A Warrior's Return
Page 17
We as a group stared at Sparky in questioning shock. He had been tasked with gathering intelligence, as he was the only one familiar with the area.
“You found out all this from a local contact?” Talaric asked sounding openly skeptical.
“No, truthfully I asked no one as I have no need to. Once a long time ago I worked as a scientist in the facility beneath the castle. I loved my work, but the focus of its application got to dark for me to tolerate any longer and I was fortunate enough to escape the place. My brother did not feel as I did however, and he stayed behind, which is how I plan to infiltrate the facility.”
“You trust this brother of yours to help us.” Ellanara asked doubtfully.
“Goodness no my dear! No, we loath each other. I intend to impersonate him. You see he and I are identical twins. There is a ball coming up at the chalet, which my brother will be attending. I will enter the facility from the military base side of the mountain with Ellanara, who will be dressed as my date for the ball. Talaric you will serve as my bodyguard as my brother’s never seen outside of the facility without one. While my brother is above at the ball, Ellanara will take over the control room and lock down the entire facility, while directing Talaric and I to where there holding Eleanor and the crystals. Meanwhile Eva and Roric will be at the ball. You both are tasked with keeping my twin brother at the ball. He can not return to the facility or the game will be up! One thing about the ball, it’s not a very nice ball. The ball is a chance for wealthy magnets of society to take their mistresses out for an evening without worrying about their wives left at home finding out about it. I have an identity picked out for Roric, one Reginald Worthy. Eva, you will play his alluring mistress.”
Roric and I both looked at each other uncertainly, as we considered what Sparky was planning for us.
“In addition to keeping my brother at the party, you two will have to cover our retreat from the facility. Do you understand what your part in all this is then?” Sparky asked, looking from Roric to me.
I swallowed and nodded. I didn’t have a good feeling about this at all.
“We only have two days before the night of the ball. So we need to do our shopping and have our wits about us and pray that Eleanor has that much time left.”
I stood in my gown in front of the others hating what I was being made to do as my part of the mission. Why couldn’t I just shoot people, anything but play my old lifestyle!
“Now my dear I know it’s difficult, but Roric’s credibility, as well as keeping my brother at the ball all hinges on you. The gown and your makeup are perfect, but your attitude isn’t what we need it to be for this to be a success. Please try.”
I bit my lip slightly and glanced at Talaric. I saw him nod slightly.
I was doing this for Eleanor and her alone. I relaxed and let my body flow, as I let the mask of interested sensuality fall over my face. I smiled a smile full of the promise of wicked delight, even as my soul cringed inside of me at the old affectation. I could tell that I’d shocked them all, except for Sparky and Talaric.
“Thank you my dear and I’m sorry.” Sparky said softly.
The look abruptly dropped from me and I brushed past them not wanting them to see the tears that I couldn’t hide. I walked to the end of the hall and stared out at the rainy day beyond. I felt Talaric behind me, even as I felt his big hands settle possessively on my hips.
His lips brushed my ear and he whispered, “I love you. The real you and your past doesn’t bother me Eva, because I’m holding the future right now.”
I turned and pressed my face against his chest and found acceptance and even loving security, as I felt his arms close around me. I could do this. He believed in me, the real me. I could do this charade.
I stared at myself in the mirror knowing I looked good and wishing this ball was a nice one, amongst good people, and that my escort was Talaric instead of his father. There was a knock at door and I called out to enter.
Surprisingly it was Katie that peeked her head in, “Can I come in for a moment?”
“Sure Katie what’s up?”
“I got you something.”
It was the impish light in her eyes that put me on guard.
“What did you get me?” I asked uncertainly.
“Oh relax you’re going to like this!” She said, as she moved, stiff legged, into the room.
She sat down by a table and put a little case down and opened it. There was a squat snub-nosed little pistol resting in the velvet lining of the case.
“Thanks Katie, but you know how bad I am at aiming pistols and besides where would I put it?”
Katie just grinned bigger and picked the little pistol up. She flipped a lever and broke the barrel down and pulled a shotgun shell out of the small barrel.
It shot shotgun shells!
Now this could work!
“How does it work?” I asked breathlessly wanting to play with the pistol myself.
“It only takes one shell at a time; another shell is slid up the butt of the pistol. Slide the butt plate out to the side and the second shell will fall out. You break it open with this little side lever. Simple trigger mechanism. It will just pepper stuff at any distance from you, but up close and personal it’s all you need to do the job.”
“Where am I going to put it Katie? You see how formfitting this dress is. I don’t have any pockets or a purse to carry it in.”
Katie pulled out a soft looking holster with elastic straps, “It’s soft so it shouldn’t chaff your thighs too much. Hike your dress up.”
I pulled my dress up along with my undergarments and spread my legs slightly, as Katie painfully got down on her knees. She strapped the holster with the pistol in it high up on my inner thigh towards the back. The handle lay against the back of my thigh just below the cheek of my butt.
