My Life With Kate (Jack Ryker Book 3)

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My Life With Kate (Jack Ryker Book 3) Page 15

by M T Stone

  We hadn’t discussed any special vows, so I assumed the minister would lead us through a standard version. Therefore I was taken aback as the following words flowed from Jack’s mouth:

  “You saved my life Kate and for that I will always be grateful. You breathed new life into me, when I thought my best days were behind me. Now with you, I’m looking forward to a life full of love, laughter and adventure. I see a life where anything is possible as long as I have you by my side. I love you with all my heart Kate. I am yours to the end of time.”

  I felt a huge lump forming in my throat as the minister looked to me for a response. My eyes were filled with tears, my voice was trembling and I was completely unprepared. Luckily, my heart opened up and spoke on my behalf:

  “I know you always say that I saved your life Jack, but you saved mine as well. I’m simply a dreamer, just like my mother always says. The problem with having big dreams is that it often takes a miracle for them to come true. I felt like a rudderless little boat, being tossed around on a rough sea. I was tired, I was weak and I was feeling pretty lost. That all changed the night I met you for the second time. You are my miracle Jack. You are my knight in shining armor. I love you and I can’t wait to start our journey together.” I hope that all made sense. I don’t know where the rudderless little boat came from.

  The way Jack looked at me, it didn’t really matter whether or not it had all made sense. After saying I do he definitely gave his bride one hell of a kiss.

  After the ceremony, we began to make our way back down the aisle. Of course, Mom had to give me a big hug as well as Frank and Nancy. Then I was greeted by Brandon’s girlfriends and several of the crew members. We weren’t in any hurry, so we stopped and chatted with everyone. Several people commented on how beautiful our impromptu vows had been. I’m just glad I was able to pull it off.

  “Tommy is waiting for us,” Jack said as he put his arm around me once again. “We’ll continue this party on the ship. Edward and Sam have the tenders beached, so everyone can enjoy a short boat ride back.”

  As we began to walk toward the helicopter, a man popped out from behind the crowd and held out his arms.

  “Dad? What are you doing here?”

  “Phil, we had a deal!” Jack snapped, turning instantly hot.

  “I know Jack. I know, but I couldn’t miss her wedding. I got a new job selling cars, I won’t bother any of you but I just couldn’t miss her wedding. Give me a hug Peanut.” He held out his arms and had such a vulnerable look on his face that I had to give him a hug.

  “I’m glad you came,” I replied as tears streamed from my eyes once again. “I was thinking about you earlier, I always thought you would walk me down the aisle.”

  “I know honey; it broke my heart to see you standing there. But I had to wait until the ceremony started. I didn’t want to make a scene.”

  “Phil! What the hell are you doing here?” My mother’s voice disrupted our hug. “Jack, you told me he had to stay away.”

  “Well, he didn’t listen. He wanted to see his daughter get married and I can’t say I blame him. Our deal still stands Phil, they can contact you but you can’t contact them. I’ll make an exception for today,” Jack told him sternly.

  “Thanks Jack. And thank you Belinda for letting me know about the wedding,” he said giving her a hug as well.

  Even though Dad had made some terrible mistakes in the past, the day wouldn’t have been complete without his presence. I had prepared myself for the fact that he wouldn’t be there, but my heart honestly leapt when I saw his face. Mom on the other hand seemed totally pissed. She’ll get over it.

  Chapter 18


  Kate was all smiles on the flight back to the yacht. Truth be told, I was glad that Phil had the balls to show up even though he hadn’t been officially invited. It proved to Kate that he still cared about her, in spite of all his flaws. I couldn’t imagine a scenario where I would miss one of my children’s weddings. It simply would never happen.

  As I looked over at Kate, her eyes were so filled with love and radiance that they nearly took my breath away. “I absolutely adore you.” I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss.

  “Thank you for everything, especially for letting Dad stay,” she replied with a warm smile.

  “I would only do it for you, my love.”

  “Alright, keep your clothes on back there,” Tommy said gruffly. “I’ve got to focus on getting this thing on that little helipad.”

  “You aren’t supposed to be listening to us anyway,” I fired back.

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Tommy replied as he slowly lowered us onto the deck.

  As I helped Kate down, it began to sink in that she was now my wife and my entire family was happy for us. To think I almost let her go. It’s unimaginable.

  “Jack, Kate congratulations!” Chef Jameson greeted us as we walked into the dining room. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.”

  “Oh we understand,” Kate replied cheerfully. “It looks like you have been pretty busy.”

  “Yes. I have all your favorites prepared for you. Wagyu beef with lobster risotto for you sir and grilled snapper vera cruz for the lady. Your guests can choose whichever they like as well.”

  “That sounds fantastic,” Kate replied, giving him a hug of appreciation.

  “I have to say something to both of you,” he continued. “I’ve met many wealthy people throughout my career and I have never enjoyed working for a couple as much as I do for the two of you. You both deserve a lifetime of happiness and good fortune.”

  “I agree,” Sasha chimed in as she pushed the wedding cake into the dining room.

  “Oh my God, that’s beautiful,” Kate squealed at seeing Sasha’s creation. “It’s even better than the test run.”

