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Page 45

by Janet Nissenson

  Julia sighed. “At least my little Lily here is a good sleeper,” she crooned, stroking a fingertip over the baby’s tiny eyebrow. “And she looks so pretty in pink.”

  Tessa gave her friend a mocking look. “Does she even have anything to wear that isn’t one shade or the other of pink? I certainly haven’t seen it.”

  The look on Julia’s face was one of guilt. “There might be a few things here and there in lavender. Or yellow. And I think the last outfit Anton sent over for her was red. Then there’s the package that arrived a few days ago from Lauren. She and Ben and the girls just got back from a working vacation at some sort of dude ranch in Wyoming, and she thought it would be cute to send Lily a Western outfit – jeans, checked shirt, and a cowboy hat. My sister can be a real smart ass at times, you know.”

  Tessa laughed. “I had noticed that on occasion, yes. And who knows - that might end up being Lily’s favorite outfit one of these days.”

  Julia’s eyes widened in horror. “Don’t even joke about that, Tessa,” she whispered urgently. “My greatest fear is that Lily grows up to be a tomboy like her Auntie Lauren. Please say a prayer every night that she lets me keep dressing her up when she gets older. I would be heartbroken if she left for her first day of school wearing jeans and a T-shirt.”

  Tessa touched a fingertip to the baby’s tiny button nose. At four months, Lily had delicately formed little features, her skin dewy soft, her eyes that particular shade of blue that most babies had initially. She had a little tuft of light brown hair, and was wearing a cute pink and white polka dot sundress and tiny white sandals.

  “She looks like a girly girl to me,” assured Tessa. “Just like her mommy. Before too long, you’re going to have to lock up your closet so Lily doesn’t try borrowing your stuff.”

  That pleased Julia tremendously, and she cuddled the daughter she’d always longed for closer against her. “I’d love that,” beamed Julia. “That is, as long as I can get these last ten pounds off and squeeze my ass into those tight dresses and skirts. At least my feet didn’t get bigger, so all my shoes still fit. And I’m not even going to ask, Tessa, because I already know that all of your stuff fits perfectly. Have I mentioned lately that I hate you?”

  Tessa grinned. “At least you didn’t call me a skanky bitch.”

  Julia hooked an arm around her friend’s neck and gave her a fierce hug. “Never,” she assured her. “And you know I really love you, right? You and Ian have become like family to Nathan and me. And I’m thrilled that you’re going to stick around the Bay Area instead of moving to England. This way our kids can grow up together. Gilly and the twin terrors are barely a year apart, and the babies less than a month. Though I’m afraid Lily is going to be it for me. Nathan’s pretty insistent that he only wants three children. Of course, that’s mostly because having Noah and Justin around is really like having six kids in the house.”

  Tessa nodded in understanding. “I think Ian would prefer to stop at two children,” she admitted reluctantly. “And while I love both of them to pieces, I really would like to have four children in all. After growing up without any siblings, or even any friends, my fondest dream is to fill the house with the sound of children laughing.”

  Julia jabbed her playfully in the ribs. “I’ll bet you can talk him into it,” she teased. “Ian’s a big softie underneath all those proper British manners of his. And he’s crazy about you, Tessa.”

  “Just like Nathan is about you,” assured Tessa.

  Julia scowled. “Yeah, except that he’s onto me now. He knows every single little trick I pull out of the hat to try and coerce him into doing something. Unless I can think up some new ones, it’s not going to work any longer.”

  They were sitting under the shaded back deck of the Atwood’s waterfront home in Tiburon on this gorgeous, sunny summer afternoon. Julia hadn’t been up for doing much entertaining after Lily’s birth, but now that the baby was four months old and very nearly sleeping through the night, things had begun to get back to normal. And since it had been a particularly cool, often foggy summer thus far back across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Tessa and Ian had welcomed the opportunity to visit their friends and enjoy the sun. Nathan planned to grill some steaks and chicken for their dinner, while Tessa had brought an assortment of salads and side dishes, and Julia had promised to make something decadent for dessert.

