The Legend- Revealed

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The Legend- Revealed Page 9

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Flegmorr slunk around the bushes. Glancing over his shoulder, he called the Magic and slid through the door to Perthorn’s house.

  His companion, the Flaptail, whispered, “there, check there!”

  “I told you to be quiet or I swear I’ll turn your fuzzy wings into rocks!” Flegmorr, in one swift move, ripped off his hat and shook it vigorously, almost dislodging his cohort, a Flaptail which was a foul creature of a bat’s body with a long snake’s tail. Glik’s tail rattled loudly as he re-positioned himself tightly around Flegmorr’s hat.

  He mumbled, “Where was I? Oh yes. The Book!”

  He started rustling through the room, overturning chairs and opening cupboards. He ran his fingers over the walls, looking for a variance, some small hint of the deception. His pointing finger hit the crease. Aha! With a quick pound of the fist, the secret wall safe sprung open wide.

  His black eyes peered inside. “Nothing? Nothing!” he exclaimed aloud.

  Behind him, he heard snickering, his cloak swished as he turned. There, watching him from the back wall stood two candlesticks, flames flickering with their snickers.

  His right arm shot out of his cloak as he yelled, “You shall regret! Be ye all wet!” Water gushed from his fingertip and extinguished both the flames and the laughter. His eyes narrowed and through the small slits he slowly took in the complete room before kicking the table leg and slamming the door upon his departure.

  He climbed the hill above the house and stood staring out over the Vale of Valdross. His cloak rustled briefly caught by the breeze before it rested against the Magician. He pushed his way through the bushes and slipped into the dotted tree line which grew along the edge of the Vale and began his journey.

  The corner of Flegmorr’s lip twitched, adding depth to his scowl. He had to confront Perthorn and take back what was rightfully his! He had out-ranked Perthorn every year at their testings. It was only the final testing which Perthorn won that led to Perthorn receiving the Master Magician title. He knew there had to have been some trickery, some privileged access Perthorn was given, for him to have won the final testing. Somewhere in the Book of Days, it must be recorded! He would right his name or destroy Perthorn in the process.

  His black eyes scanned the field. He would pursue Perthorn from world to world, if he must. Perthorn was an outsider, not born in the Vale of Valdross. A traveler who came to them in his youth, bragging of his Magic and lineage of Magicians. It had never impressed Flegmorr. It was his own family that had always held the title of Master Magician. He had vowed to learn how Perthorn stole the title and from where in Magicians’ Lore did Perthorn sprout from? Seeing him and his apprentice following the Dragons made him seethe. Dragons! His twitch turned into a snarl as he spat a vile substance at the base of a tree. It melted into the grass and smoldered. A slight rattle from his Flaptail companion mimicked his feelings.

  “Good Glik. Yes, we will get them. What belongs to us, will be ours!” Glik soothed his companion with the gentle rattles of his tail as they trailed behind Perthorn and his companions.

  Chapter 21

  In flight, the King of Mursei wore a smile that gleamed off of his long sharp teeth. It is good to have our Kaida back, he thought. His heart felt the fullness of a bond that could not be broken.

  Zlemtec soared and dove with Kaida firmly seated against him. Life returned to his spirit. His wings again found the hidden notes that streamed in the air, playing ancient tunes so softly, only the discerning ear could hear.

  Kaida was once again in her element. She leaned forward, head inches above Zlemtec’s, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her body awoke as if from a deep slumber. She closed her eyes. She felt the surging of energy shooting through the internal rivers, moving rapidly over every part of her being. It felt like blue flashes of lightning, dancing within her.

  She brought her knees up and shifted until she was standing on Zlemtec’s back. Without thought, she threw her arms wide open, dropped her head back and gave a mighty roar! Instinctively, she was joined with the roar of two other Dragons. It was only after that moment, the King and Zlemtec swooped down to land.

  Kaida slid from Zlemtec’s back and leaned against him, adjusting her eyes as a thin membrane rolled up and out of sight.

  “Kaida…,” the King began as Zlemtec also spoke.

  “Kaida!” Zlemtec’s eyes sparkled the blends of purple, blue and silvery white.

