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Page 12

by Shakir Rashaan

  “i love it when You’re like this, Daddy…it turns me on when You’re aggressive like this.”

  “I’m just getting started, My darling. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to deal with this properly. I know I might have done some damage…that you might think a little less of Me.”

  “i am Yours, Daddy…i belong to You and my Goddess…we belong to You. Nothing will change that, ever. i love You.”

  “I love you, too. Now, let Daddy go and take care of some trash so I can come home and make things right. I promise I won’t be long.”

  “i’ll be waiting, Daddy.”

  By the time I came out of my trance, I returned to stares as though I’d lost my mind.

  “Where in the world were you?” Jay asked. “The way you moved—”

  I blushed. “i was with my Daddy.”

  Jay shook his head. “He and I need to have a long talk one day so I can figure out how in the hell he managed to…never mind, I don’t know if I’d ever understand.”

  Candy and I giggled, sharing a knowing glance before I got up from the couch and walked toward the door. I blew a kiss at them and commented to Jay, “You never know what you might understand unless you open your mind to the possibilities. You’ll come around sooner than you think, especially if she has anything to do with it.”

  I walked out of their cabin and made my way to the family cabin. I felt lighter, especially after feeling my Daddy’s presence around me again. I wasn’t completely convinced that the rest of the day would be peaches and cream, but I had a feeling things would be set in their proper balance.

  By the time I got to the cabin, I would realize how right I was.

  TWENTY-ONE sajira

  “What the fuck are you doing???”

  My worst nightmare had come true and he had the nerve to act like there was nothing wrong.

  I had intended to have a serious talk with my husband. I felt there was a way to find a compromise because I was still in love with him, despite the craziness that had happened, and I thought there was a way to work things through. I happened to walk by Mistress Sinsual’s cabin where I knew lynx was staying for the week, and the sounds I heard coming from the balcony stopped me in my tracks.

  The sounds were purely orgasmic, but that wasn’t what stopped me cold.

  Not hearing a woman among the sounds was what forced my feet to move a little faster and figure out if I heard what I thought I heard.

  I rushed up to the balcony area where the sounds came from, doing my best not to disturb the participants until I felt I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I could hear the familiar sounds of my husband, but the other man in the amatory affair were foreign to my senses.

  I finally reached the point to where my eyes and ears could focus their attention simultaneously, and the shock to my primary senses was cataclysmic.

  I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience as I watched lynx and tiger having an unbridled fuck in the open space, with the setting sun as the backdrop of their pending climax.

  I couldn’t take my eyes away, no matter how much my mind wanted to.

  But it was so fucking sexy.

  lynx’s left hand dropped down to tiger’s right thigh, making it spread wider, their thighs pressing against each other. The skin contact seemed to add to the growing wave of pure lust flooding through both of them. lynx moved his right hand, reached for tiger’s midsection, its final goal more direct. I watched as he slipped his hand over tiger’s engorged manhood, stroking it as he pumped slowly inside of his chocolate passageway. As he stroked deeper, he continued to masturbate tiger, sending waves of pleasure through his body. tiger spread his legs wider, giving me a good view of what was happening between them.

  A haze slipped over my mind, thoughts being replaced by direct sensation, looking down as my hand began to slide slowly along my lips, mimicking the motion of my husband’s hand over tiger’s shaft, cursing as my body betrayed me despite my mind’s protestations that it was my husband in the middle of a homo-erotic encounter—an encounter that would have caused multiple orgasms if I had been watching someone other than the man I loved while in the throes of passion.

  My fingers began playing with my nipples as I continued to watch them. I wasn’t sure I was supposed to be enjoying this, the war between my mind and body escalated with each passing moment. In the midst of my inner conflict, I neglected to notice my heart breaking at the blatant act of betrayal that my eyes saw and my ears heard.

  They were consumed by their lust for each other, tiger’s screams of his lover’s name echoing in my ears and bouncing against the walls and into the dusk that began to surround us. It would be night soon, and there would be nothing but darkness for the next few hours to come. I shed tears as I came hard against my fingers while my emotions began to make their presence known, overtaking my lustful thoughts and feelings.

  Finally, my mind took notice of the pain in my heart and shouted for me to cease my self-indulgence and take notice of the pain that would soon arrive, no matter how hard my orgasms washed over my body. My body ignored my pleas, relentless in its intent to push further past the point of no return, greedy in its pursuit of higher heights to reach its personal meaning of the pleasure principle.

  “That’s it, boi, make me cum!” I heard tiger screaming out. “Make me shoot all over your chest, dammit!”

  That was when my mind snapped back into reality.

  “Didn’t you hear me?!?! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!?!”

  “i’m…getting…fucked, that’s what…i’m doing!” tiger shouted between strokes.

  lynx was in a zone, and from the looks of it, he never heard a word I yelled. It wasn’t until I slapped the back of his head to snap him out of his blissful state did he recognize his wife was in his space.

  “Owwww! What the…oh, it’s you.” He scowled like I’d interrupted a moment that he wouldn’t get back again. “I thought you were off somewhere on the island getting yours, too.”

