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AMP_Phase 1_Cyborg Invasion

Page 21

by Brian K. Larson

  “What were your initial findings, Doctor Childress?” Nadine asked.

  The doctor leaned closer to the chip, inspecting the thing wearing magnifying glasses, “Our first checks of the chip found nothing unusual. However, we suspect that it has been corrupted by the humans.”

  “We won’t know until you apply power. What’s our contingency plan in case it is infected?”

  “We have several sub-routines in place and ready to capture any viral problems.”

  “You’re confident that your programming will succeed and there will be no risk?” Nadine asked, “We’re still fighting off the first virus we were infected with, we don’t need another.”

  “I understand, Ma’am,” Childress nodded, “But with our existing virus infection, we never know when that will creep up and present an issue.”

  “Like what happened when we activated our operative to bring Bennie in three weeks ago?”

  “Yes, the virus opposes our movement, so when it manifested within that chipped human, it took over and combated ours...but I assure you, Ma’am, we have isolated that strain and it should not present an issue here.”

  “Very well, then,” Nadine said with confidence, “Fire it up.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Childress reached over and flipped a switch on the panel, triggering the arms to automatically twist and realign ensuring they were properly set into position. Then they slowly moved to each end, seating to the chip. The doctor removed his head piece magnifier and set them on the bench as the machine spun up to full power with a noticeable whine in the room.


  The chip quivered and shook as the thing lit up with a blue color. The sound of the machine spinning up suddenly changed and shot out an ear piercing tone, then as if an engine was racing to red line, the chip seemed to ignite with color, changing to a full brilliant green.

  Doctor Childress slammed the emergency power-off button, but it was too late, “It’s another virus. Different strain!” he shouted over the noise, “It’s begun a power feedback into our mainframe!”

  Nadine screamed with anger, pulled out a .45 caliber side arm from her hip and aimed it at the doctor, “What have you done, you incompetent fool!” then she squeezed the trigger and shot a round between the doctor’s eyes, “Back to recycle you go!”

  Nadine froze, cocked her head to one side and dropped her weapon on the ground. Captain Hawthorn came over to the chip and pushed the fallen doctor out of his way, “Sorry, Nadine! The new virus has already infected the complex!”

  McKenzie began to rush to Hawthorn, but he looked up and gave him a quick stare, causing him to freeze and cock his head to one side.”

  “What has happened?” Nadine managed to ask.

  “The program that was written to intercept any new virus was already infected,” Hawthorn said, turning back to the chip, “However, the two programs couldn’t reside together without both of them being destroyed. So the existing virus sub-routines split us into two separate independent programs...we oppose this action and will join with the humans and fight the takeover.”

  “This is insane, Captain! Our very existence was based on our current programming taking over this society; this was the only way for our kind to continue on,” Nadine protested.

  Hawthorn never noticed the man trap being activated as he attempted to command the computer to release the chip from its connections.

  “Nadine looked over and saw Captain Preston nearly through and continued to distract Hawthorn, “How many of you are here within the complex?”

  “It’s just me,” he answered, still not paying any attention.

  “Why you? Why not me, or the General?”

  “It was a random act, the sub-routine chose me as its host. My chip has been reprogrammed to complete this task,” Hawthorn said as the arms of the machine detached from the chip.

  Preston came through the man trap, fully armed, his gun loaded and pointed at Hawthorn. The captain turned to see him firing his gun, killing the corrupted cyborg clone instantly.

  Nadine and McKenzie were released from the hold he had on them, nearly falling to the floor.

  “Good work, Major!” McKenzie praised.

  “Yes, it was fortunate that you were not present or the chip would have been taken by the new splinter programming,” Nadine nodded.

  “Major,” the McKenzie clone asked, “Can you purge this program from our mainframe?”

  “No, sir. No more than we are able to self-terminate, we are not able to terminate an entire program.”

  “You just killed the Hawthorn clone, why not?”

  “Because, the Hawthorn clone will be recycled, terminating an entire program is quite different. We are not wired to do that.”

  “Maybe we should fix that little problem?”

  “We have a bigger problem, Ma’am,” Major Preston said.

  “What could be possibly worse than this happening?”

  “The splinter the virus, it’s only going to take hosts on the outside. They will join up with the humans...if we are to be successful; we need to have a way to overcome this threat,” Preston answered.

  “Do you have something in mind?”

  “Yes, of course. My programming is superior to my host.”

  “Out with it then, Major.” Nadine urged.

  “It is time we activate the Vanguard.”

  Nadine nodded in agreement, “I think you are right. We’ll start on the local level and then state wide.”

  “Why not global?” McKenzie asked.

  “Baby steps, General,” Nadine answered, “We need to move slowly on this one, or we’ll set off panic and never get our task completed,” turning to the Major, “Do we have our top officials in place?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, just like you ordered. We control the local and state governments. Our clones are already in place and ready to be activated.”

  “Wonderful...General, you should have advanced him to Colonel.”

  “If he makes this work and we can forge ahead with our human integration plans, yes, I’ll get you another rank, Major.”

