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Legacies of Love: Six Seductive Stories to Steal Your Heart

Page 22

by C. L. Roman

  Mateo held his hand out to show they should wait.

  “What does it say?” Kai repeated the question.

  When Mateo repeated his action, both frustrated women dropped their glamour enough to show the men a small glimpse of their horrifying warrior selves. Both men stepped back.

  “Whoa,” Seth said.

  Mateo dropped to the chair, but it rolled away from him and he landed on the floor.

  “Read us the email,” Kai insisted.

  As he did, the women returned to their usual appearances.

  “It’s from Winston’s agent, letting us know we won the auction. He ended the auction early because we convinced him our rod was what he needed.”

  “I’m sure Thor did not come forward offering his hammer either, so there’s that,” Kai said.

  “Now what do we do?” Cecily asked.

  “He wants to meet at midnight for the exchange. A warehouse on the docks.”

  Kai blew out the breath she held. “Any idea how we pull off this part of the plan?”

  Nate cleared his throat. In all the commotion of Dahlia showing up and then the email, Kai forgot he was still in the office.

  He stepped forward. “Seems like you need someone who can pretend to be the owner of this prestigious artifact. Someone with a sense of refinement for sure, but not someone who will threaten Winston.”

  “Do you know of a person like this?”

  Nate took a formal stage bow. “Yes. Me.”

  Kai bit her tongue to not laugh. “You?”

  “Yes. Me. I’m the only one who has no connection to Winston. He doesn’t know me. He’d suspect any of you.”

  Kai closed her open mouth. He was right, but could she handle the guilt if he failed?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Well, if you’re going to do it, we need to get you ready,” Cecily said. She stepped out of her office and called Pat to join them.

  “Yes, b-b…boss, Mistress?”

  “I need you to reach out to your cousin. I want you to act scared. Tell him you picked up a fare that hired you for the rest of the night.”

  “But I’ve been here all n-n…ight.”

  Cecily sighed. “I know that, but Winston doesn’t know that. Tell your cousin that this guy was very curious about him. Asked a lot of questions.”

  “You think that will help?” Kai asked.

  “It can’t hurt. That will get us an inside person.”

  “But Pat can’t stand up to Winston.”

  Cecily crossed her arms and leaned against the desk. “I know. We need to get more power in there without alerting Winston.”

  The group sat quietly for a few minutes, then Seth asked, “Do other Paranormal Am—”

  Kai shook her head stopping him from finishing that phrase.

  “Okay fine, can people like you sense other people like you?”

  “Most of the time,” Kai answered.

  “Would Winston feel energy or a presence? How does that work?”

  “None of us belong in this world. Therefore, when we come close to other beings not from this world, there is a slight attraction. Think of it like this. If you were in a country that didn’t speak English, and you found someone who did, you’d be attracted to that person because you share a likeness. Only the real powerful beings can detect the difference between human and non-human energies.”

  “That makes sense. So, we have to assume he will have security and he may even have his own agenda and will try to keep the key and steal the rod.”

  “How do you know all this?” Kai sat next to him on the couch.

  “This is what I did before. You know before your sister killed me? It’s just basic detective work. Winston may be a demon, but he’s the same as a million other guys.”

  “You have a plan?”

  “If your sister shows up, he will just assume he’s sensing her, and then you can hide, but oversee everything.”

  “What reason does she have to be there tonight?”

  “She wanted the key and hired Winston for the job. He didn’t follow through. Dahlia can claim the key belongs to her, and he has no right to give it away.”

  “I like this plan, Hot Pants,” Cecily said.

  “Pat, have you been able to extend your glamour for over ten minutes?” Kai asked.

  He shook his head.

  “Then we’ve got ten minutes to make the switch and get out of there.” Kai went to Pat. “Do you think you can do this?”

  He shrugged.

  “Well, I think you can. It’s about time you stood up to your cousin. This is your chance to get him back for every crappy thing he’s done to you.”

  Pat smiled.

  Cecily put her arm around Nate. “We need to get you dressed up and ready. There’s a men’s store not too far from here. Let’s go shopping.” She glanced between Kai and Seth. “Mateo, why don’t you come with us. You’ve been in this office too long.” He agreed, packed up his stuff, and walked down the stairs. “Pat call your cousin and make it good.” After the three men had left, she winked at Kai. “I’ll take care of your sister.” She walked out and closed the door.

  Exhaustion covered Kai like a heavy fog. She laid her head on the arm of the couch. Seth rubbed his hand on her back. “When was the last time you slept?”

  “I don’t remember. I’ve gotten in a few winks here and there, but not much.”

  Seth sat back and patted his lap. Kai switched positions and put her head in his lap. He took out her ponytail and ran his hands through her snow-white hair. “Is this your natural color?”

  She turned her face and glared at him. “That’s not an appropriate question to ask a lady. But yes, it is my natural color.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I remember when I was a child, my mother would brush my hair for hours. She would braid it with flowers and leaves. She made me dresses from furs and hand-woven cloths. We went on picnics and rode horses through the valleys. The villagers stopped and watched us as my mom passed. They would bow and offer her bread or fruits. Sometimes we would eat with a local family. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.”

