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Dominated by the Ad Man

Page 3

by Powerone

  She got fucked hard when his cock pumped in and out of her as she struggled to postpone her orgasm as long as she could. His fingers pinched her nipples and squeezed them hard. His hips pistoned his cock in and out of her with deep, powerful thrusts that sent her body trembling in pleasure. His hand slid under her ass to slip into her sweat-drenched crack to play over her anus until a hot finger probed at her delicate backside opening. She thrust her hips up high to impale herself on his cock at the same time his finger probed her rectum to move in and out of her ass in rhythm with his fucking cock. “EEEEEHH,” she screamed as every fiber of her body clenched in ecstasy. She squeezed Michael’s cock until she felt the thick shaft jerk and a hot stream of cum bathed her insides. Michael controlled her movements with his finger as it probed deeper to force her onto his spewing cock as their orgasms washed over her body. Each time she thought she was through, his finger would drive deep into her rectum and twisted and turned as the burning sensation brought about a strange masochistic thrill in her body when she responded to it. She felt him cum in her three times as his rigid cock continued to piston in and out despite the fact that he filled her with his hot seed.

  She milked his cock when she was unable to restrain her lust any longer. He fingered her anus and drove into the sweat-drenched hole until he felt her muscles trying to force it out. He held her that way, impaled on his finger as he fucked her until his balls emptied his cum into her hot, receptive belly. He kissed her as they both came and their bodies shook in bliss. They continued to fuck back and forth until their lusts were satisfied. He turned her onto her side as they lay face to face; her hard nipples still pressed into his chest while his cock deflated in her hot, wet pussy. They didn’t move for at least ten minutes, joined in the middle by his cock.

  Heather stayed the night. She awoke hours later to find Michael’s cock hard in spite of him being asleep. She engulfed the bulging head in her mouth until he woke up, and their bodies turned in opposite directions as they orally serviced each other. Their tongues and lips sought the other’s pleasure. Heather went back to her hotel to get a couple of hours sleep before her next flight.

  Michael enjoyed his first conquest in the city.

  After work the next day, Brandon took him to his apartment. When Brandon opened up the door, Michael knew he was home. It was already dark, but the view was ablaze in lights and colors. Michael never saw anything like it before, high up on the 50th floor with one wall of the condo that faced a wide expanse of brightly lit apartment buildings and office buildings. The room was spacious, thick pile carpeting, modern furniture, huge wall-mounted television, all added to the luxurious ambiance that Michael wanted to convey.

  “The kitchen’s in here. It’s probably small by your standards, but for the city, it is large. It has all the modern conveniences with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, commercial gas stove and travertine floors. You can be a gourmet chef in here or at least look like you’re one.” Brandon liked the kitchen and so did the women. They loved a man that could cook, though Brandon often cheated and brought in gourmet food from one of the fine restaurants nearby and passed it off as if he prepared it. All you had to do was make a salad while it warmed in the oven; the women never knew the difference.

  Michael saw the bedroom next, a large room with a gorgeous view of the skyline. A large black bed prominently filled one side of the room with matching dresser and night stands to finish the look. He peeked into the bathroom—travertine floors, granite vanity with double vessel sinks, whirlpool tub big enough for two and an immense shower, shower heads on both sides. The bathroom was made for two. Michael turned to Brandon, his hand out. “Deal.”

  “I thought you’d like it. William is willing to part with the bedroom furniture. Fairly cheap, but don’t tell him I told you that.”

  “Thanks, it fits the room nicely. When can I move in?”

  “Let me talk to William, but I think you could be in by the week after next. William is in a hurry to go home. He already gave notice at work, so he has hung around only long enough to clear up his affairs. The apartment and his furniture were the last.”

  * * * *

  Michael had moved in the apartment a couple of weeks ago. It had been a whirlwind of activity since that time. Work took precedence over everything else and left little time for a social life. He’d been thrown into a new advertising campaign for AT&T Wireless, the renamed telephone company after the merger. It had previously been Cingular Wireless, and it was important that the name change was accomplished quickly and effectively.

  There were ten account executives in the group, Brandon one of them, Michael another, both of them fairly novice. James Holden was in charge, a mid-thirties Senior Account Executive that was with the company for ten years now. He had a great reputation, and Michael considered it an honor to be chosen to be part of the group. The Senior Account Executive was able to pick and choose who would be part of the group. There were two mid-level members, Jackson and Winslow. They were in their late thirties, not the go-getter like James or creative like Michael, but they knew the business forward and back, especially the telephone business. They knew all the ins and outs, what worked and what didn’t. They weren’t the ones that would come up with the brainstorm suggestion that would set a fire under the campaign, but once decided, they’d fill in the details to make sure it worked. The remaining five were females. Allyson and Jennifer were in their early thirties. They still had the fire in their eyes and their ideas fought to get out of the head. They were headed up the ladder, but they’d never get where Brandon was. It took more than great ideas to get where he was. There were the politics of the business as well as the ability to motivate large numbers of employees beneath you in the right direction. It took a lot to get a great idea to the final campaign and move everyone along in the same direction to get it finished in time and in budget. Janice was the oldest member of the group and you could instantly see what she did. She was responsible for making sure that the campaign came in on budget. She was more of a bean-counter than an account executive, but every campaign needed one to ground the rest of the group into the reality of the spending limits imposed by the client.