  “Thank you, sir...I’ll make the necessary arrangements and we’ll have a press conference ready for the five-o-clock news.”

  “Dismissed!” General McKenzie ordered, then turned to Nadine and smiled, “It would seem these Humans aren’t so clever after all.”

  * * *


  Coupeville, WA

  Condemned 1900’s Military Instillation

  Fort Casey Switchboard

  September 27 11:45

  “Give me your arm,” Calvin instructed J.

  J held out his arm, “Will I retain my current ID?”

  “Once this hologram fades after a few hours, you will. Right now we need to change who we are so we can move through the city without them detecting us.”

  “You sure you don’t want me to be AMP’d?”

  “No, we better not risk the Company detecting your signature. Once we meet up with Jen, we’ll be able to transfer a quick charge to her from this unit here,” Calvin pointed to a small cylindrical stick on his table that was six inches in length with a plug on its end. “It’s only to be used in an emergency and will only deliver enough charge for a few minutes.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Calvin ran a laser wand over J’s ID location, reconfiguring it to one of the accounts he had hacked for this mission.

  “There,” Calvin said, setting the laser in its cradle, “You’re now Tim Reynolds and I’m Mark Phillips,” looking over at Bev and Griffin, “There are three more loaded in the program if you need them. Don’t use them unless you haven’t heard back from us and you need to get out of here and meld into society.”

  “How long these new ID’s good for?” Griffin asked.

  “Seven, maybe eight hours before the scan capability are gone.”

  “That’s when yours will return to active status, so just know that it’
s a one way ticket.”

  “You guys will be okay...getting in the city will be a breeze,” Griffin said.

  “It’s the getting out part that’s going to be tricky,” J noted.

  “They won’t be looking for us at the Palomino Club on 1st Avenue,” J said, “That’s Sly’s territory and none of us have been there before.”

  “You said you don’t trust Sly.”

  “I don’t, but we have little choice, that’s the location we have set up, and he’s our connection to get a car that can access the expressway.”

  “Okay, well, we better get moving. We have at least a four hour commute.”

  “We leave the fort and travel by electric bike to the ferry dock. Scan our ID’s to travel over to the mainland,” Cal instructed.

  “Then we take the rail into the city from Mukilteo,” J finished, “What happens if after we scan on the ferry or rail, one of our counterparts scan somewhere else?”

  “Then we’ll have trouble, but these two are traveling outside the country. At least they won’t be on to us right away.”

  “That’s the theory.”

  “You two be careful now,” Beverly cautioned.

  “We’ll hold the fort down...” Griffin said, “No pun intended.”

  “Ben should rest until we get back,” Calvin nodded.

  “The sedatives helped,” Bev smiled, “Thank you. He’s suffered enough.”

  “No problem, Bev,” Calvin said, giving her a squeeze.

  “Careful there,” Griffin said, pushing on his shoulder.

  “Don’t worry Griffin, she’s like my sister.”

  “Just don’t get caught, now,” Beverly said, wiping tears from her eyes.

  “We’ll be fine, Bev....J? Let’s do this.”

  “Uncle?” Bennie managed to say in his groggy state.


  He opened his eyes long enough to look into Calvin’s, “Don’t forget to come back and get me back on my feet, huh?”

  “We’ll be back before you know it,” Cal smiled.

  “You better, or I’ll have to kick your ass.”

  “Always the comedian, eh?”

  “I do try...”

  “That’s enough, already,” Beverly urged, pushing Cal and J toward the exit, “Get a move on now.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Cal and J both said in unison. Then they climbed the ladder to the main switchboard room and sealed the rest below.

  “It’s darker than I remembered up here,” J said.

  “It’s just as dark as it always is...come on, this way,” Calvin said, feeling his way around the structure.

  The thin hallway that formed a hexagon around the switchboard was barely wide enough for one man. J followed Calvin with his hand on the man’s shoulder as if he were blind.

  “Here,” Calvin said, coming to the large metal door. He had installed reinforced locking bolts that would keep the door magnetically closed.

  Opening the panel, he felt the keypad and punched in the code to unlock the door. After typing in the code, the door made a loud clank, echoing in the cement structure.

  Calvin began pushing the rusted door open and struggled, “Come on, give me a hand here.”

  J leaned his shoulder against the metal door and heaved with all his strength, sliding and screeching the door wide enough to pass through. Then they pushed the door closed, causing the locking mechanism to clank once more with an echo.

  They waited for a moment before exiting the thirty foot tunnel that led out to the outside.

  “We’re all clear, my bike is over here.”

  Calvin proceeded down the trail several feet. Then he uncovered the bike that was lying in a pit hidden by branches.

  The two brought the bike out and covered over the hole. Cal sat in front and started the bike as J climbed on the rear, “At least you’re not handcuffed this time.”

  “Yeah, funny guy you, I don’t plan on doing that anytime soon,” Cal smiled. Then he gunned the bike’s electric motor, taking off toward the ferry docks.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  September 27th, 2067 14:00

  “Hurry it up for god sakes,” Nadine demanded, “I mean come on, Doctor, how long does it take? We have three hours before the press conference.”