  “Did you ever see your mom after the day they cast you out?”

  “Once. It was during the war America had with Britain. I searched for warriors after a very bloody battle. When the gate opened, she stood on the other side. She reached an arm through and squeezed my hand. The gate closed, and she disappeared.”

  “Did you ever suspect Odin was your father?”

  She yawned. “No. If the man who raised me knew, he never acted differently. We had the best adventures. He’d take me on his boat if he didn’t travel too far. He taught me how to fight.”

  “Was your mom a Valkyrie too?”

  “Yes, but when the key was passed down she retired, and I took her place. I would do the same if I had a daughter, but I don’t see that happening.”

  “How is it you don’t age?”

  Kai sat up and faced him. “You ask a lot of questions.” She placed her hand on the back of the couch.

  He interlaced his fingers with hers. “I never met anyone like you.”

  “Well, duh.”

  “I’m not talking about you as the Valkyrie. I mean you as a person. You hardly know me, but you’re willing to risk your life for me.”

  “It’s my job.” She shifted as he moved in closer. Her lips parted as her throat went dry. She had crossed the line with Seth and no matter how it ended, there would be no happily ever after for them.

  “I think it’s more than that,” Seth said, his raspy voice awakening every nerve in her body.

  Kai bolted off the couch and stood against the opposite wall. “Ya know what? It is more than that. I want every part of you. I want to talk late into the night with you. I want to wake up in the morning with you. I want to hold your hand in the rain. But none of that matters. It’s not about what I want. I made that mistake once before and I won’t make it again.” Tears flowed down her face. “Do y
ou get that you’re dead? You’re dead, Seth. D-E-A-D, dead. There is no coming back from that.”

  He held out his hand. “Come here. We don’t have to do anything, but I want to have you next to me.”

  She went to him. He held her hand and wiped her tears. “I’m scared of what’s coming next. I don’t want to die. There’s a lot I still want to do. This is where I belong. I don’t want to fight for a strange God I don’t even believe in. My family needs me here. It broke my heart to watch my mom on the news. She wanted me to become a dentist, a nice safe job. Not a cop. But she was the one who pinned on my badge the first time I went to work. My mom didn’t deserve to lose her son. And to know it wasn’t even my time to die. I only died because your crazy, bratty little sister wanted revenge. My plan has always been to go out in a blaze of glory saving the world.”

  “But that’s what happened. You jumped in front of that family when you thought their life was in jeopardy. Odin called you for a reason.” Kai held his face in her hands. “You are a good man. This may not have been the ending you envisioned, but it was an honorable death. When you cross, you will continue the good fight. Serving Odin is as noble as being a police officer.” She kissed his mouth, but instead of kissing him more, she hugged him. “I am blessed to have met you, Seth Mendez.”

  They separated, and he offered his lap for her to rest her head. She gladly accepted. Within minutes they were both breathing heavy.

  “Kai, are you asleep?” Seth whispered.


  “If we had met under different circumstances, do you think we would have dated?”

  “Yes, I would have liked that.”

  “Maybe someday we will meet in a different world and will have our chance.”

  She yawned. “That would be nice.”

  Two hours later, Cecily, Mateo, and Nate barged into the office arguing. Their clatter startled Kai, and she fell to the floor.

  “Sorry, kids,” Cecily started, “didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Nate stepped from behind Cecily dressed in a suit. His hair slicked back in a ponytail, and his scruffy beard trimmed. Kai almost didn’t recognize him.

  “Damn, you clean up nicely,” she said.

  “Don’t give me any of your lip.” He pulled at his collar. “I can’t breathe in this get-up.”

  Cecily swatted his hand. “Stop fidgeting. Remember, convince Winston that you are the one in control of the situation.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Don’t worry I can do my part.”

  “What time is it?” Seth asked.

  “It’s ten o’clock. We’re meeting in two hours.”

  “Did you talk to Dahlia?” Kai asked.

  “I know what I need to do, sister.” Dahlia walked into the office and nodded in Kai’s direction. “You’d be surprised how well I’ve done without your guidance.” She adjusted her stance and clenched her fists assuming a defensive stance.

  In two steps, Kai stood inches from her sister’s face, her anger boiling over around her. “Don’t act like this. We are in this mess because you couldn’t handle being who you are.”

  Dahlia stretched her neck, almost touching Kai’s face. “You have no idea what kind of person I am. Your selfishness ruined our family.”

  Cecily pushed them apart. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. Mistakes were made. We need to focus on fixing this. The two of you can settle your differences later. Okay?” She glared at them and when neither withdrew she repeated, “Okay?”

  Both grumbled agreement.

  “Then I guess we’re all set.”

  Everyone filed out of the office except Cecily and Kai.

  “You know however this ends tonight, he can’t stay.”

  Kai crossed her arms over her chest and jutted out her chin. “I know that.”

  “Are you ready for that?”

  “What do you mean, am I ready for that? That’s my calling. It’s what I do.” She knew nothing else. It was her soul.

