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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 12

by Alexi Ferreira

  I can feel sleep start to take me and my arms tighten slightly to make sure that my woman is safe and that she’s close to me.


  It has been two weeks since we went after Vercin, and in those two weeks the men have hardly been around. I have been asked to go out and see if I could feel Vercin’s energy, but both times I couldn’t feel him. I know the men are frustrated for having let him slip away, but the women are getting together today and we are going to try and find his hideout with our gifts. They have suggested that I might be able to find him by following the energy while linked to them; therefore we have agreed to meet in the next half an hour.

  I look towards the bed and smile, Burkhart only got back about two hours ago. I know he’s exhausted as they have hardly slept in these last two weeks, but he still finds the time to make love to me before falling off to sleep. I look at his naked body and shake my head, no matter how many times I see him in all his splendour I still crave the touch of his hands, the passion of his kisses. His tattooed body and pierced nipples making me want to move towards the bed and stroke my fingers over his body.

  I fist my hands and turn away before I give in to temptation and wake him up from a much needed rest. Making my way out of the room I quietly close the bedroom door as not to wake him and make my way down the corridor. We have all agreed to meet in the entertainment area as the bedrooms are becoming slightly cramped when all the women decide to visit.

  Walking in I find Brielle, Aria and Gabriela already there. “Where are the babies?” I ask when I see that both of them don’t have their children with them. They both grin at me and Gabriela replies that the dads are sleeping with them. These men that are killing machines, from what I saw when we were after Vercin, when with their women and their children they are the gentlest fathers and partners that I have ever seen in my life.

  No one seeing them would ever realize or suspect the love that these men can have for their families. There is also an unbreakable bond between the men that is beyond friendship or even family. We can see the respect and unity that they all have for each other, and there is a certainty that no matter what they are always there for each other.

  “Is Burkhart back?” Brielle asks, which has me nodding and smiling. I was complaining to her yesterday that I hardly see him anymore and she assured me that it isn’t always like this.

  “He got back just over an hour ago and is now sleeping” I confirm, “I really hope this works, they all look exhausted.”

  “I agree,” Jasmine says as she walks in with a frown, “Wulf has just left again with Gunner and Ceric, he wasn’t even back for four hours.” Orion is in her arms and I can see that the little boy is readying himself for his nap as his eyes are drooping. I know that as soon as Nova arrives, she will sing to him and he will be out like a light. No matter how distraught or hyper the children are, Nova will use her gentle voice on them and there is peace.

  I smile when I think of the first time I heard Nova sing, I was swept away. I couldn’t believe that such a gentle and soothing sound could come out of her. I could sit and listen to her sing the entire day without tiring.

  “Let’s hope we find this asshole today, because I swear I’m going to start tying Ceric to the bed” Nova grumbles as she walks in with Scarlett and Talia. Then I see a naughty smile lighten her face, “Anyone have a whip for me” at her teasing we all laugh.

  “If anything I thought you would have one” Gabriela says with a laugh, apparently from what I’ve heard Ceric had a room full of sexual toys when he met Nova.

  “There used to be one but I tossed it, I don’t relish the idea of being whipped” at her words I laugh and the images of Burkhart hand spanking me this morning flashes through my mind making me blush. I notice Aria’s eyes widen as she looks at me and my cheeks darken, and then she’s grinning as she winks at me.

  “Well, should we get started?” Jasmine asks as she puts a sleeping Orion on the couch, it looks like he didn’t need Nova to sing him to sleep today. Jasmine places a couple of pillows around him in case he turns so that he doesn’t fall off the couch and then she’s turning towards us.

  “We might as well” Brielle says as she places a chair near the couch. “Do you want to sit here?” she asks Jasmine who nods and proceeds to sit on the chair.

  “I’m not sure how to go about feeling someone’s energy like this?” I confide as I look around at everyone.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out once we start, we all did and if you don’t it’s also okay” At Scarlett words I relax, I don’t want to let them down but these women have all been so supportive that I know that if nothing happens they won’t look at me different because all of us are in the same situation when it comes to our gifts.

  “I might not be able to see him either,” Jasmine says as she shrugs, “the only thing we can do is try.” Brielle hands her a drawing pad with some charcoal, Jasmine usually draws when she gets a vision to capture everything correctly. Gabriela sits on the couch next to her and places her hand lightly on her back, Nova sits on the floor next to her feet and places her hand on Jasmine’s leg, the other women one by one approach and also touch Jasmine until I’m the only one to move forward. I feel awkward but I approach and stand behind her before I touch her, the energy flowing from everyone is explosive.

  How is it possible that the energy level of everyone has increased so radically just by touching? I place my hand on Jasmine’s back and am surprised when I stop feeling the energy surge I was feeling from everyone. I see everyone closing their eyes and I imitate them waiting to see what might happen.

  I don’t know how long I stand like that in silence when suddenly I start to feel an evil presence invading my senses, at first I’m about to snap open my eyes and look around to make sure that there is no one approaching us that shouldn’t but then I keep them shut and open up my senses, flashes of energy engulf me but then I see a wooded area, a small cabin covered by trees. The energy radiating from the cabin is nauseating and evil to the point that I start to feel sick.

