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Pleasure Control

Page 6

by Cathryn Fox

  Jay cradled her arm in his most capable hands and drew it closer for a more thorough examination. It amazed her how comforted she was by his touch. Using small circles, he brushed the pad of his thumb over her skin. Oh boy! She stifled a moan of pleasure as his tender caress brought back memories of how he’d used that same erotic motion on another highly sensitive body part.

  “You took a beating in that last inning.”

  She winced when he extended her arm.

  “Ouch,” she protested, putting on her best scowl, all the while hoping it would draw attention away from the way her body vibrated from his touch. “Well, you didn’t have to dive for the base, you know.”

  Dark lashes lifted over apologetic eyes. He cocked his head. “Sorry, it was an accident.” The soft tone of his voice singed her blood and curled her toes. “Of course, it wasn’t an accident when I slid into second and bowled Max over.”

  Laura’s mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding?” For the last two months Max Baker, a junior research assistant from the fifth floor, had been asking her out. No matter how many times she declined, he continued to persist.

  Jay’s bad-boy grin turned wicked. “Nope.”


  His grin collapsed. His brows knitted together. Surely that wasn’t a spark of possessiveness in his eyes. She had to be mistaken.

  “It pisses me off the way he disrespects you. I know you told me you can take care of yourself, Laura.” His jaw clenched and then he continued. “And I know you can, but I just wish you’d let me set him straight. He’s obviously not taking the hint from you.”

  Her voice stalled when his blue eyes skirted over her face. His penetrating gaze robbed her of her next breath. There was no leashing the desire that moved into her stomach.

  “Here, I brought you some ice.” He moved closer, crowding her, and placed a cold poly bag over her elbow.

  His thoughtfulness touched something deep inside her. When she glanced into his rich, seductive bedroom blues, she had to rein in her emotions. She swallowed down the raw edge of yearning and worked to keep her voice level.

  She moistened her lips again and pulled in a breath, still unable to fill her lungs to their fullest.

  “Thanks.” Setting her drink down, she reached for the pack and anchored it in place. She graced him with a smile. “I got it.” His hand grazed hers as he pulled it away. The rough caress heated her blood and aroused all her senses, leaving her warm and wanting.

  And wet.

  His eyes regarded her tenderly as he brushed a wayward strand of hair from her eyes. A shiver raced down her spine.

  “When that melts, let me know and I’ll refill the bag.”

  Warmth flowed through her and touched her deepest corners. She felt an odd closeness between them as he sidled impossibly closer. There had always been an easy comfort between them, but she sensed a curious shift, some sort of unspoken intimacy with him that hadn’t been there before. Maybe it was just her wishful thinking.

  A sudden breeze blew through the backyard and helped cool the heat inside her. Jay remained at her side, obviously not in a hurry to bond with the others or to take a dip in the pool—a pool swarming with a bevy of blond piranhas just waiting for their prey.

  Fearing that he’d want to discuss their botched experiment the previous evening, she guided the conversation to Bonnie and Clyde.

  She arched a questioning brow. “Did the new serum work on Clyde last night?”

  Once again, his brow puckered into a frown as he gave an impatient sigh. Thick muscles flexed and relaxed again as he moved himself to the foot of her lounger, gathered her feet in his hands, and draped them over his lap. He scrubbed his hand over his chin and shook his head. His square jaw clenched as he donned his professional face.

  “No, dammit. That’s why we really need to test it again tonight, on me. I need to feel and record the results myself.” He muttered curses of frustration under his breath.

  Laura, too, slipped into her professional mode and directed her thoughts. “I don’t know Jay, I still feel something is missing from the formula. It’s like we’re overlooking something. Something small but vital.” Deep in concentration, she nibbled on her bottom lip. “I just can’t seem to put my finger on it.”

  Bare feet padding on the cement walkway a few feet away heralded the arrival of their director and pulled her from her musings.

  “Well, well, look at you two. Both deep in thought.” Laura tilted her head, shaded the hot afternoon sun from her eyes, and watched Reginald Smith saunter closer.

