Book Read Free


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by Lydia Rose




  Edited By Holly Schneider


  This story is for Linda who is my best friend, lover and wife


  Kelly McIntyre was on her way to her best friend’s office Monday morning. “Hey,” Kelly said as she opened Meredith Angelo’s door.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Meredith used the term loosely because she saw the look on Kelly’s face. “When are you going to get over her?”

  Kelly shrugged.

  “You know she was a dip and it wasn’t love.”

  Again the shrug.

  Meredith’s lips pursed. “You need to move on and get on with your life. You are missing a beautiful summer.”

  “Why does this keep happening to me?”

  Meredith pursed her lips again, but didn’t respond.

  “I’m 35 and there hasn’t been one woman to stay or whom I wanted to stay. What’s wrong with me, Meredith?”

  “I’ll tell you what’s wrong.” Her hands came up. “You always choose the wrong woman. Every time I try and introduce you to a nice woman you have an excuse.” The lips pursed again. “She’s not pretty enough, her job is stupid or she’s too nice. Whatever that means?”

  “Do you want me to date an ugly woman so she’ll stay?”

  Meredith looked at her friend. The light brown shoulder length hair hung around her shoulder in layers. The deep blue eyes and pouty lips made Kelly very attractive, but Kelly always chose the beautiful shallow women. “I know just what you need.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?” Kelly asked, waiting for Meredith’s answer.

  “I’m leaving for the shore on Friday. Mary invited Kate for the week and I want you to come down, too. Matt and Dave will be playing golf most days. We could use another cook,” Meredith said with a laugh. “You’re a wonderful cook and my sister and I are sick of our own cooking.”

  Meredith and her sister Mary inherited the house from their parents two years ago and the sisters spent a good part of the summer there. Matt and Mary have been married for the last fifteen years. The two sisters are close and spend most of their free time together. Even their husbands were close enough to start a dental practice together. Meredith and her husband Dave have only been married five years. This is Dave’s second marriage and neither sister had any children. Meredith being the oldest at forty-two and Mary at forty, acted more like women in their early thirties and were always up for a good time. Their friends became the recipients of the open house policy at the beach house. “You don’t have enough room for me. There are only three bedrooms.” Kelly insisted.

  “You and Kate can share a room.” Meredith’s hands went to her hips. “There are twin beds in that room.”

  “I don’t think Kate wants to share a room with me.” Kelly had only met the green eyed beauty once, but she was taken with her immediately even though Mary told her she was straight. Now she doubted the straight girl would want to spend a week sharing a room with Kelly.

  “I’ll call her and see what she says. If she has no objections, will you come down for the week?” Meredith stood to emphasize her words.

  Kelly thought for a moment not able to come up with any other excuse. “Okay, I’ll come down. I’m not sure I’ll spend the week though.”

  Meredith shook her head. “Well, you have to be there Saturday. My neighbors are doing their annual neighbors’ party. They serve the best barbecue I’ve ever eaten.”

  Carol and Richard Caldwell had been entertaining the neighborhood for the last ten years. Richard was now a retired attorney, and his daughter Reese ran the firm. Reese married her long time love Jennifer three years ago and they share the house next door to the Caldwell home. Jennifer an author of lesbian books inherited the home from her aunt. She wrote a mainstream novel three years ago, and having the novel adapted to a movie secured her life for the future.

  “Call Kate and don’t force her into the answer you want. Let her make her own decision.” Kelly stood and walked toward the door. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  Meredith called Kelly’s office at two o’clock, as soon as she hung up the phone with Kate. “I spoke with Kate and she doesn’t have a problem sharing a room with you. She likes you and thought it would be fun for you to spend the week with us.”

  Kate had been Mary’s friend since college and they have remained close friends ever since. Kate works for a large accounting firm and Mary became a fourth grade teacher. Usually if you saw Mary, Kate was there at her side. Kelly and Meredith are college professors at the same university and their summer classes were ending on Friday.


