Zaya, the former Prince of the Morohta, he is a rebel to his people, and he not only saved our lives, he has agreed to fight alongside us!”

  Fortier looked both surprised and unimpressed. He was too focused on going by the book, but as he looked around,
he saw the relief on the faces of those around him.

  “Step aside, Colonel, and let us return this prisoner to his cell.”

  “Not a chance. Let me put it this way, Captain. If you fight Zaya, you will die. You will all die! And we will have lost a valuable asset. He saved our lives, and that means something to me. I may have given you command of this ship, but that doesn’t give you command over this operation.”

  “Then who has command and authority here?”

  “I do!” a voice called out.

  It was strong and commanding, but still deeply feminine.

  Caron was pushing her way through the marines to reach him, her two agents close by her side.

  “Sorry, Ma’am, but you do not have authority here.”

  “Actually I do. I have received confirmation from authenticated sources. I am the next in line to the Presidency of the Alliance. That makes me officially Acting President as of ten minutes ago, and I am ordering you to stand down.”

  Fortier looked a little worried.

  “Madam…President. You have to understand, this is a dangerous prisoner that must be contained.”

  “If Taylor says that creature is our ally, then he our ally. I would put more stock in the Colonel’s opinion than anyone else I know on matters of war, and neither will you punish Lieutenant Hariz for her actions.”


  “But nothing! She used her brains. She thought outside the box, used some initiative, and saved a lot of lives. We should be finding her a medal, have you got that?”

  Taylor was impressed. He hadn’t known what to think of the woman when they first met. He had feared she would be a drink of water, but she was already shaping up to be a formidable force.

  “This Zaya, bring him forward.”

  The Morohtan Prince stepped out calmly and held himself tall and proud. He clearly felt no threat at all. He stopped before Caron as if waiting for her greeting.

  “Welcome aboard, Zaya. I am Lisa Caron, Acting President of the Alliance, and let me be the first to thank you. You saved a lot of lives today.”

  Zaya seemed disinterested as he looked around the bay and studied everything he saw.

  “I am here out of necessity. I will fight Bolormaa with you, but nothing more. I saved Colonel Taylor’s life because he is essential to winning this fight.”

  “Yes, no doubt. We are glad to have you with us,” she replied, turning her attention to Fortier.

  “Captain, you will see that Zaya is given living space immediately.”

  “Yes...Ma’am,” he replied in an uneasy tone.

  “For now please stay where you are until we can arrange something.”

  The Captain was quick to leave the scene as the marines scattered, too.

  “It’s gonna take some real effort for people round here to warm to you.” Zaya grunted at Taylor, “Just take it easy, and don’t kill anyone.”

  “Colonel, if I may have a word?” Caron asked.

  “Of course,” he said and followed her towards one of the exits. As soon as they were out of earshot, it was Taylor who had to ask the question.

  “You didn’t really get confirmation of your Presidency, did you?”

  She smiled.

  “No, but I might as well have. We both know that news is going to come our way soon, and besides, we need leadership now. I believe I can give it.”

  “I like you already.” Taylor laughed at her blatant abuse of the rules.

  Chapter 12

  “I am sorry if I was short or too forward, Colonel, but I was only looking out for the best interests of everyone aboard this ship,” said Fortier as Taylor stepped onto the bridge.

  Irala was on the bridge, and he scowled as Zaya followed him. It was the most emotion Taylor had ever seen on the face of one of the Aranui people. In a flash, he had drawn a blade and covered the distance at the remarkable speed Taylor remembered from the moment they first met. He had just enough time to jump into his path and bring him to a standstill, a metre before he reached Zaya. He already had a weapon drawn, too.

  “Wow, stop this!” Taylor yelled.

  Irala’s blade was at his throat, and he looked more than willing to use it.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Taylor pleaded.

  Nobody else moved a muscle. They were too scared and shocked to do a thing. Fortier knew there was nothing their guards could do to defuse the situation. He looked to Taylor as if he expected him to resolve it.

  “What are you doing here, Irala? He is with us.”

  “This is madness, Taylor. I won’t have it on my ship. Look what you have brought upon us, said Fortier.”

  “I didn’t start this, and neither did he,” replied Taylor, gesturing towards Zaya with his eyes. He dared not move any further and risk provoking a response from either of them.

  He hoped they would shed some light on the situation, but neither said a word.

