My Life With Kate (Jack Ryker Book 3)

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My Life With Kate (Jack Ryker Book 3) Page 14

by M T Stone

  “I’ll be right back,” Jack said as he got up and looked in CW’s direction.

  “No! I think I should go talk to him and see what’s going on. I don’t think he’s going to tell you anything.” Not that Jack was the confrontational type, but his heart didn’t need the added stress. I think he’s still taking the testosterone shots too, so who knows what could happen.

  CW gave me a broad smile and held out his arms as I approached him. Seriously… he actually thinks he’s going to give me a hug? This guy must be completely delusional.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him coldly.

  “I’m on vacation. Is it a crime to spend a weekend in Aruba?” he asked as if I had offended him.

  “It is when you’re a stalker and you show up at the exact place where we are getting married,” I retorted as bluntly as possible.

  “You and the old guy are getting married? I had no idea.”

  “Bullshit! There’s no fucking way you showed up at this particular resort by coincidence. Why are you stalking me?” I asked loud enough for everyone around us to hear.

  “Shhh! I’m not stalking you alright. I just wanted to tell you how I felt about you before you went and did something stupid,” he replied in a hushed voice.

  “How you feel about me? We went on one date and you basically ignored me the whole time. It was the worst date I’ve ever been on!”

  “I know, I feel terrible about how I acted and I haven’t been able to get you off my mind ever since,” he replied trying to put his arm around me. “There’s something about you.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s the fact that I want nothing to do with you.”

  “Ouch! Why so harsh Kate?” He backed off a bit as if I had shocked him.

  “You try to crash my wedding and you think I’m being harsh? You’re hilarious. You’re just lucky I came over here instead of Jack.”

  “You think I’m scared of him? He’s almost my old man’s age. You’re hilarious,” he smirked.

  “And you wonder why I want nothing to do with you.”

  “What? I’m just stating the obvious here.”

  “And being an asshole about it.”

  “I’m sorry. I just wanted you to know that you don’t need to marry an old guy to be rich. When I turn twenty five next year I get full access to a huge chunk of change. I’ll be able to afford a boat like Jack’s,” he replied sounding like the spoiled rich kid he was.

  “You honestly think I’m marrying Jack for his money? Could you be more ignorant?”

  “You have to be fucking with me Kate! Why the hell else would you marry someone older than your dad?”

  “Oh wow, he’s like two months older and I’m marrying him because I love him. You really think I would marry someone because they are rich? You are nothing but a conceited asshole!”

  “Oh really? I know how the two of you met. I answered the same ad, so don’t pretend that you’re some goodie two shoes. You posted naked pictures on a sugar daddy site and he’s a billionaire. Ding, ding, ding… mission accomplished I guess!” He said loud enough for half of the restaurant to hear.

  “That’s enough!” Jack said sternly as he came around the corner of the bar.

  “Hey big man. Are you coming over here to kick my ass now?” CW said rising and sticking out his chest.

  “Actually I was just on the phone with your father. We had a discussion about how you have been acting. Apparently he’s not too happy with your behavior either,” Jack replied with a smug grin.

  “Whatever… he’s just got a stick up his ass about me not going to work for him.”

  “Actually, I think it’s more about the fact that you are running around acting like a rich playboy and spending his money frivolously.”

  “As if he doesn’t have enough money. That’s all he’s focused on his entire life, so he has more than he knows what to do with,” CW replied with a crack in his voice.

  “Actually, he wants you to go back to New York and have a talk with him,” Jack said calmly.

  “Really? What the fuck do you know about it?” CW replied defensively.

  “Hey I’ve been there, building a business and not spending enough time with my kids. It’s something that I really regret.”

  “My dad’s not like that. He doesn’t give a fuck about me or how I feel. The only reason he would even talk to me is to reiterate what a piece of shit I am. I’ve never been good enough to live up to his name.”

  “I think you might be wrong about all that,” Jack said handing CW his phone. “He’s on the line and wants to talk to you.”

