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Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7)

Page 24

by Rhonda Brewer

  Crash drove off back to the reception hall to pick up any stragglers that might be left and needed a way home. He’d apparently deemed himself the designated driver for the evening.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?” Aaron whispered against her ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  “Mmm hmm.” Bethany closed her eyes and soaked in the feel of his body pressed against her back, his arms embracing her and his lips brushing against the back of her ear.

  “Did I tell you I want to rip off your dress and taste that delectable silky skin of yours?” Aaron licked slowly down the side of her neck as he moaned against her skin.

  “As great as that sounds, this was an expensive dress, so maybe we can take it off without damaging it.” Bethany tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her neck.

  “We can do that, but maybe you should take it off for me and then I can watch how it’s done.” Aaron nipped her bare shoulder and growled.

  Bethany pulled away from him and reached for the zipper under her arm. The strapless dress fit her like a glove, but at that moment, she was desperate to get out of it to see Aaron’s eyes flame into pure desire.

  “Are you going to remove your clothes too or am I going to be performing a striptease alone?” She held her hand against her chest keeping the dress in place as she slowly lowered the zipper.

  “I’m liking the striptease.” Aaron stalked slowly toward her, and she backed away until they were inside the bedroom.

  “You know you’d make a great male stripper. You have great moves on the dance floor and that body, mmmm…” Bethany grinned as she let her dress fall to the floor.

  She was wearing a peach strapless bra that pushed her breasts up and a matching pair of lace panties. She could tell when Aaron bit his lip that standing there in nothing but her underwear and stilettos that he enjoyed the outfit.

  “You’re trying to fucking kill me.” Aaron stepped toward her, but she maneuvered away from him.

  “No way, sexy. I want all those clothes off.” Bethany sat on the foot of the bed and crossed her legs.

  “You want a striptease, baby?” Aaron reached behind him and tapped the iPod behind him on the dresser.

  “Show me what you got,” Bethany smirked.

  Aaron scrolled through the music and Bethany waited until he picked what he deemed to be the perfect song. He turned and grinned as he tapped the screen.

  “Let’s get it on.” Aaron wiggled his eyebrows as that exact song played softly, and he gave her a strip show that would make Magic Mike look amateur.

  Chapter 32

  Aaron was about to lose his mind completely. He’d asked Allyson to find the engagement ring that he’d bought when he won the bet, but she’d searched Bethany’s old room and couldn’t find it. Aaron managed to check the things Bethany had left at the bunkhouse and even searched the safe house. Nothing.

  He planned to propose to her and give her the ring along with a second ring he got for her earlier that week. The second ring was a gold infinity ring with a diamond in the center of the loop. Aaron wanted her to know that his love was forever.

  “A.J., I’ve searched everywhere. I can’t find it.” Allyson sighed into the phone.

  “I know she took it with her the day your house was shot up, but that was the last time I saw her with it.” Aaron sat back in his chair and stared out through the door of his office.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m sure she has it somewhere. She’ll still be ecstatic when you propose even if you can’t find the ring,” Allyson assured him.

  “Maybe she’ll tell me after I propose.” Aaron snorted.

  “Probably.” Allyson laughed. “So, I just left the house, and Kristy has all the lights set up down the stairway to the beach. Isabelle had the wine and glasses set up on the back deck when I left.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you guys. I’m picking her up at work at seven. I told her we were going to dinner and she took an outfit with her to change into.” Aaron’s heart pounded in his chest as he fixed his tie.

  “Do you have the blindfold?” Allyson asked.

  “Yeah, Kristy said it was the same one Bull used when he proposed. Might be good luck.” Aaron laughed.

  “I bet I’ll hear her say yes all the way from the beach to our house.” Allyson chuckled.

  Aaron certainly hoped so.

  The late August breeze blew across his face as he opened the car door for her to get in. Aaron smiled as she narrowed her eyes when he handed her the blindfold.

  “What kind of kink are you trying to get me into?” Bethany picked up the black mask and shook it in front of him.

