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My Life With Kate (Jack Ryker Book 3)

Page 18

by M T Stone

  “Raising two wonderful families and building two great businesses,” he smiled.

  “Good answer, but I think you will change the world as well.”

  Even though Jack was learning to relax, I knew there were big ideas rolling around in the back of his mind. He downplayed them whenever I asked, but I had no doubt that he was working on something. A mind like his will never sit idle for long.

  As we worked our way south I kept expecting the temperatures to get quite a bit warmer, but it really didn’t. I guess spending so much time in the Caribbean had spoiled me. When we reached Sicily the weather was finally somewhat warm. It was still only in the mid-seventies, but that proved to be perfect for exploring the Valley of the Temples and other ancient Greek ruins. I had no idea that Sicily had played such a big role in ancient civilization. I never had any interest what so ever in world history class, but made a vow to start reading more about it. The more you know about the history of a country, the more interesting it becomes to be a tourist.


  Our beach front villa was just a few miles from the ancient city of Selinunte, which was an amazing city that dated back to nearly 700BC. For two and a half centuries it was one of the wealthiest and most powerful cities in the world. Then it was attacked by 100,000 Carthaginians who destroyed much of the city and killed over 16,000 of its citizens before taking the rest as slaves. Frequent earthquakes over the past 3000 years had taken their toll on what remained. Even after all the carnage however, the ruins were amazing. In fact, they rivaled anything that I had toured in Greece.

  We spent our mornings touring the sights, but as soon as the temperatures climbed into the seventies Kate would want to go back to our villa and spend time on the beach. I had no problem with it, since we had a private beach all to ourselves. Our second night at the villa we polished off two bottles of cabernet sauvignon from a local vineyard after having a lighter than normal dinner. Needless to say, the combination led to a wildly fun evening. We lit a fire right on the beach and spread out a huge fleece blanket on the sand.

  “I dare you to go skinny dipping,” Kate said playfully as she pulled off her top.

  “I’ll race you.” I think she was surprised how quickly I got up and began sprinting toward the water. After pausing for just a second to allow my shorts to drop off, we hit the water simultaneously.

  “Brrr,” she squealed as covered her immediately erect nipples.

  “Ah, it feels good,” I replied, not wanting to admit that my testicles had retreated to the point where they were practically inside of me.

  “Ok, I’ve had enough,” she said after another ten seconds had passed.

  We quickly grabbed our clothes and ran up to the waiting fire and blanket. We wrapped the blanket around us and stood shivering next to the fire.

  “That was a great way to ruin a perfect wine buzz,” I teased her.

  “Sorry, I keep forgetting how fricking cold it is here,” she shivered.

  “If we had come from New York this time of year it would probably feel pretty damn good, but it’s cold as hell compared to Aruba or even Freeport.”

  We stood as close to the fire as we could without getting burned, with the blanket and our arms wrapped around each other.

  “This is nice,” she said giving me that gorgeous smile of hers.

  It didn’t take long to warm up with the blanket, a roaring fire and our combined body heat. When I kissed her lips there was an additional source of warmth that radiated from deep inside. I was no longer focused on how cold we were, but on how much heat the two of us generated whenever we touched.

  “I love how you feel in my arms,” I said as I gently pulled her to the ground, while we remained wrapped within the blanket.

  “You are always like a heater. You instantly warm me up,” she replied as she pulled me even closer. “Can we just stay here forever? Everything is so perfect.”

  “We are going to have lots of perfect times in lots of different places. Our lives are about to become one big, exciting adventure.”

  “That sounds like fun,” she smiled as she smashed her lips into mine.

  I love how she smells and the taste of salt water on her skin. I never grow tired of it. I continued to kiss her and hold her head with one hand as the other one slid down the front of her body. Her skin was so soft and yet her body was so firm. I will never forget how she felt in my arms that night and the smoldering passion between us. She was obviously feeling the passion as well as my fingers began to caress her already swollen lips.

  “There’s no need for any more foreplay,” she whispered. “I’m about as excited as I can possibly get.”

  I twisted just slightly rolling her onto her back. She parted her legs just enough to allow me access, while still remaining enveloped within the warmth of the blanket. “I love being so close to you.”

  She began to kiss me with more urgency, her lips hungrily grasping at mine as I pressed the tip of my cock against her. She squirmed into position as the intensity continued to build between us. I sucked on her neck and nibbled at her skin which brought out a series of moans from her.

  “Forever a tease,” she said grabbing my sides and pulling me into her.

  “I love making you squirm,” I whispered against her skin as I continued to work on her neck.

  When she reached the point of frustration, I took her head in my hands and kissed her hard as I slid my tip inside her. Holding completely still while teasing her tongue with mine, I waited for her to make the next move. She began to moan and move her hips, so I remained still allowing her to use my rigid cock however she desired. I kissed her intensely as her moans continued to escalate each time she rocked her hips back and forth.

  “Go ahead baby. Fuck me,” I coaxed her. My intention was to allow her to bring herself to a great orgasm while containing her moans with my lips and tongue. Her finger tips dug into my sides as she tried to force me deeper within her. I tilted my hips just slightly to help her out.

