Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7)

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Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7) Page 16

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Michael.” His mother sighed.

  “You’ve always told us to be honest with you guys.” Mike smiled.

  The fact that he was still a virgin didn’t need to be family knowledge, but if Raquel’s little trick got out the rumor would be around town within hours. The last thing he wanted people to think was he cheated on the girl he loved. That would kill him.


  “You told your father I knocked you up. That was low, even for you.” Aaron turned his head as the memory faded and came back to reality.

  “I can’t believe you still hold that over my head.” Raquel stood staring at him as if he’d just smacked her.

  “We were never friends, Raquel,” Aaron reminded her.

  “Well, that’s going to make working together really difficult.” She sighed.

  “I’m sorry? Work together?” Aaron narrowed his eyes.

  “I’m on the committee for the hundredth birthday for Holy Cross.” She tipped her head and smiled.

  “I didn’t see you on the list.” Aaron raised an eyebrow.

  “I just signed up.” Raquel smiled with what she probably thought was seductive.

  “I’m sure you have your job to do, and I have mine. I don’t think the jobs will require us to work closely together.” Aaron couldn’t help but sound annoyed.

  “I figured you would have grown up a little by now.” Raquel rolled her eyes.

  “I have because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have stood here this long,” Aaron countered.

  Raquel pulled out a folder from the large bag she had on her shoulder. She shuffled through the papers and yanked out a couple. As she held the documents out to Aaron, he glanced at her hand.

  “It’s paper, A.J. Not a barracuda,” Raquel grumbled.

  “Can’t take a chance with some people.” Aaron didn’t take the papers from her hand.

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake. It’s a list of students that I pulled from the archives,” she snapped. “I brought them to Father Wallace, and he told me you were dealing with finding addresses.”

  Aaron tentatively took the papers from her hands and scanned the names. Most of them were family names he knew from Hopedale.

  “You’re welcome, by the way.” Raquel shoved her bag up on her shoulder and spun on her spike heels. “I hope to God you don’t hold on to that anger with everyone, but I guess it would explain your bad attitude.”

  With those words, she pushed through the door, and he watched her disappear. He had a feeling Raquel only volunteered her time because she’d seen him and Bethany at the school. It didn’t matter because she wasn’t going to interfere in his life ever again.

  Chapter 19

  Bethany had spent the entire day with Sandy going through invoices and searching for the names that appeared on some of the invoices.

  Nothing out of the ordinary had come up, and she was frustrated. Sandy wasn’t giving up though. The woman was clicking on the computer keys like a speed demon. The only other sound was Hulk tapping his finger on the arm of the armchair as he watched a ball game without the sound.

  Bethany hadn’t heard from Aaron all day, but she figured he was probably busy with his cases. She had seen the report of the body they’d pulled out of the harbor on the news, and her heart went out to the older man who spoke with the reporter. He was Levi’s grandfather, and he could barely talk.

  “Is everything okay?” Hulk asked as she sat on the couch.

  Bethany stared at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face. Was he serious?

  “Well, except for the obvious.” He chuckled.

  “I’m just starting to feel a little secluded. I’m used to seeing my family every day or at least when we all lived in Ontario, and I figured when I came back we’d spend more time together.” Bethany sighed. “I know I shouldn’t be whining considering what Denise and her family are going through.”

  “You’ve got every right to whine. I don’t see why your family can’t visit you here. I’m sure they know that.” Hulk reached over and patted her knee.

  “It’s not that I haven’t talked to them, but oh, I don’t know,” Bethany huffed.

  “Look, I didn’t get to see my brother and sister very often until I got shot last year. Now my sister lives in the apartment over Emily’s salon, and my brother just got a position with the Hopedale fire department. I never thought I’d miss being close to them, but with all the time I spent with them after, I realized what I missed. You seem like you’re close to your family and it makes sense that you miss them.” Hulk smiled.

  “You know, that is the most I’ve heard him say at once since I’ve known him.” Sandy stared at Hulk.

