Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7)

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Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7) Page 15

by Rhonda Brewer

  “They’re just making sure everything is completely healed,” Aaron replied.

  “Whatever, so is this another of the O’Connor brother love stories where the woman is in danger, and you fall in love?” Hulk pointed to the side of his neck.

  “What?” Aaron crouched to look at his reflection in the toaster.

  “Well, you got laid, or you got in a fight with a vampire.” Hulk chuckled.

  “Ummm… hi.” Aaron turned to Bethany peeking out from the hallway.

  “Now I see why this guy is grinning from ear to ear and whistling like a lunatic.” Hulk smiled.

  “Bethany, this is Hulk.” Aaron motioned for her to come into the room.

  “I have two questions.” Bethany glanced between Aaron and Hulk.

  “Shoot.” Hulk leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Where’s Crash and what’s your real name?” She grinned.

  Aaron couldn’t help but smile because the old Bethany probably would have turned and bolted back to the bedroom instead of facing the large man in the chair.

  “Crash had something he needed to do, and my real name is Bruce Steel.” Hulk smiled. “Now can you tell the stud there to put on some clothes? You may like to look at that, but it does nothing for me.”

  Aaron flipped off Hulk as he made his way back to the bedroom to get dressed. Bethany was comfortable chatting with Hulk when he returned.

  “Keith tells me you’re looking for the bastard that killed that kid,” Hulk growled.

  “Yeah, we figured out he’s the same guy that killed Bethany’s co-worker.” Aaron slid the picture over to Hulk.

  “Looks like an asshole.” Hulk picked up the picture and studied it.

  “The only thing we know is he goes by the name Slash.” Aaron glanced at Bethany.

  She was staring into her mug and was suddenly quiet. Her smile had faded, and her shoulders were tense. Aaron wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into him.

  “He won’t get close to you.” Aaron kissed her temple.

  “I feel so awful for Quintin. He seems like a sweet kid, and I know Denise wasn’t my favorite person in the world, but she must be so upset over losing her brother.” Bethany lifted her tear-filled eyes and glanced between Aaron and Hulk.

  “She’s with her grandparents now, and Quintin and Mia are with them.” Aaron wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “Are they in danger?” Hulk asked.

  “We aren’t taking a chance. Blake Harris is undertaking their security.” Aaron informed Hulk.

  “Why didn’t you recommend NSS?” Hulk raised an eyebrow.

  “There’s no way they could afford it, and I didn’t want to embarrass her any more than she was. They live in a pretty dilapidated house, and she works two jobs to get by.” Aaron rested his arms on the counter.

  “You think Raquel would be there to help her friend or Celine.” Bethany shook her head.

  “I got the impression they aren’t friends anymore.” Aaron covered her hand with his.

  “What time are you off today?” Hulk asked.

  “I should be back around five.” Aaron glanced at his watch.

  “Damn.” Hulk sighed.

  “Why?” Hulk’s reaction was odd.

  “I usually meet a friend in town on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at three.” Hulk sat back casually on the stool.

  “Got a woman in St. John’s, do ya?” Aaron teased.

  “Fuck off; I said a friend.” Hulk gave him the middle finger.

  “Now is that any way to act around a lady.” Sandy sauntered into the house.

  “You know for a safe house people walk in here a lot.” Bethany laughed.

  “You don’t need to worry. The only people getting on this property are people that work here or family.” Sandy gave her a side hug. “Although, they should probably start to keep some family members out of here.”

  Sandy poked Aaron in the ribs, and he rolled his eyes. Out of all his sisters-in-law, Sandy was the one that gave him the hardest time. It wasn’t that he minded her digs because he knew she did care about him.

  “I kind of like having that family member here.” Bethany winked.

  “Oooo… tell me all the dirty details.” Sandy leaned across the counter with a massive grin on her face.

  “I think I need to have a chat with Ian. You seem to be lacking in the dirty department since you’re so interested in everyone else,” Aaron teased.

