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Page 41

by Janet Nissenson

  She headed upstairs towards Gilly’s bedroom - the one closest to their own - and paused in the doorway to gaze lovingly at the sweet, tender scene in front of her. Ian - her big, strong, thoroughly masculine husband - was sitting in the white oak rocking chair that he’d had custom made for her by Robert McKinnon, who was a skilled craftsman in addition to being a highly regarded architect. Gilly was cuddled up against her father, dressed for bed in fuzzy footed pink pajamas appliqued with white lambs. Her head rested trustingly against Ian’s shoulder, and he’d wrapped her securely in a white cashmere baby blanket. He rocked them gently to and fro as he read to her in a deep, quiet voice from one of her favorite picture books.

  The sight of her husband cuddling their daughter so protectively made tears well up in Tessa’s eyes, and her heart to ache a little from the sheer emotion of it all. Ian was the most wonderful father, the absolute best she could have ever imagined, and Tessa knew how lucky Gilly was to have a man like him as her daddy. He was every bit as devoted to their child as he’d always been to her, and Tessa was thrilled that her daughter would always have the sort of unconditional love and devotion that she herself had never known growing up.

  She smiled fondly to watch her baby clutching the white woolly stuffed lamb that Ian had given her for Christmas three years ago. Lambie now belonged to Gilly, and it was rare that she ever went anywhere without the precious toy.

  And it had been Ian’s idea to decorate the nursery in a lamb motif. When he and Tessa had first met with Julia to discuss design ideas, the two women had initially wanted to go with a fairy princess theme. They had been discussing what color scheme to use when Ian had interjected, “Why don’t you use a pink and white theme - but with lambs instead of princesses.”

  Tessa had been delighted with the idea, and had almost been able to see Julia’s mind starting to spin with creative thoughts. The nursery, thus, had been painted a pale cream with a pink and white wallpaper border that featured dozens of frolicking white lambs. The pink and white crib, dresser, and changing table had been frightfully expensive, but Ian had insisted on only the best for his child. The pink and white lamb theme had been carried out in the bedding, bedside lamp, the cheerful wind-up mobile that hung suspended from the ceiling, and Julia had added in half a dozen stuffed lambs in various shapes and sizes. But Lambie had been the only one that Gilly had taken a liking to, and was the one she slept with every night.

  Ian must have felt her gaze upon them, for he glanced up at that particular moment, a tender smile on his face.

  “Just in time,” he murmured softly. “She’s nearly asleep. Come over and give her a goodnight kiss, Mummy.”

  He’d started calling her the British version of mommy from the very start, and now Gilly called her that, too. But Tessa didn’t mind, especially since it was important to her that Gilly be brought up with many of her father’s traditions, given that she was half-British herself. Her friends thought it too adorable for words, and she knew it pleased Ian tremendously.

  Tessa walked over to the rocking chair - the one where she’d spent so many blissful hours nursing and cuddling and rocking her baby - and bent to press a kiss to Gilly’s rosy little cheek. “Goodnight, my precious,” she whispered. “Sleep tight.”

  Ian placed her in the crib, one that was fit for a royal princess, with the utmost care before pulling the pink and white quilt up over her tiny body. Gilly was fast asleep within seconds, not even flinching when her father kissed her goodnight and made sure the cherished lamb was tucked in beside her.

  They stood watching her silently for long seconds, Ian’s arm around Tessa’s waist as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “She’s so precious, Tessa,” he said, smiling softly. “So sweet and innocent and just utterly precious. She is the greatest gift you could have ever given me, the most wonderful thing you’ve ever done for me.”

  “I know.” She reached up to kiss his cheek. “I adore her, too. And soon there’ll be another precious little one to love.”

  “Yes.” Ian massaged the nape of her neck. “But no matter how many children we have, Gilly will always be the most special to me.”

  Tessa nodded. “Because she’s the firstborn. And because the two of you share a birthday.”

  Ian wrapped his arms around her waist, careful of her baby bump, and hugged her back against him. “That’s part of it, of course. But the real reason is because she’s so much like you. She’ll always be the most special of our children because she’s what I imagine you were like at her age.”

