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A Warrior's Return

Page 14

by Guy Stanton III

  I closed my eyes briefly in relief at hearing her voice and knowing that she was okay. Talaric was already lowering himself through the hole closely followed by Sparky. Titus dropped me down and then came through himself.

  It was weird going down the sand that had collected over time forming a sort of stairwell ramp to the surface. It was sort of a half walk combination slide on your rear to go down into the dark interior space.

  There was more light than I had thought down here. Most of it came from the surface opening, but some light was coming from what looked like wall sconces that were dimly glowing.

  The place was massive!

  We had come down several stories. The domed ceiling we had come through had become broken at some point by something. In time this whole place would fill with sand, but for now it was still spectacular to behold.

  There were beautiful murals and artwork everywhere. I would liked to have seen this place when it had been full of life and not full of sand.

  Sparky had been fiddling with a panel door. Something sparked and the doors creaked open part way. Sparky started to step through, when Talaric abruptly caught a hold of him and pulled him back.

  “What’s wrong?” Sparky asked Talaric, who was shining a flash light along the floor of the room beyond.

  “Nothing.” Talaric said as he stepped past the doorway and explained further for his hesitation to explore, “I’ve had bad luck with doors lately and what lays beyond them, excuse me if I seem a bit overly cautious. It’s just that you never know what you’re going to run into anymore.”

  I half screamed and jumped backward, when Talaric’s flashlight beam landed on a smiling face.

  “I couldn’t agree more with you son.” Came the deep reply, which sounded full of good humor.

  Every flashlight focused on the man, who rose up out of a chair against the wall and was walking toward us. Talaric’s flashlight dropped to the floor, as the big man with features and a build so similar to his own came closer.

  Talaric sounded choked up as he asked, “Father?” As if he didn’t believe what he was seeing.

  The stranger’s big arms came out and encircled Talaric lifting him off the ground in a mighty bear hug that Talaric returned in equal measure.

  “My son! Oh my son! How I have longed to feel your strength again! Zevin is my heart and Gavin is my faith, but you have always been my strength Talaric!”

  I had never really seen Talaric cry outright, but now he was crying openly and so was the other man. The sight of it had tears pouring down my own face.

  The emotion of the moment was simply so powerful that it was completely overpowering and the rest of us could do nothing more then stand in place, as we watched a one-of-a-kind reunion take place between a father and his son.

  Talaric was the first to draw back, but only slightly, “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

  “One question at a time my boy. I brought someone with me that I know you’ll be anxious to see. As to why we’re here, well simply put we came to help you.”

  “But surely you didn’t have to risk yourself! Our people need you so badly at home!”

  “I’m not that crucial anymore and besides my children have been having all the fun as of late. It’s high time that I got back into the action.”

  The two men jabbered back and forth, as they walked down what seemed like an endless dimly lit hallway, as we followed mutely from behind entirely forgotten it would seem.

  The lights got brighter and soon we could clearly see. A pair of doors finally appeared and it looked, as if the long journey would soon be over.

  The doors opened and two men, as big as Talaric and his father stepped aside holding the doors open. Were all the men of Talaric’s world so imposing?

  I saw Katie’s tongue flicker out and moisten her lips, as she stared at the two men wide-eyed. She looked from one to the other and back again.

  I sidled closer and leaned down to whisper into her ear, “You’d better settle for the black haired one. You’ll have a fight on your hands with Eleanor, if you go for the blond.”

  She smiled and nodded slightly. “I liked him better anyway.” She said, as she gravitated slightly away toward the black haired man.

  There were two more big men in the room and two women. One was older and the other much younger, but they were both so similar in appearance that they had to be a mother and her daughter.

  They were both stunningly beautiful in a way that only redheads can be sometimes. Talaric left his father to walk toward the red haired woman with streaks of gray in her hair and fell to his knees before her burying his face against her middle, as she hugged his head fiercely to her.

  This then had to be his mother and most likely his sister, who had come up to hug Talaric from behind. Eventually Talaric broke contact and what we had come here for became once again the purpose of the moment.

  “How did you get here?” Talaric asked.

  “Your brother Zevin and Ellanara have discovered a transportation device. It has a very limited range and basically this is the only planet close enough to go to by this means. This place is the only such place still linked to receive anyone. And before you ask, no we cannot go home from here the same way. The ability to link out of here was purposefully destroyed a long time ago according to Ellanara.” Roric said in answer to his son’s unasked question.

  “So you’re stuck here like I am!” Talaric exclaimed.

  “For now it would appear so, but don’t give up faith Talaric I’m sure that with all the bright minds gathered here and a little Divine providence, a solution to the problem at hand will be found. First off though, we need to protect our world from invasion. We’ll worry about getting home later.” Roric finished.