  “Oh honey, trust me I’m not lacking, and neither is Ian. As a matter of fact, last night…” Sandy’s story stopped as Aaron covered her mouth with his hand.

  “No. Bad Sandy.” Aaron pulled his hand away when she licked his palm and pointed his finger in her face.

  “They’re so easy.” Sandy winked at Bethany.

  “I do have a question. Why are you here at this hour in the morning?” Aaron shrugged on his jacket.

  “James said Bethany has a ton of invoices with names of pharmacies as well as some names. I thought it might be a good idea to run them through my databases and see if I can find any links to this Slash guy or Randy Knight. Ian is off today, so he’s on kid duty.” Sandy dropped the bag from her shoulder on the counter and pulled out a laptop.

  “Sounds like a good idea. I’m going to check on Denise and her siblings. Maybe they’ve thought of something.” Aaron clasped Bethany’s hand and tugged her toward the front door.

  Leaving Bethany was hard after the previous night. All he wanted to do was take her in his arms and hide in the bedroom. They’d made love several times during the night and as creepy as it sounded, he’d stayed awake for a while watching her sleep. He was afraid if he closed his eyes she’d disappear.

  “Tell Denise I’m sorry for her loss.” Bethany wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I will. Are you okay with these two?” Aaron nodded toward where Sandy and Hulk were chatting

  “Yes, I’m fine. I like Sandy. She’s a blast.” Bethany ran her fingernails through his hair, and he shivered.

  “You’re trying to drive me out of my mind, aren’t you?” Aaron growled into the side of her neck.

  “Maybe or maybe I just want you to hurry back.” Bethany winked.

  “If I didn’t have to go to work, I’d have you on the bed naked and be taking my time exploring every damn inch.” Aaron cupped the back of her head and stopped her response as he devoured her mouth.

  He pulled away gasping for air and grinned at the dazed look in her eyes. His cock was painfully hard, and he stepped back to adjust himself.

  “Need help with that?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  “You’re truly an evil woman.” Aaron shook his head as he pulled open the front door.

  “Be safe today.” She clung to his hand.

  “Always, and Bethany?” Aaron tugged her closer.

  “Yeah?” She sighed.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he stared into her green eyes.

  “I love you too,” she whispered as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

  Aaron sat in his car for a few minutes, staring at the closed door. He didn’t want to leave, but he had to get rid of the threat against Bethany. Not that anyone had made a direct threat, but bullets shot at her family wasn’t exactly subtle.

  He stopped at the station and checked for any new information on his investigation. Several messages were waiting for him but not from anyone he would call back. Since he’d blocked all Jocelyn’s calls, she’d started harassing the reception of the police department.

  “She’s a little insistent that she speak to you immediately,” the reception officer said, a little annoyed.

  “I’m sorry, Natalie. She doesn’t seem to understand that things between her and me ended.” Aaron slapped the bundle of messages against his hand.

  “Maybe you need the direct approach. Something that would slap her right in the face. How about a two-by-four?” Natalie smirked.

  “I don’t even know if that would work w
ith this one but remind me not to piss you off, and I’m gonna warn any of your future boyfriends.” Aaron chuckled.

  “I tell them that up front,” Natalie shouted to him as he walked away.

  Natalie French grew up in Hopedale. She was a few years younger than Aaron, but both their families were friends. She’d always been spunky, and that didn’t change when she completed her academy training.

  She’d been excited when she was assigned to the Hopedale division of the Newfoundland Police Department the previous year. She was a rookie but had graduated at the top of her class, but as a rookie, she had to take her shift behind the reception desk. Aaron just felt shitty that she had to deal with Jocelyn for the first hour of her shift.

  He didn’t know what to do about Jocelyn, but he wasn’t worried about her. Aaron had too much to deal with, including finding a killer.

  “A.J., I hate to tell you this, but there’s a woman out front looking for you.” Natalie stuck her head into his office.

  “Fuck,” Aaron growled through clenched teeth.

