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Page 37

by Janet Nissenson

  Gavin grinned. “She does, doesn’t she? Ah, I suppose Scarlett will have to do, since I can’t have the woman I really want. Damn that nephew of mine for seeing you first. Even as a little boy Ian always had to be the best at whatever he did.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek that lingered a bit too long for what Tessa considered suitable for an uncle. “And he certainly found the very best in you, darling. So if that boy doesn’t treat you right, you give me a call, hmm?”

  “No need to worry about that, Uncle,” retorted Ian dryly, from just behind Tessa’s shoulder. He placed a hand firmly on her waist, as though staking his claim. “I have every intention of treating my wife like a queen for the rest of her life. So don’t hold your breath waiting for a phone call that will never come.”

  Gavin chuckled, releasing Tessa from his arms as the song they’d been dancing to ended. “A man can dream, can’t he?” he joked. “Especially about a woman as beautiful as your bride.”

  He took Tessa’s hand in his and brought it to his lips for a lingering kiss. “Thank you for the dance, my dear. I suppose I should be getting back to Scarlett now. She’s not in your league, unfortunately, but will do nicely as a consolation prize.”

  Ian shook his head in something resembling disgust as his playboy uncle sauntered back towards his charming - and much, much younger - current girlfriend.

  “Some leopards never change their spots,” he muttered, then quickly pulled Tessa into his arms as a slow dance started.

  “Did you enjoy dancing with your Aunt Helen?” asked Tessa mischievously.

  Ian made a low, growling sound in his throat. “That woman,” he replied darkly, “could talk the ears of an elephant. My God, no wonder Uncle Richard vows that he’ll keep working another decade or so. He knows she’d drive him half mad with that incessant chatter if he were to be at home all day.”

  As he guided her around the still-crowded dance floor with ease, Ian nuzzled the side of her neck, causing a little tremor of arousal to ripple up her spine.

  “I’ve been going half crazy myself, you know,” he murmured against her ear. “It’s been very difficult to watch my wife dancing with so many other men this evening. But now that I’ve claimed you again, I’m not letting you go for the rest of the night. In fact, I think the only man you’ll ever get to dance with again is your husband.”

  She snuggled her head against his broad shoulder. “That sounds like heaven to me,” she whispered. “Especially since your Uncle Wesley has two left feet, and just might have bruised one of my toes.”

  Ian laughed, pulling her a little closer against him. “He might not have the smoothest moves on the dance floor, but Wesley was a ferocious rugby player in his younger days. We all have our talents, love.”

  “I can’t even remember everyone I danced with,” she groaned. “But my poor feet feel like I’ve danced with a hundred people tonight.”

  “I wonder if Cinderella needed a foot soak the night after the ball,” teased Ian. “And those glass slippers couldn’t have been very comfortable. Though as high as your heels are, I don’t imagine those stilettos are much better.”

  Tessa winced. “You’d think a pair of shoes that cost a thousand dollars would be the most comfortable ones ever made, wouldn’t you? But I guess anything would hurt after wearing them for so many hours. What time is it anyway?”

  His hand slid up her back to caress the bare skin exposed by her strapless bodice. “Getting very close to midnight, actually. That’s why I came over to steal you back from my uncle. Well, that, and the way the lecherous old bastard was holding you a little too close for comfort,” he grumbled.

  She laughed. “He’s harmless,” she assured. “At least, I think so. So does this mean it’s almost time for us to make our getaway?”

  “I’m literally counting the minutes, love. This party is bound to go on for at least another hour or two, and I’m sure you’re exhausted. And since this is our wedding night - well, there’s no possible way you’re going to get any sleep for some time yet.”

  Tessa shivered in anticipation from the deep, sensual promise of his voice. “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “I drank two cups of coffee when we had cake earlier. But even if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t need caffeine to stay awake tonight. Not on our wedding night, Ian. Especially not on our wedding night.”

  His hand drifted up through her thick blonde curls to the nape of her neck, massaging it until she felt like groaning. Or purring.