  He dipped his head. Thick gray hair, too long for a man of his stature, fell forward as his attention glided over her ice pack. “How’s that elbow, Laura?”

  She flexed her arm and ignored the dull ache. “It’s fine. Just stiff,” she assured him.

  He drove his hands deep into the pockets of his tight neon-orange swimsuit that undoubtedly had been kicking around his closet since the sixties. Not a real great look for a man his age or size.

  Although Reginald appeared laid back and easygoing, the look on his face spoke volumes. First and foremost, he was a businessman and not to be underestimated.

  “Good. I wouldn’t want that to interfere with you two presenting your findings to the board next week.”

  Jay’s fingers slid over her bare skin and closed around her ankle. He gave a gentle squeeze. A silent message to play along. The feel of his strong hands on her naked flesh brought back heated memories of last night, making it most difficult to form a coherent thought. She suppressed a shiver, censored the provocative slide show in her mind’s eye, and worked to speak.

  “Nothing will interfere with our presentation,” Jay said. He glanced at Laura. “Right?”

  Laura tried for casual and prayed her voice didn’t betray her. She gave a tight nod as they exchanged a look. “That’s right,” she agreed.

  Reginald slanted his head and focused on Laura. “I’m assuming everything is going according to plan, then?” he inquired with an unwavering stare.

  Jay squeezed again. His touch was most distracting and evoked a myriad of sinful thoughts.

  She cleared her throat and centered herself. “Naturally,” Laura said with much more confidence than she felt. “We’ve been working long and hard into the night on this.”

  Long and hard being the key words. She neglected to tell exactly what was long and hard.

  “Of course, you both know how important the grant money is to the research center. And if all goes according to plan, by the time next winter rolls around you can both begin preliminary trials on Pleasure Prolonged, the new serum designed to give men prolonged erections and multiple orgasms.”

  They nodded in unison and then Jay redirected the conversation. “Any leads on the break-in?”

  “We’re still working on it.” Reginald gave an angry shake of his head as his gorgeous wife Veronica came up beside him. “Detective Doyle seems to think it’s an inside job.”

  Veronica puckered her pouty lips, shook her silky raven locks off her shoulders, and slipped her slender arm around Reginald’s protruding middle.

  “At least Laura was smart enough to keep the files outside the office,” Reginald added.

  Jay grinned at her. “That’s my Laura. The brilliant one.”

  The brilliant one.

  Not the sexy one.

  Or the hot one.

  Or the one he wanted to take to bed again, strip naked, tie up, and run his tongue all over until…Oh boy!

  Veronica piped in and helped her purify her thoughts, jostling her back to the present.

  “Come on, Reggie, you know the rules, no shop talk. And you’re needed at the barbecue,” she cooed.

  Reggie, as his wife so lovingly nicknamed him, draped his arm around Veronica’s shoulder, turned his back to them, and tossed the words over his shoulder, “I expect that report on my desk before the board meeting.”

  When they stepped away, out of earshot, Jay leaned in and whispered, “How
does a pit bull like him get a pussycat like her?”

  Laura shrugged. “Beats me.”

  A sexy grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Maybe he keeps her topped up with libido enhancer,” he teased. “It’s amazing what that stuff will do to a person.”

  Laura swallowed. “Yeah, real amazing,” she agreed, forcing a smile. Her stomach lurched and then growled. She knew all too well how powerful the enhancer could be. So did Jay.

  “Are you hungry?”

  It was as good an explanation as any for her rumbling tummy. “Yes.” She jumped at the switch in subject, not wanting him to know the real reason her insides twisted.

  Laura turned her attention to Erin as she opened the patio doors and stepped outside. She’d changed into a bright yellow one-piece swimsuit that accentuated her gorgeous curves. With a wave of her hand, Laura motioned for her to come over.

  Jay stood and cocked a questioning brow. “The usual?” he questioned in a soft tone. “Hot dog, just mustard?”

