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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 6

by Alexi Ferreira

  “It says that they met in school and have been dating for seven years. This is a long standing relationship brother.” Celmund says, before he can continue I turn and leave. There is no way that I can listen to anymore; the thought of Saskia being in a relationship with someone for that long has the blood rushing through my veins in anger. Is it possible that she won’t want to stay with me, that she will want to go back to Paul.

  “Leave me alone.” I snap when I feel Brandr and Caelius following me into the Garage

  “You know that’s not going to happen.” Brandr states which has me shrugging in annoyance as I straddle my bike. Pulling on my helmet that was sitting on the handlebars I start the bike and a few minutes later am speeding away from the compound the sound of Brandr and Caelius bikes sounding behind me. I need to get away and think, Brandr is right I can’t kill the motherfucker because after so many years I’m sure Saskia will have an issue with it, but I can’t let her go back to him because no matter how many good intentions I might muster up if Saskia goes anywhere near him I won’t be able to hold myself back.

  The thought of him touching her, has me speeding down the road angrily. I don’t know how much time has passed but when we pull into the parking lot of a bar I realize the sky is starting to darken. “This is a bad idea.” Caelius says as he catches up to me just as I open the bar door. As we walk in the noise in the bar diminishes until there is quiet. “Yip, fucking bad idea” Caelius mutters from behind me as we make our way to an empty table. As we sit Brandr walks in, looking around nonchalantly and then makes his way to us.

  “Don’t fucking injure anyone,” Brandr states as he leans back in his chair, my brothers know me way to well. I need to get rid of this frustration clogging my mind and the only way that I’m going to have a semblance of peace is by fighting. I know that I will have to be careful not to hurt them as Draco gets really pissed if we harm any humans.

  “What can I get you guys?” a blond in a tiny mini with a skin tight cropped top asks, I see her eyes roaming over first Caelius then myself and finally Brandr. Her tongue pops out moistening her lips as she smiles coquettishly at us. Instantly my mind goes back to the compound and Saskia, I recall her perfect breasts in my hands her throaty gasps in my ear, her shapely legs wrapped around my waist as I enter her body. Just a month ago, before I knew about Saskia I would have taken this waitress to the back or outside and given her the ride of her life, but now I find myself comparing her to Saskia and I find myself shuddering at the thought of touching her.

  I knew that once we mated we lose all interest in other women but I didn’t know it was this bad. “Bring us three drafts please” Caelius answers with a smile

  “Coming right up,” she murmurs with a radiant smile at Caelius before she turns and swings her hips towards the bar.

  “She’s cute” he says as he looks back at the two of us and then smiles, “at least now I don’t have any competition.”

  “Count your blessings or you would lose,” Brandr teases

  “Are you lost?” and there it is, just what I was waiting for. Looking over my shoulder I see a burly guy approaching the table.

  “Nope” I state as I prepare to jump out of my seat at the first sign of provocation.

  “Well we don’t like you, so I think you should get back up and leave.” He states as he places his hands on the table and stares at us. I know that Brandr and Caelius won’t interfere as they know that this is what I was looking for. Leaning forward so that I’m closer to him I smile.

  “If I was you I would turn around and head back to where you came from, because if you don’t I’m going to hurt you.” I see his eyes widen at my threat but I know that he won’t back down as all his friends are watching.

  “You think you can take me?” he says with a sneer, half turning he looks at the other men scattered around the bar. “Did you hear that, this guy thinks he can take me.” He says loudly for all to hear, which brings a few chuckles and quips.

  “I don’t think, I know” I say as I stand and look at him, he isn’t a small man but I can see that he will be an easy target. I’m hoping that his friends will come to his rescue, I see his move as if in slow motion. He throws a punch and I duck unbalancing him, which has him on his back when I punch him on the jaw. “Stay down, I don’t want to hurt you.” I state which has two other men approaching, murder in their eyes.

