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Page 15

by Shakir Rashaan

  It had turned into a labor of love for the three of us, and sajira enjoyed it as much as I did. Well, once she got the hang of it, anyway. amani took to it like a duck to water, flowing right along with us when we were first charged with setting up NEBU for a big event we’d had there last year. The look on Daddy’s face when everything was complete that night was priceless!

  From that point forward, he left the dungeon preparations to us.

  The main dungeon didn’t take too long to prepare. We only needed to rearrange some of the furniture a bit to open up more space in the middle of the floor for the more advanced whip throwers. Also, since we didn’t need to remove any of the larger pieces from the dungeon, I had some extra pieces shipped in from Nassau for the night to ensure there would be enough to go around. Daddy and a few of the other Dominants invited some of the locals to partake in the festivities, and after talking it over with amani and sajira, we concluded it was necessary to get the extras.

  I love it when a plan comes together!

  From the way the island slaves drooled over the apparatus being brought in, it was safe to say that a good time would be had by all, and then some!

  We moved from the main dungeon out to the tents in the space in front of the main building. While they were being erected, I took a quick look at the forecast via the sling box on my tablet computer. Tonight would be cool, according to the weather report, but not to the point to where we would need the portable heaters to keep things comfortable. To be safe, sajira suggested the heaters be placed anyway, quoting Goddess’s favorite sayings, “Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.”

  The tents would take some time due to their size, so it gave amani and me a moment to check up on our sis to make sure she was okay now that she was a day removed from the events of a day ago.

  “So, we couldn’t help but notice your mood has improved, sis.” I nudged into the conversation to test the waters. “Are you feeling better about things now?”

  Her mood had improved, there was no doubt about that, but I wondered if she was overcompensating to get through the rest of the week. She was aggressive around the male slaves, openly flirting and kissing on a couple of them. She couldn’t keep her hands off amani all day, and while he enjoyed the special attention she gave him due to his attraction to the both of us, it tripped warning sensors in my head.

  “sis, i’m better than okay. In fact, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

  sajira beamed as though she had been released from a long-term prison sentence. “Hindsight is twenty/twenty, and if i’d paid more attention to the signs, i wouldn’t have reacted the way i did.”

  “What warning signs?” amani was confused, but now that I thought about it, he didn’t live with us, either. “i thought lynx was really into you. At least, that’s how it looked whenever we were out together.”

  “That’s what he wanted you to see, amani.” I thought back on some of the incidents and red flags that I’d neglected to pay attention to. “There was the time when he came on to me because sajira supposedly didn’t want to have sex with him one night about six months ago.”

  “And there was the night we caught him watching gay porn flicks he said he got from tiger, only to find out he bought them himself because he was too stupid to use cash instead of a credit card.” sajira shook her head when she dug that one up from her memory. “That was around the same time we stopped having sex, but i didn’t worry about it because we were too busy fucking you and Daddy, amani.”

  “Like i’m complaining?” amani laughed, causing us to giggle along with him at the quick joke. Hell, I wasn’t complaining, either, because between amani and Daddy, who had time for outside dick? “If anything, i’m benefiting from all of the attention, seriously speaking.”

  “Good, because i plan on giving you a lot of attention, little brother.” sajira slipped her arms around his waist, kissing him on the neck. She turned back in my direction and winked. “Do you think Daddy and Goddess will permit us to fuck him tonight?”

  Yeah, my sis was definitely in a zone hours before an event of this size. I had the feeling she was in the mood for a bit of exhibitionist activity. “What else did you have in mind, baby?”

  “i want Goddess to direct an all-girl gangbang for me.” She licked her lips at the visual in her head. “you haven’t fucked me in almost a month, shamise. i was beginning to wonder if you didn’t want me anymore.”

  I grinned at the sexy pout on her face, poking her lip out for dramatic effect, and I couldn’t resist melting at the way she looked at me. The desire radiated around her, and it made me wet.

  sajira jumped and giggled when amani grabbed her ass and squeezed. “Mmmm, naughty boy, do you plan on squeezing that later while you fuck me?”

  “Well, you know me, sis, i have no problems doing what comes naturally.” He returned the favor of kissing her on her neck. I watched her shiver as he bit her before lifting from her skin.

  “Okay, we need to focus, you two,” I said. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”

  “Awww, come on, sis, don’t be like that?” amani was feeling the heat, and I couldn’t blame him for wanting to keep the heat going. “i haven’t fucked you in almost two months. i don’t know about you, but i’ve been craving some of you.”

  Damn it, I didn’t want them to distract me from the purpose of talking to sajira, but all this flirting was making it difficult to be mad at them right now. I tried my best to find a way to redirect the conversation, mainly because we would be back home in two or three days, and sajira and I needed to figure out what needed to be done.

  “Okay, we’ll have to present these requests to Daddy and Goddess and let the chips fall where they may,” I stated, trying to sound calm when underneath, all I wanted to do was shirk our responsibilities and find the first open bedroom. “First things first, sajira, baby, are you sure about this thing with lynx? i mean, i don’t want you going through all of this half-cocked without thinking this through.”

