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The Legend- Revealed

Page 16

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Perthorn, with his long hair still wild from sleep, knitted his brows close together, surprised to see so many outside. “What has happened?” His head finally darting around the room in alarm, only to find Kiel was there, just rising from his bed.

  “It is Flegmorr, isn’t it?” He was a quick study of the ‘tells:’ the special looks and language the body gives off before words flow. Only one thing would bring an alarm to his abode from so many. It could only mean Flegmorr.

  The white wolf agreed. “It is so, Perthorn. We trailed him and his Flaptail here. They hid in the broken trees that once towered above Molakei’s dwelling. They made it here at nightfall.”

  “Of course he would come in the night! He is the most horrid of men. Envy and revenge has turned his inner streams a black a putrid coagulation - an abomination, he is,” Perthorn spat out as if the very name soured the taste on his tongue.

  “I have already told the others to point me the way, I shall char his hide!” Zelspar puffed up his chest, to make ready.

  “It will not bring you the results you desire.” Sigrunn held a penetrating look with Zelspar before turning to look at all those gathered in close. “When you, Perthorn, came up to the outer world, you set into motion the Laws of Balance, where an opposing force was activated. That initial Balance is what must be played out, to morph into that which will remain. This is one of the reasons why outside aid or interference will not impact the outcome. The battle of Balance is between Perthorn and Flegmorr. What we can do, is use all of our means to protect ourselves from him and to fortify ourselves against him and his Dark Magic.”

  Smoke puffed from Zelspar’s snout as he fought to keep control of his anger. “I find it hard to grasp that a massive assault being driven by all Dragons against just one Flegmorr, would not have the desired outcome of blowing his carcass to smithereens!”

  Tyrianua, having listened to both sides, added in his thoughts. “It is quite hard to fathom, I agree with you, Zelspar. You have had thousands of years strengthening all of your powers to reach the heights you currently enjoy. I understand. So understand us when we tell you these things. We are Timeless. We have been in all places, in all times, when a new pathway is forged. We are not the Change but we come to guide such change. We have seen all the attempts to alter the Change that you could possibly imagine. You cannot battle against the Laws of Balance as an outside force. Only those who initiated the Change are effective on the outcome.”

  Perthorn had remained silent during the discussion, allowing his mind to calculate the possibilities. He was honored by his new friends who had shown their willingness to fight for him, even to fight his own battle. Such friendships are rare and he was humbled to the point of silence, but now it was his turn to speak.

  “Friends, all. I am honored beyond words at your willingness to risk all that you are in fighting this battle, but as Sigrunn and Tyrianua explained, it is my battle to fight. I am ready, just show me the way. I have seen the hope of our future in our Book of Days. If I and my apprentice, Kiel are to see this glorious Future, I must secure it by battling Flegmorr. I am ready.”

  A hush blanketed those assembled together. It was if a dark cloud had already drifted over them and clutched at their very souls.

  Once again, Sigrunn spoke. “I mean no disrespect to you Master Magician, but you are not ready. You would battle against a darkly prepared foe. You must elevate your Magic. You need to learn more spells and conjuring to have an equal opportunity. This will take time. For now, join forces with the Dragons. Create a Protection barrier to shield Dark Magic from entering your area. That will be work enough. What Tyrianua and I will be able to do is offer you time. We can create a false way, a ruse, to guide Flegmorr and Glik away from the area. We will be able to monitor them and keep them at bay. We will leave markers along a new path for them to blindly follow. This will grant you time to fully prepare.”

  Perthorn’s shoulders slumped. He had always held himself to the most rigorous of trainings in all aspects of Magic. How could I not be ready? he thought. Running his hand down the great length of mustache, he wondered what he had done by coming out of the Inner World, bringing with him his nemesis. What if Flegmorr hurts one of my friends? What if I can’t stop him? His mind continued to run circles against the unknown.

  Kaida broke the silence. “Zelspar! Our stones of Protection you cleansed!” Kaida dangled her necklace out to glimmer in the sunlight. “I know this works for me. Remember Perthorn, when we first met and you tried to hit me with Magic and it was deflected? It’s my necklace.”