  “I’m very, very glad to hear that, darling,” he breathed. “And especially glad that we didn’t schedule that brunch with the family tomorrow until noon. As much as I’ve been enjoying our wedding day, it’s the wedding night that will be unforgettable. So let’s enjoy this last dance together, because I’m going to whisk you off to our suite within the next five minutes. If that’s all right with you, that is.”

  “Definitely, definitely all right,” she assured him.

  Tessa burrowed her face against his shoulder as her arms slid up to clasp behind his neck. Ian’s arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, as they slow danced like two besotted high school seniors at the prom. And as eager as she was to retreat to their private villa and be alone with her brand new husband for the first time all day, part of her also didn’t want this beautiful moment to end, wanted her flawless, fairytale wedding to go on and on for days.

  She’d danced with Ian’s father, brothers, uncles, cousins; with his friends from England and a number of his business associates; with Simon, Nathan, Ben, a rather awkward Matthew, and with Jordan, who’d held her a bit too closely even for a known flirt like himself, and briefly given Tessa cause to wonder if what Julia had mentioned last week could possibly be true - that the womanizing doctor had the hots for her.

  But, no, she’d scolded herself after Jordan had gallantly handed her off to one of Ian’s cousins. She was surely just imagining things. Jordan was simply a ladies man, one who flirted with and teased every attractive woman to cross his path, single, married, or otherwise. And he knew better than almost any of their friends and acquaintances just how much in love Tessa was with Ian, that no other man would ever attract her attention.

  The bride and groom had taken a quick break from the dancing to cut their multi-tiered wedding cake, feeding each other bites carefully, despite Colin’s repeated urgings for Tessa or Ian to smash a piece in the other’s face. Ian had muttered under his breath to Tessa that if Colin didn’t shut up he was going to shove his entire face into the cake.

  Later in the evening had come the traditional tossing of the bouquet - the smaller one that had been made expressly for this purpose so that Tessa could keep the real thing. She had been delighted when Rebecca Mellor had come up with the bouquet, and hoped that Ian’s old friend would have her own happily ever after with the man she’d been dating for several months now. Rebecca had remained firm in her resolve not to return to her longtime married lover, and had confided to Tessa at the bridal shower in April that she hadn’t spoken to the man since January.

  Tessa’s frilly blue garter was caught by one of Ian’s cousins, the youngest son of his Uncle Wesley, much to the delight of the young man’s girlfriend. There had been more photographs after that, more dancing, and more fun than Tessa could ever remember having in her life.

  Still, as much as she longed for the party to continue, her feet really did hurt, even in the outrageously expensive stiletto sandals. And the desire to have fun and dance the night away couldn’t even begin to compare to the desire she felt for her darkly handsome husband, who took her breath away every time she glanced his way. By now, his five o’clock shadow had begun to darken his cheeks and chin, and she couldn’t resist nuzzling her nose against the stubble.

  “Promise me you’ll shave as little as possible during our honeymoon,” she murmured as he continued to guide her around the dance floor. “You know how sexy you look that way.”

  “It’s a deal,” he agreed. “As long as you promise to wear as little as possible. Thou
gh I must say most of those bikinis you bought leave very little to the imagination. And since I have a very dirty imagination where you’re concerned, I’m looking forward to a very imaginative honeymoon.”

  The music came to an end just then, followed by the bandleader’s announcement that they would be taking a short break, and returning in a few minutes for their final set of the evening.

  “I’m going to hand the mike over to the groom at this time,” the bandleader told the guests. “He has a few words he’d like to share with all of you.”

  Taking Tessa firmly by the hand, Ian led her over to the raised platform where the band was assembled and thanked the bandleader as he took the mike.

  “I’ll keep this very brief,” he began. “First, I’d like to thank all of you for being here for what’s easily been the happiest and most important day of my life. Many of you have traveled here from England or even further away, and it means a great deal to Tessa and me that you made the trip. And while the party isn’t quite over yet, I hope you’ll understand how badly I want to be alone with my beautiful bride right now. Thank you, and good night!”

