The Legend- Revealed

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The Legend- Revealed Page 8

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  The old White Dragon needed no time to ponder. “Yes, agreed. He is an honorable king. I believe in this season of Change many new things will be discovered. Some good, some bad, for this is the nature of things. Having allies who are honorable is good for us.”

  Galdean said, “I have no quarrel with returning here after we find Kaida. Here’s my thoughts. We already know where the place is that will return us back to our beginning. It could be a risk to us to use this new place to return home. After all, we have no idea where it will take us.”

  Rynik, the King of Mursei, smiled at his friend, then spoke. “Can it be? The mighty warrior is worried for a new adventure?” His eyes radiated warmth in his challenge.

  “The Dragon, you say! It is you whom should be worried. How many times have I had to rescue your reckless hide? Why, if it wasn’t for me….”

  Zelspar cautioned, “I know you two love a quarrel but you are worrying our host!”

  They all turned their attention to King Togar who was steadily creeping backwards at the Dragons sudden thunderous discourse.

  The King of Mursei quickly told Zlemtec, “Please tell him we are thrilled to do as he requested. We were only teasing each other, it is the Dragon’s way.” Then he did his best to offer and a non-threatening smile towards King Togar, granted it was hard to do with a mouth full of jagged teeth.

  Zlemtec rapidly explained to King Togar there was no reason for alarm. His companions were happy to do as requested and were only teasing each other. Togar relaxed his composure and exhaled a deep breath.

  “Thank you, my new friends,” King Togar replied. “You do me a great honor. It is said of us that we never forget a harm done to one of us but it is also true, we never forget a kindness. For your kindness you will be greatly repaid.”

  Zelspar told Zlemtec, “Tell him we seek no payment. It is our way, to help our allies.”

  After Zlemtec set King Togar straight, his eyes sparkled at the King Togar’s response. He turned and beamed brightly at his companions.

  “He said he will show us great treasures upon our return, free for our taking,” said Zlemtec who always kept a keen eye out for precious stones.

  “Well,” offered Zelspar, “if it is a gift … we could not object.” His quick reply brought on a sudden round of laughter from his friends. They all knew there wasn’t a Dragon alive who could pass up such an offering! Their one weak point was in the collection of treasures, to the extent it often made them enlarge their caves to store them all.

  Rynik replied, “Offer accepted!” He again offered his host a dazzling smile and this time it was returned.

  The four regal Dragons slipped into the air with a brilliant display of color. They headed due East, towards the Vale of Valdross and more importantly, towards Kaida.

  Chapter 18

  Kaida looked from Perthorn to Molakei, then asked, “Molakei, does the Legend talk of this new world and the Dragons bringing about great changes?”

  Molakei looked thoughtfully at the yellow haired girl. “No Kaida. It speaks of you being the change that comes. This is the way my thoughts flow. You are the critical element. Without your interactions with the peoples and the Dragons, things would continue in the old ways. But now, they cannot. You have already interacted with both and change has happened because of this. That is the truth of the Legend. It does not go on to describe all the particular changes, only that it must happen for the survival of all. Since we now see changes, we know our feet follow the right path. Change can be hard, but to not change can be worse.”

  His eyes scanned the girl and noticed her arms were now taut with muscles. Her skin glowed with the warmth of many seasons of the sun, her hair still wild, but fluttered around her waist when loosened. She could be the very meaning of change for she has changed so much in the short time they have been here. She has the look and confidence of a seasoned warrior. He now believed it was destined for them to fall into this inner world. His chest extended with pride to be the Teacher to Kaida. His eyes glistened, thanking the Great Ancestors for allowing him to walk this path.

  Sigrunn and Tyrianua slipped out into the fresh air and waited. The others would soon join them.

  Perthorn gave last minute tasks to Kiel to prepare for their journey as he slipped the Book of Days under his robe, into the cushioned bag which crossed over one shoulder and rested against the opposite hip.

  Kaida, Flower Bird and Molakei went outside to wait. The two wolf pups had grown in size and flanked Kaida as they prepared for the journey to Rutenthrall Castle.

  “Do you feel what’s in the air?” Sigrunn, the female wolf, asked as she nudged Tyrianua, her male counterpart.