  “I don’t know what just happened.” Kaida struggled with finding the correct words. “I felt a deep urge, no … not even that. I had a need to express my happiness. I…” She shook her head of sun colored hair, trying to capture the words again.

  “Kaida,” the King gently spoke, “you do not have to explain. Your Dragon voice is beautiful. It is understandable to speak and call as we do. You have be raised by us.”

  She met the King’s eyes, unwavering. “I hear your words. This is different. I first felt this odd energy surge after the cleansing ceremony Molakei gave for me. I thought it was because so many Ancestors came to strengthen the magic of the stones. But…” Kaida paused to trace back the thread of memory, “I felt the energies sparking from my toes through my head. Powerful energies! Then, Zlemtec and I flew as One, again.”

  Zlemtec’s added, “I remember that also, Kaida. You stood on my back then, too. You gave the Dragon Call. The one used for Victory or Celebration. Kaida? I wanted to ask you something … something about that day and all the times after that we flew.”

  Her blue eyes flashed. “The answer is yes, Zlemtec.”

  The King tilted his head, looking from one to the other. “Would one of you do the honor and tell me what you are talking about?”

  “I will try, Sipta King.” Kaida looked back at Zlemtec and then to the King. “I don’t think I’m one of the peoples. I think I’m one of the Dragons. I feel ‘Dragon’ when I’m flying as One with Zlemtec. It has always been so but … after the ceremony, I feel this power flowing through the rivers inside of me.”

  “King, it is hard to describe.” Zlemtec added. “I know many of the other Dragons think it strange for Kaida and myself to fly as One. But … not only does it feel normal to me but it feels better than when I fly alone. Not simply that I miss Kaida flying with me, it’s more! I feel more energy. I can breathe fully. It is like..”

  Both Kaida and Zlemtec answered together. “We are complete.”

  The King’s eyes were open wide. Several heartbeats passed. His talons scraped against his leathery jaw. Finally, he found his voice. “I don’t have any answers for either of you but then, you need no answers. You have your own answers. I do think perhaps Zelspar might help us understand the reasons as to why you feel the way you do. Maybe the Queen will have more insight when we return….”

  Kaida beamed. “Then, you believe me, believe us?”

  The King’s eyes crinkled as he smiled. “What a odd question. Of course I believe you. But how you feel doesn’t require a belief from anyone, other than yourselves. It does, however, explain more clearly to why it is normal for you to fly as One. It is more than something that happened by accident. It was meant to be this way.” The King could not help but think back to the day his Queen took the items from Kaida’s heritage box, the strange orb that her mother had clutched tightly in childbirth. Starleira knows more than she has said, I am sure of it, he thought. When we return, it will be time for her to share her knowledge of the secrets held within the peculiar orb.

  Zlemtec’s chest produced a low rumble as Kaida leaned against him. A soothing sound to Kaida. Her eyes fluttered and closed gently.

  It was only when she opened them again that the King saw her eyes. The inner membrane was slow to retreat and for a sliver of a second he saw her eyes, the eyes of a Dragon … before they returned to normal.

  Zelspar turned to look back at the stragglers. He shook his head in frustration.

  Galdean lifted one brow as he looked at Zelspar. “What has set your bones on edge, old Dragon?”

  “The peoples. They move so slow, how do they ever get from one place to another? This is an impossibility! By all that is Dragon, I would fade away if I had to travel that way all the time,” he gruffly answered.

  Galdean suggested, “We could speed it up a bit.” He added a wink.

  “Hmpfft. It would be far better than this crawl we are doing at present! We will see what their reactions are. Let us wait here for them to catch up,” said Zelspar with the hint of amusement flashing in his gaze.

  The wolves sensing something was in the air, headed towards the Dragons.

  Tyrianua spoke to Sigrunn, “What do you think they are doing, waiting here?”

  Sigrunn replied, “I believe they are about to teach the peoples about flight.”

  “Oh, this will be memorable,” he said lightly nipping at Sigrunn’s back.

  Zelspar said, “We will need your help. We want for the peoples to move quicker. Each of us could easily carry two upon our back. Help them understand our words and desire to make the traveling easier on us all.”