  “Yeah, thanks.” Her heart tightened with his thoughtfulness. God, he was so adorable. As he walked away, he dragged her focus with him.

  Erin slipped into the chair beside her. Her voice broke Laura’s concentration. “How’s your boyfriend?”

  Laura’s chin came up a notch. She gritted her teeth. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Well, you want him to be, don’t you?” she teased.

  Laura rolled her eyes. “What are you, twelve?”

  Erin chuckled and stretched out her legs. “Heads up, Laura, crouton alert two o’clock.”

  Laura glanced up to see Max Baker coming her way. He adjusted his glasses and swiped his hand through puffy blond curls that reminded Laura of dandelion fluff.

  “Be nice, Erin,” Laura warned. “You shouldn’t call people names.”

  Before Max reached her, the director blocked his path and engaged him in conversation. From the intent look on Reginald’s face, Laura surmised it was a very important topic.

  Erin shrugged. “It’s not my fault he has the personality of a soggy crouton.” She paused, got quiet for a moment—a rarity for her—and then as an afterthought added, “Or the breath of an open coffin.” She threw her hands up in the air. “And why the hell doesn’t he get a haircut? He looks like a damn chia pet.”

  Laura stifled a chuckle. “Erin…shh…he’s going to hear you.” She reached out and swatted Erin’s thigh.

  Erin shook her head in dismay. “I take it back, Laura.”

  “You take what back?”

  She blew out a resigned breath. “You were right, you are a geek magnet.”

  Laura’s lips thinned to a fine line. “You know how I hate to say I told you so.” She set the ice pack aside and reached for her drink.

  Leaning in, Erin whispered, “I bet all his imaginary friends have a crush on you, too.”

  This time Laura couldn’t help but chuckle. The grin quickly fell from her face when she watched one of the piranhas climb from the pool and cuddle up with Jay as he made his way to the barbecue. The piranha’s smile was as fake as processed cheese slices. Laura’s stomach plummeted. The slut piranha squeezed water from her hair with her long manicured fingers and let it slide down the front of her chest in a provocative, inviting manner.

  Laura didn’t swing that way, but hell, the piranha even had her intrigued. Jesus, the woman looked like she could clean the flesh off a bone in mere minutes. There wasn’t a guy alive that could survive a sultry strike from a man-eater like her.

  An equal measure of surprise and pleasure raced through her when Jay took a small, distancing step back, regaining his personal space.

  Laura tore her gaze away and whispered under her breath, “Slut piranha.” She had no right to be jealous. They were simply lab partners. Nothing more. She knew what she was getting into when she agreed to be a participant in the project. Last night was just an experiment, not two lovers exchanging intimacies.

  Laura wiped the beads of moisture from her forehead. “I have to get changed.” Her voice came out harsher than she had intended. She swung her legs to the ground and stood up.

  Erin gestured with a nod as Max weaved his way through the crowd toward her. “You better hurry before Max reaches you; otherwise, you’ll never get away. By the look on his face, I’m guessing when he asks you out again, he’s not going to take no for an answer this time.”

  Laura nodded and then stole one more look at Jay as she grabbed her duffel bag. The piranha closed the already too-small gap and looked like she was ready to sink her teeth into him.

  Erin climbed to her feet and planted her hands on her hips. “Is that piranha preying on your boyfriend?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” Laura quickly corrected again.

  Erin ignored her and lifted one manicured brow. The devil’s grin spread across her face. “You know, there’s only one place for a piranha.”

  Laura’s eyes opened wide. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh no?” She angled her head. A sparkle lit her dark eyes. “Let’s see.”

  As Laura made her way inside, she inconspicuously kept watch out of the corner of her eye. She certainly had no right to berate Erin for acting twelve. The juvenile side of her took great pleasure in the piranha’s loud shriek of hysteria moments before she made a huge splash in the pool.

  Erin’s voice carried over the crowd. “Forgive me, I didn’t see you there,” she rushed out.