  CW’s face dropped as he realized his father had been listening to his entire rant. As CW took the phone, Jack and I walked back over to our drinks to give him some privacy. Judging by the gradual change in his demeanor, it seemed as if the conversation went better than he had expected. After several minutes, he came over to where we were sitting.

  “He actually does want to talk… for real this time,” CW said as he gave Jack his phone back.

  “That’s good,” Jack replied. “I’m sure he knows he’s made plenty of mistakes too.”

  “I’m sorry for being such a prick to you guys. It honestly just pissed me off that she would choose an old guy like you, instead of me,” he said trying to explain his actions.

  “All right, I’m tired of being referred to as an old guy,” Jack replied looking him straight in the eyes. “You’ve got a lot to learn about women and life in general. It’s not always about your age or how much money you have in the bank. Sometimes it’s about more important things like love and character,”

  “Yeah, well I’ve gotta run. I won’t bother you again,” he added as he turned to leave.

  “Take care CW,” I said giving him a subdued smile. Thank God!

  “I’m kind of glad Anthony didn’t take him out,” Jack said as he finished his cocktail. “He’s not such a bad kid. He just needs a little guidance.”

  Jack’s comment left me wondering whether or not Anthony had anything to do with his little helicopter accident. Not that it really matters I guess. What’s done is done. I decided to purge that whole messed up scene as I saw CW fade off into the distance. Hopefully he’s out of my life for good.

  “We might as well just eat here,” Jack said looking around at all the full tables. “And no, I really don’t miss being normal.”

  “Let’s just get some sliders and fries. Then we’ll have Tommy take us for a helicopter tour before everyone else gets here.”

  “Yeah, we need one more secluded beach to complete our ten,” Jack replied with renewed fire in his eyes. “It shouldn’t be hard to find a spot, because the east side of the island is pretty deserted. I’ll tell Captain Alexander we want to cruise during our reception tomorrow evening and then he can park the ship on that side of the island for the night.”

  “Is it safe to take out a tender in the dark?”

  “What? You’re not up for a little adventure?” He teased.

  “Well yeah, but I don’t exactly want to drown on my wedding night.”

  “We’ll see. If there’s no moonlight or if it’s windy we’ll just have to wait until Sunday. I’ll figure out a backup plan for consummating our nuptials.”

  “I’m pretty sure we’ve been consummating since the first night we met.” He’s hilarious!


  At 8:08pm the jet touched down and the entire family had arrived except for Brandon. According to Jayne he had flown down to Turks and Caicos on Wednesday with Ellie and Sasha for a photo shoot. I hadn’t talked to him in the past couple of days, but I was shocked that he hadn’t mentioned the fact that he was going to be gone. I gave him a call but it went straight to voicemail.

  “Brandon, your ass better be in Aruba by noon tomorrow,” was all I said. Since he was normally a very responsible kid, I kept calm and gave him the benefit of the doubt.

  Chapter 17

  The Wedding Day


  I woke up early an
d simply admired the face of the angel lying next to me. It would have been impossible for me to imagine a more perfect person to start the second half of my life with. I thought back to my first wedding day and how different it had been from this one. My mother had been clashing with Eva’s mom for weeks over minor details. By the time the wedding day finally arrived, they were barely speaking to one another. Eva and I were young and only thing we cared about was that we were ready to start our life together. I feel exactly the same way today, except for the young part. I’m feeling good, but I can’t say I feel very young. At least she will help keep me from getting old too quickly.

  I wonder if Brandon called me back. I slipped out of bed to check my phone. Nothing… God dammit. I grabbed my robe and went over to my office to call him again.

  “Hey Dad,” Brandon answered on the first ring. “Sorry I didn’t call. I assumed you would still be sleeping.”

  “Where are you?”

  “We’re just having breakfast at the resort. We took the redeye in, so we needed something to eat.”

  “Who is we and what resort are you at?”