  He never budged an inch, still inside tiger’s ass, hand firmly on his length, looking up at me like I needed to excuse myself so they could finish what they started.

  I was so pissed I could have spat nails.

  “Oh, i’m sorry, did i interrupt your little rendezvous? i guess the shoe’s on the other foot now, huh?” I avoided the tears because there was no way I would give him the satisfaction of thinking he had the upper hand on me. “i actually was here to reconsider your proposal and maybe negotiate a few changes so we could both be happy, but on second thought, never mind.”

  I began to walk down the stairs to make my way toward the main building with the hopes of collecting myself before I looked for shamise, but lynx quickly dismounted from tiger and rushed after me. He blocked my walkway at the foot of the stairs, surprising me with this look of confusion on his face.

  “you really wanted to…I mean, you really thought about it?” His face really showed what I thought was genuine interest in what I had to say. “you’d leave your family to try and be together again?”

  “Come on, lynx, quit acting; she doesn’t even know the truth about you,” tiger shouted down after grabbing a towel to wrap himself and walked to the top of the stairs. “If you’re going to do this, you need to tell her the whole truth, and don’t leave shit out.”

  My eyes turned from tiger before focusing back on my husband, who now couldn’t match my gaze. “What is he talking about, Ice? What haven’t you told me?”

  He looked like a teenager who’d been caught breaking curfew and couldn’t come up with a quick lie to cover the truth. He rubbed the back of his neck, which was my tell-tale sign that he wanted to tell me, but he didn’t want to hurt me. “Goddamn it, Ice, tell me!” I shouted.

  “i…i have been fucking tiger ever since the night of your collaring a year ago.” He finally dropped the bombshell that I should have seen coming. “i’m in love with him.”

  If he could have slit my throat, it wouldn’t have hurt as
much as this revelation did. I couldn’t breathe, and I struggled to stand while on the stairs. “How could you? you’re in love with him? So, what was the proposal about yesterday?”

  tiger’s ears perked up at the end of my last statement. “Proposal, what proposal? Oh my God, don’t tell me you’re trying to claim you’re bi? Are you serious?”

  “i still love my wife, tiger.” lynx tried to sound sincere, but I didn’t possess the ability to believe anything else that came out of his mouth. “Yes, i have fallen for you, but i still want her, if she’ll still have me.”

  “No, i don’t want you.” I heard the words come from my lips, but I didn’t think I was the one who said them. The whole situation was surreal. “As a matter of fact, when we get back to the States, i’ll be moving out of the house, and shamise will be leaving with me.”

  “No!” lynx pawed at me as I tried to push past him. “Don’t leave me, please!”

  tiger had his arms folded over his chest. The smirk on his face was infuriating, and I wanted to run up the stairs and smack it off his face. He had the nerve to act smug about the whole thing. His smirk soon turned to abject fear when he saw someone he didn’t expect to see walking toward the cabin.

  “Bois, sajira, what are you doing here?” Sinsual surveyed the scene, immediately noticing my distress. She moved toward me to study my face, her frown evident when I tried to hide my tears from her. “Is everything okay, sajira, and tell Me the truth, baby doll.”

  I looked up at tiger, who looked like he was about to pass out based on my answer, before I looked down at lynx, his face reflecting his own distress, like his future hinged on whatever was about to come out of my mouth.

  I looked up at Sinsual, offering up a half-smile, and I replied, “Ma’am, everything is okay; i was congratulating the bois; it seems You are looking to take things to the next level with lynx. my tears were those of joy because things will be changing for the better.”

  Before Sinsual could ask another question, I left the three of them to their conversation. I felt better knowing that I was rid of my husband. He was no longer in my circle of concern, as my Goddess loved to say. I still felt the pang of sorrow in my heart, but eventually that would pass, and I had a few things in mind of exactly how to numb the pain.

  First things first, though…I needed to get with my bro and sis to figure out how to help fix things within my own House before it was too late.

  TWENTY-TWO shamise

  “i can’t believe it. Are you sure that’s what happened?”

  amani and I found sajira staring off into space, barely acknowledging our presence around her. She didn’t bother saying a word, which was particularly disturbing because she’s usually the most hyper of the three of us.

  Something was wrong, I felt it.

  “my husband has decided that he is in love with another man.” sajira tossed out the statement like she was trying to come to grips with it herself. “No remorse, no hesitation, just came out and said it like the last decade meant nothing.”

  “i still don’t believe it. he’s always been into you, sis. At least, that was the impression I got whenever I saw him around you,” amani commented. He picked her up and brought her inside to lie on her bed while I grabbed something for her to drink to settle her nerves. “he wouldn’t be stupid enough to throw all of that away over someone he’s barely known a year, right?”

  “i almost did,” I confessed, noticing one of my choices manifested itself in someone else’s choice to harm someone I loved. I couldn’t bear the thought of my sis suffering from such a selfish choice, but I had to face facts. “i nearly left the House for good because of some flight of fancy, and i was lucky they accepted me back.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, sis. This is not about that.” sajira took the drink and downed it in one swallow. I saw her face contort for a moment as her palette adjusted to the burn. “i nearly made the same decision, remember? Hell, i was even willing to negotiate with him to figure out how to stay in both worlds. he even had the nerve to still claim he wanted me, but how the hell was i going to accept being with him when he wants dick as much as i do? That’s not what i signed up for. It would have been one thing if i knew he was at least bisexual, but he didn’t give me any way to at least make up my mind. God, how could i have been so stupid?”