  Laura drew her bottom lip between her teeth, stifled a laugh, and shook her head as she made a move to step inside the house. She needed to change out of her scorching uniform and cool her heated body in the pool.

  “You’d just be another notch on his bedpost, you know.”

  The comment came from behind and stopped her mid-stride.

  Laura turned around and came face to face with Max. She forced a smile. “Excuse me?”

  “You’d just be another notch on his bedpost,” he repeated. His eyes darted from her to Jay and then back again.

  Erin was right, he did have the breath of an open coffin.

  Laura starched her spine and leveled a glare at him. She quickly went to Jay’s defense. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about my lab partner like that.”

  Max bit back a wry grin and narrowed his beady little eyes, assessing her. “Perhaps you already are.”

  Anger caused her face to flush. “My love life is none of your business.”

  “Love?” Max asked, and let out a snort of laughter. “Is that what you think it is?”

  His breath assaulted her senses and made her stomach turn. Her whole body tightened warily. She opened her mouth to refute his question, but Max cut her off.

  With a derisive twist of his lips he said, “The man doesn’t know how to treat a woman.”

  Laura turned and shot Jay a sidelong glance. She watched him prepare her hot dog. Her heart warmed with longing. Oh yeah, he knew how to treat a woman, all right. The problem was, he treated too many.

  Without giving him the satisfaction of knowing he’d gotten to her, she repeated in a firm voice, “Like I said, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk about my lab partner like that.”

  He ignored her and moved closer, a suggestive edge to his smile. “How about tonight, Laura? Would you like to go out? Or stay in? I could bring Chinese to your place. Or you could cook for me.”


  Lord, the man was getting bolder by the day. Thank God his three-month contract expired next month and he’d be leaving. Otherwise she’d seriously threaten him with a sexual harassment complaint.

  She gripped her duffel bag until her knuckles turned white. “Tonight Jay and I are working.” She glanced Jay’s way. As though sensing her distress, Jay caught her gaze. The annoyed look on her face triggered a reaction from him. It amazed her how well they read each other. Jay arched a brow and took a step toward them. Laura gave a tight nod, indicating she had things under control.

  Max drove his hands into his pockets. �
��Tomorrow, then?”

  Couldn’t the man take a hint? Or even a direct comment?

  “Working,” she replied, turning her back to him.

  “I’d like to show you how a woman really should be treated,” he mumbled under his breath.

  She gritted her teeth, twisted back around, and added, “Just for the record, Max. I already know how a woman should be treated.”

  Jay had personally seen to that. Too bad she’d never again experience his gentle hands caressing her naked flesh, or his sensuous kisses on her mouth, her breasts, or between her thighs. A fine tingle played down her spine as she took pleasure in the memories.

  Nope, she’d never experience such perfection again.

  Unless, of course, she switched the vials.

  Bloody hell!

  Chapter 6

  With a mustard-covered hot dog in one hand and lemonade in the other, Jay moved through the house in search of Laura. He’d seen her enter through the patio doors earlier, but she’d yet to come back out. What could be keeping her?

  Unlike most of the other women at the bonding session, Laura wasn’t the type to spend hours fussing with her appearance. He paused for a moment to realize how refreshing he found that.

  Maybe she was hiding from Max. Jay felt a surge of anger rise in him. Whether Laura wanted him to or not, he resolved to take care of that guy once and for all.

  Using his elbow, he knocked on the closed bathroom door. “Laura, are you in there?”

  When a man’s voice answered, Jay suspected she was elsewhere in the house. After a thorough search of the main floor had turned up nothing, he moved toward the staircase. Perhaps she’d gone to the upstairs bathroom to change. Since Jay had spent way too many bonding sessions at the house, he knew the layout like the back of his hand. He climbed the stairs two at a time, and strode down the long hallway.

  He found the bathroom door ajar. With the tip of his toe he pushed on it. He opened his mouth to call out to her, but no sound vocalized as the vision before him sent his thoughts scattering in a million different directions.


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