  And then Tessa squealed in delighted surprise as Ian picked her up – frothy skirts and all - and began to carry her across the outdoor patio where the wedding reception had been set up. She clasped her arms around his neck as his stride never faltered once, as though she weighed less than nothing, and beamed at all the happy faces that watched their progress - her brand new in-laws; her best friend and her husband and family; Simon, Sasha, Mrs. Carrington, and so many other familiar faces here this evening.

  But the most beloved face of all, of course, belonged to the devastatingly handsome man who carried her right up to the front door of their villa. Despite the lateness of the hour, the private butler assigned to their suite stood at the ready, giving them a respectful nod as he opened the door to the villa for them.

  “Enjoy the rest of your evening. And please accept my congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Gregson,” the butler offered as Ian carried his bride over the threshold.

  He didn’t set her on her feet, in fact, until he heard the door shut firmly behind them. Only then did he put her down before engaging the deadbolt.

  Ian turned to face her then, his back pressed against the front door, and he looked so handsome in his elegant wedding suit that Tessa couldn’t help sighing with pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” she told him breathlessly. “And have I told you yet today how sexy you look in a tux?”

  He gave her the sort of slow, seductive smile that always made her felt like her underwear was about to dissolve in a puddle of silk and lace at her feet. “I believe you might have mentioned it once or twice,” he drawled lazily. “Should I pack a tuxedo to take along on our honeymoon then, considering how much it seems to turn you on?”

  Tessa laughed. “I think that would be unnecessarily cruel of me to expect you to wear that in the Caribbean with all the heat and humidity. Besides, as much as I love the way you look in a tux, I prefer you in swim trunks. Or nothing at all.”

  Ian walked toward her slowly, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. “Whatever you prefer, Mrs. Gregson. I’ll just await your instructions, shall I?”

  She smiled dreamily. “Mrs. Gregson. That will take some getting used to.”

  “Hmm, I agree. But perhaps that’s not the best form of address to use when I introduce you. Mrs. Gregson makes me think of my mother. And you most definitely don’t remind me of her in the least,” he teased.

  He stood in front of her now, as he lifted a handful of her full tulle skirts. “I could,” he continued, “call you my bride. Or,” he added, picking up her left hand and bringing it to his lips, his thumb brushing over her wedding and engagement rings, “the most logical term of address would be my wife.”

  Then he cupped her cheeks between his palms, his smile the most tender she’d ever seen, his voice husky. “Or I could just call you my beloved, so that everyone would know how much you mean to me.”

  Ian kissed her with such exquisite thoroughness that she wanted to weep with the sheer joy of it all. But before she could fling herself against him, or deepen the kiss, he took her by the hand and led her over to the well-stocked bar that took up an entire wall of the living room.

  “I left instructions to have a bottle of champagne chilled,” he told her. “Shall I open it?”

  Tessa hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. “Not now. That is, if you don’t mind. I had a lot more champagne and wine at dinner than I usually do, and the thought of more alcohol right now just isn’t appealing. I’m sorry.”

  Ian shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry for, my love. And I agree that a whole bottle of bubbly is probably a little over the top. Why don’t we share some brandy instead?”

  She nodded in agreement, then watched as he filled a snifter with his favorite brand. Ian held up the glass in a toast.

  “To our wedding night,” he murmured. “And to the most beautiful bride that’s ever walked the face of this earth.”

  They sipped from the glass at the same time, their lips brushing against the other’s as they did so. They took several more sips before Ian set the snifter down, and took his wife firmly in his arms.

  “I’m going to seduce you tonight, Tessa,” he announced decisively. “As though this was your first time. Are you agreeable?”

  “God, yes,” she breathed. “And I - I feel like this is all new tonight, Ian. It’s silly, I know, because we’ve made love so many times in the last eighteen months, but, well, I feel a bit like a virgin right now.”

  He kissed her forehead. “It’s the first time we’ll make love as a married couple,” he reminded her. “So in a way this is a new experience. For both of us. Come with me now, love.”