  “you weren’t being stupid, sis, you were in love with your husband.” amani wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. “Love can be a crazy thing sometimes, and we’ve all done stupid things in the name of love, so what makes you think you’re immune to it?”

  “amani’s right, baby, there’s no need in dwelling on what has been done, the only thing we can do is focus on moving forward, figuring out what needs to be done and getting there,” I told her. “Once we get back to the States, we can figure out where to go from there.”

  “Already a step ahead of you, sis.” sajira seemed to come around, using her analytical mind to start calculating her next moves. “Things are already in motion on that front, but i know what i plan to ask for at the party tomorrow night, and i’m hoping Daddy allows it once we’ve gotten Him and Goddess back together and in sync.”

  “Speaking of which, is there really anything that we can do?” amani asked. “i mean, they are husband and wife, and while we have a little influence as their property, wouldn’t they need to work this out on their own?”

  I grinned at the questions. He was right, but I’d been with them the longest, and I’d been through a lot with them, too. “Daddy has a tendency to let His temper get the best of Him, but once He calms down, His cerebral side takes over, working through all the possibilities and resolutions before making His final moves. He knows we want to help, so we simply have to be in a position to help.”

  “What exactly does that mean, sis?” sajira looked confused, as though she couldn’t figure out what I already realized. “you saw the way Daddy pushed us all away, even Goddess. He’s never done that, as long as i’ve known Him.”

  “Well, i guess i should put this part in, too,” amani interjected, causing us to look in his direction. He shook his head like the words I said clicked from something that happened earlier.

  “He had me in the interrogation room with Him earlier today. All He did was ask questions, and when I answered them, He said thank you and left without another word.”

  “That’s the Daddy we know.” I beamed. He was already in head- hunter mode, and it was going to get really interesting really fast. “Don’t be surprised if He asks you to help Him with something else.”

  “Great, at least you gave me the heads-up.” amani sighed. I didn’t think he’d gotten used to how Daddy and Goddess operated. When they had a command that needed to be followed at that moment, you couldn’t hesitate. “So, what do we do about Goddess? She has to be reeling from all of this, too.”

  “Actually, i’ve taken care of that, too,” I answered as I heard a knock on the door. Anticipating that the island slaves were able to accomplish their objective, I asked my brother and sister submissives a rhetorical question: “Are you ready to serve your Goddess?”

  “Good evening, Goddess, it is our pleasure to pamper You tonight.”

  The surprised look on her face was a strong indication that the slaves did as they were

  told, explaining to her that we were in distress and were in need of her presence immediately. Her expression turned to relief when she realized there was no distress and everything was as it should have been. I knew it was a risk in having them tell her a lie, but it was the only way to shock her out of her doldrums.

  “What is this all about, shamise? sajira, I assume you and amani were in on this also?” Neferterri asked as she looked in their direction.

  “No, Goddess, they were not involved in getting You here; that was my doing.” I took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom. “But they will be helping me with getting You back to Yourself, and the best way to do that is to pamper and please You.”

/>   “I won’t be able to get back to Myself until I know for a fact that your Daddy is okay,” she insisted, offering slight resistance to me guiding her as her rebuttal.

  “Daddy is okay, my Goddess,” I reassured. “In fact, amani said He is in the midst of resolving part of the problem as we speak.”

  “Yes, my Goddess, shamise is correct,” amani offered as he drew the bath water. “Things will come back into balance quickly.”

  “I still don’t believe you three, but I do need to take My mind off things.” She relented, allowing me to take her into the bathroom. sajira came in soon after with the fragrances, the soaps, and the bag that housed her wipes and other essentials for changing out her tampons. “I’ve needed this, badly, but with everything that has been happening—”

  I kissed her across her lips to quiet her before she got on a rant. “we are here to serve You and pamper You, Goddess. No more words are necessary for now, unless You are giving a directive.”

  Neferterri smiled at my passive-aggressive nature in getting her to relax while giving her the option to command when the need arose. Years of training under keket was time well spent, and I planned on showcasing the full repertoire before tonight was over.

  “amani, come,” she ordered as sajira and I helped her into the oversized tub.

  He walked over to the side of the tub, kneeling once he stopped. “Yes, my Goddess, how may I serve You?”

  “I want you to perform the menstrual service you performed the other day when I get out of the tub,” she stated. “I’ll need to release. It has been a rough couple of days.”

  A slick smile spread across amani’s face, and I was curious as to why. “Yes, my Goddess, i will gather what i need and await Your arrival in the bedroom once my sisters are done.”

  I focused on the task in front of us while he left to attend to whatever it was he was supposed to be doing. I was clueless to the menstrual service he and Goddess referred to, but I concluded that both sajira and I would find out after we were done.


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