  “Oh that’s good,” she gasped as the change brought her immediate satisfaction.

  I took over just as she began to shutter from her self-induced orgasm. It was fun to feel her fulfilling herself beneath me, but I wanted to help her extend it for as long as it took for me to join her. She released another series of moans as I pushed myself deep within her. I held it there as she once again began to squirm beneath me. I kissed her lips hard, absorbing her moans as they came across her lips.

  “Mmm, you make me so horny baby.” I could feel my dick pulsing as I continued to hold it as deeply within her as I could.

  After a few more seconds I pulled back and began to rhythmically fuck her using the full length of my shaft. The body heat continued to rise as she transitioned from her first orgasm right into her second. She began to moan continuously into my mouth as I held her in place and delivered stroke after stroke in an almost machine like manner.

  “I love this,” I muttered into her mouth as I began to feel my control slipping away.

  “Oh fuck…” she gasped as I picked up the pace and intensity in an attempt to join her in a memorable mutual orgasm.

  I threw off the blanket, as I couldn’t take all the heat that had been building up between us. The cool night air greeted us like a boisterous intruder, causing my balls to instantly tighten and taking Kate by surprise as well. Passionately fucking her twenty feet from the Mediterranean ocean, next to a roaring fire on that cold clear night is something I will never forget. In fact, for more reasons than one that night would be permanently etched upon my mind.


  As I began to recover from another of Jack’s incredible performances, I reached over and pulled the blanket back on top of us. Covered with beads of sweat from head to toe, it didn’t take long to feel the chill of the night once the action ceased. Laying there in Jack’s arms under the stars, everything felt almost magical. There is no way I could ever be more in love.

  “That was one of the best ones yet,” I w
hispered after an extended period of silence.

  “Mmm, I loved it,” Jack cooed squeezing me tightly.

  “It’s so beautiful out here. If I could stop time right here, I would be happy.”

  “This night was perfection. Even the skinny dipping was cold, but fun.”

  “Now all we need is another glass of wine to get our buzz back.”

  “You relax here by the fire while I go freeze my ass off getting that for us,” he teased before making a break for the villa.

  He’s such a good man.


  My mood changed quickly as I entered the villa to find that both of our phones were ringing. That can’t be good! Our phones have been almost completely quiet for the past week. I picked up my phone and immediately saw 9 missed calls. Shit, something is really wrong.

  My cold fingers began to shake as I struggled to click the first voice mail message.

  “Dad, Grandpa had a major heart attack during his afternoon walk. Give me a call as soon as you can,” Jayne said with overwhelming urgency in her voice. She had called well over an hour ago.

  I clicked over to the recent call list. She and Brandon had been calling both our phones, trying in vain to get ahold of us. I punched Jayne’s number to call her back.

  “Is he alright?” I asked the second that she came on the line.

  “No… he died on the way to,” she chocked up as she tried to reply.

  “Oh no. Is Mom alright?”

  “Yeah, she’s still in with him. Brandon and I have both been sitting with her.”

  “That’s good. She’s going to need your support until I can get there. I’ll give Chuck a call right now and see if we can take off within the next couple of hours,” I assured her. “I’ll call you back once we are in the air.”

  “Alright Dad, I’ll tell Nana you are on your way.”

  “I’ll have my phone, so have her call me if she needs anything.”

  “Have a safe flight.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” It was a nine hour flight, so if we could get off the ground within two hours it would be after 1:00am local time in New York by the time we landed. We might as well get some sleep and take off in the morning. That will give Chuck and Tim time to get the plane to Palermo and the fuel topped off.

  After discussing the situation to Chuck, I sent Jayne a text letting her know that we wouldn’t be in New York until about 10:00am the next morning. Then I threw on a pair of sweats and slumped into the chair next to me. Fuck, I wish I would’ve taken the time to talk with Dad again after Aruba. We had planned on visiting them after we got back from our honeymoon. I got an incredibly hallow feeling in my chest as I thought about our last interaction. A wave of feelings crashed down upon me as it brought back additional memories of the call I received after Eva was killed. Why does everyone have to die so suddenly? I never even get a chance to say goodbye.


  After waiting for several minutes, I was overwhelmed by a feeling that something bad had happened to Jack. I jumped up, wrapped the blanket around me and ran up to the villa. My heart sank as I came to the window and saw Jack sitting in the chair with his face in his hands. I knew something was wrong!

  “What’s wrong Jack?” I nearly screamed as I whipped open the door.

  He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes, “Dad just died.”

  “Oh my god! A heart attack?”

  “Yeah, he had it during his afternoon walk. I wish he would’ve fucking listened for once and saw Dr. Salvatore.”

  “I know,” I squeezed into the chair with him and put my arms around him. “I’m just glad it wasn’t you.”

  “He was about to retire a rich man. He shouldn’t have had a care in the world,” Jack shook his head in disbelief with tears streaming down his face.

  “I know. You tried to provide a nice retirement for your mom and him.”

  “I just never understood why he was always so jealous. It was as if he would’ve been happier if I had failed.”