  Both babies - five month old Liam and four month old Lily - had just finished nursing a few minutes ago, and were now content to be held in their mothers’ arms. Tessa smiled down at her son as he yawned, his hazel eyes beginning to droop. She rocked him gently, knowing he loved that, and thought for perhaps the hundredth time since his birth how much he already resembled his handsome father. Liam’s hair was dark and thick, his eyelashes enviably long, and he was already big for his age. He was a good eater, an even better sleeper, and every bit as calm and placid as his older sister had been as an infant.

  Tessa was grateful that both of her children were so easygoing, and that taking care of them had proven to be much easier than she had initially feared. Having her in-laws stay with them for a full month after Liam’s birth had been a godsend, with Joanna and Edward paying Gilly lots of attention so that Tessa could tend to a newborn. By the time the elder Gregsons had flown home to England, Liam was already sleeping for a good four hours during the night, enough to convince Ian that they didn’t need to hire a nanny. And now, at five months, the baby was sleeping a full eight hours each night, meaning Tessa was well rested.

  It also meant that she and her lusty husband could freely engage in the sort of passionate, very physical lovemaking that he’d insisted on abstaining from during her pregnancy. Just last night, in fact, he’d been almost insatiable, and Tessa had to stifle a groan as image after image of their wild, frantic fucking flitted through her mind.

  Ian, who was splashing around in the pool with Gilly, looked over at her then, their gazes locked together, and from the way he smiled at her - slowly, knowingly, carnally - it was obvious that he, too, was thinking about what had occurred in their bed last night, as well as very early this morning. He winked at her flirtatiously before returning his attention to their daughter, who could already swim like a little fish.

  “I know that look,” commented Julia lazily. “And, honey, with a hunk like Ian in your bed, it’s a wonder that particular look isn’t frozen on your face.”

  Tessa grinned, still rocking Liam gently as he began to doze off. “I’d say something like ‘you have no idea’, but I have a feeling you do.”

  Julia nodded. “Nathan and I are really just starting to get our groove back, though. It was a rough couple of months after Lily was born, getting her to sleep more than an hour or two, plus dealing with the boys. Thank God both sets of our parents set up camp here for a few weeks at a time to help out. And I’m pretty sure we’re going to hire a part-time nanny or au pair, especially since I want to start working on some design projects again.”

  “Don’t let Ian hear you say that,” cautioned Tessa. “He’s relented some on the idea, has agreed for the moment to let me take care of the children myself, but that doesn’t mean he’s forgotten about it completely. If he learns you and Nathan are getting a nanny, he’s bound to revisit the idea.”

  “Yes, well, don’t forget that Gilly is a little angel while my boys ought to be nicknamed Lucifer and Satan,” retorted Julia. “Though I have to admit they’ve been good with Lily. After Nathan and I convinced them that she was too little to carry around in a backpack just yet. And thank God it’s summer, which means they spend half the day in the pool and wear themselves out.”

  Tessa sighed wistfully. “It’s a great pool. And the weather is just perfect today. We’ve been shrouded in fog in the city for almost a week now. Good thing we’re leaving for Italy in a week for the annual family vacation.”

  “You know,” ventured Julia, “there’s a house for sale on the next block. Just went on the market a couple of days ago. I was lo
oking at the online listing, just out of curiosity, and the place is gorgeous, Tessa. Six bedrooms, five baths, an incredible kitchen and family room. It’s less than ten years old, so it’s move-in ready. And it has an even bigger deck than ours, with a great pool. You and Ian should check it out.”

  Tessa frowned. “I doubt if Ian would want to move out of San Francisco. And I love our house there.”

  “I get it. That place has tons of character, loads of charm. And it always feels so warm and inviting, even though it’s so big. But let’s face it, Tessa. Things change when you have kids. They need a big backyard, fresh air, sunshine. Living in the city is great when you’re single or newly married, but when you start a family your priorities shift. Think about it at least. The school district here is one of the best in the state, and living so close by our kids really could grow up together.”