  A long yellow talon delicately moved Kaida’s stone and memories flooded back at the cause of the event and the capture of the greatest Deceiver of all time, Dargenoin. He was the reason for the stone Dragon Tears in the first place and the reason for the Cleansing Ceremony. “Kaida, you are correct,” Zelspar answered, “we all have our Protection, we must get one for Perthorn and Kiel, so I will give them one from my own collection. Perhaps it infused part of my very Magic into the stones. For now, I will weave a Protection barrier around our area.”

  Zelspar moved out past the line of caves, his lips moving in low guttural sounds, his wings spread wide as his arms lifted and moved across the area. He turned and thrust his arms out towards the mountain where all the Hails had made their lairs. Electricity danced from his talons causing a sudden ripple of blue light as he secured the protective shield all around them.

  “It is time to make the others aware of Flegmorr. All should know and all should be protected. These are unusual times and as such, our training will increase to add to our skills. I’ll speak to the Queen and King of Mursei. Kaida and Zlemtec, tell King Togar that I will need him and the Solteriem folk to join us for all sessions, starting now!”

  The Master Magician cleared his throat. “If it isn’t prohibited, Kiel and myself would like to come with you. If there are any questions, I feel our presence would be helpful in answering those queries.” His chin rested against his chest as he kicked the dirt around his feet. “It is because of me that wretch has invaded your homes.”

  “I believe having you and Kiel coming with me is a sound idea but know this, Perthorn, you are not the cause of this problem. If anything, by you coming with us to our Upper World of Urthe, you have given us advanced warning and time to prepare. I will give you all the knowledge and training I have and,” his old eyes gleamed, “considering I’m a old Dragon and the Elder of the Qyrdrom Hail,” his chest thrust out in pride, “that is a considerable amount!”

  Feeling less of a problem, Perthorn nodded and held onto the words of friendship. “Let’s inform the others.” Zelspar leaned down to accept Perthorn and Kiel onto his back and made ready for flight.

  Glancing back at the others he repeated, “All of you make ready to join us in the training rooms. We are about to stir up some serious Magic!” He took a few heavy strides, his strong wings stirring the fine layer of dust, he swooped into the air.

  Tyrianua turned to those left standing and said, “Sigrunn and I will travel to find Flegmorr and leave a path for him and his companion to follow. We will stay close to them, watching, learning of any plots they form against Perthorn or for the matter, any of you. Do not worry for us, he can not bring us harm.”

  Kaida in a flurry of arms and legs, ran to the wolves and dropped to her knees in front of them. Arms laced around their necks, she rubbed her face in between them. “I know and believe all you have said,” she whispered choked with emotion, “but you will forever be my wolf pups, my dearest friends that came to me when I felt so alone. Please take great care. You carry with you part of my soul.”

  Sigrunn panted and showed Kaida a toothy smile, “Remember, part of us is always with you.” Sigrunn managed a wink, “we both added parts of ourselves at your Cleansing Ceremony, remember?” A lick to Kaida’s face and the wolves got up to go. Sigrunn craned her neck, her fur quickly bristled. Her mind filled with images as her eyes flickered. She thought, ‘The Time is at hand

  Still privy to the wolves internal conversations, Kaida asked, “What time? What do you mean?”

  Turning towards Kaida, Sigrunn stared deep into her eyes and communicated, ‘Your Time. Where you go, we can not follow. Learn all you are able from Zelspar and tap into your hidden knowledge. You are the Legend. Never forget or doubt it. Every moment of Life has been in preparing you for this Time.’

  A shadow fell over Kaida’s eyes. The rivers within her churned and crashed against their walls causing her heart to race and thud wildly against her bones. Her mind careened from thought to thought. I’ve only returned home but a brief time ago, do I have to leave my family? And Zlemtec. I don’t want to be away from him again, he … he … her mind fought for the right words.