  “Yes, i have thought this through, baby,” sajira said. By now, she’d turned her back to amani and leaned against him with her ass grinding against his crotch. She wrapped his arms around her waist, and leaned her head against his chest. “lynx is out of sight, out of mind, and out of my heart, period. The minute we get back to the States, it’s only a matter of moving crews to get the furniture i want, and we’re moving into the spare house Daddy and Goddess have before figuring out the next move. Divorce is inevitable now.”

  I didn’t argue, and I wasn’t about to, either. I took my ex-husband for half of his inheritance and property for basically doing the same thing, so who was I to argue against her doing the same thing? After all, he fucked up, and he was definitely going to pay, even with our lifestyle convoluting matters, the right attorney, especially a kink aware attorney, could tip the scales in her favor once it was all said and done.

  “Well, you know me, sis, i’m with you,” I concluded as I moved toward them to give her a kiss. I reached up to kiss amani before I separated them. “Now, we have a task to complete. The tents are up now, so we need to get the pieces moved in so we can rest before tonight.”

  My request to get back on the work grind was interrupted by one of the male slaves walking toward us. “slave shamise, forgive the intrusion, but Master Ramesses and Lady Neferterri request your presence, and that of sajira and amani also. They sent word for me to escort you to your family cabin at once.”

  I mumbled under my breath. Sometimes they had horrible timing, but luckily it didn’t happen very often. “Is the meeting urgent?”

  “Yes, slave shamise, i am certain it is, and Lady Neferterri mentioned that you might ask that question.” He tried to hide his grin over Goddess knowing me so well. “She has already sent word for another of the staff to complete your task. Now, if you will follow me, i want to get you to your Masters before they think it’s taking too long.”


  “I’m sure you three have been wondering if everything is okay. I assure you that we are.”

  Watching their faces, even in their kneeling positions, as we explained to them that all is well within the House was a pleasure to observe.

  shamise, although she tried to be the strong one as our Alpha slave, let the relief show in her facial expression. Ramesses and I knew this was hardest on her because she was the most in tune with us. I took pleasure in watching her try to keep from smiling, careful not to break protocol until we gave the word.

  sajira tried to follow in her sister’s footsteps, but she’s too much of a baby girl to hold out for too long. As usual when she received good news, she subtly rocked back and forth, trying to contain her happy energy until we released them from protocol. I felt her energy, although I was curious as to why it wasn’t as boundless as usual.

  amani took the news to heart, although as a male submissive, he wasn’t as openly expressive as the girls. Still, I saw the smirk across his face. I needed to do something for him for saving me from a horrible fate at the hands of Lyrical, and hopefully, the surprise we had for him later tonight would be a start.

  Ramesses finally chimed in, rather than let me monopolize the conversation. “I want to apologize to you for My behavior through all this madness. I have My quirks at times, and they come up at the oddest of times. Thankfully the storms have passed, and things are as they once were, and in some ways, a little stronger between your Goddess and Me.”

  “So, what we’re saying is, we will try to at least let one of you know what’s going on, even if all hell is breaking loose.” I followed up Ramesses’s thoughts with those of my own before releasing them from protocol so he and I could catch up with what was going on with our submissives. “Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, what has been happening with you three? sajira, I’m feeling some aggression on you right now; is there something your Daddy and I need to know?”

  The smile almost faded from her face when I asked the question. Her eyes were sad, which concerned me. Finally, after what seemed as though she were mustering the energy to blurt out the words, she looked up at us and uttered, “my husband and i are about to go through a divorce, Goddess. i confronted him at Mistress Sin’s cabin after watching him fucking tiger, after which he told me he was in love with him.”

  shamise quickly placed her hand on sajira’s shoulder. “It’s okay, sis, there’s nothing he can do to hurt you now.”

  “Wait, I’m a little confused here.” Ramesses’s protective instincts took over. “your husband…my shotgun partner when we roll out on the bikes…is in love with another man? And he had the nerve to express this to you like it was supposed to be old news?”

  “Daddy, looking back on it now, it honestly wasn’t exactly breaking news,” sajira explained. “i ignored him after a series of events that resulted in us no longer having sex with each other about six months ago. The truth is, he should have told me this a while back, it would have saved us the trouble, but he honestly did me a favor because now i can use his infidelity against him in court. he knew i would have never allowed him to be with another man sexually.”

  “I’ll kill him,” Ramesses bellowed.

  “Daddy, for my sake, leave it alone, please?” sajira’s eyes pleaded with him. “i’m not exactly innocent in this, either.”

  “she has a point, Beloved.” I wrapped my arms around his waist to keep him calm. “Besides, from her demeanor, it looks like she’s got everything well under control.”

  “Especially when he won’t be Mistress Sin’s property after tonight.” amani dropped that tidbit out of the blue, refocusing all of our attention in his direction.

  “I’m sorry, would you mind running that by us again?” I hadn’t even talked to Sin yet, and the incident with Lyrical kind of sidetracked that discussion, too. Hearing my boi rattle off information that neither I nor Ramesses knew about was interesting, to say the least. “Who did you hear that from, amani?”