  I look around to make sure that I can explain what I have seen but it’s difficult to pin point a location when in the middle of the woods. I approach the Cabin cautiously, I know its silly because no one is going to be able to hurt me like this but the strength of the energy engulfing me fills me with fear. Looking in through the window of the cabin at first I don’t see anyone but then I hear a wheezing, I move slightly to the left to try and see below the what is below the window in the inside and I nearly jump in fright when my eyes clash with Vercin’s. I know he can’t see me, but the hate in those eyes will give me nightmares.

  I see the side of his face has been burnt severely, and even though there are signs of healing there is still a long way to go. Someone walks into the room; this man is carrying a woman over his shoulder. He walks up to the low cot where Vercin is laying and pulls her off letting her fall to the floor. At first I think she’s dead but then I see the rise and fall of her chest and know that she’s still breathing.

  He takes a hold of one of her arms and brings it to Vercin’s mouth, “Here you go boss,” he states and I see Vercin open his mouth and bite down on the woman’s wrist. At that I take a step back and then turn, how will I be able to find this place, how will I be able to explain it? I hear what sounds like a train in the distance but besides that I don’t see anything except for the high trees and then I’m back in the Entertainment room and the women are standing around me.

  Opening my eyes I look around and find Brielle looking at me, when our eyes meet she raises her eyebrow in question and I nod to let her know that I was able to see Vercin. A smile widens on her face and she nods. One by one the women open their eyes but no one let’s go of Jasmine, I’m guessing as not to break the connection. I look down and see that Jasmine is drawing the cabin as I saw it, there must be surprise on my face because Aria brushes her hand over mine in companionship.

  A few minutes later Jasmine’s hand stops and t
hen she’s opening her eyes, the women start to move away to different areas. “Did we all see the cabin?” Gabriela asks and gets an unanimous confirmation.

  “Do any of you know where that place is?” Brielle asks with a frown, “all I could see were trees.”

  “I walked down the path for a while and saw a board that said Triton Construction, private property. Trespasses will be prosecuted.” Scarlett says, “all we have to do is get Celmund to look into all the Triton Construction property sites and we might find it.”

  “I heard a train in the distance” I state, which has the women nodding in excitement. “I also saw Vercin and he’s in bad shape, I don’t know what Draco did to him but he’s burnt bad.” I confess, “A Keres brought a woman in while I looked, and had him drink from her.”

  “You ladies did well” we all gasp when we hear Draco’s voice, my head snaps around to the side and I see him leaning against the door frame his arms crossed over his chest. “Celmund is already looking at what you found.” He states

  “How long have you been there?” Nova asks suspiciously

  “As soon as I felt the energy level rise in the compound, so basically from the beginning.” He says with a smirk, “I was wondering how long it was going to take?”

  “You knew we were going to look for Vercin?” I ask and see him raise one eyebrow.

  “Of course, I’ve come to realize that you ladies just can’t help yourselves.”

  “So why don’t you just ask us?” Talia asks suspiciously

  “Because like this your men don’t get upset with me?” he states with a wink, “does anyone know how many men he has there with him?” at his question I frown as I didn’t think of looking for that. “There were five of them sitting in the kitchen, and I don’t think they know the area they in because none of them knew when I persuaded them,” Nova says and then she looks at Aria, “Did you get anything?”

  “No, it was as if their minds were cleaned. I think they have something in the cabin that was blocking our gifts.” Aria states which has Scarlet and Nova nodding in agreement.

  “You think they have found a way to block you?” Draco asks with a frown

  “I don’t know if they have found a way, but there is definitely something there that stopped us.” Scarlett says which has Draco nod and frown as he turns and leaves as quietly as he appeared. “What do you think it could be that was stopping us?”

  “Who went inside the cabin?” Jasmine asks

  “Nova, Scarlett, Brielle and myself” Aria states as she looks around to see if anyone else went inside.

  “Did you see anything that was different?” Gabriela asks, I can see that everyone is contemplating what they might have seen that could be what was stopping there gift. I think of everything that I saw in the room and my mind once again is seeing the cot where Vercin was laying, the room was very bare, there was nothing on the walls, he didn’t have any blankets over him just a thin sheet. There was a laptop on the floor, now that I think about it, it wasn’t really a laptop but some kind of machine as the bottom of the laptop looking machine was bulky. The screen was a purple colour and there was some kind of beeping that it was emitting. I remember thinking that maybe it was monitoring Vercin, but I doubt it as it was too far away from him to be monitoring his vitals.

  “I think I might know what it was.” I say cautiously as I don’t want to build up their expectations and then I’m wrong. They all quieten and look at me eagerly, I proceed to explain to them about what I think might be the cause of the block.

  “Maybe Celmund or Bion know what type of machine that could be, would you be able to identify it if they had to show it to you?” Brielle asks with a frown.