Letting the dress fall back down I turned and glanced at the mirror behind me. No bulge was even detectable. I walked a few steps. It was slightly uncomfortable and alien feeling, but entirely doable.
“I thought you would be able to pull it off with your wider set hips!” Katie exclaimed clearly quite pleased with herself.
I hugged her tightly, “Thank you Katie! This helps relax me a lot!”
She hugged me back, “Well I thought it was a good idea to try at least. I know I’d want something if I had to go marching into a den of vipers like you are and besides what are friends for right?”
“Right!” I said squeezing her tight with friendship.
Talaric peeked into the room and looked curiously at us with a half smile.
“What are you two up to?”
Me and Katie glanced from him to each other and said in unison, as if we were sisters, “Nothing.”
The chauffeur who had been hired for the occasion drove away toward the parking area. Laying my hand on Roric’s arm we began to head toward the tall flight of white marble stairs decked out with a crimson runner down the center of them.
Huge urns full of flowers flanked the elevated stairway to either side of it. More urns sat on elaborate pedestals further out from the stairs. The world had gone to pot, but there was no lack of finery for the elite, who could still afford their high lifestyles, thanks to the suffering of the many they helped to oppress by means of restrictive government policies and taxes.
Mask in place, I swayed provocatively along beside Roric, clinging sensually to his side. I glanced up out of the corner of my eyes to inspect him. Roric all cleaned up was a good picture of what Talaric would look like some day when he got older. The problem was that along with being a handsome man his innate sense of character and strong moral fiber was also shining through. Such noble aspects of morality and honor were alien concepts among the people we would be mingling with this evening.
As we were walking along, with no one paying us attention, I tried to reaffirm some last-minute points of focus for him, which would be critical if we were to pull this charade off.
“Remember to focus on looking do
minant and in control. It’s your best appearance to pull off, as you don’t look like you have a dishonest bone in your body. Whatever you do, do not smile! Your smile is too nice and genuine for a place and people like this. Don’t look disapprovingly at anything you see taking place here tonight. Expect to see almost as many male on male and female on female relations as mixed couples like us.”
I saw his poised demeanor slip some and I quickly added, “Try to go for regal and indifferent. It’ll appear as if you’re a workaholic and that I drug you to this affair against your will. They’ll think you’re wealthy and that’s all people like this respect, wealth and power. Don’t let your guard down for a moment, especially not around the women! They are more perceptive than the men and even more cutthroat. Expect to receive offers for the use of me.”
He glanced at me slightly shocked, “What do I do if they ask that?”
“Do whatever seems best; even agree to the proposal if the arrangement is set for some time other than tonight.”
“I’m not sure I can do this!” Roric intoned softly.
“If you don’t we’re all dead. No pressure.”
We started climbing the stairs and Roric asked, “Should my hold on you be more lustful or forceful looking?”
I could tell he’d been studying the couples ahead of us on the stairs. One man’s hand was squeezing the butt of his female companion, while another gripped his companion by the upper arm and appeared as if he was dragging her along to the party.
“No your touch on me is good. The more lustful or forceful the male’s touch is signifies the lack of security he feels in maintaining control of the affections of his companion. What you’re doing appears as if you’re in control and that I’m happy to be with you. Something they will both admire and be jealous of. If you see a woman hit or mistreated tonight do not go to her rescue! Chivalry is dead here. Chances are if the woman is with such an abusive partner it’s because she’s into that kind of thing.”
We were nearly at the top of the stairs, when I felt Roric’s arm stiffen slightly. I followed his gaze to where two women were openly kissing each other in full public display of everyone passing by.
“Courage.” I whispered squeezing his hand slightly, “It only gets worse!”
“I’ve seen worse than this.” He rejoined softly back at me.
That was a depressing revelation to know. I guess in some corner of my mind I had been hoping that Talaric’s world would be better than the openly wicked and depraved culture of this world. I guess people were the same wherever they went to, whether it be Earth or somewhere else in the galaxy.
We entered the gay world of the party. A servant took my wrap at the door. We mingled among the brightly colored flock of gathered pigeons and survived.
When moving from one gathering to another the first challenge occurred. A potbellied little businessman from Brussels stopped us with one hand briefly catching a hold of my free arm.
“Reginald, you certainly do have an exotic one here! I could make it worth your while to lone her out for a while. Sort of a shared investment stock opportunity.”
Sparky’s training of the last view days came out, as Roric deftly flicked the man’s hand off my arm and dispassionately said, “When I have something of value that needs to be depreciated I’ll let you know.”
And then Roric directed me away and we headed out onto the dance floor. That had been good. Sparky would be proud of his pupil. I certainly was. It wasn’t easy to pull off being a wastrel, when at heart you were a good person. The same could be said of the reverse.
The dance floor was at least a slightly less pressured atmosphere as no one could talk to us. I was looking around at the people gathered in the ballroom, when the question came that I had been dreading.