  “Yes. It is time,” replied Tyrianua. “We must be prepared for this new Season.”

  They shook their fur and stood in their regal transformation.

  “We are ready,” he said to Sigrunn.

  Kaida stood transfixed. Flower Bird was captivated by the change of the wolves. Molakei looked on with great wonder, something unpredictable was occurring before their eyes.

  Tyrianua shook out his fur, sending a ribbon of blue coursing through the recently exposed mystical markings. His river-blue eyes met Kaida’s. He spoke to her.

  “I have been sent for this Time. The outer and this inner world has entered a period of Chaos. All things will lose their path. I am the way to Harmony. I am the Teacher of those ways.”

  He looked around, then let his thoughts be heard to all. “Do not be frightened of the changes you see. I have come to you for this journey just as I had come to others before you and will come to those who will come after you. It is this Time which is the most precarious. Life has been rattled, there will be fighting for power and resources. I will help you find the path to Harmony.”

  A sudden buzz of shocked whispers filled the keen hearing of the wolves. Sigrunn walked in front of the group, her fur long and white. She answered the unspoken questions with a fluidity of gentle rain.

  “Call us the names you have given to us. It is true that we have been given different names by different people at various Times. Our path on this journey is to bring all to a common path of Harmony.” Sigrunn sighed heavily, charging her markings with a flash of ice-blue. “I am the Holder of Secrets. I know the hidden things and allow them to find their place amongst all in their proper Time.”

  Sigrunn spoke directly to Kaida. “Your journey is great. You have been given many Teachers to help you on this journey. Every Teacher you have been sent will help you with aspects of your destiny. In time, you will remember.”

  Kaida bit her lip lightly. “Sigrunn, Tyrianua, why does everyone think I can make a great difference?” She knelt to the ground and buried her face deeply into Sigrunn’s fur.

  “It is who you are. Who you were born to be,” Sigrunn replied softly, leaning her whole body into Kaida. “Remember, you don’t take the journey alone. We are all here for you. Kaida, do you remember the special ceremony Molakei gave you? The one where so many Ancestors came to bind the Magic to the stones?”

  “Oh, yes! I will never forget,” Kaida turned and gave a smile to Molakei. “The cave filled and moved with my Ancestors giving their power to the stones.”

  Sigrunn moved her muzzle and looked at Kaida, nose to nose. “I share this so you will never feel alone, no matter where you are or what you face. The powder used to mix into the Cleansing ceremony of those stones … everyone tried to give you the best that they knew how to give. Your powder had the pieces held in your Heritage box of your mother and father but … those who love you added in their own pieces.”

  Kaida rocked back in shock. “But how?”

  “Shhh Kaida, let me finish.” Sigrunn dipped her head and uttered a low growl.” So, your powder was mixed with the pieces from your mother and father plus a pinch of those who first cared for you. The Dragons.”

  Kaida’s eyes snapped fully open in surprise. This surprise was echoed to all those around her.

  Sigrunn continued, “
listen well as I fill in the information you do not know. As I tell you, you will begin to remember. First, the Queen of Mursei added a pinch from her Heritage box, then for good measure added a piece from the King’s box, plus a pinch of scale from Zlemtec’s box since you were the closest to him. They gave this to the great White Dragon….”

  Kaida shouted out, “Zelspar! I remember, he was my Teacher!”

  Sigrunn and Tyrianua shared a look and a gleeful howl.

  “Yes, you are correct Kaida. But, I’m not finished. Zelspar mixed a dash from his very own Heritage box. He then gave the powder to your friend, Zlemtec. He brought the powder to Molakei to perform the ceremony.”

  Sigrunn casually looked over to Molakei, watching him shift nervously from one foot to the other. “Molakei added a piece of grounded nail to bring his Ancestors to the ceremony.” Molakei slightly lifted his shoulders, then gave a crooked smile acknowledging his secret was revealed.

  Tyrianua interrupted, “It didn’t end with Molakei.”

  Sigrunn shot a fierce glance at Tyrianua, but he continued.