  “I told her you were in a meeting. I know, not good for a police officer to lie, but she looks like a complete skank.” Natalie said, using the derogatory term meaning the woman looked like a slut.

  “I don’t want to deal with her right now.” Aaron stood up and plowed his fingers through his hair.

  “She doesn’t seem like she's going away,” Natalie smirked as she disappeared from his doorway.

  Aaron pulled all the patience he could muster and made his way to the front of the station. He stepped through the security door and out into the lobby. He didn’t recognize her from behind, but at that point, he was just relieved it wasn’t Jocelyn.

  “Excuse me, I’m Sergeant Aaron O’Connor.” He walked up behind the lady.

  She turned around, and he wanted to spin back and run. It was the last person on the face of the earth he expected or wanted to see again.

  “How is it you O’Connor men still look as hot as you did in high school?” She smiled and ran a finger down the center of Aaron’s chest.

  “Raquel, what a surprise to see you in Hopedale,” Aaron said with a less than welcoming tone.

  “A good surprise, I hope.” She winked.

  “Let’s just say a surprise and leave it at that.” Aaron didn’t smile.

  “Oh, come on A.J. Don’t tell me you’re still pissed at me?” Raquel stuck out her lower lip in a fake pout.

  “Did you drop by to rehash old times? I’m swamped, and I don’t have time for it.” Aaron crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Wow, talk about cold shoulder.” Raquel rolled her eyes.

  “What did you expect? A parade?” Aaron snapped.

  She stared at him for a moment, but Aaron didn’t flinch. Raquel tried to fuck up his life and she was the reason Bethany left Newfoundland. Then there was the night he tried to forget. The night Raquel showed up at his house with her father and blamed Aaron for something that was impossible.

  April, thirteen years ago…

  Aaron was on his way home from walking Bethany to her house. He had a skip in his step since he’d finally told her that he loved her and asked her to the prom.

  He’d just passed his Uncle Kurt’s house when he heard someone shout his name. He turned around and saw his brothers Mike and Nick run toward him.

  “We’ve been all over Hopedale looking for you.” Mike puffed when they caught up with him.

  “I was with Bethany.” Aaron grinned.

  “You got to get your ass home. Now.” Nick looked pissed.

  “I’m going there now.” Aaron turned to continue on his way.

  “Raquel’s at the house with her dad.” Mike stopped Aaron when he grabbed his arm.

  “What’s she doing there?” Aaron furrowed his brow.

  “A.J., she says she’s pregnant.” Mike’s blue eyes, so much like his own, narrowed.

  “Good for her, but she was bound to get caught with all the guys she fucks around with.” Aaron didn’t understand what this had to do with him.

  “She says the baby is yours,” Nick blurted out.

  “What? Not a chance in hell.” Aaron’s eyes widened so much that it hurt.

  “When did you sleep with her?” Nick growled.

  “I never slept with her. Are you fucking nuts?” Aaron snapped.

  “You do know he means sex and not actual sleep?” Mike asked.

  “I’m not an idiot.” Aaron turned and stomped toward his house.

  He wasn’t getting blamed for something he didn’t do. Mainly because he was still a virgin and there was no way he would betray Bethany to sleep with anyone. Especially Raquel Fucking Evans.

  Aaron walked into the house with Mike and Nick close behind. His mother sat on the edge of one of the kitchen chairs looking like she was about to throw up, but it was his father’s clenched jaw that had Aaron ready to turn and run.

  Aaron glanced up to the top of the stairs leading to the bedrooms. Keith and Ian sat on the top step with James and John behind them. He rolled his eyes at them because it seemed even though the four oldest brothers moved out, they seemed to want to be there for Aaron’s drama.

  “Michael, Nicholas, upstairs. John, James, Ian and Keith you can join the other two in their room until we get this resolved.” Sean O’Connor raised his voice to that tone they dreaded as kids.

  The fact that Mike and Nick turned and practically shot up the stairs and the other brothers almost tripped over each other to do what they were told gave Aaron the impression his parents believed what Raquel said. He had to fix that and fast.