  Saturday morning, Kelly was sitting in traffic with the rest of the state heading for the Jersey Shore. In her car sat a suitcase with clothes for the week and bags of food containing some of her favorite ingredients to cook for her hosts.

  When she reached the street, Kelly pulled in front of the house. She reached into the back seat and started pulling the bags of food out when the front door opened at the house. Kate met her at the curb.

  “Hi Kelly, let me help you with those,” Kate smiled as she took one of the bags from Kelly’s arms.

  Kelly looked at Kate, her light brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and the green eyes were bright and welcoming. The two women were about the same height of five foot four except Kelly was the more muscular of the two. Kate was what Kelly would call petite with a sensual curvy body.

  “Hi, Kate. It’s good to see you again,” Kelly said as they walked toward the front door.

  “It’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other,” Kate chuckled. “I’m glad Mary and Meredith have that extra refrigerator on the back porch. The one in the kitchen is already full.”

  “I didn’t want to come empty-handed as I’m sure you didn’t,” Kelly chuckled as they put the groceries away. “You can head up to the beach if you want and I’ll get the rest of my things in.” Kelly walked toward the back door.

  Kate followed. “Let’s give the couples some alone time. I’ll help you with your things.”

  As they came out the back door, Kelly took notice of the blond woman next door immediately. She lowered her sunglasses over her eyes so she could take in her full beauty. Wow, she thought, this just might be a good week after all.

  Kate’s hand came up in a wave as they walked toward the fence. “Hi, Reese, how are you?”

  “I’m good, Kate. It’s good to see you again,” Reese said smiling.

  Kate returned the smile and pointed at Kelly. “Reese Caldwell, this is our friend, Kelly McIntyre.”

  Reese removed one of her gardening gloves. “It’s nice to meet you, Kelly.”

  Kelly met the extended hand with one of her own. “It’s very nice to meet you, Reese.” She held onto Reese’s hand longer than necessary. Kelly lifted her sunglasses and stared at the green eyes. “You have a great garden here.” Kelly pointed to the large vegetable garden, but her eyes never left Reese’s face.

  “Thank you. It’s a lot of work, but so worth it. Will we see you both at the barbecue tonight?”

  “We wouldn’t miss it,” Kate said, returning the smile. “Your dad is a wonderful cook. We’ll let you get back to your garden. See you later, Reese.”

  “’Bye ladies,” Reese said as they walked toward the car.

  “What a gorgeous woman,” Kelly said once they were out of ear shot. “I could go for her in a heartbeat. What’s her story?” Kelly asked.

  Before Kate could respond, a
voice called out from the front of the house.

  “Yes, she is gorgeous and married,” a tall dark haired woman said eyeing Kelly suspiciously.

  Kate stifled a laugh and said. “Jennifer Connelly this is Kelly McIntyre.”

  “Hello,” Kelly said softly.

  “Jennifer is Reese’s wife,” Kate began to laugh quietly.

  Kelly laughed nervously wondering what this woman was going to do to her.

  Jennifer extended her hand to the stranger.

  Kelly took the extended hand. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by what I said.” She swallowed hard.

  Jennifer pulled Kelly in close, her hand holding tightly. “Just remember, she’s mine. Okay?” Jennifer released Kelly’s hand.

  “Sure, sure, no problem.” Kelly had no idea if Jennifer was teasing or threatening her.

  Kate grabbed Kelly’s arm. “We’ll see you later, Jen.” She pulled Kelly toward the car and her luggage in the trunk. Once they were in the house, Kate began to laugh hysterically. “You should’ve seen your face. I thought you were going to piss yourself.”

  “I’m glad I could be so entertaining for you, but I did think she was going to kick my ass. What’s her problem?”

  “Apparently you,” Kate said, laughing again.

  “Yeah, yeah, real funny,” Kelly said, already heading for the stairs.