  “While you, Zlemtec and Molakei were busy watching the gathering of the Ancestors, Sigrunn added a hair from the both of us into the brew. You will understand now, why you will never be alone, and why no one else could ever walk your path.”

  Kaida’s face was radiant. “I never understood why I seemed so different than everyone else I met. Tell me more of my mother and father.”

  Tyrianua glanced to Sigrunn and said, “That is not my story to tell.”

  Kaida had followed his glance and hugged Sigrunn tight. “Oh, I know you must have the answer! Please? I don’t remember them. Where are they? Do they look like me?”

  Sigrunn prepared herself to give up the secrets. Her sparkling eyes looked long into Kaida’s.

  Chapter 19

  Perthorn pointed up at the sky and yelled, “Dragons!”

  Heads turned skyward to behold the sight. It was a new sight for most of them. Four Dragons were flying straight towards them in a sleek line of flashing colors.

  Kaida broke from the pack and ran out to the field, tears flowing as free as her blonde hair. Her arms reached up as she called out, “Zlemtec! I knew you would find me!”

  With all the might in his armored body, he pushed himself forward at breakneck speed. He dove down as he got closer to Kaida. She grabbed onto his neck and jumped onto his back, hugging the very breath out of him. After so long, they were once more, flying as One.

  Zelspar flanked Zlemtec and dared a glance towards Kaida. She beamed sunshine to his eyes and reached out.

  “Zelspar! I have missed you.” She held his arm for a moment. The old Wise White Dragon snorted a puff of smoke. It seemed his words were extinguished by the river of tears as he took in her image. He finally was able to grunt out, “Our little Dragon.” He pushed off to allow room for the King of Mursei and Galdean to fly up on the other side of Zlemtec.

  “We came looking for you after the shower of flaming rocks and the quakes,” the King began.

  “I tried to find you after Zlemtec had lost you but the peoples had already found you….” Galdean offered gently.

  Kaida said, “It is all right. You are here and I am back with you!” Her eyes gleamed. “I have to introduce you to the others I am with, we were heading towards a place known as the Rutenthrall Castle, the place where….”

  Zlemtec interrupted, “We just left there to come find you!”

  The King of Mursei suggested, “Let us land and meet your companions. Zlemtec has told us a bit about the peoples you lived with before the Urthe shaking. Let us met all who helped our littlest Dragon.”

  Zlemtec circled once and glided smoothly to a rest a few steps in front of Kaida’s companions, smiling at Molakei.

  Flower Bird, Kiel and Perthorn were still slack-jawed at this new sight. They involuntarily stepped backwards as Zlemtec and Kaida approached.

  Tyrianua stepped forward. “Zlemtec. We welcome you and the others. I will make your words more easily understood with the peoples. I can only unscramble the languages for brief exchanges but soon you will be able to speak fluently to one another.”

  There they all gathered and met. The Dragons, the peoples of Urthe, the Master Magician and his apprentice, all bound together on this journey with the Dragon Child. It would be thousands of years before any other assembly would be so powerful or legend.

  Tyrianua and Sigrunn wagged the tails of wolf gods. For gods they were, in every language and every faction of people. They were and would be, forever.

  Zlemtec nodded and helped introduce the King of the Mursei Hail of Dragons, Zelspar and Galdean to the group in front of him. Slowly, those unaccustomed to Dragons relaxed, albeit they retained a healthy distance between them. The peoples in return, introduced themselves to the Dragons.

  Zelspar asked, “What does it mean, this Master Magician title?”

  Perthorn, his chest suddenly puffed up, answered. “I have been tested by the best and have been found unchallenged. I have learned all that my predecessors could teach. All come to me for my Magic, spells and enchantments. When the time is right, as the Master Magician, I chose an apprentice to teach and ensure Magic will never be lost.”

  Zelspar tugged on one bushy brow, absorbing the information. His eyes shone brightly with keen interest. “So then I may conclude, you do not have a direct line of Magicians, an Ancestor that passes the power on?”

  “Oh, some have laid claim to an ancestor of renowned abilities but that is mostly unproven. And even if so, they must still go through the rigors of testing. A Master Magician isn’t simply born, he is made.” Perthorn’s eyes narrowed a hint, thinking this White Dragon wished to bring a challenge upon him.

