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Page 5

by Shakir Rashaan

shamise remained in her kneeling position, closing her eyes before she spoke again. “May i be excused now, my Goddesss?”

  “Yes, you may, shamise. Check on your sis and make sure she is okay.” I watched her hips sway as she moved in the direction of the family hut, where I assumed sajira might still be.

  With her last parting shot, shamise looked back and addressed Lyrical. “Sir, please don’t mistake my leaving as Your opportunity to be alone with my Goddess. It is only by Her command that i am leaving at all. Take this brief time to speak Your peace and understand that there are eyes everywhere.”

  Lyrical asked as he pulled up a chair next to my lounger, “Is she always like that? You would have thought I was trying to do harm or something.”

  “Our girls are very protective of us, Sir,” I quipped, sliding my sunglasses over my eyes again. “You can only imagine how bad My boi is about Me.”

  “I have a feeling I might not want to find out.” He smirked as his eyes roamed all over my body. Even though I was cramping horribly, I felt a twitch through my clit. I didn’t want to show my arousal so soon, and I wanted to find a way to cover myself before my body betrayed me even further.

  My nipples didn’t quite get the memo as they perked up through my bikini top, making it known that his presence was doing something to me. He tried his best to keep from noticing, but they were sitting pretty enough for any man within a few feet of where we were sitting to realize I was in heat.

  “Was it something I said?” he joked, crossing his muscular legs like he knew I was feeling him.

  “No, it wasn’t,” I retorted, pulling my towel to cover my chest. “The breeze out here has Me a little cold, if You must know.”

  “The breeze…right…I can dig it.” He chuckled to himself. I laughed along with him, realizing how paper-thin that excuse was. “So, would You like to find a place a little warmer for us to talk some more? I would love to get to know You better.”

  “That would be a negative, Sir.” I lifted from the lounger to sit up a little bit. The heat rising from my skin made me uncomfortable, and being in a horizontal position where he could take advantage, and I would’ve wanted him to take advantage, was not a good look for a first encounter. I could be had, but only on my terms.

  “Okay…so when can I see You? Perhaps we could have dinner together before the week is over?” He extended his hand to help me stand, and I had to smack his hand away from my ass when his fingers glanced across it. He grinned at the cat-and-mouse game he thought we were playing, but I was slowly getting bored with the amateur efforts.

  “Honestly, I think I’ll let You know if I feel like having dinner with You, Sir,” I answered, moving to wrap the towel around my waist. “I don’t think You’re quite adept at the rules of engagement, but You’re more than welcome to have dinner with Me, and the rest of My family, later on tonight, if You think You can hang.”

  The stunned look on his face let me know he was not used to being rejected very often, and it gave me a rush. Even if I did want to fuck him, and trust me, he was fine enough for me to want to fuck him, his actions put me off as though he had already sealed the deal, and it was only a matter of how quickly we could get to his hut and getting out of my swimsuit to do the damn thing.

  There’s only one man on this planet that had even come close.

  This one wasn’t in the same galaxy as my Beloved.

  “Fair enough, Lady Neferterri. As You wish.”

  I already knew he would show up for dinner later tonight; he was too curious not to show up and figure out why I wasn’t as willing and anxious to let him have his way with me. I’d seen Female Dominants at times succumb to their urges and do what came naturally, and I didn’t blame them for doing so as I’d done it in the past, too. But there was no way that Lyrical would be the beneficiary of that decision.


  “The surveillance cameras are good to go, Dominic.”

  We were inside the main surveillance hub in the main building, doing the usual check of the systems and the range on the cameras in the different areas of the island. I spared no expense in getting a system that would make the casinos in Vegas jealous. Anything Dominic and I could find, we found it, and short of a dome to put over the top of the place, we had it installed and maintained as often as we could.

  Because things were not always properly illuminated during the nighttime hours, we made sure the system had night vision technology needed to easily identify anyone within seconds, regardless of the time of day. Thankfully, most of the attendees traveled through Nassau to get to the yachts, which meant we could tap into the records at the airport and run facial recognition software without the attendees knowing it.

  I took no chances…

  “I think we might be good with making another sweep to make sure nothing has been tampered with,” Dominic pointed out. “I think the cameras near the shoreline might need a closer look.”

  He wasn’t fooling me. He saw some nice eye candy on the monitors and wanted to take a look at that. I wasn’t mad at him. Neither of his girls, Natasha nor Niki, was able to make the trip because they were in the midst of the Christmas season. For law enforcement that meant it was the season to try to get away with stealing whatever from whomever.

  “All right, Dom, let’s make the sweep before nightfall. I have a feeling you might be right.”

  To be real, I knew he wasn’t, but I wasn’t about to deprive him of some pleasure.

  We stepped out of the main building, working through the great room out to the front of the building, greeting guests and checking to make sure they were enjoying themselves. The walk did us both some good; it gave me a chance to check up on his progress with his submissives.

  “So, talk to me, Dom. How goes it with Niki and Natasha?” I asked him as the candy passed us by.

  “Ramesses, I can’t complain with those two, especially after they went through the training with Your girls,” Dominic answered. “Niki really took to the training, almost like she had been waiting to do it for a long time.”