  Talaric nodded, “We came here, because I found information dating back prior to the great flood on Earth of this place called bar-Seth, as being where our ancestors first originated from. It was also from where they left Earth supposedly. To keep an enemy of theirs at the time from leaving along with them and escaping the coming destruction of the Earth they built a weapon here that kept the enemy ships from being able to leave Earth and there enemies were destroyed in the flood along with the rest of humanity except for Noah’s family. My hope in finding this place was that I would be able to turn the weapon back on and stop the invasion of our world the same way that transportation through space was stopped before. Have you found any evidence of the weapon in the couple days you’ve been here?”

  Roric inclined his head toward Ellanara, who was sitting with her back to a series of displays depicting shifting numbers in a variable number of configurations that looked unbelievably complex.

  Sensing that she had the floor to speak she began, “First off, this is no longer bar-Seth.”

  “But our map indicated that this was where it was located ancestrally?” Talaric said puzzled looking.

  “Yes, for a long time it was, but it moved. You see bar-Seth isn’t a place, it’s a ship. A spaceship to be exact.”

  She turned a dial beside her and one whole side of the room shifted apart to reveal a large bay window. As one, we all drifted toward the window that looked out upon a massive and truly epic scaled hanger bay.

  Here and there it was filling up with sand, but enough was still visible of it to truly get a picture of how massive the bar-Seth had to of been.

  “As you can obviously see it is no longer here. It and the weapon that you seek are the same. It’s really not that much of the weapon, but rather a simple ingenious idea, but one that came at great cost. The bar-Seth was our ancestor’s greatest technological achievement. They built it entirely underground in this facility, while appearing on the surface to the rest of the world to be technologically backward, when really they were light years ahead of everybody else. They knew they had to leave, but if they left so would the enemy and they couldn’t conscience that the corruption of the other peoples of the Earth would be allowed to expand into the universe, so they did
the one thing that they could to keep them here. They sacrificed the bar-Seth. The Vallians left Earth quietly in low-key vessels like what you, Zevin and Larc came back to Earth in, without attracting to much attention to themselves. Those vessels were never intended to be much more than safety pods that docked directly into the bar-Seth. A select few of our ancestors remained in this facility to oversee the bar-Seth. Once the link had been established to another world they were given the go-ahead to complete the exodus and seal Earth off from the rest of the galaxy. Before they left through the link we came through, they turned the bar-Seth’s engines on and initiated the first step of water vortex travel to run perpetually. The bar-Seth’s constant signal lock essentially shut out the ability of any other ship to dial out, because of the overriding force of the signal. It took a massive amount of power to operate such a signal at a constant rate of high energy. Our ancestors built three huge thermal generators and tapped directly into the heat of the magma chamber that lies beneath this facility. The generators were able to sufficiently power the bar-Seth’s beaming array for years, until the flood came. The generators made more energy than was needed and the extra energy was diverted into the ship’s shield generator, which was expanded to protect the entire facility. The Orlandian’s were never able to break through it, but the flood waters did. Two of the generators are off-line and the third only puts out enough power to basically keep the lights dimly glowing.”

  Sparky, enthralled along with the rest of us, of what had taken place in the past managed to get out a question, as he stared vacantly out at the empty hanger bay, “Where did it go?”

  Ellanara paused for a moment and looked back at her screens, “That is something of a mystery. When our ancestors returned to Earth one of their primary objectives was to reclaim possession of the bar-Seth and use it to turn the tide of the war that they had lost in the galaxy that they had settled in after leaving Earth. But when they got here the bar-Seth was already gone. The log entries show that there was one link in occurrence by a single individual several years before the main contingent of our ancestors returned to Earth. The bar-Seth’s shield was able to protect the ship for the majority of the flood and when it failed the ship only received minor damage. After making minimal repairs the bar-Seth was launched on its maiden voyage and left the facility leaving no indication of where it went. However it did not leave Earth, because no vortex travel beam was initiated. Over a week later an individual reentered the facility and linked out purposefully destroying the ability to link out of this facility ever again.”

  Talaric glanced from the empty hanger bay and back to Ellanara. “You think it was Tadias don’t you?”

  Roric nodded slightly, “It fits with what we know of him. Not finding the bar-Seth here left our ancestors with no chance of returning to the fight, causing them to have to seek out another way, which is how our world came to be what it is today.”

  Talaric nodded his head seeming to agree with what his father had just said. He glanced at his sister with a furrowed brow.

  “I have a question. I also learned that Tadias was here before our ancestors left Earth the first time. Then there’s how long our ancestors were in a different galaxy before settling on our world, where he was reported to have lived at least another two hundred years. That would make him unbelievably old wouldn’t it?”

  Ellanara’s expressive eyes flickered downward for a moment, as if she knew something more than she wanted to talk about.

  Somewhat cautiously she volunteered, “He wasn’t technically alive in the traditional sense for long stretches of time, several times throughout the course of his life through a process called stasis.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “It is.” Her expression said that was all she was willing to say.

  Talaric glanced from her to the empty hanger bay beyond the control room, “So we have a huge spaceship, which is also the weapon we need, hidden somewhere on Earth, presumably by our great ancestor, with no perceivable way to get back to our world or protect it from invasion. That’s a problem!”