  Reese watched Jennifer walk into the back yard. “Are you causing problems with the neighbors?” she asked, smiling up at her wife’s face.

  “No. Just making sure that one,” she said, pointing next door, “knows you’re mine.” Jennifer grinned.

  “Oh, I’m yours?” Reese asked, pretending to be mad.

  “Well, I don’t mean you’re mine. Just we’re together.” Jennifer was stumbling over her words.

  “Jen, in the three years that we have been together, have I shown any interest in any other woman?” Her hands went to her hips.

  Jennifer shrugged sheepishly, but said with a grin. “Well, you did marry a man once.” Her tongue came out in a tease.

  “Yes and whose fault was that?” Reese asked, taking a defensive stance.

  “Mine,” Jennifer said softly.

  Reese touched Jennifer’s arm. “No Jen, it was both our faults. Our insecurities and mistrust destroyed the love we had for each other. I love you and no one can ever take your place. Do you hear me?”

  “I know, Reese. It’s just the way she said you were gorgeous.” Jennifer’s shoulders rose. “It sounded like, ‘I’m going to get me some of that.’” Jennifer threw her hands up. “You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?”

  Reese took Jennifer’s arm. “Come inside and I’ll show you how much I love you.”

  Jennifer smiled and reached for Reese’s hand. The two women ran for the door.


  Kelly followed Kate into the bedroom they would be sharing. “Are you sure about me sleeping in here with you?” Kelly asked, dropping the bag on the floor. “I can always sleep on the couch downstairs.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Kate said, placing Kelly’s bag by the bed nearest the door. “Unless you are going to drool over me the way you did with Reese,” she said, beginning to laugh again.

  “Oh, I can tell this is going to be an interesting week.” Kelly dropped her suitcase on the bed and began to put her clothes away. Her head nodded next door. “How long have they been together?”

  “Mary said three years, but they met when they were sixteen years old.” Kate responded sitting on her own bed. “Do you want to go to the beach?”

  “It’s almost lunchtime. I thought I would take that roasted chicken I brought and make chicken salad sandwiches. I can also make a fruit salad. Kate, go to the beach and you all can come back around noon time.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll help make the lunch and text Mary and the gang to come eat lunch when we’re ready.”


  Jennifer and Reese spent the rest of the morning making love. “We better get ready to help your parents before they come looking for us.” Jennifer rolled out of Reese’s arms. “Let’s take a shower together and save some time.”

  “Yeah, that will save a lot of time,” Reese said sarcastically, already out of bed. “You wait here and I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  Jennifer lay on the bed and looked around the room. It looked so different from the way her Aunt Mary had left it. After Mary’s passing, Jennifer and Reese renovated most of the home. They now had a modern and comfortable home. The large master bathroom was the first renovation project they took on. Jennifer heard the shower shut off and sat up on the end of the bed.

  Reese came charging out of the bathroom. “I’m pregnant,” she screamed and waived the pregnancy stick at her. Reese kissed Jennifer softly. “Are you happy, Jen?” Reese asked suddenly quiet.

  “Happy? I’m ecstatic.” She kissed Reese’s lips tenderly. “We should call Bobby,” Jennifer said against Reese’s mouth.

  “Bobby and Jeff are going to be thrilled with the news.” Reese’s hand went to her forehead. “Wait until my parents hear the news. They didn’t even know we were trying.”

  “Well, you’re the one who thought it would be better to wait so they wouldn’t be disappointed if it never happened. Get dressed and I’ll go take my shower.”


  “That was a wonderful lunch,” Mary said to the two cooks.

  The group agreed appreciatively.

  “We didn’t invite you down here so you two could make our meals,” Meredith grinned. “Well, not all of them,” she added with a chuckle.

  “So let’s all go to the beach,” Kelly said as the group cleaned up the kitchen. “Kate, go get changed and I’ll help finish up here.” Once Kate was upstairs, Kelly said. “I met your neighbors,” she pointed to the house next door.