  “Come on, guys, what the fuck? We all want the same thing. We all came together to end Bolormaa. Is it so much to ask that we work together? This is an alliance after all. Allied, working together, get it?”

  “Not with that thing,” snarled Irala.

  Taylor sighed as he straightened himself and pushed Irala’s weapon away, which he didn’t seem to appreciate.

  “I have had enough of this bullshit. Clearly you have a problem with him, and it’s eating away at you. That much is your problem, but now you are making it ours. Both of you are vital to winning this war, so let’s have it out in the open. Air your beefs right now, and let’s be done with it.”

  “It won’t be done until that thing is destroyed,” Irala said.

  “Then let’s play this game,” replied Zaya confidently.

  Irala moved to go forward, but Taylor grabbed hold of his arm quickly and held him in place. He looked at Zaya and shook his head, “Not helping,” he added.

  He turned back to Irala who looked ready to explode with anger.

  “Forget him, and look at me,” said Taylor, placing a hand on his old friend’s shoulder.

  “Look at me,” he repeated in a stronger tone.

  Finally, he did, but he didn’t look happy about it.

  “We have been friends for a long time, or at least I hope we have. We have been through hell, but that means trusting one another. I am telling you we need him, and we need you. So tell me what it is that he has done. What is your issue and we can work through it?”

  Irala looked deep into his eyes before struggling to break free, but Taylor held on firmly. He wasn’t going to let it go.

  “Please, for me, for the hope of winning this war.”

  He took in a deep breath, and his nostrils flared as he tried to calm himself. Taylor had never seen him in such a state.

  “That thing butchered my people, my friends, and most of all, my mentor. He was as a father to me, but more than you will ever know.”

  “Damn right, it’s more than I’ll ever know. You know how long I knew my father for? Nothing! Not even a day. I’d have killed to have a father, or a mentor that was even close to one. You should count yourself lucky that you knew someone you could hold in such high esteem in your life.”

  “You wouldn’t understand. Your lifetimes are so fleeting. A mere spec on the history of the universe.”

  “Really? Like the Krys wars were? A people that drove you into the dust, but that with our help you were able to defeat and make peace? Us humans, you think we are that much, a spec of history?”

  “You know that is not what I meant.”

  “No, I don’t,” snapped Taylor, “You have no idea what pain and suffering and losses I had to endure in the Krys wars. Long before you were even involved. I lost more friends that you have probably ever had in your entire existence. That’s right. I saw the slaughter chambers, and the experiments, and the genocide. I saw my best friend be subjected to all that, and almost be ripped apart inside because of it.”

  Jones’ eyes widened at what he was saying. He was talkin
g about his ancestor, but he didn’t know that part of the history. He wanted to ask questions, but he knew he couldn’t as Taylor went on.

  “That was at the hands of the Krys, and yet I made my peace with that, and I made my peace with them. And that is how we have survived to today. Were it not for our human mercy and compassion, our will to make peace, you wouldn’t even be alive today, and neither would your entire fucking race.”

  The crew were shocked by Taylor’s outburst. It wasn’t the version of history they had been taught, and yet they believed him. Irala still said nothing. He looked ashamed and a little humbled.

  “That’s right, so don’t talk to me about losses. I am sure that son of a bitch is responsible for plenty of deaths of your people,” he said pointing to Zaya, “my people, and the Krys. But how many of his have we killed since this began? We don’t have time to try and kill each other. That is not a luxury we have. Maybe one day. Perhaps on that day that we can end Bolormaa, you may take up this matter with him, but until then, you keep your shit together, and you work with us, not against us.”

  Irala slowly sheathed his blade and looked past Taylor into Zaya’s eyes.

  “When Bolormaa is dead, then I will seek you out.”

  “I will be waiting.”

  Jones was relieved as everyone stood down, but there was still so much tension in the room. The door to the bridge opened, and Jafar stepped through. He looked surprised to see Zaya, but accepting of it as Taylor nodded in approval. Even he could see the tension.

  “What did I miss?” he asked.

  Taylor had never been so glad to see his old friend.

  “Only a little disagreement, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “We decided what you did was foolish, but we could not stay back and let you fight this alone. We are with you.”

  “Well, thank fuck for that.”

  “I have to tell you though, Mitch, there are plenty of people in this fleet who are not at all happy about you siding with that.” He looked at Zaya to weigh him up.


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