  “I just want you to be surprised when you see the house for the first time.” Aaron sort of told the truth.

  “I don’t like not being able to see where I’m going.” Bethany sighed.

  “Do you think I would let you fall?” Aaron laughed.

  “No but… argh,” she grumbled.

  “Trust me, okay?” Aaron reached across the seat and grasped her hand in his.

  “I do.” Bethany smiled, and Aaron prayed she was ready to say those two words at the altar.

  Before Aaron pulled into the long driveway leading to their new house, he helped her with the blindfold. She whined for a moment and then held his hand as he slowly pulled in front of their new home.

  It took three months for his brother’s crew to rebuild the house. The only things not finished were the three extra bedrooms. Aaron figured they could finish them after they’d moved in and decided to have a family.

  It was a two-story with a covered front and back porch. A white railing closed in the front porch, but the back one was left open to enjoy the view of the ocean. The house was about ten feet up on a hill, and they’d built a staircase leading down to the private area where he and Bethany would go to be alone as teenagers.

  The landscape of the backyard had only been finished the day before. Aaron had two flower beds placed in front of the house on both sides of the steps because she wanted to do it but thought she would have to wait until next summer.

  “Aaron, if I fall, I’m going to smack you.” Bethany clung to his arm as if she would fall over a cliff if he let her go.

  “Then I don’t have to worry because I’ll never let you fall.” Aaron kissed the side of her head as they stopped in front of the house.

  Aaron removed the blindfold and smiled at Bethany’s gasp. He had to admit the sight of the sun setting behind the house and shining through the windows, making the house look like it was lit up, looked breathtaking.

  “Aaron, it looks amazing.” Bethany slowly stepped toward the steps. “Oh my, look at the flowers.”

  Aaron grinned as she crouched to touch them. He held out his hand as he stepped beside her. She placed her hand in his, and they walked up the steps and walked into the house.

  “I can’t believe it’s done.” Bethany slowly spun inside the large living room and continued into the rest of the lower level.

  She stopped at the patio door and stared out on the back porch. She seemed confused at first and then slid the door open.

  “Is that a staircase?” Bethany pointed to where the soft lights were glowing on the railing of the top step.

  “Yes, it is.” Aaron walked down the steps and held out his hand to her again. “I want to show you something.”

  Bethany didn’t hesitate as she grasped his hand and walked with him down the steps to the beach. Her smile was huge as she saw the bench placed on the beach.

  “You did this?” She grinned and ran her hand across the back of the bench.

  “I had lots of help.” Aaron walked around to the front of the bench and motioned for her to join him.

  She sat down and gazed out at the ocean. The look of contentment on her face made his heart swell with pride. It had always been a place for him to get his thoughts together and it was obvious it did the same thing for her.

  “Bethany, this spot
has always reminded me of you. Even when I didn’t want it to but whenever I felt like I was lost or needed to get my head on straight, which was a lot, I’d come here and sit on the beach.” Aaron stood up and turned to face her.

  “We spent a lot of time here in high school.” She smiled and started to stand with him.

  “Stay there.” Aaron bent over and kissed her cheek then turned and went to the spot where he’d asked Kristy to place what he needed.

  When he’d retrieved them, he returned and stood in front of her. He handed her a square box wrapped in purple ribbon. Bethany raised an eyebrow and glanced up at him as she tentatively accepted the gift.

  “It’s a gift for our new home and something I want to attach to this bench.” Aaron tried to keep his face expressionless.

  “Okay?” Bethany slowly tugged on the ribbon and opened the box slowly.

  She stared at the contents for a few minutes before she looked up at him. Bethany glanced down at it again, and when she finally looked at him, Aaron was down on his knee.

  “Aaron.” Bethany covered her mouth with her hands.