  Tessa opened her mouth to tell him she knew what he was getting at, that by loving Gilly so well he was making up for Tessa not knowing the love of her own father, or not being able to rely on her mother. But Ian merely held a finger up to his lips and ushered her out of the nursery, closing the door most of the way behind them.

  They watched TV together for an hour or so, until Tessa, too, began to yawn. While she fortunately didn’t suffer from morning sickness or puffy ankles or dry skin like so many other pregnant women did, she did tire out more easily these days.

  Ian switched off the TV, and took her by the hand. “Bedtime for Mummy, too,” he insisted. “You need to start taking naps in the afternoon when Gilly does, make sure you’re as well rested as possible. Especially with the holidays approaching. Because I know all too well that you’ll try and do too much - as usual. And once the baby arrives, you’re going to be busier than ever. I’d still like you to at least think about hiring a nanny, or an au pair. Part time if nothing else.”

  Stubbornly she shook her head as they began the ascent to their bedroom. “No nanny. I can do this, Ian. Plenty of other women manage with two small children and no hired help. And many of them have full time jobs as well.”

  “We’ll see how it goes the first few weeks,” he assented. “My parents can stay an extra week this time to help out, so that will get us through to the five week mark. But the one thing I insist on is having the housekeeper here five days a week. You can take care of the children yourself, but this is a big house to keep up alone.”

  Tessa sighed. “Fine, you win. At least for the first few months. After that, we’ll see.”

  Ian gave her a playful swat on the buttocks as they entered the master bedroom. “Stubborn wench,” he taunted. “Speaking of which, I believe that particular maternity dress you have on looks very familiar, darling. If memory serves me right, you wore that when you were pregnant with Gilly, didn’t you?”

  She shrugged. “What if I did? It’s in perfect condition. And I probably only wore it three or four times. Ian, I do not need an entire new maternity wardrobe. It’s a waste of good money, when almost everything is barely worn.”

  He wagged a finger at her half-sternly. “And shall I remind you yet again that we have plenty of money? Far, far more than we can ever dream of spending. My wife doesn’t have to recycle clothes or pinch pennies.”

  “And you don’t need to be a snob,” she retorted. “Besides, I like this particular dress a lot. It’s comfortable.”

  Ian’s mood changed instantly from mildly annoyed to deliberately seductive. “It’s also sexy as hell,” he purred, his hands stroking over her hips and ass. “I like the way the fabric clings in all the right places. Especially here.”

  She gave a little groan as he cupped her ultra sensitive breasts in his hands. With this pregnancy, like her last, her hormones seemed to be wildly out of control at times, so that she craved sex even more than usual. But while Ian was more than happy to accommodate her needs, it was only on his maddeningly frustrating terms.

  From the moment he’d learned for certain that she was pregnant with Gilly, he’d insisted on being more gentle with her during sex, and had steadfastly refused to engage in anything that could potentially harm their unborn baby. It hadn’t mattered to him in the least when she had shown him multiple articles and books that stated such caution wasn’t necessary, that a healthy, normal sex life during pregnancy was perfectly fine.
She had even come right out and asked Jordan for his opinion during one of her appointments, but Ian had rather scathingly jeered that a tomcat like her OB/GYN wasn’t about to advise her to scale back on her bedroom activities.

  She had pleaded, cajoled, teased, threatened, seduced - all in a futile attempt to make him unleash his wild side in bed. After a time she’d finally given up, and let Ian have his way. After all, she’d consoled herself, whether sex with her virile husband was wild and raunchy or tender and sweet, the outcome was always the same - multiple, earthshattering orgasms.

  Tessa undressed slowly, very aware of her husband’s hot gaze upon her as she did so. She hadn’t gained much weight thus far, and was still wearing her regular lingerie. But judging from the way her boobs were almost spilling out of her lacy black bra, she was going to have to dig her maternity undergarments out of storage any day now. Same with her panties, since the bulge of her tummy was just a bit too noticeable now.