  Tyrianua said, “I will let it be known to them. Even though the idea of such travel is new even to you, it is far from a new idea. There are worlds and times where this is quite normal and even worlds where it isn’t only normal but a necessity. They will come to an understanding.”

  “I think it will be easier if you, Zelspar, take Molakei and his daughter. They would be the easiest to convince. Zlemtec had made great steps in learning and sharing with Molakei. He won’t be frightened and will be able to reassure his daughter to do as he does. Once the other two see it is all right, they will be convinced,” Sigrunn stated.

  There was a pause as the four peoples ambled up to where the Dragons and wolves were waiting.

  Molakei pulled his water bag up and offered it around. The peoples each took a drink. He then offered a drink to the Dragons which immediately won Zelspar’s respect.

  “Thank you Molakei, but we Dragons have a large reserve.” He winked as he patted his belly causing Molakei to grin.

  Tyrianua addressed Molakei. “Zelspar has seen your struggle to keep up with the Dragons pace. He suggested that you and your daughter travel on his back. Your journey will be made both quicker and easier.”

  Molakei smiled warmly and said, “It will be an honor to fly as Kaida flies through the air. I have watched her flying with Zlemtec and have wondered how it would be to watch the land below me.”

  He turned and told his daughter that they would fly with the Dragons, like being small birds carried by larger birds. Although Flower Bird’s eyes grew very round, she only nodded yes to her father. Her excitement readily showed from her tunic fluttering above her chest, moving with her heartbeats.

  Perthorn removed his hat and was slowly spinning it between his hands and mumbling under his breath. Kiel shot a look at the Dragons and then to Perthorn, not sure he had understood everything. The mumble that he had understood, was the chant Perthorn offered up for their protection.

  Zelspar said, “Loosen the bindings up by my neck, then you will have a place to hold onto. Your daughter will be able to hold onto you.” He turned his head and came face to face with Molakei and chuckled as he added, “I haven’t lost a rider yet.”

  Molakei, the Elder warrior, burst out a belly laugh. He then climbed up onto the old White Dragon and leaned over to pull his daughter up. Waves of excitement rolled across his skin, causing a flurry of bumps to stand up. His heart pounded deep within his chest, not out of fear but out of a new adventure. He would know flight! Again he sent blessings to the Ancestors for allowing him to be born for this Time. Not only the Time of the Dragon Child, but to fly with a Dragon! His face had the glow of youth, dewy-eyed and flushed with adrenaline.

  Galdean turned his attention to his would-be riders and that simple act had Kiel falling over his own feet, trying to back away. Galdean did all within his power to stifle his laugh as it crawled up his throat. The result was a quick snort and a puff of smoke which did nothing to soothe the nerves of the Master Magician and his apprentice!

  Molakei asked Zelspar if they could take a short flight to show the others all was well.

  Zelspar obliged. He took a few gigantic steps and climbed into the air doing a slow circle above those waiting below.

  Molakei leaned into the gentle arc of the turn, his braids flapping gently as the air rushed against his face. Even the deeply etched lines of his face softened as a slow smile spread, becoming a huge grin. Those below were mesmerized by the watching of the riders on the Dragon.

  As Zelspar coasted to a soft landing he noticed Perthorn had already climbed up onto Galdean’s back and was in the process of helping Kiel get seated securely. Galdean gave a toothy grin and arched one brow. He bellowed as he caught air, “Fly fast! Fly direct!”

  Zelspar returned the call, Fly fast! Fly direct!” His talons scratched at the dirt as he took to the wind, feeling the power of being a Dragon.

  Galdean’s sudden lunge to catch the air and his Dragon call, rattled his riders, causing Perthorn’s hat to topple. Zelspar skillfully maneuvered under him and snatched up the hat and offered it back to the still shaken Perthorn. As Zelspar leveled his flight, he drew up beside Galdean, and shot him a warning glare but Galdean’s jovial expression made even the Old Dragon bite back a chuckle.

  Flegmorr watched from the tangle of trees, both mesmerized and defeated. He hastily ripped off his hat and threw it to the ground. Glik had but precious moments to scurry away and latch onto his shoulder before Flegmorr stomped his hat into the ground.