  “That’s because all conversations with you lead to you being nosey.” Hulk narrowed his eyes.

  “I’m going to find out who she is, Hulk,” Sandy smirked.

  “I guess I don’t have to worry because there is no she.” Hulk sat back in the chair and linked his fingers behind his head.

  “So it’s a he, then?” Sandy grinned.

  “No, it’s not a he.” Hulk tossed a pillow at her.

  “Hulk, I’m going to find out who your little friend in the city is and then I’m going to tell her how you got your nickname.” Sandy snickered.

  “How did you get it?” Bethany leaned on the arm of the couch.

  “That’s a story for another time.” Hulk focused back on the television and Bethany knew she wasn’t getting an answer.

  “Me and Emily will tell you later.” Sandy winked.

  She pulled out her phone and scrolled through social media while she waited for Aaron to return. She wanted so badly to see him and ask him about her family coming to see her. She’d already left to go to the school, so maybe he’d even bring her to see them.

  Allyson had called her earlier and said the house was ready for them to go back and according to her, Keith had installed a security system and upgraded all the windows on the bottom floor of the house.

  When Bethany had apologized for putting them in a dangerous situation, Allyson had gotten angry and told her it wasn’t her fault. Bethany still felt like if she’d told Craig she wouldn’t do the investigation on Randy, her family wouldn’t be in danger. Then again, she wouldn’t be back in Newfoundland and back with Aaron.

  “That’s a very content sigh.” A comforting male voice had Bethany’s head snap up at the sound.

  “Dad,” Bethany ran into his arms and hugged him tightly.

  “How are you doing, Beth?” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m okay. I wish all this was over, but I’m dealing with it.” She rested her cheek against his chest.

  “That’s my strong girl.” He gave another squeeze and turned to Hulk.

  “Good to see you again, sir.” Hulk reached out and shook her father’s hand, and Bethany was a little surprised that her father already had met the quiet man.

  “You too, young man. Nanny Betty said to tell you there’s a container of her fish and brewis in the box for you.” He nodded towards the Rubbermaid container next to the door.

  Fish and brewis was a traditional Newfoundland dish that consisted of dried salt cod boiled and mixed with hard bread and fatback pork. It didn’t sound very tasty, but it was delicious.

  “I swear if Tom weren’t in the picture, I’d marry that woman.” Hulk rubbed his hands together as he picked up the box and carried it to the counter.

  “She also sent food for you and A.J.” Her father wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her toward the couch.

  “She sends stuff over every second day.” Bethany laughed. “I don’t know if there is any room in the fridge.”

  Her father stared at her for a moment and then smiled. Her father looked pretty content himself, and she knew that was because he was back in the town where he grew up.

  “What’s the smile for?” she asked.

  “You’re glowing.” He cupped her cheek.

  “Dad, I’m not wearing any makeup, so it’s
probably the shine from my slightly oily skin.” She rolled her eyes.

  “No, I see that sparkle in your eyes that you lost a long time ago.” He tapped her nose with his finger.

  “The O’Connors must be treating you well because you look happy.” She poked his stomach. “And a little pudgy.”

  “Hey, that’s good home-cooking.” He winked.

  “Are you saying that Allyson and I starved you?” She feigned shock.

  “No you didn’t, but you can’t get the good old Newfoundland cuisine on the mainland.” Her father wasn’t wrong there.

  “Well, fuck a duck,” Sandy shouted.

  “Sandy?” Bethany stared at the woman who was slapping her hands on top of the counter.

  “Sorry, Mr. Donnelly.” Sandy smiled sheepishly.

  “What did you find?” Hulk stood behind her.

  “That kid that drowned. He wasn’t working with the dealers. He sent several emails to what looks like the Narcotics unit telling them he had information on a group selling drugs in the center of the city.” Sandy pointed to something on the screen.

  “Should you be looking at emails for that unit?” Hulk raised an eyebrow.