  “Come here.”

  She shivered at the deep, commanding tone in Ian’s voice, the one that never failed to make her knees grow weak and her panties wet. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, having stripped to just his dark blue cotton briefs, and it was obvious from the size of his erection that watching her undress had been more than enough to stir his blood.

  She walked over to stand between his legs, then gasped as he grasped her by the hips and pulled her in even closer. His cock rubbed against the notch of her thighs, and she groaned as he rotated her hips against his crotch.

  “You are the sexiest woman in the world,” he growled. “And especially now, when your body is starting to change from carrying my baby. You look like a fertility goddess, all ripe tits and soft belly, and your skin is practically glowing right now. Jesus, I can’t believe these are even bigger than usual.”

  He deftly unhooked her bra and tossed it aside, cupping her swollen breasts in his hands as they tumbled free. They were heavier, fuller, from the pregnancy, and her nipples were tinged a darker shade of apricot. They were also incredibly, almost uncomfortably, sensitive, and the slightest touch was often enough to arouse her.

  Ian ran his tongue around one taut nipple, and she quivered in response, pushing herself eagerly against his mouth. But he wouldn’t be rushed, wouldn’t be coerced, and took his time with her, lavishing attention on her breasts until she was nearly frantic with need. He had her so aroused, in fact, that the moment he slipped his hand inside her panties and merely brushed his thumb over her clit, she climaxed immediately.

  He was grinning at her lasciviously as he spread her out on the bed, her hair fanning out across the pillow.

  “You’re greedier than ever when you’re pregnant,” he teased. “All of those extra hormones, I suppose.”

  Tessa whimpered as he ran his hands over every inch of her body - caressing her buttocks, cupping her breasts, kissing a path down her abdomen to where her belly was beginning to swell with his child. He went lower, his head delving between her thighs to where she was wet and still tender from her earlier orgasm. Even with oral sex, Ian insisted on taking things slower, and instead of eating her out ravenously, he maintained strict control, using his lips and tongue and fingers gently.

  But it didn’t matter in the end, because by the time he stripped off his briefs, freeing his thick, swollen, cock, she was a shaking, panting, desperate mass of sensation, reaching for him urgently.

  “Please,” she begged, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her. “I need - Ian, oh, God, I need you to fuck me.”

  “No.” He kissed her with a hungry thoroughness that left her gasping, even as he slowly guided his penis inside her eager body. “I’ll make love to you all night long, Tessa, will give you everything you crave. But no fucking until after the baby is born. And don’t give me that look. Haven’t you learned by now, love, that no matter what you do, it won’t change anything?”

  She pouted as he began to thrust in and out of her pliant body with slow, measured thrusts, being careful not to go too deep or too hard. “A girl can try, can’t she?” she muttered sullenly.

  Ian chuckled, dropping a kiss on her nose. “You’re cute when you pout,” he teased. “But it still won’t sway me. This will have to be enough for you, Tessa.”

  Tessa cupped his stubbled cheek, staring up into the hazel eyes that had darkened with passion. “But is it enough for you?” she whispered. “I don’t want you to have to hold back all the time, don’t want to deny you what you need.”

  He threaded his hands into her hair, lifting her head and shoulders off the bed to meet his blistering kiss. “You’ll always be more than enough for me, Tessa,” he rasped. “And you are everything I need for all time.” He laid her back tenderly against the pillow. “But since you’re especially horny tonight, let’s compromise. You can be on top. So long,” he cautioned, “as you don’t get too carried away.”

  She laughed in delight as they quickly switched positions, and she began to ride him slowly before leaning forward until her breasts grazed his bare chest. “You do realize,” she murmured laughingly in his ear, “that you and I have very different definitions of what getting carried away really means.”

  And promptly picked up the tempo before he could do a single thing to slow her down.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Just another minute or two, Mrs. Gregson. Then we’ll be able to determine the baby’s gender. Let me see now.”