  “Goddess, Mistress Blaze informed me after i spent time with Her and my friend, Jelani,” amani mentioned. He straightened up in his kneeling position, continuing to spill what he knew to his captive audience. “She said Sin was fed up, and this trip was going to be his final as a member of Her House. It seems he’s been misrepresenting the House on several occasions when he was not under Her watchful eye, and tiger had been charged with setting him up to give cause for release.”

  “Damn!” The collective response from the four of us was enough to cause him to laugh.

  He looked over toward sajira and kissed her on the cheek. “i had been saving that information to tell you privately, but under the circumstances, i couldn’t help myself. shamise and i told you he would get what was coming to him.”

  “Yeah, he said he wanted out of the lifestyle,” shamise confirmed. “This was a helluva way to do it!”

  I didn’t know what to think at that moment, it was all coming so fast. Our submissives had already dealt with all of this while Ramesses and I put things back together so the House would be intact. I sat back and took notice of the blessing that those three were. Lesser submissives might have stood by, meek and acting helpless, waiting for their Dominant to “save the day,” but they handled things beautifully while chaos ensued.

  I couldn’t have been prouder of them.

  “Okay, since there isn’t anything that we need to take care of, your Daddy and I have are going to relax for a change and send you back to the task at hand.” I looked in the girls’ direction and nodded. “Once you’re done, we want you to do the same thing, which means you have all day to rest, relax, and enjoy the island to do whatever you want to do without us around. Tomorrow night is going to be extremely interesting, and you’re doing to need your rest.”

  TWENTY-NINE sajira

  “Daddy, i need to talk to You.”

  I didn’t realize I needed him so badly until our eyes connected.

  We’d been friends longer than we’d been in this D/s relationship, and whenever I needed to talk to him as a friend, he always dropped protocol so we could. I think that’s how I allowed my husband to do whatever he wanted when things went sour. I replaced him with the other men in my life.

  Life took you on some interesting journeys and in directions you never thought possible. I couldn’t say monogamy was for my husband and me; it was one of the reasons we started swinging in the first place. I didn’t care who he fucked because his heart belonged to me, and he felt the same way about me.

  By the time we’d hooked up with them—at the time it was Kane and Mercedes—before the D/s part showed itself, we were in a natural progression. The sex was amazing, the friendships we made with him and Jay while I got closer to her and Candy; things just felt good. Not perfect, but good.

  Then, a couple of years ago, things began changing.

  When we got curious about D/s, I thought it would be the same as it was when we were swinging, for me and for him. I was sorely mistaken. While I enjoyed how things flowed with Daddy and Goddess, he plunged headfirst into all things Sinsual.

  His personality changed, and not for the better…

  The sex drive and his appetite, not just for me, but for women in our swinger circles, diminished to the point to where I wondered if he was thirty-five or fifty-five.

  When he did have the urge to fuck me, it was absolutely horrible! We went from the adventurous positions and locations to missionary, doggie-style on rare occasions, and nowhere else but in bed.

  I tried to call him on his shit. When shamise moved in with us, she and I tried to seduce him into a threesome. He turned us both down, saying it was against Sin’s wishes unless she set it up.

  I was nearly at my wit’s end, and it started to affect my ability to be appealing to Daddy and Goddess. That’s how I’d ended up doing the phone sex line as a part of my slut training, as a way to snap me out of my haze. Thank God it had worked because my husband wasn’t helping at all.

sp; The straw that broke the camel’s back was catching him with the gay porn videos. I hit the roof I was so angry! He tried to explain it away, trying to use my fetish for watching male-on-male sex as his reason for trying to find something to get “us” in the mood to have sex. He even called himself proving it by fucking my brains out while watching the video.

  I’ll admit, that was one of the hottest nights of sex we’d ever had, but my intuition kept tingling as though something wasn’t right.

  Watching him and tiger together was a surreal moment. While it did turn me on, it sickened me because it was “my” husband who was involved. I simply wasn’t mentally evolved enough to deal with it, as hypocritical as that may sound. By then, we were more like roommates than husband-and-wife, and I shouldn’t have cared, but I did. We were together for ten years, and you simply don’t throw that away overnight.

  Hearing him say he was in love with tiger would have ripped my heart out, if I were still in love with him. Yes, I loved him…I always will…but everything he did to stay in Sin’s good graces pushed me further away from him and into the arms of my D/s family.

  “What’s wrong, baby girl?” He saw the look in my eyes and instinctively knew something was wrong. My heart smiled when I saw the concern in his eyes. “I thought you were going to take the yacht to Nassau to enjoy the city?”

  He sat down on the couch and I straddled his lap in moments, kissing him before he could adjust and figure out what was going on with me.

  “sajira…precious…wait…stop.” He tried to slow me down, but I didn’t want to stop. I wanted the negative thoughts in my head to be erased. “Stop, baby…stop…talk to Me.”

  He finally managed to get a tight grip on my arms, holding me in place. It took everything within me to keep the tears at bay, but the moment he forced me to look at him, I completely lost it. I couldn’t hide my true emotions or thoughts from him, or from Goddess, for that matter, because they’d trained me so intensely that it became second nature to be an open book.


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