  The first one starts to stand when one of the others comes at me with a roar, let the fun begin. I don’t know how many of them come at me but I dispel them like I would an insect, never actually injuring them to the point of them needing a hospital but enough to have them down. When the last one falls I look around to see a few men still sitting at the tables watching me with awe.

  “Feeling better?” Brandr asks as he sips his beer, not once having stood from his chair.

  “Thanks for the help,” I snap sarcastically as I pick up my draft and throw it down my throat, feeling the chill soothing me.

  “You didn’t need the help,” Caelius replies as he rocks in his chair, his hands behind his head. “Are you ready to return?”

  I’m still wound up, but I’m feeling the need to be with my woman. I will ride back and I will take her to our room not letting her out until she understands that she’s mine, only mine.


  It has been a week since Burkhart bonded with me, in that week I have known more happiness than I have ever known my entire life. Burkhart is insatiable, and even though we have mingled with the others we have spent most of that time in our room. We haven’t spoken again about me wanting to talk to Paul or contacting my family as I believe the Keres might still be monitoring them, but I’m feeling guilty and soon I’m going to have to talk to him about it.

  Everything has been so perfect that I don’t want to mess anything up and by what the other women mentioned these men are possessive, Burkhart won’t agree to me seeing Paul, but I have to let him know that I’m fine, I need to let him know that our relationship is over. It isn’t right to be happy while Paul and my family are worried about me.

  Today the women have organized a party as it’s Caelius’s birthday, I never thought to encounter friendships and with women that are similar to me. I know that I can be happy here but only once I have straightened out my relationship with Paul. I have now met everyone and it still amazes me how men that live the life these men live can be so tender and loving towards their women. Paul is nothing like Burkhart, he tells me that he loves me every day but I don’t feel the love. Burkhart has never said that he loves me, but the way he treats me makes me feel loved.

  I have realized that Burkhart runs on a short fuse, but I have also realized that he tries not to lose his temper when around me. Looking in the mirror I smile and bring my hand up to my breast where there is a light bruise from where he nipped at me. My breasts are tender from his ministrations this morning and I can still feel the tenderness between my legs, I realized that telling him that the sex was okay was a challenge that I didn’t realize at the time. He has endeavoured since then to blow my mind and prove to me that what we have is so much more than just sex.

  I smile when I remember his roar or release this morning, he might be driving me crazy with passion but I know that he is just as taken as I am. Hearing a knock on the door, I turn and tighten the towel around myself as I go to see who it is.

  “Hi, sorry did we come at a bad time.” Briele says with a smile, Gabriela, Jasmine and Scarlet standing behind her.

  “Hi, no of course not, I’ve just showered. Please come in.” I step back to let them in and am surprised to see them walking in with hands full of bags.

  “We were outside when these were delivered, apparently your man has been shopping online for you.” At her words I tense, on the second day of being here Burkhart gave me his credit card insisting that I buy anything that I want going as far as to give me his password for his laptop, but I refused as I can’t take his money. I shake my head and smile, he muttered somet
hing about stubborn woman before he left. I have noticed that he leaves when he gets angry so as not to argue with me.

  “Shall we see what’s inside?” Scarlett says excitedly as she places some bags on the bed.

  “Sure, I’m curious to see what he thinks I should wear.” I say as I approach them and peep into one bag to see a pair of black boots. “Well” I gasp as I pull them out, I don’t know about the rest but these boots I love.

  “Wow, those are awesome.” Gabriela says, “but look at this” and with those words she pulls out a black silk corset and panties to match. I can feel my cheeks burning as they all laugh, the corset once again is beautiful. “Guess we know what he was thinking about while shopping, if I was you I would wear the corset with the boots tonight and during the party tell him what you have underneath your clothes” She teases which has the women all suggesting different scenarios.