  Sigrunn’s reassurances spoke to Kaida’s mind. ‘Speak first to the Queen of Mursei. She has your answers. Ask Zelspar about his Visions. Even know, a beacon has been re-activated. The time grows short. Learn quickly. And Zlemtec? He will be with you, never fear. The strength of two shall be the strength of One. Everything has prepared you for this Time, this journey, but you must know who you are and never falter from that belief, no matter what battles come your way. You are the Legend, the Legend of the Dragon Child.’ She looked lovingly into Kaida’s eyes then trotted away with Tyrianua, to lead away the immediate threat.

  With a deep breath, Kaida rose, squared her shoulders and ground her teeth together.

  “We’ve work to do! We need to get King Togar and his Faery folk and start some serious training.”

  There was something about the set of her jaw, the rise from the ground that stirred the hearts of those around her as if someone new had formed from the ground she had been kneeling upon. A new fire blazed around them and that fire was Kaida.

  Chapter 34

  “But Zelspar, I hardly think so much alarm should be given over only one man,” his friend and the Queen of Mursei, Starleira replied.

  “I had felt the same as you, Starleira, but the wolves were very convincing.” Zelspar shot a sideways glance towards the King of Mursei, who had held his thoughts tightly throughout the discussion. “What are your thoughts, Rynik?”

  “What you brought up in regards to the Laws of Balance rings true. We must remember, we also sought Urthe out as a land to bring our ways and our hope of a peaceful existence. We blamed ourselves for not blocking the portals from the ones we wanted to leave behind, the ones that hungered for domination and war. If we consider the Laws of Balance, then we must also realize and accept, we caused our enemies to come here by our decision to inhabit Urthe.” Rynik paced in a tight circle, continuing his thoughts.

  “It was for us to rectify the dilemma. We initiated the change. In our own beliefs, there is always an opposing force. Where there is one, there is the other. One force becomes the primary force and the other, secondary; for that is the nature of all things.”

  “I do agree, my Bonded,” Starleira answered. “The part I am in disagreement with is what possible threat would one person bring against our legions of Dragons? The mere thought of this, I find outlandish.”

  “Perhaps so,” Zelspar said, “but, as Sigrunn reminded me, we do not have the ability to nullify the threat because we can not affect the outcome. We are not the opposing force. What we can do, is strengthen our abilities to hold that force away. Since the threat comes from a Magician, I believe by intensive training, we can add protection to the peoples and Dragons, alike. Even though Flegmorr is trained in a Dark Magic, he does not possess Dragon Magic. When the battle comes, and it will … we must be prepared. Perthorn is our friend,” Zelspar’s eyes locked onto Perthorn’s, “he is my friend and I will stand by him, come what may.”

  Starleira considered her friend for a moment. He has always been the noblest of all Dragons and fiercely independent of thought. For him to make such a stand, she pondered, there must be more to this Perthorn and Flegmorr scenario. What is it that Zelspar knows and has not shared? There is some ember buried deep within his belly he has not brought to the surface. I do trust his judgment, I always have, but I just can’t see the situation as dire as he seems to think.

  “If that is your wish, then yes, do more trainings. I am sure our new friends will benefit greatly from your teachings,” Starleira said, offering up a smile of consent.

  “I appreciate your support, Queen and King of Mursei. It troubles me that I have brought problems to your doorstep, so to speak.” Perthorn shifted on his feet, uncomfortably. “I promise you this, I will do everything within my power to eliminate his threat.”

  “We will start at once. I have sent Kaida and Zlemtec to bring our other guests to the training rooms where each daybreak we will be meeting and perfecting our skills.” Zelspar nodded his goodbyes and turned to leave with Perthorn and Kiel close behind.

  Reaching the training rooms, Zelspar nodded to his guests and made his way to Zlemtec.

  “Where is Kaida?” he asked, exhibiting a tinge of irritation. “We need to get started right away, she knows this.”

  “She said she would join us as soon as possible … something about what Sigrunn told her, she had to get answers from the Queen.”

  Zelspar’s eyes flashed. Not now, he thought. She needs more training! If Sigrunn told Kaida about her birth mother, what will she do? By all that is Dragon, I should be there to hear what is going on but now I have guests, depending on my teachings. His brows pinched together with his inner turmoil.