  “Thank you Kate. I’m glad you like it because I’ve been up since 3:30 this morning. I was so nervous that I couldn’t sleep.”

  “You poor dear,” I consoled her with a hug. “You have officially earned that raise that Kate gave you.”

  “Thank you and congratulations you guys,” she said putting her arms around both of us.

  My phone began to buzz in my pocket, it was Kristen. I was wondering about her.

  “Congratulations Jack, I’m so sorry I didn’t make it to the wedding.”

  “Are you ok?” I asked knowing that it would take something major to keep her from making the trip.

  “You aren’t going to believe this.”

  “You’re pregnant.”

  “How in the hell did you guess that?” she asked in amazement.

  “It just popped in my head. Congratulations Kristen!”

  “Thanks, but both Nico and I are a little freaked out at the moment. I thought I was too old for this, so I guess we were a little careless.”

  “I’m assuming you didn’t make the trip because you aren’t feeling well?”

  “I was doing fine, but I think I must’ve caught a bug last weekend. I actually had to go into the hospital yesterday because I was so dehydrated. Otherwise I definitely would’ve been there for you guys. I’ll have to visit after I feel better,” she said with a sad tone in her voice.

  “Don’t worry Kristen. You just take care of yourself and thanks for calling.”

  As I hung up I had to smile at Kate, “At least I won’t be the only one who’s in their late sixties at their kid’s high school graduation.”

  “Wow, she’s pregnant… that’s amazing. She’s only a year or two younger than Mom. I couldn’t imagine Mom having a kid.”

  “Well if anyone can pull it off its Kristen. She’s in good shape and has lots of energy for her age.”


  Did Jack just say that he will be in his late sixties at his kid’s graduation? I’m glad he’s thinking along those lines, because I really want a family. As all of our family and the remaining crew members came filtering into the dining room I couldn’t stop thinking about those words. Starting my own business, marryin
g the man of my dreams and now raising kids? It appears that this crazy ride won’t be losing any momentum any time soon.

  “Is everything ok?” Jayne asked as she came into the room.

  “Everything is great. Kristen just called. Did you know she’s pregnant?”

  “No. I called her yesterday, but never heard back. I’m glad everything is ok. It’s not like her to not call back,” Jayne said with a sigh of relief.

  “She was in the hospital with dehydration. Apparently she’s had the flu and it made her eally sick.”

  “Ooooh, I had a friend go through that. I’m glad I’ve felt really good so far. If I was sick everyday on top of everything else, I don’t know if I could handle it.”

  “Things haven’t improved with Julian?”

  “Julian has completely checked out. He’s been on the road ever since the night we broke up. I’m pretty sure he told his boss to give him every out of town assignment, because I haven’t even seen him.”

  “I’m sorry. It had to be hard for you to be in our wedding.”

  “I thought it would be harder, but it’s actually nice to be around everyone again. When I’m alone I tend to think too much.”

  “I know how that is. I can drive myself crazy if I’m left alone with my thoughts for too long.”

  “Speaking of crazy, take a look at that,” Jayne said pointing toward the bar. Mom, Dad and Jack were all having tequila slammers which was apparently a tradition from their college days. Anthony looked amused but was not participating in the ritual.

  “Wow, I haven’t seen those two smiling in each other’s presence in years.” Hopefully this is the beginning of a new, more civil phase of their relationship.

  “Everyone please take a seat and let your server know if you want beef or fish,” Chef Jameson instructed as the staff began to deliver salads and appetizers to the tables.

  “Where have you three been?” Jack asked as Brandon and the girls showed up about twenty minutes into the meal.

  “I was just showing them around the ship,” Brandon replied as Sasha adjusted her dress.

  “They didn’t remember it from the last time they were onboard?” Jack smirked.

  “No, we definitely needed another tour,” Ellie quipped.

  “All right, we saved these spots for you.” Jack nodded to the open chairs at our table.

  “You have a foot print on the back of your jacket,” Jayne informed Brandon as he went to take his seat.

  “It must’ve happened during the tour!” Jack laughed.

  Brandon blushed almost brighter than that day I met the three of them in the elevator.


  After cake was served and all the other rituals had been fulfilled, Jack leaned over and whispered, “Are you ready for a surprise?”

  Just then a familiar riff started to play over the speakers. I instantly recognized that it was Mylo Xyloto from Coldplay. “Are you ready to dance or what?” I asked him curiously.

  As the song transitioned into Hurts Like Heaven the surprise was unveiled as Chris Martin came walking into the room singing into a wireless microphone. “Are you going to join us upstairs?” He asked as he motioned for us to follow him.

  “They are actually here?” I couldn’t believe my eyes as we made our way up the steps to find Guy, Jonny and Will all playing on a makeshift stage out on the Promenade deck. Could this possibly be any more awesome?

  Jack took me by the hand as they transitioned into Paradise. “Are you ready for our first dance? This song always makes me think of you.”

  “I guess I don’t have to close my eyes anymore. I feel like you’ve created my paradise.”

  “We’ve created it. My only hope is that it will last,” he said giving me a kiss.

  It will. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are happy.