  Cecily raised an eyebrow. “You keep telling yourself that, honey.”

  “It doesn’t matter how I feel.”

  “Feelings always matter.”

  “He has to cross. That’s what matters. That’s all that matters.”

  “It’s a complicated situation for sure. There has to be a way we can make this work. I hate unhappy endings.”

  “Me too, but we’ve been around long enough to know reality is different from fantasy.”

  “It doesn’t make it easier, though.” Cecily put an arm around her. “Whatever happens, I got you, honey.”

  Kai rested her head on Cecily’s shoulder. “It’s good someone does.”

  The friends noticed Dahlia laughing with her bodyguards. “Do you trust her?”

  “She’s desperate.”

  “Desperation makes fools out of most people.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  “Well, this has to work but keep an open mind when it comes to your sister. In all my years there’s one thing I’ve learned is always true. No one can screw you like family.” She turned out the lights, closed the door, and they walked downstairs.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Seth refused to let Mateo go with them. His cousin had a family. He wasn’t trained in any kind of police work. Mateo protested, but in the end, Kai opened her wings and showed Mateo her true Valkyrie form and he agreed to go home and wait for Kai’s call. Cecily and Kai turned away as the two men said good bye.

  “Man, there are so many things I want to say,” Mateo started. “And I still can’t see you. This sucks.”

  “Don’t get mushy on me now. Promise me you’ll take care of your beautiful kids. And make sure my mom knows how much I love her.”

  The two walked to the exit. “Try not to die again, cabron.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Phil drove a clean taxi into the driveway.

  “What did you do?” Cecily demanded.

  “I though a clean car would look better.”

  Cecily harrumphed. “Pat, do you ever clean your car?”

  He shook his head.

  “Bring one of the older ones around and don’t clean it. In fact, add some cups and food wrappers if you can find them.”

  Kai moved closer to Nate. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” She straightened his tie and pushed up his false glasses.

  “I guess. The way I look at it, this will give me a chance to use all those big words I see in the crosswords each day.”

  “Do you ever finish those?”

  “Every single one, and I don’t cheat either.”

  There was more to this guy than she realized. “That’s impressive. What did you do before coming here?”

  “Nothing. I’ve always been a taxi driver. I delivered papers when I was a pup, but I’ve been driving since I finished high school.”

  “Seriously? You’ve never done anything else?”

  “Look around,” he gestured around the room. “We aren’t your typical human, but almost everyone here has at least one typical human desire.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Take Trish, over there.” He pointed to a tiny lady buying a soda from the vending machine. “She keeps trying out for American Idol. Since she’s a siren, she won’t age, and she sings beautifully, but they keep telling her to get more training and come back. Then there’s Alex.” He nodded to a kid crashed on a couch. “He’s putting himself through law school. Plans on being the first werepanther to sit as a Supreme Court judge.”

  Kai knew her coworkers by name, but never spent time getting to know them. Nate continued sharing tidbits about other people. It fascinated her.

  “And what about you? What do you want to be?”

  “Just what I am, a taxi driver.”

  She tilted her head and raised a quizzical eyebrow. “That’s all you’ve ever wanted to be?”

  He shrugged. “What can I say? It’s who I am. I drive all day in the best city in the world and I meet hundreds of people each ye
ar.” He nudged Kai’s arm. “You should talk to all of us more often. We all like you.”


  “You have no idea the influence you have over people, do you?”

  Kai had no response.

  “Okay, I’ll start with me. You helped me get this job after the last place I worked went out of business. You brought breakfast for Sami each morning when she worked all those double shifts.”

  “Her favorite food stand was on my way to work. It was nothing.”

  “Maybe not to you, but what you don’t know is Sami worked all those extra hours because her old man beat the crap out of her on a daily basis. She was safe here and saved up enough money to leave him. Those breakfasts may have been the only meal she ate.”

  “I had no idea.” A strange feeling wormed its way into her chest. It wasn’t something she had felt in a long time. Was this compassion? “Nate, do you run with a pack?”

  “I belong to a pack. My running days are long gone. This Omega has earned the right more than once to do his own thing and be left the hell alone.”

  “I bet you were a tough alpha when you were younger.”

  “When this is all over, I’ll take you out for drinks and tell you stories of my glory days.”

  A car honk ended the conversation as Phil drove an older, dirtier car into the driveway. “Will this one work?” He stuck his head out of the window waiting for Cecily’s approval.

  She nodded and called everyone together. “So, let’s go over everything to make sure we know what’s going to happen.” She pointed to Phil and Bill. “You two are in charge around here. You’ve got the address of the warehouse. If we aren’t back by two or you don’t hear from us, come get us because we’re probably dead.”

  “That’s very motivating,” Seth scoffed.

  “Shut it, Hot Pants. You may be a big thing in your world, but you’re still a rookie in mine.”

  Kai said, “Dahlia, you need to go in first and play the jilted partner. If he asks you how you knew where to find him, tell him you’ve been following him. Keep him distracted. Ask to see the key one more time. We need to make sure he has it with him.”

  Dahlia started to say something, but Kai’s lethal look shut her down.


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