  “By all that is Dragon, Perthorn, your ways are similar to those of the Qyrdrom Hail, except we are given much of our power from our Ancestors. Yet, we still must practice, learn and be tested. I think there is much to learn. Perhaps, if you are willing, we might exchange our ideas and teachings?”

  A wry smile started and spread across the face of Perthorn. “A wondrous idea! Our Book of Days recently added a new event and said we should watch and go with the Dragons. My apprentice, Kiel will have the greatest benefit of all. He will learn all the Magicians from the Vale of Valdross has to offer plus the Magic of Dragons!”

  Zelspar chortled a puff of smoke. He thought, Perthorn may be a Master Magician but he has a lot to learn about Dragons! He cleared his throat and replied, “Indeed! We may all learn a thing or two.”

  The King asked, “If you are ready, let us head back towards the Rutenthrall Castle. We have made an ally with King Togar. He wishes to travel with us to the portal the Dragons used when they first went above.”

  “But you fly!” Kaida moaned. “We will have to walk the distance.”

  Zelspar scrunched up his face in a pretended thought. “Well, perhaps you should fly with Zlemtec and King Mursei. Galdean and myself will escort your companions if that agrees with all?”

  Kaida and Zlemtec, at the same time, exclaimed “Yes!”

  King Mursei winked at Zelspar and said, “How could I disagree with such a Wise Old Dragon? We will fly ahead and find a place to accommodate our group for a resting spot. It will give me time to catch up with our littlest Dragon!”

  Kaida turned her beaming face towards him and ran up to give him a long-missed hug. The King’s face rippled as his smile grew in depth.

  Kiel looked first to Perthorn, then to Zelspar and finally back to Kaida. He shook his head. He would have never imagined meeting Dragons or talking to them but the amazement he felt at watching the Uplander girl run up to them and hug one, words would never be enough to express it.

  Zelspar told the others, “Bring me your bags and traveling gear. I can easily carry it and ease your load.”

  With gratefulness, Molakei and Flower Bird made their way over to him and wrapped their bundles across his side. Perthorn and Kiel watched, still a bit in awe.

  Zelspar grumbled, “Well?”

  It was if a fire was lit under their feet as the two rushed forward with their burdens. It was all Zelspar could do, not to bust a laugh or spit out a flame, but he thought better of it. His eyes sparkled with mirth. It will be exciting to learn more of these peoples, he thought.

  Kaida climbed up Zlemtec’s back and leaned forward, her arms finding their home once again. It always was this way with her, the sudden deep breath like all the breaths before were lacking. Zlemtec’s long tail gently swirled the ground around him. He, too, could finally breathe wholly.

  King Mursei looked at the sight and his heart felt joy. The Hails will be happy upon their return. He turned and said, “We start our journey home,” and they lifted to feel the wind.

  Sigrunn and Tyrianua trotted ahead, leading a path for the others to follow.

  Tyrianua turned and spoke to Sigrunn. “Isn’t it always the same? The bringing together the ones that will make the necessary changes?”

  She stopped and looked at him a moment in thought. “I was about to agree with you but this time, I feel a different ripple. A new spinning. We both know the outcome. But it’s the journey to that future that resonates differently.”

  “Yes, I will agree. Knowing and walking the journey are two different things. But then, you are the Holder of Secrets. Perhaps you know things I have not seen?”

  Sigrunn’s eyes shimmered. She responded with a simple, “Perhaps.” She felt a wild hair and suddenly lunged forward, long white fur flying, leaving Tyrianua behind staring after her.

  He howled and rushed to join her.

  The group headed out, exchanging thoughts and ideas along the way. The learning was taking seed. The eagerness to share, grew. They had ventured a short distance but it hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  Chapter 20

  He watched them leave, his eyes black and narrowed. He could not have hoped for anything better unless it was the fruition of his dream, to permanently do away with his nemesis, Perthorn and his runt of an apprentice. Flegmorr pulled the rim of his drab olive hat down low and glared after those headed away. He thought, had it not been for those Dragons…. As he turned and walked away, a rattle shook his hat and reached his ears. “Quiet!” he grumbled. “I have to think.”


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