  As the contents of the packets get revealed I am more and more overwhelmed, it’s not that he bought me everything that I could possibly need but that its stuff that I would buy for myself. While still going through all the items the other women joined us as Jasmine sent them all a text to let them know that we were here. I try on item after item as its revealed, getting their oohs and aahs until we get to the last bag.

  “Well let’s see what this is” Talia says as she pulls out a box and opens it, and then starts to giggle before turning it towards us.

  “Oh” I gasp in embarrassment when I see the contents of the box

  “What the hell are those?” Aria asks as she points to one of the items

  “They for your nipples,” Nova quips with a huge smile, “and that there girl is a butt plug.” My cheeks get warmer and warmer with each comment.

  “How the hell are you so knowledgeable in these things Nova?” Brielle asks as she pulls one of the nipple clips out and holds it up.

  “Excuse me?” Nova says with a raised eyebrow, “you do remember who my mate is, don’t you?” she quips “Mr. Gigolo himself, remember when I first came here?” at my curious look Jasmine elaborates.

  “Ceric had a lots of toys in his room before Nova.”

  “Lots of toys? Girl, that room had more toys then a porn shop.” Nova quips

  “Well going by you knowledge, I would say you didn’t throw them all away.” Scarlett teases which has us all laughing at Novas naughty smile.

  “Now why would we throw good toys away? That would just be a crime.”

  “You are terrible!” Gabriela says as she laughs

  “Me!” Nova asks as she points at herself, “Look who’s talking, we can hear you guys going at it all the way down to the driveway. I’m just curious to know how your kids sleep through it.” Nova teases

  “Well don’t you know, babies are happy when mommy is happy? Bjarni just tries to keep the whole family happy.” She quips, “now don’t forget because soon you will need these tips.” Gabriela says which has Nova tense and glare at her.

  “No. . .really” Jasmine says excitedly, I look at the other women and see surprise on their faces, whatever they talking about the others also don’t know.

  “Does Ceric know.” Jasmine asks

  “What and have him lock me in my room so that I can’t hurt myself or our child.” Nova grumbles, at that all the women start to talk excitedly when we realize that Nova is pregnant. This last week the thought didn’t even pop into my mind, now that I’m reminded I tense. I was on the pill before being kidnapped but it has been months that I haven’t taken any contraception and by the way we have been going at it I might be pregnant too. I shake my head in denial, I’m sure it will take more than just a week, I will talk to Brielle later and see if I can somehow get my pill.

  “Are you feeling better about the idea now?” Aria asks which has Scarlett explain to me that Nova was determined not to fall pregnant when Jasmine saw her with a child in a vision.

  “Yeah, having a little Ceric walking around has grown on me.” She mumbles and I can see her cheeks darken with colour.

  “That means that tonight we won’t only be celebrating Caelius birthday but you having a baby too, that is if the men don’t kill us first.” At Talia’s words we all grin at what we have planned for tonight, it’s wonderful to be able to feel this unity to be able to feel accepted and not be afraid anymore.

  “Do we all know what to do?” Nova asks

  “Yeah, we know. I suggest you tell Ceric you pregnant before he spanks your ass tonight.” Brielle suggests with a laugh

  “What? And miss out on all the fun, no way.” She teases, “Oh by the way Sam is coming and he’s bringing friends.”

  “Are you mad, you know the men nearly killed them last time” Aria says with a frown

  “It will be fine, they just coming to the party they not stripping, unless we want them to.” she teases with a wink

  “Okay, I’m getting padding for my ass.” Jasmine says as she bends down to pick up Orion

  “Mama ass” Orion repeats which has Jasmine blushing and the rest of us laughing. Orion realizes that we are laughing because of what he said so continues to repeat himself.

  “No Orion, that’s not nice” Jasmine admonishes to no avail.

  “Talia do you think Celmund suspects anything?” Scarlett asks which has Talia smiling naughtily, Talia was asked to keep Celmund entertained every time one of us had something to do and we didn’t want Celmund to pick it up in the cameras.