  “Oh, we’re at Bucuti which is close to the beach where Kate mentioned you guys are getting married. Ellie and Sasha came along, if that’s alright.”

  “It’s fine. I’m just glad you’re here. The wedding is at 4:30, so you guys can come and crash for a few hours before you need to get ready.”

  “We flew first class, so we actually got some decent sleep on the plane. The girls might need to crash for a few hours, but I’m good. We have a penthouse suite for the weekend, so if someone could just drop off my clothes that would be cool.”

  “A penthouse suite huh… I’m sure that will impress the girls.”

  “Hopefully it will be nice. We can’t get into it for another hour or two.”

  “I’m sure it will be just fine for the three of you. I’ll have someone drop off your clothes at around two o’clock.”

  “Thanks Dad… Are you ready for a fun weekend?”

  “I am, so you behave. I’ll see you later.” First class flights and penthouse suites, the kid is quickly embracing the corporate executive lifestyle. I can’t believe he is still dating both of them. He went right from neutral to high gear!

  Walking back into the bedroom I was greeted by my scantily clad fiancé, who had kicked off the covers. It brought back memories of the day that I had taken her from behind while she pretended to be sleeping. As I crawled onto the bed behind her a phone began buzzing on the adjacent counter.

  “Would you see who has been blowing up my phone?” She asked groggily. “It’s been going crazy for the last five minutes.”

  “You know who it is.”

  “I’m sure it’s Mom. She’s so excited that she can barely contain herself.”

  “At least she didn’t start calling until eight o’clock. My mother called an hour ago. I’m going to go have some breakfast with her and dad while you get ready.”

  “Sounds good, just pull me out of bed before you leave,” she said with a giggle. “I better call Mom back and let her know I’m up.”


  3:48 in the afternoon


  After having a nice lunch together, Mom and Belinda had been eager to help me do my makeup and hair. Everything went well, except for Belinda’s tendency to apply too much eye makeup and Mom’s tendency to constantly criticize. Jack had always said that loved the fact that I didn’t wear much makeup, so I didn’t want to show up looking like a hooker on my wedding day.

  “I still think you need a little more color around your eyes to make them pop,” Belinda said giving me her final opinion.

  “And you really should wear shoes during the ceremony,” Mom added.

  “We are getting married on the beach you guys. We will be standing in sand! Who wears high heels in sand?” I retorted. “And Jack always says I look good with minimal makeup.”

  “Guys always say that,” Belinda replied rolling her eyes.

  “Maybe it’s true. Have you ever thought about that?” I asked her as I began to move toward the door. “We are the only ones left to go over. Do you guys have everything you need?”

  “Yes, I have a brush, hairspray and anything else you might need in my purse,” Mom said in her reassuring voice.

  “Great, let’s go then.” I motioned for Mom to open the door, while Belinda held up my dress so I wouldn’t step on it.

  We were greeted by Tommy as we walked out onto the Helo deck, “Hey gals, everyone else is on the island. Are you ready to go?”

  “We are,” I replied as I continued to walk toward the chopper.

  “I think maybe I should take Kate across first,” Tommy suggested to Mom and Belinda. I don’t think we have enough room for all three of you and that dress.”

  “Go ahead and take them first. Then you can come back and get me,” I suggested. “The bride should be the last one to arrive anyway.”

  “That’s true. I’ll set it down just off the beach and you can go right up the aisle from there,” he replied enthusiastically.

  As I watched the helicopter disappear over the horizon, I suddenly realized how quiet it was on the ship. Everyone must be attending our wedding. I turned my face into the wind and looked out at the vast, blue ocean in front of me. The past nine weeks had been one hell of a life changing experience, but I knew it was only the beginning. We are going to have so much fun together. I thought about going back to Italy for our honeymoon. We are going to have so much fun! I can’t wait to get to know Alessandria.