  Michael was most interested in the last two or at least one. Both were in their late twenties, but they looked odd to be in the city. They looked like they would fit better in Kansas. Jane’s and Alexis’s jobs were to fill in all the details that would make the campaign pop. They were computer geniuses, their laptops were always in front of them as their hands pecked away at the keys when the group brainstormed the session. If you wanted to know how many text messages were sent each day from cell phones, either one could give you the answer in less than a minute. They dragged the most mundane figures up from the remote corners of the Internet and databases. Not only that, they could make them exciting.

  Alexis, her name was exciting enough, was the one that Michael was enthralled with. She was beautiful in a plain sort of way. She wore little makeup, though she really didn’t need any, but compared to the other women in the city, she stood out for the lack of it. She dressed nicely but nothing that flattered her figure or as much of her figure that Michael could ascertain. It was almost as if she tried to hide it. Michael wasn’t sure what drew him to her or maybe it was her vulnerability. Or maybe just the curiosity, Michael would love to see what she tried to hide with her less-than-sexy clothes. He often had to snap back into reality when his mind conjured up images of Alexis naked before him as if he was the prince and she was the slave girl given to him by the king in tribute.

  The project lasted a month, the group early on found the success they sought, the perfect slogan that would make AT&T Wireless a household term. They built it from there, each added to the campaign until they had completed it, ready for the final presentation with the client. Michael had been instrumental in the slogan as he conjured it up off the top of his head, while James molded it until it popped. The others quickly added to the basic concept. All of them worke
d long hours together as a cohesive group until it was ready.

  Michael stood nervously outside the large room, the presentation ready and the clients to arrive in a short time. His stomach was in knots. Michael was picked to give the presentation, though he wasn’t sure why James entrusted such an important task to the company’s newest employee.

  James stood next to Michael and saw how nervous he was. “Relax; just make believe that it’s the presentation of your MBA thesis. You did a great job on this and deserve the credit. Take a deep breath and knock them dead.” The clients walked in and James introduced them to Michael as they each entered the conference room, the long table held six of them as well as the members of the group. “You’re on.” James gave him a look of encouragement.

  Michael regained his composure as he stepped into the room as though he owned it. He stood behind the podium with a confidence about him as the screen lit up for the first time for the presentation. He ran through the presentation as he had practiced a hundred times, never faltering, always confident. The only time he lost his place was when the door opened and Ms. Lassiter silently walked in and sat down at the far end of the table, a smile on her face as she nodded for him to continue. He recovered quickly to find his place and go on as if he had stopped on purpose as he tried to put Ms. Lassiter out of his mind as he continued.

  James stood up as Michael concluded to take over the meeting. “Are there any questions?”

  Michael tried to gauge their response by the questions and looked for their approval or disapproval and he completely forgot about Ms. Lassiter. He interrupted James once to add his response to a client’s question, a look of approval on James face. The meeting finally ended as relief spread over Michael and the rest of the group. The client had agreed to the campaign. All that had to be worked out were the logistics and the budget. While the group would still have involvement in the campaign, it would be mainly run by a large cadre of workers that were more experienced in the mundane tasks that had to be accomplished.

  They congratulated each other, none got more than Michael. Even Alexis was more outgoing; Michael finally got a feel of the lovely figure beneath her clothes as she hugged him. Michael took longer than usual to cling to her lovely body. He hoped she didn’t feel his hard cock. Or maybe he hoped she did.

  Chapter: 3

  A Different Kind of Boss

  The time went quickly. Before Michael knew it, the cold winter winds blew around the buildings, a hint of snow threatened. He’d worked on two more campaigns, both of them exceedingly successful, even Bill Jenkins was taken back by his accomplishments. He had gained a reputation as “the” up and comer. Michael sat back in his office to finish up the paperwork from the last campaign when he got the phone call.

  “Ms. Lassiter would like you to join her for dinner on Saturday.” She didn’t wait for acceptance, nobody turned down dinner with Ms. Lassiter. It was an honor that was only bestowed on the most valuable players in the company. “I will email you with the address and time.”

  The executive assistant to Ms. Lassiter hung up without Michael saying a word. The email popped up on his computer as if it were the only one in the world or at least the only one that mattered.

  * * * *

  Michael changed clothes three times, each time he wasn’t satisfied with how he looked. He glanced at the clock and finally pulled on his coat and scarf to catch a cab the short distance to her condo. The winter arrived with a vengeance, and the temperatures were already in the teens. Snow was forecast for tonight. The elevator flew to the penthouse, an express only for the top floor. The door opened not to a hallway, but to the marbled foyer of the condo. The lights were dim and soft music played as the sound came from all around Michael. She was there to greet him, not a servant, but Ms. Lassiter. His cock thickened at her beauty. She wore a black dress that clung to her figure to stop mid-thigh. She wore a pair of heels that made her legs all the shapelier. God, was she beautiful. Michael forgot that this was his boss.