  “Not going by the smile on his face,” Brielle teases which has us all laughing again

  “Nope I think he hasn’t caught on, but it’s a good thing the party is tonight or he would start to think that I’m insatiable.” Talia quips with a wink, “not that he minds”

  “Did you get the handcuffs?” Gabriela asks

  “Of course, not that it will hold him for long if he doesn’t want to be held,” Nova quips and then looks at me, “I spoke to the other women they are excited to participate in the party as they have hardly left their rooms this whole week.” I nod as I have tried to visit with them every chance I get, they are much happier now that they feel safer. Soraya tells me that Draco went to talk to them and mentioned that in another few weeks they will be able to talk to their families and that he is arranging with the chapters in the other cities to keep an eye on them when they return home.

  Burkhart told me that the men have been told to keep away from the women so as not to frighten them, but I have noticed when I go to visit them that Andria has been sulking because of not getting a chance to see any of the men. When I mentioned the party all four women were more than happy to attend. The men arranged for clothes and toiletries and any other items that they might need, it was luck the day they found us otherwise we might have been caught again by the Keres.

  “I’ve arranged that the guys that are coming with Sam entertain them, they will have a blast.” Nova says as she walks towards the door, preparing to leave Jasmine and Aria carrying their kids follow. “Tor should be arriving soon with his men; I think I will go outside to await them.” With those words the three of them leave.

  For the next hour the women talk about the preparations for the party and what they will be wearing until the door opens and Burkhart steps in, his eyes instantly connect with mine and then slowly they travel down my body. I chose a pair of low cut jeans and a plain olive green t-shirt from the clothes he bought to wear. By the look in his eyes I can tell that he likes what he sees.

  “Thank you” I say as I approach him, when I’m a foot away his arm shoots out and he pulls me against him.

  “Did you like everything?” his voice rumbles against my ear vibrating through my body, I look up at him and smile.

  “It was perfect” he lowers his head and kisses me lightly on the lips

  “You go girl” Gabriela teases from where she’s sitting on the bed next to the twins that are napping on our bed. Burkhart lifts his head and grins over at her as he winks.

  “Would you like me to give Bjarni some tips?” he teases w
hich has her grinning in return

  “That man needs no tips, trust me” she quips with a laugh

  “Well I just came to get something, we going out and will be back in time for the party.” He states as he lets go of me and walks to the closet, I see him pulling down a small metal box and then he’s pulling two long blades from it and placing them in holsters under his jacket.

  “Burkhart?” I’ve seen him fight and know that he’s a demon at combat and by what the other men say, apparently he knows all different types of hand combat that he teaches the others, but when I see him placing the blades in the holsters, fear fills me. What if he gets hurt, or worse what if he dies?

  I saw the Keres pulling that gun out on him before and I saw how he charged them without worrying about getting shot. “Don’t worry darling, we just going to check on something.” He murmurs as he walks back towards me, kisses my lips and then leaves.

  “You’ll get used to it,” Gabriela says as she prepares to leave, the others helping her with the twins as they make their way out.

  “I hope so” I mutter when they all gone, looking around I shake my head and then smile as I see all the things Burkhart purchased. I know just the thing to wear tonight and I might just take Gabriela’s advice and wear my new lingerie. With that in mind I start to pack everything away so that I can get ready, tonight is going to be awesome.


  “Are you sure they here?” I ask into my comm, Celmund found a rundown warehouse that apparently is housing a few Keres and he suspects that they might have some women that they haven’t transported out yet.

  “They were there a couple of hours ago” he states, which has me looking at Brandr that is sitting next to me with his back against the wall that I am looking over.

  “You want us to go in Draco?” Brandr asks as he talks into his comm, Brandr, Caelius, Wulf and I are strategically placed around the Warehouse so that we can move in as quickly as possible without them picking up on our energy. I hear Draco ask Wulf for an update on his side and then Caelius before he gives the go ahead to proceed.


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