  It was hard to believe that Dad wasn’t going to be there to walk me down the aisle. Instead Tommy would have to escort me, after helping me down from the helicopter. Growing up I never would’ve thought that I would have an estranged father. Normally I don’t think about him much, but it’s hard not to on your wedding day. I’ve accepted the fact that he’s just not the person I thought he was. Thankfully the sound of chopper blades kept me from going down the path of self-pity. I’m about to get married to the man of my dreams and that’s all that matters today.

  As I climbed into the helicopter, I had to admit that I was glad Mom talked me into wearing a pair of sandals. I wanted to be barefoot on the beach, but didn’t need to injure myself on the way there. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we lifted off the helipad.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Tommy asked sensing my nervousness.

  “I am, but I definitely feel a little nervous.” I clasped my hands together to keep them from trembling.

  “I would be shocked if you weren’t nervous,” Tommy replied. “It’s a perfectly normal reaction.”

  As we flew across the blue and turquoise water toward the small stretch of white sand beach, I couldn’t help but feel like everything was still too good to be true. I thought back to all the times my mother had scolded me for being a dreamer. I’m sure glad I never took her words to heart. Because of my dreaming, her dreams were about to come true as well. I’m going to tell my children to write down their dreams and believe with all their hearts that they will come true. There is no reason to dream, if you don’t have any faith that they will come true.

  As we approached the shore, I saw the beautiful archway and all the flowers that had been set up for us. It was the perfect setting against the backdrop of white sand and turquoise water. I was surprised to see twenty or more guests already seated. I guess I just found the rest of the crew. As we turned, I saw that Jack was standing next to the archway with Brandon. Mom and Belinda on the other hand were waiting for me back behind the guests. I could see Mom protecting her hair while Tommy set down the chopper a safe distance away from everyone. I’m glad they are going to walk down the aisle with me.


  I had to smile when I saw Kate get down from the helicopter and immediately flip her sandals off into the grass. Even though I want her to be comfortable with money, part of me absolutely loves the fact that she likes to keep things simple. That’s one reaso
n why she will be successful as a designer. Cynthia took a moment to check Kate’s face and adjust her veil, even though she was obviously outmatched by the ever-present brisk breeze.

  The music began to play as Kate walked up the aisle with Cynthia on her arm and Belinda attending to her train. I must have had a few jitters, because I felt a flutter in my chest as our eyes met. I also began to notice just how warm that black jacket was in the hot afternoon sun. Her mother gave her a kiss, while Jayne and Belinda made final adjustments to her dress. She turned to me and smiled, then looked down at my feet. She then looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “Just a second Reverend,” I said as I slipped off my dress shoes and stuffed the socks inside them.

  “That’s better,” Kate smiled as I squished the sand between my toes.

  “I think you should take off your coat as well,” the Minister said seeing the beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

  “I can’t argue with that.” I handed my coat to Brandon who immediately shed his as well.

  “I’m sorry, but you two have to keep your dresses on,” Kate whispered to Belinda and Jayne causing them to giggle.

  This is how a wedding should be, I thought as I looked around at everyone smiling and having a good time. I’m really glad Kate wasn’t interested in a big formal wedding. I looked over at Jayne and she had immediately gone back to having a somber look on her face. I feel so bad for her. This has to be really hard, when she’s the one who was planning on getting married. I’ll have to spend a little extra time with her this weekend.


  Other than the wind, everything was absolutely perfect. Jack and Brandon both looked so handsome in their tuxes, but I was glad that they took off the jackets so they didn’t have to sweat it out. Just as the ceremony began I saw someone walk up and take a seat back in the corner. I assumed it was Tommy, since he didn’t end up walking me up the aisle. As the minister began to speak, I tried to take in all the beauty of the moment. I wanted to remember every detail of this incredible day. Mom was sitting in the front row with Anthony and had the biggest smile I had seen in years. Jack’s mom and dad were all smiles as well. It seemed as if everyone was genuinely happy for us. Even though our start was a little rocky, everything was working out even better than I had hoped. We are going to be great together.


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