  “Aaron Jacob, you come in here and sit,” his mother quipped with a tone he’d never heard before.

  “Kathleen, let me handle this.” His father spoke with a calm rumble that scared the shit out of Aaron.

  “I’m sorry, A.J.” Raquel gave him a look that he’d seen on her a thousand times because she thought it was seductive and sweet.

  “Raquel, quiet,” her father snapped.

  Aaron knew Alan Evans from school. He drove one of the buses and was the mechanic that looked after all the school buses. He wasn’t a big man, but he wore a long beard that looked like it hadn’t been cut or brushed in years. He was always friendly, but at the moment he looked ready to kill.

  “A.J., Raquel just told us something we never expected to hear.” His father sat across the table from Aaron.

  “I didn’t want to say anything.” Raquel dropped her head when her father glared at her.

  “Mike and Nick told me.” Aaron glared at her.

  “What do you have to say for yourself?” His father folded his hands on the table in front of him, but his knuckles were white.

  “If she’s pregnant, it’s not mine. It’s impossible.” Aaron looked right into his father’s eyes.

  “You little liar,” Alan growled.

  “Dad, please.” Raquel sighed and rolled her eyes.

  “A.J., you need to be honest with us.” His mother rested her hand on his arm. “We’ll deal with things, but you need to tell the truth.”

  “Mom, I can tell you one hundred percent there is no way I’m the father of her baby. I’ve never had sex with her.” Again, Aaron made sure he looked his mother in the eyes.

  “There you have it.” His mother stood up and glared at Alan. “A.J. says he isn’t the one who got Raquel pregnant.”

  “And you believe him?” Alan scoffed. “Your sons are like a bunch of oversexed animals.”

  “That’s enough.” When his father shot to his feet, Aaron thought he would jump over the table toward Alan.

  “Raquel, I don’t know why you lied, but you need to tell the truth.” Aaron didn't want his father in the middle of a fist fight.

  “I... I’m not …” Raquel started, but Aaron held up his hand.

  “The truth or I’ll start telling a few truths of my own.” Aaron knew a lot about Raquel and how many boys in school could be the father of her baby.

  She glared at him
for a minute, but Aaron didn’t falter. She turned to her father and then back to Aaron.

  “Fine, he’s not the father, and I’m not even sure if I am pregnant.” Raquel sighed.

  “Are you fucking serious?” her father shouted.

  “Yes.” She rolled her eyes as if what she did was nothing more than a joke.

  “Get your ass out to the car.” Alan pointed toward the front of the house.

  “Take a pill, Dad.” Raquel groaned as she left the house.

  “I’m so sorry.” Alan glanced between his parents and then to Aaron. “I hope we can keep this between us. I’ll deal with her when I get home.”

  “I don’t know why she would do something like this but Alan, I think you need to sit down and have a long talk with your daughter.” His mother wrapped her arm around Aaron.

  “I will.” Alan turned and left the house.

  “Well, that was fun.” Aaron tried to joke, but his father turned and glared at him.

  “Why would she blame you?” His father still seemed to think Aaron did something wrong.

  “I don’t know.” Aaron shrugged.

  “Because she’s been trying to bag an O’Connor since grade ten.” Mike leaned against the door jamb of the kitchen door.

  “Didn’t I send you upstairs?” His father didn’t turn around to look at Mike.

  “Yeah, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t hear. The air vent is better than an intercom.” Mike sauntered into the kitchen and plopped down in a chair. “For the record, I didn’t believe her.”

  “Well, now we can all be satisfied.” his father grumbled sarcastically.

  “Sean, can’t you be happy that it wasn’t true?” His mother sat down and sipped her tea.

  “I am, but I don’t like the fact that my sons have a reputation of being a bunch of oversexed animals. I thought I taught them better than that.” His father looked genuinely pained over the insult.

  “Dad, none of us are like that.” Mike leaned on the table. “I’m sure none of us are virgins anymore, but it’s not like we’re jumping from one girl to the next.”


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