  “Good deal, that’s what I like to hear.” I’d begun coaching the girls on training other new submissives, and Dom’s girls were the guinea pig experiment to see if they had the skill to train others. “What about Natasha, is she taking to the training, too?”

  “Natasha took a little time to wrap her head around the protocol, but once she equated it to the Academy training we went through as beat patrol, she finally came around,” Dominic recounted.

  “You know how it can be with aggressive women, My friend,” I explained. “For the most part, they’re trying to reconcile what submission really is versus the perception from all those romance books. Once they realize there is strength in submission, the mind calms down, and the body quickly follows.”

  “Don’t I know it?” Dominic laughed for a moment as he enjoyed his inside joke. “I just hope I can keep it together. I’m not on Your level yet, but I’m learning quickly.”

  We continued to check on the surveillance cameras in the spots I knew were not an issue, but when we got to the beach area where the women usually sunbathed in the nude, I understood why he was in such a rush to get out there.

  I couldn’t stop staring, in awe at the beautiful bodies that were on display all over the area. Regardless of size, the hourglass shapes that assaulted my visual senses stopped me in my tracks and held me prisoner to the lustful thoughts in my mind. Dominic was right about needing to get a live feed instead of watching the cameras, but I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right.

  Dominic took one look at my facial expression and smirked. “Still think I was flexin’?”

  “Fuck You, Dom.” I laughed.

  As I surveyed the field again, taking in the sights before we headed back to the main building to continue the sweep, a vision of exquisite sin came walking toward us. To say she had my attention was an understatement.

  The bikini she wore was understated, almost boring by c
omparison to the pieces the other women wore on the beach, but there’s something to be said for a body that makes anything look good.

  Her eyes swept over the two of us, almost eyeing to figure out which one of us she wanted to deal with first. I was resigned to let her engage Dom instead of me, but with women, there’s no telling what may happen. She locked eyes with me, never once looking away, which tripped my senses that she was a Dominant. Submissives usually didn’t engage in eye contact, even when I requested that they do so.

  “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” She greeted us with an extended hand, turning in Dominic’s direction. He shook her hand first, remaining indifferent despite the grin on his face in admiring her frame. I shook her hand after he disengaged with her, trying my best to keep my own composure as her body inspired some evil thoughts. There were a few things during our exchange that should have given me pause, but I was too enthralled with finding out more about her to listen to the warning bells sounding off in my mind.

  She held my hand longer than I was comfortable with.

  She held my eye contact longer than she needed to.

  And she moved closer to me, ensuring I got a closer look at what I admired from a distance.

  Dominic cleared his throat to break the connection between us. I could tell from his body language that he really wasn’t about to stand around while I figured out if I wanted to say hello or not.

  “Forgive Me, good afternoon to You.” I finally got the words out of my mouth, confused as to why I was unable to speak. “I hope You have enjoyed the island so far?”

  “Yes, I have, Ramesses,” she remarked. “Although I have yet to experience the evil pleasures the island is developing the reputation for providing.”

  “You have Me at a disadvantage, My dear.” I had to admit, she had me on my heels, and I wasn’t sure if I liked the feeling or not. Usually it’s my Beloved who put me on the defensive, so to have another do so without much effort was interesting. “You seem to know who I am, but neither I nor My associate do not so much as have Your name?”

  “Well, let’s correct that.” Her smile widened as she continued to look at Dominic and me. Her facial expressions betrayed her, and her body language telegraphed exactly what was on her mind. “My name is Domina Korina, but My friends call me DK, and yes, I do know who You and Dominic are.”

  “That’s better, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we have other business to attend to, Ramesses.” Dominic’s temper began to flare up. It was a matter of time before he cut loose and let his mouth tell what’s going through his mind. “We have that fire play demo to prepare for You and sajira later tonight.”

  “I would love to learn fire play,” DK chimed in, interrupting Dom’s attempts at cutting the conversation short. “Watching Master Osiris last night was amazing. Do You think You could teach Me?”

  Before I could answer, Dominic interjected, “I’m sorry, DK, but Master Ramesses’s schedule is hectic over the next few days. It would be near impossible with the operations of the island during this critical grand opening to take the time needed to teach the basics.”

  “I’m sure I can find some time to instruct over the next day or so.” I was contradicting myself, but I wasn’t about to give up the opportunity to do some damage with my fire play skills. Dominic’s jaw almost dropped as he watched the smile creep across DK’s face and she subconsciously licked her lips. “You’re more than welcome to watch the demo later on tonight, just to get an idea of how I do My thing.”

  “I think I would love to see You do Your thing.” She moved closer to me for a brief second, an obvious attempt to trip my carnal senses. The mix of the ocean water on her skin and the scent of the suntan lotion should have been enough to make me want to take her right there on the beach, whether Dom was there or not.

  Too bad for her. I did have business to attend to, and I wasn’t about to deviate from my appointed rounds. Besides, there’s no telling what may have happened later on after the demo.