  “Very well,” Zelspar’s gruffly answered. “We will begin. Today, I would like to start by Perthorn showing us his abilities. In this manner, I will learn what I can offer to add to his line of defense. Please start, my friend.”

  Chapter 35

  Kaida stopped at the entrance to the Queen and King’s lair.

  The Queen of Mursei looked up to see Kaida hesitating at the entryway. “Come in, Kaida! I had expected you to be with Zelspar this morning, continuing your lessons in Dragon Magic.”

  Kaida stood fixed to her spot. Part of her wanted to run to her Queen mother but the other part knew she was here to find out the answers Sigrunn had told her to find. She knew the answers would change everything, that somehow, she herself, would change. She took a step forward and shivers traveled the length of her spine, making the hairs on her neck prickle. This one step felt as if she traveled millions of miles to get here. She let out a rush of pent up breath.

  “Sigrunn said I should come. It is time I know the secrets you hold about me.” Kaida’s stare was unwavering.

  The Queen’s palm flew to her chest, startled.

  “I must know. Sigrunn and Tyrianua told me that my Time was at hand, that something has started and I must be prepared. I need to know what you know.”

  The King joined his Bonded and held her hand, gazing at her reassuringly. A small tear slowly traveled the length of her face, no words found her tongue, only a slow nod of her head answered Kaida.

  “What is it that you know Sipta Queen? What worries you to tell me?” Kaida persisted.

  “Oh, Kaida. You have been ours since the day you were borne. You took my heart and soul the moment you clasped your fingers around mine. Yes, I knew you were borne as the Legend foretold but more, you … you became my daughter.” A rush of emotions tore at the Queen’s heart as Rynik reassuringly patted her hand.

  “Starleira, it is time to show Kaida her heritage box.” Rynik saw the flicker of pain in his Bonded’s eyes before she turned to retrieve the box from its protected niche. When she returned, she had something tightly clasped within her hands. It was, to her, that she held her whole world in her hands, but she also held Kaida’s. She slowly opened her hands like a blossom unfurling, and exposed the gleaming orb within.

  “I’ve seen these,” Kaida gasped. “The strange peoples we met on our way home were wearing orbs just like this one. Remember, Sipta King?” It only took her a second to recognize the look on his face and then it hit her like a gale force wind and she stumbled backwards a step. “Y
ou mean … this means, they are my peoples?” Eyes wide and jaw hanging open, Kaida stared at the object, piecing together the mystery. “They had called me by the name of Kiayla. I just thought they mistook me for another.”

  Rynik spoke. “They did, our little Dragon. They mistook you to be your mother.” He paused as Kaida began to process the news. “Those new peoples had traveled here through their gateway, looking for your mother. I recognized their orbs to be exactly like the one your mother had, the one I gave to the Queen after your birth mother died giving birth to you. You heard the story they told, how they had to escape with the princess due to an upheaval in their kingdom.”

  Kaida’s knees buckled and she suddenly dropped onto the carved granite bench. “That means my mother was the princess they were trying to find. Why didn’t you tell them? Or me? I could have ended their search, their … hope….” Her words died out as her knowledge began unraveling the ramifications of this new information.

  “We had no idea, in the beginning, who your peoples were. You were like no others we had ever seen. I only realized when we came across them, that they are your peoples but you have to understand, I couldn’t say anything at that moment. We, we hadn’t prepared you. Hearing that they had to escape with the princess, well, I was afraid for you, worried at what kind of turmoil this kingdom was going through … and more than that, I was afraid they would insist on taking you away.” The King’s head fell to his chest.. A mightier blow could not have hit him as hard as this did.

  The vision doubled before Kaida’s eyes. The knowledge bit into her with savage fangs. She longed to block it away, to return to yesterday when she was the odd hatchling, the girl who was safe and at home with her family, the Dragons who raised her. She blinked away the tears, blinked away her childhood and clasped her knees firmly. She leveled her eyes to meet the Queen and King’s.


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