  “I go where the paths lead me, and Levi Watts led me to this. It’s Levi’s email. Jordan Foster emailed him and told him to get as much information as he could, and he’d make sure he got paid well. That is not the way that works. I’m pretty sure Foster is the head of that unit and should know better.” Sandy shook her head.

  “Aren’t you also a police officer?” Bethany’s father asked.

  “Umm... yeah, but I always find ways around that.” Sandy gave them a huge grin.

  “But that kid is only what? Nineteen years old?” Hulk glanced at Bethany. “That’s what the news said, right?”

  “Yeah, and Aaron said it too.” Bethany nodded.

  “I’m sure there’s a reason this Foster guy didn’t tell Levi to back off, but it’s not going to go over well that he got killed because of this.” Sandy pulled out what looked like a long tube and put several pieces of paper through it.

  “Is that a printer?” Hulk stared at the small contraption.

  “Yep, courtesy of Newfoundland Security Services.” Sandy smiled.

  “Does NSS management know they bought it?” Hulk laughed.

  “Bull does, Keith? I have no idea.” Sandy shrugged.

  “What does Keith not know?” the sound of Aaron’s voice caused her heart to flutter.

  “Sandy is buying expensive computer shit.” Hulk poured a cup of coffee.

  “I see. Hi, Mr. Donnelly. Glad you got my message about coming to see Bethany.” Aaron shook her dad’s hand.

  “Ally said she and Cameron would be over tomorrow. Cameron has something at school today,” her father said.

  “You doing okay?” Aaron didn’t move toward her, and it was almost as if he was wary of her father being there.

  “I’m good, but Sandy found something.” Bethany nodded toward where Sandy was printing off several documents.

  Bethany watched Aaron’s expression go from curiosity to pissed-off in a matter of minutes. The more of the documents he read, the redder his face turned.

  “What the fuck is wrong with this department? Letting a kid put himself in the middle of all that shit.” Aaron slapped the papers down on the counter and pulled out his phone as he disappeared into the bedroom.

  Everyone exchanged worried glances as Bethany followed him. He had the phone to his ear and was practically shouting at someone on the other end.

  “I don’t give a shit where Foster is. You have him call me right away. This is not proper protocol.” Aaron tossed his phone on the bed and pressed his fists into his eyes.

  “Aaron?” Bethany whispered.

  He dropped his hands and turned his back to her. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and the muscles tightened. She moved around him until she could see his face.

  “Are you okay?” She cupped his cheek, and he immediately covered her hand with his.

  “Yeah. I’m just furious that some fucking asshat thought it would be a good idea to let a teenager help bring down a drug dealer. I mean, we have fully trained cops that can pass for high school kids. Men and women who are trained to deal with danger.” Aaron pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “Why use a kid that doesn’t have a clue what he's got involved in?”

  “I don’t know.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he buried his face in her neck.

  For several minutes, Bethany held him like that until his body started to relax. The reaction was to be expected because he knew Levi and his family personally. She was angry about it herself and would like to know why the young man got tangled up with the situation.

  “I’m sorry,” Aaron whispered.

  “For what?” Bethany pulled back so she could see his face.

  “For the outburst.” Aaron rested his hands on her hips and kissed her forehead.

  “Aaron, you’re angry because Levi got put in such a bad situation and it cost him his life.” Bethany smiled and held his face between her hands. “It’s because you have such a sensitive heart. You always have.”

  “Your dad must think I’m a hot head.” Aaron pulled her against him and hugged her again.

  “I doubt that.” Bethany squeezed him around the waist.

  A few more minutes and Aaron led her out of the bedroom into the kitchen. To her surprise, Allyson was there with Cameron and Ian and Sandy’s two daughters, Lily and Evie. They looked worried, and the kids were whispering to each other.

  “Hey.” Bethany wrapped her sister up in a hug.

  “Hi, Beth.” Allyson’s voice sounded strained.

  “A.J., the kids have something they need to tell you.” Allyson's eyes glanced between Aaron and Sandy.