  “Bethany, thirteen years ago I wanted to do this exact thing, right here in this spot. It didn’t happen, and that was probably for the best because thinking back, I don’t know if either of us would have been ready for what getting married meant. Right now, I know I’m more than ready, and I don’t want to spend another day without you in my life.” Aaron swallowed as he tried to keep the tears in his eyes from falling. “I’ve loved you since I was eighteen years old. No matter how much I tried to forget you, I never could, and the reason is that we’re meant to be together. You’re my heart, my soul, my life and nothing would make me happier than to have you as my wife. Bethany, will you marry me?”

  Aaron opened the black box he’d had in his hand and held it out to her. Bethany didn’t look at the ring; she just stared at him, nodding her head with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “I’m hoping the nodding means yes.” Aaron smiled as he took her left hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

  “Yes, hell yes. I’ll marry you.” Bethany wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Aaron stood up and pulled her into his arms. He covered her mouth with his and kissed her with everything he had. A loud cheer from above made both of them turn around and look up at their family and friends at the top of the steps.

  “I love these nameplates.” Bethany giggled as she pointed to the box sat on the bench.

  “Me too, do you like the ring?” Aaron smiled.

  “Of course, I loved it the first time I saw it.” Bethany glanced down at her hand and then back up to him. “That’s not the ring.”

  “No, I wanted to give you both, but we couldn’t find where you put it.” Aaron smiled.

  “Aaron, give me your wallet.” Bethany held out her hand.

  “Why?” Aaron slipped his wallet out of his back pocket and handed it to her.

  Bethany unsnapped the small coin pouch and reached inside. She pulled out the ring and held it up in front of him. Aaron stared at it for a few minutes before looking back at her.

  “I put it in your wallet the first night at the safe house. You left it on the counter. I thought I’d told you.” Bethany giggled.

  “I’ve been carrying the damn thing around all this time.” Aaron laughed.

  “I love this new ring, but I love this one too. I want this to be my wedding ring.” Bethany put it into his hand and closed his fist.

  “Whatever you want, baby.” Aaron pulled her against him and kissed her hard.

  “Come on, we want to party.” Mike shouted from the top of the hill and Aaron glared at him.

  “Oh, and we’re planning your bachelor party.” John wiggled his eyebrows.

  “I’m fucking dead.” Aaron groaned.

  “Should I tell them that you are a great stripper?” Bethany winked.

  “I’m sure my brothers would appreciate me stripping at my bachelor party.” Aaron laughed as they made their way up the steps to be swarmed by his amazing family.

  Chapter 33

  Aaron stood at the mirror and stared at himself. He was about to marry the love of his life. He listened to the idle chatter of his groomsmen standing around the room waiting for the time to head out to the altar.

  All his brothers would be by his side like he had for them. Next, to his father and uncles, the six men stood around the room were the men he looked up to the most.

  “Nervous, little brother?” John reached around Aaron from behind and fixed the twisted bow tie Aaron struggled to tie.

  “Not even a little.” Aaron grinned.

  “Can you believe after today, we’ll all be old married men?” Mike sat in an armchair in the corner of the room with his ankle resting on his knee.

  “Speak for yourself. I’m not old.” Nick kicked Mike’s foot off his knee.

  “Yeah, I’m not old, just ask my wife.” Keith wiggled his eyebrows.

  “We don’t need to ask Ian’s wife. Sandy lets us all know about their sex life.” James nudged Ian’s shoulder.

  “I love every minute of it. Why do you think I work out? I need to keep up with her.” Ian chuckled.

  The door to the sacristy opened, and his father walked in and closed the door behind him. He stood and glanced around the room and Aaron didn’t need to look at his brothers to know they all wore similar smiles.

  “I know your mother will kill me for doing this, but no O’Connor man gets married without a shot of Screech.” His dad pulled a flask out of his pocket and eight shot glasses out of the other.

  “How did Mom not see that bulge in your pocket?” James laughed.

  “She probably thought it was something else.” His father wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Then Mom wonders where we get the dirty minds.” Nick snickered.