  He guided her into the master bedroom, and she gasped to see how carefully the room had been staged for seduction - a dozen candles lit on the dresser to cast a golden, jasmine scented glow about the room; soft, romantic piano music playing on the sound system; the bedcovers turned back precisely to reveal the white rose petals that had been strewn across the sheets.

  “It’s lovely, Ian,” she murmured.

  He came up behind her, his lips on her bare shoulder. “I agree. You are the loveliest woman I’ve ever known. Both inside and out. And as gorgeous as you look in this gown, I’ve been dying of curiosity - and lust - all damned day wondering what you have on underneath.”

  Tessa’s breath hitched in her throat a bit higher as he began to slowly, deftly unfasten the tiny hooks that ran up the back of her wedding dress. When they had all been unhooked, Ian pushed the voluminous gown down past her hips, then held onto her forearm to steady her as she stepped out of it. He picked up the gown and laid it carefully along the window seat, then sucked in a breath as he took a good, long look at her in the exquisite bridal lingerie.

  She gasped as he hooked an arm around her waist and jerked her against his body, his burning gaze fixated on the lavish display of her breasts above the low-cut corset. A high-pitched whimper sounded in her throat when he traced his forefinger over the exposed upper curves of her cleavage.

  “How is it possible for you to look pure and sexy at the same time?” he rasped. “Like a virgin all dressed in ivory lace, but also like a wanton in this very provocative lingerie?” His hands, a bit less steady this time, began to unfasten the back hooks of the corset. “I want to see you now, Tessa.”

  She didn’t resist as he undressed her with slow, careful precision, his hands cupping her breasts, squeezing her ass, caressing her thighs, as he removed each article of lingerie. His tongue licked at her nipples, traveled down between her breasts, circled her navel. He knelt at her feet to unbuckle her shoes, then rolled each silk stocking down her leg with great care. She moaned with pleasure as he gave each bare foot a little massage.

  “Feel good?” he asked huskily.

  Tessa nodded, closing her eyes and resisting the urge to purr like a cat. �
��Incredibly. It’s hard work being Cinderella for a night. Even if the slippers aren’t made of glass.”

  Ian laughed. “When I saw how damned sexy you looked in these shoes, not to mention the stockings, I was very tempted to leave them on you. But I took pity on your poor tortured feet. However, I’m going to pack these shoes - and the stockings - in your suitcase, and you’re going to wear them for me one night during our honeymoon. And I’m going to take great pleasure in fucking you very, very thoroughly while you have these gorgeous legs wrapped around my neck. Agreed?”

  “A - agreed,” she croaked, instantly aroused by the image his sensual words created.

  “Mmm, I can tell you like that idea. A lot. Because you’re very, very wet, aren’t you, love? So wet that it’s already running down your legs. For a virgin, you’re a very passionate woman, aren’t you?” he crooned, stroking her inner thighs with maddening slowness.

  “Yes,” she moaned, her head falling back as his talented fingers drew ever closer to the juncture of her thighs, where she was definitely very, very wet, and almost quivering with the need to climax.

  “It’s very unusual for a virgin to achieve orgasm her first time, you know,” he continued in that deep, deliberately seductive voice. “But you’re such a passionate woman, such a sensual creature, that I have a feeling you’re going to be one of those rare exceptions.”

  Tessa cried out as he penetrated her with two long fingers, then just as quickly withdrew. He kept this up over and over, his fingers thrusting in and out of her slick, tight pussy faster and faster, until she was riding his hand, desperate for release. She came in great, big crashing waves of pleasure, pleasure so intense she lost all sense of time and place for long seconds, not even realizing that if Ian hadn’t been gripping her firmly by the hips as she climaxed that her legs would have given out from under her.

  He carried her to the bed after that, their wedding bed, and she watched in a daze as he slowly undressed. She licked her lips at the sight of his bare chest, then rose up to her knees as he divested himself of pants and briefs, freeing his hard, throbbing cock. But when he joined her on the bed and she tried to reach for him, he forestalled her by grabbing her wrist.


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