  “Well, I’ll look forward to seeing You and the rest of the guests tonight in the main dungeon area, DK.” I maneuvered around her, taking care not to touch her in any sensual manner. The last thing I wanted to convey was that I was interested in more than instruction for a demo. I wasn’t that desperate for pussy. “Enjoy the rest of Your sun tanning. From the looks of it, You’re doing a very good job of avoiding tan lines.”

  Dom and I walked away from her, and Dom couldn’t resist looking back to get a last look. I didn’t bother because if I played my cards right, she hadn’t moved a muscle.

  Dom cursed under his breath, prompting me to take a peek for myself. She not only hadn’t moved from her spot, but she was grinning like a teenager admiring her first crush. Her eyes gave her away, letting me know I could get it when I felt like it.

  Now, why did she want to go and do that for?

  “Did You really have to go and get Her hopes up like that, Sir?” Dominic asked. “You know Your schedule is ridiculous right now; there’s no way You will be able to give Her the attention needed.”

  “Dom, You’d be amazed at the time You can make when the occasion calls for it.” I smirked as I thought about the exhibition I planned to put on with sajira later. “Besides, who’s to say I won’t be instructing tonight during the demo, playa?”

  Dominic shrugged and shook his head. “We still have the rest of the island to sweep, Sir. It would be unfair for Me to tell You if you’re playing with fire or not; I’m just Your protégé, remember?”

  I cracked up at his attempts at passive-aggression, realizing he might be a little irritated because another woman chose to bypass him in my favor. I couldn’t be mad at him about that, but I wasn’t about to acquiesce to keep him happy, either. In a target-rich environment, it’s dog-eat-dog, and the biggest dogs are the ones who eat the most sometimes.

  Still, I felt the need to keep him satisfied and make the trip worth the time away from his girls, so I made a mental note to set things in balance later tonight. After all, he’s my protégé, and I took care of my boys.

  Even if they should be able to take care of themselves…

  EIGHT shamise

  “i don’t know what to do, sis. i’m so confused.”

  I finally caught up with sajira near the outdoor play area. She sat in a spot where she could watch the impact play, observing the submissives being punched, kicked, paddled, and everything in between.

  I knew her well enough to know when she got like this, she had something to get off her chest.

  “What happened with lynx?”

  “What makes you think—”

  “Have you forgotten who you’re talking to?” I cut her off, moving in front of her field of vision. “i know how you get when you’re in a mess, so don’t try me.”

  Sajira lowered her eyes for a moment before meeting my gaze again. “lynx wants out, and he wants me to get out with him, leave my D/s family.”

  I exhaled.

  Talk about déjà vu?

  Memories of the phone call I dreaded making years ago because I thought I was in love with my ex-husband came rushing to the surface. Faced with the same prospect with my submissive sister, I became acutely aware of the emotions my Daddy and Goddess felt when they let me go my own path.

  All of a sudden, I didn’t want her to leave us.


  “Relax, sis, i’m not going anywhere,” sajira said, placing her hand on my arm. “I don’t think i can go back to what i once was. i’m a spoiled, happy girl now.”

  “Yeah, i can understand what you mean by that.” I smiled at the things we had done as a family in the past year, in and away from the BDSM world. The family trips with the kids, growing the businesses by leaps and bounds, and putting kinksters on notice that the House of Kemet-Ka was back to being the gold standard. She didn’t want to leave all of that when we were really hitting our stride; I had to believe that. “i’m not gonna lie to you, sis. i was going to try to talk you out of lea
ving us if you really were thinking about it.”

  “That’s the thing; i was tempted for a moment.” sajira’s eyes softened, and I caressed her cheek, tempted to kiss her in that moment. “The thing that changed my mind was the way he’s treated me…the way he’s treated you…the last few months. There’s no way i could think he could flip the switch and be the man I married. We have both changed so much since we got into this.”

  This was where the comparisons stopped. She’d been married a lot longer than me, and there was no easy way to throw things away in the blink of an eye. I understood her temptation to stay with her husband, and no amount of convincing or cajoling would be able to sway her if that was where her heart lied. At the end of the day, it was still her decision, whether Daddy or Goddess were involved in the decision or not.

  I secretly wished she wasn’t thinking about it as much as I was. “Whatever you decide you want to do, i’m with you.”

  “Thanks, sis, that means a lot, considering you had to make the decision you made.” sajira reached up to kiss my cheek. “For the longest, i’d hoped you would come back to us, but i knew you had to get some things out of your system, too. In my heart, i knew you would be back, regardless of the circumstances, because this is who we are. It’s hard to go back to the vanilla world and think we can function like nothing ever happened.”

  I hated it when she was right. Hate it or love it, there are things in the kink community that trump the larger mainstream in ways that only those who have been around long enough could possibly understand. There’s something about being surrounded by people who really “get” you, and that’s something hard to find, even with all the kinky books that have come to light lately.

  I was about to say something else to continue our conversation now that sajira was beginning to feel more like herself, when she looked over my shoulder and raised her eyebrow. “Someone’s staring at us.”

  I quickly turned around and tried to quickly hide my facial expression. I was not in the mood to deal with this man, and my defenses were up immediately.


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