  “Those cursed Dragons! I’ll make them pay for helping my foe. I’ll … I’ll….”

  Glik, his tail buzzing in anticipation burst out,“T-t-t-turn them into t-t-toads? Bury them in the br-briars?” His fanged grin eagerly looked up at his master’s face, waiting.

  “I’ll cast the spell of Confusion and have them circling the land until they drop,” Flegmorr thundered out as he watched the Dragons quickly put distance between them.

  Glik clicked his tongue rapidly, in devious delight.

  Chapter 22

  The King of Mursei looked at the Dragon child, full of pride, taking in for the first time the changes in their Little Dragon. Gone from her were the chubby cheeks of the hatchling that had been taken from them. In front of him stood a warrior who gently leaned against her no longer hatchling friend; but her warrior Dragon. What strange land this is, this middle land, he thought. She has changed so quickly, as has Zlemtec!

  “Look,” Kaida said,” Zelspar and Galdean are coming!”

  “That’s not all,” exclaimed Zlemtec, “they are bringing your friends, Kaida!”

  “By all that is Dragon,” uttered the King of the Mursei.

  As the Dragons came closer, it was easy to see the faces of the peoples. Wonder was a language that was quickly understood by the shine of the eyes and the smile on the faces of the riders. Even the Dragons had a special gleam flashing in their eyes.

  This will certainly make the journey quicker, thought the king as he watched his friends make a slow descent to the ground.

  Molakei slid off the side of Zelspar and helped Flower Bird to the ground. Kaida ran forward to greet her friends, Dragons and peoples alike.

  “Molakei, you fly! Now you know why flying makes Kaida so happy.”

  He replied, “I would watch you fly with Zlemtec and see the sun shine in your eyes. Now I know where the light of your eyes came from. It comes from inside and is so strong it bursts out from the eyes.”

  Molakei turned to Zelspar and said, “I do not have enough words or gifts to give you for what you have given to me, my friend. I shall remember always the gift of Flying. To see the sky so close and the land disappearing underneath me; it was like being carried in a Vision but I could feel, smell, see and hear everything. Thank you, my friend.”

  Zelspar eyes shimmered even though a flush crept across his face. “No need for all the fuss. We had to get to where we were going. Flying was the
only practical way. Now, by all that is Dragon, are we going to spend all of our time talking or can we eat?”

  This brought on a round of laughter, mainly from the Dragons and Kaida who knew Zelspar did not handle compliments well. Kaida hugged Zelspar and as she had his head bent low, Flower Bird pressed her face against his. His eyes flashed a radiance that all could see. He was well pleased.

  Perthorn and Kiel had maneuvered down from Galdean and made a quick-step to not be in proximity of his feet, jaws or wings. Perthorn didn’t need someone to tell him to make room for the Dragon to move, he had felt the powerful muscles of the Dragon under him and had no doubt he could be easily crushed if he got underfoot.

  Rynik, the King of the Mursei, was amused and grinned at Galdean, which in hindsight was probably the wrong thing to do as his friend delighted in causing a bit of turbulence for fun.

  Galdean quickly flapped his wings a few times and let out a hint of a roar. That was all it took to have Perthorn running and Kiel right behind him. Kaida fell down in a fit of laughter that soon led the group into rapid bursts of chuckles.

  Perthorn’s large round eyes looked at the spectacle around him. He did not find anything that was so funny. Kiel looked from the Dragons to Kaida rolling around on the grass and joined in. Perthorn scrunched up his lips, dusted off his cap and found a resting spot under a tree.

  Galdean slowly approached. “Perthorn, my friend. I am sorry I startled you. It’s the ‘Dragon’ in me that likes to play pranks.”

  Perthorn replied, “Ahh, so I’ve learned a new thing. Dragons like to scare the wits out of a person. I am sure if I had known you as long as the others here, I wouldn’t have been so alarmed. But I see now that it was all in good fun and as my new friend, I have to share a laugh with you. I was about to turn you into a ground rodent! Now that I think of it, wouldn’t that have been jolly?”


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