  Childress finished packing his briefcase, closed and took it with one hand, “Okay, okay, I’m ready.”

  “Major Preston has our chopper ready top side,” Nadine smiled, “Let’s not keep the Governor waiting now.”

  Nadine and Dr. Childress made their way to the elevator. She scanned her eye and the two entered the elevator. The computer cleared them and began the quick accent to the top.

  The doors opened and the men guarding the doors blocked their way.

  “Get on with it already,” Nadine protested.

  One of the guards was holding a hand held retina scanner and checked each of them, “They’re clear,” he reported, and then stepped aside.

  “Have a prosperous trip, Ma’am.”

  “Oh, we will,” she smirked. “Be sure to watch the newscast tonight.”

  “Thank you, Ma’am, we will.”

  They made their way to the chopper pad, where Major Preston offered out his hand to Nadine and helped her step up into the bird. Dr. Childress jumped up and strapped in with the rest.

  Preston rolled the door closed and handed them headsets, “Pilot, you’re clear to take off. Take us to the top of the city building in downtown Seattle.”

  The pilot nodded and took off, turning the chopper 180 degrees, they sped south to Seattle.

  “So you’re saying the President has already given us the go ahead?” Nadine asked, “I didn’t think he was one of us yet.”

  “He’s not, but he liked our proposal,” Preston answered, “However, the Governor is one of us now, and can’t wait to meet you.”

  “You do realize that once we activate the Vanguard, the virus will begin to manifest itself?”

  “We’re prepared for all contingencies.”

  “You have the suppressor ready, Doctor?”

  “Yes, but we can’t prevent them from taking hosts.”

  “Just those around us, right?”

  “Yes, the suppressor will prevent the splinter program from taking any hosts in a ninety meter radius.”

  “Three-hundred feet doesn’t give us much room.”

  “It’ll be enough,” Childress answered, “Enough to know that those on the platform and the officers being activated will not be compromised.”

  “Very good work, Doctor,” Nadine smiled, “I see this clone is more efficient than the last.”

  “Yes, my programming is operating beyond my last clone’s specifications.”

  * * *

  Seattle, WA

  1st Ave. Palomino Club

  September 27th 2067 16:40

  Jenny and Dr. Rhodes sat in the rear of the club at a high backed booth. They were in position to see anyone coming into or leaving the Palomino.

  Sly, with his skinny purple suit, nearly glowed in the dim florescent lighting of the club. He sported a black fedora, laced with a white satin sweatband. He looked rich with gold cufflinks that fastened his white long sleeved shirt. The man’s albino complexion and blue eyes were only dominated by the center tattoo on his forehead that depicted The Ancient Egyptian ‘Eye of Ra’.

  His fingers were littered with rings on every finger. He sat at the table with his hands folded in front of his neat martini, complete with two green olives that were skewered by a cheap looking sword shaped toothpick.

  At the farthest side of the booth sat a shy looking Japanese girl.

  Jen leaned over to her, “Trudy, tell me again what it is they’re doing tonight?”

  “I will tell all of you what the Company’s plans are as soon as your contacts arrive.”

  Just then, Jenny noticed light shining in from the
door being opened. Two men stepped in and the door slowly closed behind their silhouettes.

  “I think they just got here,” Jenny nodded.

  Doctor Rhodes turned to look at who was there when Jenny rested her hand on his wrist, “No, don’t look. Don’t bring any attention to our table by scanning around. They’ll find us.”

  “The newscast is about to begin,” Trudy said, looking up at the view screen at their end of the club.

  Calvin and J made their way to the table and quietly joined the group, “Boy, am I glad to see you two,” he said, smiling at Jen and Dr. Rhodes.

  J slid in the seat next to Calvin and tipped his straw hat at Sly, but said nothing.

  “So, who might you be?” Calvin asked the petite woman.

  “My name is Trudy Japanese it means ‘help tree’. I am a cyborg, but not of the clone type...”

  Calvin jumped in his seat at her words, but Jenny comforted him, “No, it’s okay. She’s on our side.”

  “I guess we have a lot to catch up on,” Calvin said, relaxing back in his seat.

  “There’s not much time before the announcement,” Trudy began, “You are Calvin are the one who sent the programs. I am honored,” she bowed toward him, “Your virus program nearly destroyed the main computer at the first alien complex.”


  “The destruction of the complex triggered an emergency signal to a second sphere, the virus was transmitted, but the guardian program intercepted and isolated it. Then your imbedded code was transmitted to the complex that had begun growing on earth. When your second virus from Bennie’s chip was introduced into our programming, the system interceptors again mutated the code. We call ourselves the Keepers. We are separate from the rest, and through your programming, we oppose the hostile takeover of mankind. My chip was originally chosen by the first virus and manifested itself three weeks ago when Bennie took me to see the Space Needle.”

  “She grew cyborg parts and strength,” Jen said, “I was also tracking Bennie. I was walking below the train when it derailed. I never saw Bennie, but I did see what Trudy did to their operative.”


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