  “I don’t understand it either. He had plenty of success in his career,” I added.

  “I guess it’s because he never got to cash out. He must have felt like he had wasted his life building a business he couldn’t sell. But he didn’t even need the fucking money. It’s so damn stupid.”

  “A lot of things don’t make sense. You tried your best to help him,” I said rubbing his back.

  “Let’s go lay down for a while. Chuck is going to call us in the morning when the airport opens.”

  “That’s a good idea. You could use some rest.”

  As we walked to the bedroom, I knew neither of us was going to get much sleep. I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach, so I couldn’t even imagine how Jack was feeling. He was so upset with his dad the last time they saw each other.

  Chapter 22


  Mom was much stronger than I had anticipated. I guess she had been expecting this day to come for a long time. Despite her stoic disposition during the funeral however, I knew her life was going to change dramatically in the weeks ahead. She had spent so many years worrying and caring for Dad, that she was bound to feel a little lost. She should swap homes with Brandon. It has to be a little awkward for Brandon to be carrying on with two women, now that Jayne has moved back in. Once Jayne has her baby, it will be much easier if Mom lives next door. She would love that. I guess I better listen to the sermon.


  “I’m twenty four Dad! You really think I want to live in their old house,” was the response I got from Brandon when I brought it up to him the following day.

  “I would just like Mom to be living next to Jayne. Otherwise I’ll be worrying about both of them,” I explained.

  “Hey, I totally get it. I’m willing to move, but not into that old house.”

  “The girls wouldn’t be impressed. I understand. Where would you like to live?”

  “There are a ton of new apartments opening up in Mid-town and the garment district,” he explained with a flash in his eyes. “Then I could walk to work when it’s nice out.”

  “You want an apartment?”

  “They aren’t like the old days. You can get something really cool with a great view for five or six grand a month.”

  “I suppose you only need a one bedroom as long as it’s big enough for a king-sized bed,” I teased him.

  “You’re hilarious, either that or a little jealous,” he retaliated with a punch in the arm.

  “I would say curious actually. So how long are you going to keep dating both of them?”

  “We just had this conversation on your wedding night. I told you that we’re just having fun for now.”

  “I’m sure you are, but in the long run things probably will get pretty complicated.” I replied trying to get him to think about the longer term consequences.

  “Right now, I would most likely have to give them both up. Believe me, that’s not going to happen. I would much rather have both of them, than neither of them.”

  “Alright, but try not to be too affectionate with them around Nana. I don’t see her approving of such an arrangement.”

  “I think you underestimate her dad. She’s been your biggest cheerleader for the past couple of months. She understands that the most important thing is to be happy,” he said shaking his head. “Ellie, Sasha and I make each other happy.”

  “You’re probably right,” I replied thinking back to the day when Mom saw our picture in the New York Post. She was much cooler about it than either of the kids. I hope she will be happy again.


  Jack couldn’t leave the city until everything had been worked out. Jayne was settled into her co-op, Nancy was moving in next door and Brandon found an upper floor apartment with a spectacular view, just four blocks from the office.

  “We’ll clean her house out and put it on the market once things settle down,” he told me. As if things would ever settle down.

  In fact, things were going to get steadily
busier in the coming months. I knew something special had occurred that last night on the beach in Sicily. I had the strangest feeling, but had brushed it aside as nothing more than a sentimental moment. With each passing day however, I knew that something was different. I just felt different. Not like I was sick, but something wasn’t quite right.

  “Tim, would you pull over at the next corner? I need to run into CVS quick.”

  “Are you still not feeling well?” Jack asked with concern in his voice.

  “Yeah, I’m just going to pick up something that might help. You can wait in the car. I’ll only be a minute.”

  He was on the phone when I got back, so luckily there was no curiosity regarding my purchase. When we got back to the hotel, I immediately went to the bathroom. How could it even be possible?


  Kate had been acting strange, so when she emerged from the bathroom with a look of shock on her face and a pregnancy test in her hand, she didn’t need to say a word.

  “I take it my reversal worked?” I asked as she slowly moved toward the couch.

  “I can’t even believe it. The doctor said there was only a 60% chance that you would ever be able to father children. I never dreamt it could happen so quickly,” she replied in a state of shock.

  “It’s ok. I never would’ve expected it either, but I’ve learned to accept the unexpected.”

  “But we haven’t even had a chance to finish our honeymoon. I have my graduation in May and the launch of our new line,” she added, still trying to recover from the shock.

  “There is never a perfect time,” I assured her. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. “So do you think this happened our last night in Sicily?”

  “Yeah, it’s almost like I knew it right away, but I didn’t think it could possibly be true. I’ve been anxious to take a pregnancy test ever since,” she said laying her head against me. “It’s just so crazy.”

  As I sat there consoling Kate, I couldn’t help recalling a very similar scenario almost twenty six years earlier. Eva and I got married right out of college, we were already starting a business together and she got pregnant almost immediately. It must be those potent Ryker genes. It’s really ironic that our child was conceived at almost the same exact time that Dad died. If it’s a boy, hopefully Kate won’t mind if his middle name is Franklin.


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