  “I’m sure I could, if they show me picture of it” I state and see Talia pulling out her phone from her back pocket. A minute later she’s explaining everything to Celmund, “he’s going to look for what you explained, said he will call you once he has something”

  “I wonder what it could be, because we could still find them it was just inside the cabin that it seems like we had problems.”

  “Maybe it’s some kind of security system that messes with our gifts, but whatever it is it’s not good.” Nova states with a frown, “If the guys find out we will be blocked permanently from playing.” At her words I laugh, only Nova to think about the trouble she won’t be able to get into if the guys find out about this piece of equipment. “We shouldn’t have said anything to them and tried to find out ourselves,” she grumbles.

  “Nova!” Aria says and then shakes her head, “you know they have to know about it, besides it’s actually good, now that you’re pregnant you need to behave.”

  “Don’t remind me, I’m surprised Ceric hasn’t pitched up here to see what I’m doing” at her words we all grin because since our last escapade that Ceric has been her shadow and when he’s not around one of the others are. I suspect it’s because Draco knew what we were up to and he stopped anyone from interrupting us.

  “You grumble, but I know you loving it” Scarlett says with a laugh, which has Nova shrugging and grinning naughtily.

  “It does have its perks” she teases

  “Yeah, until you get bigger and he’s too worried to touch you” Gabriela says with a raised brow, and I see Jasmine elbowing her with a grin.

  “You always got your way, you even got poor Bion to tell Bjarni that sex was necessary to keep mother and children happy” Jasmine quips with a laugh

  “It wasn’t a lie, it’s the truth” Gabriela says innocently which has us all laughing. Just then we hear a babies gurgle turning I see a sleepy looking Brandr walking into the entertainment room with his son.

  “I’m so sorry babe, did he wake you up already?” Aria says as she walks towards the two men in her life. Brandr leans down and kisses her lips as she places her hand on his face.

  “It’s okay, but I would have rather had you there next to me when I woke up” Brandr states with a raised brow. I see Aria smile gently at him and nod, some kind of message passing between the two of them. It still surprises me how these men were able to find their mates, because at the beginning I had doubts when told that they only have one woman for them throughout their life but as time passed and I got to know everyone and the connection that I find with Burkhart flourished those doubts have disappeared and I believe for once in my life that Soulmates do actually exist.


  We are all sitting in the computer room, Saskia and some of the women are also present as once again they have discovered something that we weren’t able to. After this meeting we should be able to go and find Vercin and hopefully this time we will capture him or kill him off. That would be the end of the Keres as we know them. Celmund thinks that he might have found the area that the women saw, but only at this meeting will we be able to tell if it really is or if he will have to go back to investigating.

  Apparently Titan Construction is an alias that the Keres are hiding under, Celmund has found different locations that were purchased under that company name and all of them are in remote locations. This new finding will help us find them and dwindle their numbers until we break them. Saskia is sitting on my lap and I have my hand stroking up and down her back while we wait for everyone to settle down.

  I never thought how having a mate would affect me but I find myself completely and utterly taken with Saskia, my thoughts are constantly on her, my hands are constantly itching to touch her and my eyes are always searching hers. This emotion is consuming and takes up all of my other emotions, when she’s happy I’m happy, when I feel that she’s sad it makes me sad and I do everything in my power to change that. I will go to the ends of the earth to please this woman on my lap, I will kill to protect her and the thing is that I know that in her own way she will do the same for me.

  I have found that my woman is a warrior, she will go into war for the ones that she loves and that is all that I can ask for. I know she loves me but she has never spoken the words, and even though
I have never been one to crave words, these I crave with every fibre of my being, but I will wait until she’s ready to say them.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks as she turns in my lap and faces me.

  “Nothing darling, why do you say that?” I ask surprised that she can feel my anxiety, us elemental’s can feel each other’s emotions but usually only after being together for a longer period of time. She raises her hand to my neck and starts to stroke gently which has me wanting to pick her up and carry her towards our room.

  “I can feel that you aren’t completely calm” at her words I still, is it possible that she can already feel my emotions. Maybe because she can feel peoples energies she is more susceptible to feeling my emotions sooner that is normal for couples.

  “Have you always felt my emotions from the beginning or is this new?” I ask with a raised brow

  “No it has been happening on and off for the last couple of days” she says with a wink, I can’t help myself I grin and raise my hand to her neck. Pulling her forward I take her lips in a blistering kiss that leaves us both breathless and me sitting uncomfortable in the chair. Her cheeks rosy with passion and her eyes glowing, as soon as this meeting is over I’m taking her back to our room and I’m going to show her how happy she makes me.

  “Shall we start?” Draco asks, which has everyone settling down. We were so distracted that we didn’t even see Draco arrive.

  “As you all know, Celmund has found a location that we think might be the area that the women might have seen. We need confirmation to see if it is or not,” Draco says and then nods to Celmund to continue.

  Triton Construction has various properties all over the world, remote locations that once I started to investigate made perfect sense that it would be an alias that the Keres would be hiding under.” He types on his tablet and an image of the world appears, red dots scattered throughout the world. “As you can see there were many locations to look at, and hopefully the one I found is the correct one.” He clicks again and an image of a forest appears.


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