  “What’s going on?” Sandy’s ordinarily happy-go-lucky attitude was gone, and her eyes filled with concern.

  “I don’t know.” Cameron looked at Lily.

  “We have to tell them.” Lily glanced at Evie.

  “Cameron, I know we promised her, but…” Evie stopped and looked at her mother.

  “Spill it now.” Sandy’s hands were on her hips.

  “The kid that they found in the harbor, we know his sister.” Evie didn’t look at her mother.

  “And?” Aaron stepped forward.

  “Mia’s in my class,” Cameron told him.

  “We all sit together at lunch and… well… Mia told us last week that her brother was a spy for the police.” Lily tucked her hands into the pocket of her hoodie.

  “We didn’t believe her, but she wasn’t at school today, and she sent me a text.” Evie handed her phone to Aaron.

  Aaron looked down at the phone and then back up at his niece as he passed the phone to Sandy to read. Aaron motioned for the three pre-teens to sit on the sofa.

  “What does it say?” Bethany asked.

  “They killed my brother, and now they’re going to come after my family because he stole money from them.” Sandy read the text aloud.

  “I need to call John.” Aaron was crouched in front of the couch, whispering to Cameron, Lily, and Evie.

  “Uncle John’s going to be really mad we didn’t tell you before now, isn’t he?” Lily glanced at her mother and then back to Aaron.

  “I don’t know about Uncle John being mad, but I’m pretty upset with you girls right now.” Sandy sat between her daughters and pulled them into a hug. “You never keep something like that from your dad or me.”

  “It was a secret,” Evie said in a soft voice.

  “Dangerous secrets.” Sandy’s voice cracked.

  “I’m sorry, Mom,” Lily said.

  “Me too.” Cameron dropped his head.

  “You guys didn’t do anything wrong and the fact that you came to us and told us this shows how mature you are,” Aaron told the upset kids.

  “Is Mia really in danger?” Evie asked.

  “I tell you what, you worry about getting good grades and b
eing kids and let us worry about keeping everyone safe.” Sandy kissed both her daughters on their heads and glanced up at Aaron.

  “That’s right. We got the superheroes, remember?” Aaron winked at Sandy.

  “Right.” Lily stood up and walked over to Hulk. “We got the best superheroes in the world.”

  Chapter 20

  Aaron sat on the bed with his back braced against the headboard. Bethany was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, and his thoughts were going a mile a minute.

  Did Levi think he was a spy for law enforcement or was it just something he told his sister to impress her? He’d read several of the emails that Levi sent and read the ones he got in return.

  He knew Jordan Foster and always thought he was a great police officer. It didn’t make any sense that he would put a kid in danger. It was possible he didn’t believe Levi and was just appeasing the kid.

  John took the emails and was going to talk with their Uncle Kurt about the situation. Something was needling in the back of Aaron’s brain. From what John had found out so far, there was no formal investigation on Slash by the St. John’s division of the Newfoundland Police Department.

  Aaron didn’t like the fact that Jordan was running an investigation off the books. Not only that he used at least one teenager and that kid was dead. Were there any more out there?

  “That’s a serious face.” Bethany crawled onto the bed and straddled his legs.

  “And that’s a beautiful face.” Aaron ran a finger down Bethany’s cheek.

  “This is a lot bigger than you expected, isn’t it?” Bethany’s beautiful eyes stared into his.

  “It is, and now I’m worried about my nieces and your nephew.” Aaron slid his hand under her tank top and smoothed his hands against the soft skin on her back.

  “I’d never be able to do your job.” Bethany placed her hands on his shoulders and tried to work the tension out of his muscles.

  “That feels fantastic.” Aaron closed his eyes and moaned.

  “Yeah.” He felt her lean forward and place her lips against his chest. “How about that?”

  “Uh huh.” Aaron’s hands slid slowly up and down her back.

  Her tongue circled his nipple, and she gently scraped her teeth across the tip. Her hands slowly caressed their way down over his chest as she moved to his other nipple, sucking it hard into her mouth.


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