  Ian’s eyes were fixed on the sonogram monitor as the technician continued to move the sensor over Tessa’s belly, every bit as anxious as his wife was to learn if the new baby would be a boy or another girl. In the meanwhile, he held his daughter securely on his lap as she played with her beloved stuffed lamb. As usual, Gilly was being as good as gold, sitting quietly and complacently as her mother was being examined. It had been quite a contrast, thought Ian, to a few of the other wailing, fidgety children and babies who’d been out in the waiting room earlier with their mothers. Ian hadn’t missed the looks of envy on several of those mother’s faces that their own children couldn’t be as well behaved as Gilly.

  He nuzzled his nose against the top of her curly head, breathing in that fresh baby scent of hers he loved so much. She was growing up far too fast for his liking, couldn’t really be called a baby anymore since she would be two years old next April, but to Ian she would always be his baby girl. Gilly looked adorable as always, wearing a bright pink and black plaid dress, black tights, and tiny black patent Mary Janes. Tessa had bunched a few curly blonde locks on top of her head and secured them with a coordinating ribbon. The medical receptionist and nurses had all cooed over Gilly, exclaiming what a beautiful child she was, and she had rewarded them with one of her sunny smiles.

  Ian glanced up then, meeting Tessa’s gaze as she extended her hand towards him. He gave it a reassuring squeeze, then returned his attention back to the monitor.

  “Well, I’m pleased to tell you that the baby is a boy. And developing very nicely at this stage of the game. Everything looks perfect, just as it should be at the five month mark.”

  Tessa was smiling in delight. “That’s wonderful news! And I knew, just knew, it was going to be a boy. I’ve felt different with this pregnancy so far, just some subtle things, but I took that as a sign that the baby was a boy. Ian, isn’t this fantastic?”

  He squeezed her hand again, careful not to jostle Gilly, who seemed a little intimidated by all of the monitors and machinery surrounding her mother. “It’s wonderful news, darling,” he told her gently. “And perhaps there’s something to Sasha’s so-called ability to read auras after all. She certainly called this one right.”

  The technician began to clean off the gel she’d squirted over Tessa’s belly for the sonogram. “I’d hold off on getting dressed for a bit until Dr. Reeves comes in,” advised the tech. “It’s not time for your regularly scheduled pre-natal visit, but while you’re here he may want to give you a quick lookover. I’ll leave the sonogram image up at th
e front desk for you. And congratulations to both of you, Mr. and Mrs. Gregson. Now you’ll have a boy as well as your beautiful little girl.”

  Ian thanked the woman as she exited, then helped Tessa up to a sitting position on the edge of the exam table. She pulled the cotton exam gown down over her thighs, placing a hand over her belly as she did so.

  “I’m so pleased,” she told him, her smile so dazzling it nearly blinded him. “We’re going to have a son, Ian. A little boy who’s going to look exactly like his gorgeous Daddy.” She reached up to cup his cheek in her hand. “Liam. After your maternal grandfather. Is that still okay with you?”

  He captured her hand, pressing a kiss to the palm. “Of course it is,” he assured her. “My mother will be thrilled.”

  Gilly began to wiggle against him then, holding out her arms towards Tessa. “Mummy,” she said plaintively. “Want Mummy.”

  Gilly may have been, first and foremost, a Daddy’s girl, but there were plenty of times when all she wanted was her mother. This evidently was one of them, and she went into Tessa’s arms happily, snuggling her tiny blonde head under her mother’s chin.

  Tessa pressed a reassuring kiss to her daughter’s forehead. “I think all of this equipment is freaking her out a little bit,” she explained to Ian. “And maybe seeing Mummy being examined. Everything’s okay, baby girl. And Daddy and I have some very happy news for you.”

  Gilly gazed up at her mother with big blue eyes that were identical to Tessa’s, and Ian marveled yet again at how much the two of them resembled each other.

  “Do you remember when Mummy and Daddy told you that you were going to have a baby brother or sister soon?” At Gilly’s nod, Tessa continued. “Well, we just found out that it’s going to be a brother. In a few months we’ll have a brand new baby in the house, and he’ll grow up very fast so that you’ll have someone to play with.”


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