  Sparky looked, as if he was about to say something, when he was abruptly cut off by Titus, whose out of breath voice from the doorway behind us boomed out loudly. He had at some point left unnoticed by the rest of us. He was sweating profusely and clearly out of breath.

  “That ain’t the only problem boss! You got a whole mess of un-cool types descending into this place like ticks on a hound dog!”

  “How did they find us?” Katie exploded out with.

  “Doesn’t matter right now! Katie, you, Titus and I will try to hold them off for a while. Sparky you help Ellanara in any way you can. Ellanara we can’t let them have this place! It still holds far too much information!” Talaric said roughly.

  “Way ahead of you brother! See this diagram it’s the best way out of here.”

  “I see it! We’ll rendezvous with you there!”

  “You won’t have much time after I start the ball rolling!” Ellanara finished loudly, as Talaric headed for the door.

  I started to follow, but Talaric gestured me back, “You stay here Eva and help protect my family!” And then he was gone.

  I looked at the empty doorway in utter frustration at being left behind when I so badly wanted to help. I choked the bitter emotion of self worthlessness down and turned to glance at the schematics shown on one of the screens before turning to the four men and Talaric’s parents, “This way.” I said pointing down the long hallway different from the way we had come.

  I had a picture graphic memory and I knew the way by heart already in my mind. I’d see them safely started on the way and then I was coming back whether macho boy liked it or not!

  Chapter Twelve

  Martha’s Gonna Sing

  Eleanor looked away from the book she was reading for a second and listened. Nothing, but she wasn’t deceived by the lack of auditory feedback. One didn’t always have to hear a threat, in order to sense it. She pulled a few books together and grabbed an item off the crate beside her and got to her feet and hobbled outside with the use of her makeshift crutch.

  Raffi was attempting to read a book, probably because he’d seen her doing it during a lot of her spare time. A smile touched her lips. She knew the little boy idolized her and it felt nice to be held in such high regard by someone, even if he was only five. She approached him and arched one expressive eyebrow high and gave him a conspiratorial wink,

  “So tell me young man, have you ever been to the seaside?”

  “Just when you picked us up with the plane.”

  “Well then, since you weren’t there very long you probably didn’t get a chance to build a sand castle or go snorkeling did you?”

  The little boy just shook his head, his eyes big.

  “Well then, it’s time to rectify the situation. As you can see we have plenty of sand for castle construction. Now where do you think we can collect the briny old salt water from? Oh well, we’ll have to do a bit of make-believe on that one. Well, come along then, I have a game for you to play and if you win it, I can guarantee that it will go a very long way into making you an exemplary flight pilot such as myself one day. Naturally that won’t be easy, but I think you’re just the man to give it his best shot!”

  Rafael practically bounced up and down in excitement at the game she was offering.

  “Oh Raffi would you drag that crate along? There’s a good chap, should be just the right size.”

  Titus hadn’t been kidding Talaric had to admit. There were hard cases dropping down all over the place from the surface. Talaric threw a grenade around a corner and waited a second for it to go off, with its accompanying screams of death.

  Darting around the corner he searched the dead bodies for any sign of who was behind this. He found some papers, to only moments later have to throw himself over backward with them clutched in his hand, as automatic gunfire riddled the place he’d just been. He ducked back around the corner to deliver several short bursts f
rom his assault rifle.

  He had the satisfaction of seeing several of the enemy drop. He ducked back around the corner and headed down an interconnecting hallway just as a grenade landed in front of his old position.

  Titus didn’t know small. He wasn’t small and the guns he used weren’t small. The custom-made cartridge wheel shotgun he carried in his arms would have served just as well as the gun mount of an armored personnel carrier and if that wasn’t enough the high caliber custom fifty machine gun slung to his back, which came equipped with the strung out cartridge belts on demand, would.

  If he aimed it right he could take out a tank with the explosive tipped rounds, but he rarely aimed as the general mass effect of his weapons was usually enough to get the job done.

  “By gum, where do you spider monkeys keep popping up from?” He exclaimed, as he blew several more to kingdom come with blasts from the canon in his hands.

  Coming to an overlook he saw where a group of thirty or more of the enemy were repelling down from a crack in the ceiling above.

  “Oh no they ain’t!” Titus said emphatically.

  He set the shotgun canon down to lean against a railing. Small caliber bullets sprayed all around him from those in the act of repelling downward and from some who had already reached the ground plain. Reaching behind him Titus unsnapped the fifty caliber and let it swing around in front of him.

  “You want to make something of it spider boys, well you got it! Martha’s gonna sing now!” And that was all that could be heard for several loud percussion filled seconds.

  Nothing moved in the space beyond when his finger relaxed off the trigger.

  “That’ll teach’em!”

  Two double doors burst open on the far side of the space and fifteen more black clad fighters spilled out with guns blazing.

  “Lord have mercy they was born plum ignorant they was!” Titus said, as the big fifty named Martha began to sing again.

  Ellanara’s voice was calm, as she instructed Sparky what to do, even as she typed on two separate keypads and glanced between her two screens over to Sparky’s repeatedly.


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