  “They’re very nice, aren’t they?” Meredith offered.

  “Well, Reese is very sweet. Jennifer is kind of intimidating.”

  Kate came back down the stairs. “That’s because Kelly was flirting with Reese.”

  The group chuckled.

  “I should have known Reese would be your type, with the blond hair and green eyes. She’s every woman you’ve ever dated.” Meredith looked at Kate. “You have the green eyes and almost the color Kelly obviously craves.”

  “Very funny, Meredith,” Kelly looked at Kate. “Don’t pay any mind to that one,” she said pointing at Meredith. “I’ll go get ready. Why don’t the rest of you go back to the beach and I’ll meet you up there.” Kelly went up the stairs and walked toward the bedroom. She thought about what Meredith had said: Yes, if Kate were gay she would be interested in her. Her light brown hair was highlighted with blond streaks and her light green eyes stood out and no one would ever know that Kate was forty.

  Kelly found Kate waiting for her in the kitchen. “You’re still here?”

  “I thought I would walk up with you,” Kate said with a smile.

  Kelly smiled at Kate and laid her arm across her shoulder. “Thanks, Kate. You are a very considerate woman.” Kelly grinned and leaned into Kate’s ear. “I don’t know why someone hasn’t snapped you up yet.”

  Kate pulled away from Kelly’s arm. “Maybe I don’t want to as you put it, get snapped up. You know I could say the same thing to you.”

  Kelly laughed as they walked out the back door. Grabbing their things for the beach, they began their walk. “Do you want my answer to your question or Meredith’s answer?”

  “Let’s hear yours first,” Kate said without looking at Kelly.

  “Well, I’m not exactly sure. Either she grows tired of me or I grow tired of her.” Kelly shrugged. “Maybe Meredith is right?”

  “What did she say?” Kate asked, now very interested.

  “She said I always date the same woman. She’s good looking and shallow. Maybe she’s right.” Kelly stopped and grabbed Kate’s arm. “And if you tell her that, I will deny it.”


  Jennifer and Reese walked into the house next door. The smiles they wore couldn’t be contained.

  “Hi, Mom and Dad,” Reese called as she walked into the kitchen.

  “I’m glad you girls are here. We can use your help,” Carol Caldwell said without turning around.

  Richard Caldwell looked first at his daughter and then Jennifer. “Honey,” he said softly.

  “What is it?” Carol asked before she turned around. She took one look at her daughter and screamed, “You’re pregnant,” she didn’t ask, it was just a statement.

  Reese’s jaw dropped. “How did you know?”

  Carol came over taking her daughter into her arms. “You are just glowing.”

  Jennifer looked at Richard Caldwell and just shrugged. He got up from his chair hugged his daughter and Jennifer. “I’m so happy for both of you.”

  Carol was crying as she hugged Jennifer close to her body. “Thank you Jennifer. You don’t know how happy we are.”

  “Uh,” Jennifer said. “Carol, you do know that I didn’t do this?”

  Carol and Richard both laughed. “Yes, but you found my daughter again and make her happy every day.” Carol hugged Jennifer again.

  “That is my pleasure. We couldn’t be happier about the news.” Jennifer smiled.

  “Sit down girls and tell us how you were able to keep this a secret.”

  “We didn’t want to tell you in case I couldn’t get pregnant. No sense in disappointing you.”

  “Tell us what you know about the sperm donor,” Carol said, holding her daughter’s hand.

  “Jen, why don’t you tell them?” Reese asked taking her lover’s hand.

  “When we talked about having a baby, Reese didn’t really want to pick a frozen pop from a book. So we didn’t talk about it for a long time. Then I had to go to Chicago last year to see my publisher.”

  Carol and Richard nodded, remembering.

  “While I was out there, I went to see my cousin Bobby.” Jennifer smiled. “You see, his mother is my mother’s sister and his dad is my dad’s brother.” Jennifer looked at Reese before continuing. “He agreed to be our donor.”


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