  Everyone had a great time partying with Coldplay. I was glad they were able to fit us into their tour schedule on such short notice. They made the evening a huge success that no one would ever forget. Ellie and Sasha were completely enamored with Chris Martin, which annoyed Brandon. But since Chris was married to Gwyneth Paltrow, there wasn’t much to worry about. He felt better after I told him that Tommy had to fly the band directly to the airport right after the show. They had to catch an overnight flight to London for their next show.

  “Let me get you a shot of Patron to help ease the pain. Are you actually dating both of them?” I couldn’t resist asking any longer.

  “I wouldn’t really call it dating,” he laughed. “We all just have a great time together.”

  “Do you see yourself choosing one of them or isn’t that an option?”

  “If I had to choose one, it would definitely be Ellie but I don’t see that happening as long as she’s working with Sasha. They are almost inseparable right now.”

  “Maybe you should hire Ellie. That would solve the problem.”

  “Actually, I don’t consider ménage et trois with a supermodel and her gorgeous assistant to be much of a problem dad. If things get awkward, I’ll definitely make a play for Ellie though. She’s an incredible girl.”

  “Looking at her, I wouldn’t have guessed she was bi-sexual.”

  “She’s not. Sasha is the only one she’s ever been with. They have a pretty special bond,” Brandon explained. “They are so hot together…”

  “Enough said. I’m just glad you made it to the wedding.”

  “Hey, I love you man. There’s no way I would’ve missed this. I can’t believe you hired Coldplay for your wedding dance. That’s pretty cool for an old guy like you,” he said punching me in the arm.

  “The next punk who calls me an old guy is going to get a thrashing,” I threatened.

  “Thrashing huh? That’s something only an old guy would say,” he replied before darting in the opposite direction.

  “I’ll kick your ass later Brandon!” Where’s my wife?


  Lewis was busy showing Mom, Jayne and me several versions of champagne cocktails. It all started when Mom and I requested a Mimosa. Now we were on our third variation and were just about to try something called a Barbotage. Unfortunately Jayne had to stick to the virgin ones.

  “I’ll have one of those too Lewis,” Jack requested as he slipped in behind me.

  “Should I use Hennessey or Rémy Martin sir?”

  “As long as you are ruining it, use whatever is cheaper,” I joked. Kate elbowed me, not seeing the humor.

  “Cheers to the happy couple,” Cynthia slurred as she raised her glass.

  “You better slow down Mom. You don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of Anthony again,” Kate warned her.

  “You just worry about yourself there missy. You’ve had just as much to drink as me and I’ll bet you don’t even weigh much more than a hundred pounds.”

  “But somehow she can hold her liquor,” Jack added with a bewildered look on his face.

  “I always say I’m tougher than I look. Cheers!”

  “Ok, I better go rescue Anthony. I see he’s talking to Phil again and nothing good can come from that,” Mom said as she stumbled from the barstool. “Damn high heels.”

  “Yeah, it’s the high heels,” Belinda teased her.

  The next time I looked in her direction she had one arm around Dad and the other around Anthony. Now that would be an interesting three way. Eww, I can’t believe I just thought that about Mom.

  “Mom’s drunk, so can I have one of those?” Belinda asked Jack.

  “Make her a weak one,” Jack winked at Lewis, knowing he would make it a virgin.

  “You need to stay sober, just in case you need to take care of your mother later,” he told Belinda giving her arm a squeeze.

  “Oh sure, push her off on me. In that case, I’ll need a double,” she told Lewis.

  This could be an interesting night.

  Chris announced that they were beginning their last set, “Let’s go dance.”

  “Sure. Give m
e one more shot for the road,” he told Lewis.

  He’s more fun to dance with after a few anyway.

  Everyone was having a blast partying and dancing except for Jack’s dad and Jayne. Jayne had a good excuse for feeling a little blue, but I couldn’t really understand why Frank would be in such a foul mood. After mentioning it to Jack, we pulled Nancy aside to ask her what was wrong.

  “You know your father,” she told Jack, “he can’t handle any changes in his daily routine. God forbid if we actually have a tiny bit of spontaneity and fun in our lives.”

  “Okay, I just wanted to make sure he was feeling all right. Kate noticed that he didn’t seem to be having any fun,” Jack replied.

  “Your father hasn’t had any fun since he turned forty in 1981. I swear to God he could’ve just as well died that day,” she replied in frustration.

  “That’s why Jack has been pursuing hormone therapy and stem cell treatments,” I interjected.

  “Honey, since he married a little spark plug like you, I’m sure it’s the only rational choice,” she replied placing her hand on my arm. I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.

  “I’m going to talk to Dad about the stem cell treatments tomorrow. Maybe he can join me next week when I have my next round,” Jack said as we headed back out on the dance floor.

  Chapter 19

  Two Hours Later


  What a party! Tommy had just returned from bringing Coldplay to the airport and everything was starting to quiet down. It was a clear night with a beautiful full moon, just as I had hoped. Edward, however, was not convinced that it would be a good idea for Kate and I to take a tender out for a ride. Since Kate and I had both enjoyed several cocktails, I was forced to agree with him.


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