  His father placed all the glasses on the small table and poured equal amounts into each glass. He handed one to Aaron and then each of his brothers, picking up the last one for himself. Before he could say anything, the door opened again, and Kurt stepped in.

  “Sean, you don’t have a shot without me.” Kurt pulled a glass out of his pocket.

  Aaron and his brothers laughed as his dad rolled his eyes and filled Kurt’s glass. It was an O’Connor tradition, and Aaron had expected it.

  “My father started this the day I got married and we continued it with Kurt, John, James, Ian, Keith, Mike, Nick, and now A.J. I’ve always been proud of every one of you and watching you take that next step in each of your lives is the best thing I’ve ever seen. The beautiful ladies you’ve married, or are about to marry in A.J.’s case, are some of the strongest women I’ve known. They’d have to be to deal with an O’Connor, but I see the look in your eyes when you look at them, and it’s the same look I have when I see your mother. It’s love, and it’s forever. There’s an old Irish Blessing you all know well so let’s say it together.” His father held up his glass

  Aaron, his brothers, and Kurt held theirs up as well, and as if it was a prayer to God they repeated the phrase that they’d heard all their lives.

  “May joy and peace surround you, contentment latch your door, and happiness be with you now and bless you evermore. Cheers.” Aaron recited together with everyone.

  Aaron slammed back the shot and winced as the burning liquid of the Newfoundland rum slipped down his throat. He didn’t drink it very often, but his grandfather used to say a shot of Screech was good for what ails you.

  “Are you ready, A.J.?” Nick wrapped his arm around Aaron’s shoulder.

  “More than ready.” Aaron grinned.

  “Jesus, I never thought I’d see the day Aaron Jacob O’Connor would be happy to be tied down to one woman.” Mike laughed.

  “We thought that about you once too.” John shoved Mike playfully.

  “Let’s get you married.” James winked as they made their way out of the sacristy and filed in at the front of the altar.

  Allyson fixed Bethany’s veil
as they waited for the knock that it was time to go. The large bride room was filled with her six bridesmaids and three flower girls.

  Bethany chose her sister to be her matron of honor for obvious reasons but mostly because her sister was her best friend. Aaron’s three nieces Olivia, Molly, and Grace wore dresses similar to her own and were utterly adorable. She’d chosen Kristy, Jess, Sandy, Emily, and Lora to be her bridesmaids although she’d wanted to have all of Aaron’s sisters-in-law and cousins, he’d asked her to keep it to six. Although, she did convince him to include many of his older and younger nieces and nephews.

  Alexander and Colin were excited to be ring bearers. Cameron, Danny, and Mason were proud to be junior ushers, and Evie and Lily were thrilled to be junior bridesmaids. Bethany also asked Billie’s niece, Chloe. The young girl spent a lot of time with Aaron’s older nieces. Chloe was Matt’s daughter and had been born deaf, and Bethany was amazed every time she watched Aaron’s older nieces and nephews speak fluently in sign language.

  “You look really pretty.” Grace stared up at Bethany.

  “Thank you, Gracie. You look very beautiful too.” Bethany crouched down in front of the little girl.

  “I know.” She sighed.

  Bethany burst out laughing, and Grace looked at her as if she was crazy. She hoped Grace continued in life with the confidence she had in herself. It would take her a long way, and she wouldn’t have to struggle with self-doubt the way Bethany did in her teen years.

  The door to the bride room opened, and her father stepped through looking very handsome in his tuxedo. He had a smile that lit up his face, but it didn’t hide the tears in his eyes.

  “Ladies, they want you to line up next to the entrance.” Her father held open the door for her attendants to leave.

  “We’ll see you outside.” Allyson kissed her cheek and left Bethany alone with her dad.

  “You’re stunning.” Her father folded his hands in front of him and stared at her.

  “Thanks, Dad.” Bethany took a deep breath and tried to calm her beating heart.

  She wasn’t nervous about marrying Aaron, she was excited and couldn’t wait to see him. They’d been apart for a full day, and she missed him like crazy.


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