  Melissa devoured Michael as he stood in the foyer to look at her. Or should she say, he drooled over her. Melissa loved the pleasure part of the business, the things that money and power brought, even for a female in a man’s world. She’d eyed Michael since he arrived, saw his immense appetite for power along with his success and drive and, most important, his imagination. Tonight she’d test his imagination. He was dressed in a pair of slacks that cost more than all his clothes he possessed before he started to work for her. And they fit him like a glove, his hard cock etched in the front, not a hint of embarrassment or regret in his face. The shirt clung to his hard chest and tight abs, the muscles in his arms outlined in the shirt. She smiled at his five o’clock shadow that gave his face a rugged look. She yearned to feel the tiny stubble on her tender inner thighs. “I’m glad you took me up on my invitation, Michael, come in.” Her heels clicked on the imported marble as she invited him into the living room. She could feel his eyes on her ass as she walked, even exaggerating her walk to make her hips sway more seductively.

  Michael was torn between the lovely ass that hypnotized him as she walked and the view from the penthouse, high above Manhattan, the floor-to-ceiling glass spanned the large wall. Her ass finally won out. Her hips moved from side to side, rhythmically to the music, his imagination got the best of him as he imagined her naked in her heels as she walked before him, her taut ass cheeks tightened as she moved. “Spectacular view,” Michael finally complimented, forced to drag his eyes from her ass.

  “Are you talking about the skyline?” She teased him, but he failed to be embarrassed.

  “That, too,” Michael replied, a quick comeback. Is it to be a night of sexual innuendos? Michael sat down with Ms. Lassiter across from him. He watched as she crossed her legs, the short skirt rode up high on her lovely legs as he imagined those lovely legs wrapped around his waist. He shifted his cock to a more comfortable position, still erect and hard. Michael sipped the scotch and soda she handed him, without commenting on the fact that she knew his favorite drink. He was sure that she knew much more than that, almost afraid at how much she might know.

  “So how do you like the city?” She started the conversation as she watched his eyes stare at her legs.

  “It’s more than I expected. It’s almost as if I had forgotten all about L.A. It’s more sophisticated and formal. I always thought that the East Coast people were more conservative, but the city is completely different.” Michael hadn’t had that much time as he immersed himself into the jobs given to him to the detriment of his social life. He hoped that would change soon.

  “And what do you think of the women? If I remember when you came out for your interview, you already had a date the first day you were here.” Melissa saw Michael’s bar bill that night, knowing he stayed long and partied hard.

  “As much as I would like to say otherwise, I’ve worked too hard and played too little. Not that I should tell my boss that.” Michael smiled at her. Where will this night end up? Does she eye me like she would an acquisition?

  “I never found the truth as being bad, even to your boss. I find the same thing, work consumes too much of my time and not enough for my passions.” She paused to let him savor her words. “Sometimes, you have to let the two mix in order to accommodate your pleasure.” She stood up before he could say anything. “I think dinner is ready.”

  Michael didn’t see anyone, but as he walked into the dining room, the table was set with the food, their glasses filled with wine. It wasn’t a large dining table that one would expect, but a small table with only four chairs, an intimate dining table. Michael pulled out her chair to catch a glimpse of her cleavage as she sat down.

  “Thank you,” Melissa watched him as he sat down. They made small talk over dinner. Melissa made sure that she steered the conversation away from work whenever Michael interjected it. She wanted it to be the farthest thing from his mind as the night progressed.

  They finished the bottle of wine. A butler brought out an
other bottle even though Michael never saw him before that. It was an enjoyable dinner; Michael learned more about Melissa. Yes, she’d asked him to call her Melissa, though she did mention that it wouldn’t be appropriate at work. A line was drawn between work and something else. And this was the something else. Could this night end up in her bedroom? The thought suddenly dashed into his head. Dinner took an hour and a half. Both of them lingered over it as if they were afraid of the rest of the night or afraid of what might not happen.

  Melissa moved back into the living room for an after-dinner drink; the reflection from the fire in the fireplace danced off walls and glass. It was only about ten minutes later when Melissa heard the door close and lock. The servants were gone for the night. She relaxed now that they were alone. Melissa stood up as she did so many times before to stand in front of Michael. “Put down your drink,” she ordered him.

  It was time; Melissa stood in front of him. His boss, though it was hard to see her as that, her lovely body just beneath the thin dress that clung to every womanly curve. The tension in the room suddenly turned sexual. Michael was usually in control in seduction and sex, but he sensed that Melissa demanded being the boss in more than business. Michael had never slept with a dominant sexual partner, but his cock hardened at the thought of Melissa. Everyone had talked about power, and Michael tried hard to acquire it. Will I get my first feel of it at the other end?

  Melissa stuck one foot out almost into Michael’s lap and held on to the edge of the couch for balance. “Are you hard for me?” Her toes caressed the hard flesh beneath them, years of practice allowed her to masturbate his cock as if her toes were her fingers. She moved her toes down to push hard against his balls until she felt them beneath her toes. She pushed harder to push his twin balls hard against the chair. She felt him squirm as she crushed them harder than he was used to.


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