“We haven’t gotten a chance to talk since we met. I’m very curious as to how you came to be acquainted with my son.”
I glanced up at the face of the man so similar to the man I loved and couldn’t help but cringe inwardly at what he would think. What did I tell him?
I really didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t look at him directly so I concentrated on his chin instead.
“I met your son at a place where women dance for men. I was one of the dancers and I was also a whore by profession at the time, but I’m not now. Your son is an amazing man and you have every right to be proud of him. He saved my life and Rafael’s many times over. He shared his faith with me and I believe even as you and him in the Savior of us all. I’m basically starting my life over again. All I want from life now is to please my God, give Rafael a good home and to spend the rest of my life with your son, if he’ll have me.”
That was pretty much everything in a nutshell. We moved in the rhythm of the dance for a few moments and I could tell that he was waiting for me to make eye contact with him. I glanced up hoping I wouldn’t see rejection in his eyes.
There was no rejection, only a deep appreciation reflected in his eyes that made me feel warm and somehow special inside, when I deserved nothing close to it.
“Enough said my dear.” And that was all he said.
I couldn’t believe it!
This was too easy!
I glanced up again and asked hesitantly, “You’re all right with me being with your son?”
“What’s to mind about having a beautiful and intelligent daughter-in-law that has her faith in the proper perspective, loves my son and the child she’s already been blessed with and doesn’t mind fighting for them or her friends when they’re in danger? I’m blessed to have you as is Talaric.”
I shook my head softly. He made it sound as if I was something precious and worthy to be treasured. Just like his son treated me.
The men of this family were so strange and yet simply wonderful!
Like a glutton for punishment or perhaps out of the need for more affirmation that I was actually okay, I asked softly, “But what about the whore part?”
Again I could tell he wanted my eye contact and I looked up.
“Eva, I’m as guilty as the rest of mankind is. I’ve done my share of evil and have behaved wickedly. I’m redeemed from the death I deserve and my Savior sacrificed Himself for me just as He did for you. We’re both forgiven. I don’t look at you, as to who you were, but rather I’m looking at the very special woman that you are now and it is my desire that soon you’ll be in the position to call me father.”
“Please stop! You’re going to make me cry if you keep it up!” I said already choked up inside.
It would be nice to have a real father! I wished that everything taking place right now and the very real danger we were in could all just be fast forwarded away so I could get to the good stuff that God seemed to be offering me, but that wasn’t how life worked. You had to take the good with the bad sometimes.
Roric was speaking again, “And don’t be worried about Krista. She’s completely enchanted with you.”
I smiled a little, “I did get the impression that she was okay with me being with Talaric.”
“Oh and when did you get that impression?” He asked curiously.
Looking up impishly I said, “On the helicopter ride out of the desert we shared similar seating arrangements, if you know what I mean.”
Roric nodded, “The woman has never ceased from tormenting me, whenever she’s gotten the chance to!”
He looked away for a moment and then back to me with a gleam in his eye.
“How did I get so lucky? Eva would you do me a favor?”
“Anything!” I said with heartfelt sincerity.
“When my son is gray-haired and losing a few steps to his game like I am, would you please still continue to torment him and make him feel young as my woman does to me?”
“I swear it!” I said smiling wickedly.
The dance was over and he led me to a refreshment table. We stood there for a while surprisingly unbothered, as we watch the next dance take place without us.
“These people remind me of the peopl
e that I bought my wife from.” Roric said absent mindedly, as he studied the participants of the ball.
I almost choked on my punch at his words.
“Bought her?” I asked incredulously, wondering if he was pulling my leg.
He gave me a discerning look, “Thought you were the only one with a storied past didn’t you. I bought Krista at a sex slave auction, which was after she had been given to me the first time as my slave.”
My jaw had to be on the floor.
“The first time?” I asked not believing what I was hearing.
“Yes, she was basically willed to me, but she ran away before she could find out how charming I am.”
“I’ve got to hear this story!” I said fervently hanging on every one of his words.
“I’ll make sure that you hear every excruciating detail of it my dear, but it will have to wait till a later date. Look whose joined the party.”
I turned and saw Sparky across the room, only it wasn’t Sparky.
Chapter Sixteen
Into the Mountain
Sparky with Ellanara sauntering along beside him, in her best impression of Eva, approached the checkpoint to the tunnel entrance of the military base side of the mountain. Talaric followed behind dressed in the obvious garb of a menacing henchman.
The guard on duty looked through the glass surprised and got to his feet abruptly, “Mister Vorstrom I thought you were gone for this evening!” The guard asked before his eyes strayed over to the exposed neckline of Ellanara’s ball gown.
“Well as you can see I am back. There’s been a bad accident out on the main road that will take hours to clean up so I diverted to back here. Open up now, I don’t want to be any later than I already am for the ball. I have kept my precious pet waiting long enough as it is!” Sparky said, as he patted Ellanara’s hand.