  Both babies were fast asleep by now, so Tessa and Julia carried them inside to Lily’s nursery, which had been decorated in a colorful storybook theme. While Julia tucked Lily into her white wooden crib - the one her father had handmade - Tessa set Liam down gently into the BabyBjörn travel crib they had brought with them. Julia grabbed a handheld device that was linked up to the baby monitor as she and Tessa tiptoed out of the room.

  “Now that Liam’s out like a little light, you ought to go for a swim,” urged Julia as they returned to the pool deck. “I wasn’t planning to have dinner for at least an hour, so enjoy yourself for a bit. And if my kids splash you, you have my overwhelming permission to return the favor!”

  Tessa eyed the crystalline water longingly. “Maybe. Why don’t you join me, Julia? It’s getting pretty warm outside now.”

  Julia shook her head. “No way. I’m vain enough that I refuse to be seen in public in a bikini until I lose the rest of this baby weight. Besides, I need to get a few things ready for dinner. And before you ask - no. You are not helping, especially since you brought over half of the food. How in the world did you find time to make all that stuff anyway? So, shoo. Go swim with your family for a little while.”

  Tessa was about to protest further until Julia disappeared inside the house. And then Gilly noticed her, and began to wave and call out excitedly.

  “Mummy! Come swim wif us! Pease?” she begged.

  Tessa grinned at her daughter, who looked beyond adorable in her tiny two-piece swimsuit of aqua, pink, and purple stripes. Even though Gilly was a good swimmer for her age, Ian continued to insist that she wear little inflatable floaties on her arms every time she got in the pool.

  “Yes, Mummy,” Ian chimed in. “We’ve been waiting for you. Time to take that cover-up off and get in the water. Gilly and I are very anxious to see just how yummy Mummy looks in her bikini. Aren’t we, sweetheart?” he asked Gilly, who nodded enthusiastically in reply.

  He waggled his eyebrows at her teasingly, and Tessa gave him a look of mock severity, letting him know that she was well aware of his ulterior motive in coaxing her into the pool.

  But she still couldn’t help the little thrill that shimmied up her spine as she removed her white gauzy, thigh-length cover-up and saw the way her husband was watching her. Tessa was admittedly one of those very lucky, very rare women whose body seemed to bounce back quickly after giving birth. She’d gained just under thirty pounds while carrying Liam, and had lost most of that without even trying. Breastfeeding, taking care of two small children, and her normal daily activities had been enough to take nearly all of the weight off until she’d been ready to resume exercising. The remaining pounds had quickly disappeared, and she was even a few pounds slimmer than she’d been before getting pregnant with her son.

  The bikini she’d chosen to wear this afternoon was more modest than some of her others, the red briefs piped in white cut a bit higher, and the bra top not quite as revealing. Still, she was very aware of her skimpy attire as she eased herself into the pool, especially when Ian’s eyes were glued to her exposed cleavage.

  Gilly paddled up to her enthusiastically, her tiny feet splashing happily. “Hi, Mummy!” she exclaimed. “Mummy swim, too!”

  Tessa gave her a quick kiss. “Hi, baby. But Mummy can’t swim as good as Gilly does.”

  Gilly shook her head stubbornly. “Mummy swim good. Daddy, watch Mummy swim.”

  Ian grinned, his gaze traveling lasciviously down the front of Tessa’s body. “I won’t turn down an invitation like that. Go ahead, Mummy. Show Gilly how well you can swim.”

  Tessa swam several laps back and forth, luxuriating in this rare opportunity, and loving the feel of the warm sun heating her skin. When she returned to the side of the pool where Ian and Gilly were waiting, her daughter was clapping her little hands with glee.

  “Mummy swim fast!” she exclaimed.

  Tessa took Gilly into her arms, whirling her around in circles in the water, causing her to squeal with delight.

  “But Daddy swims much faster,” she told Gilly.

  “Not as fast as my Daddy!” protested Noah as he and Justin paddled over.

  Justin nodded. “Our Daddy plays water polo. He has trophies.”

  Nathan rolled his eyes. “Those trophies are so old they’re getting rusty by now. Just like Daddy.”

  “Race!” screamed Noah excitedly. “Daddy, you race Gilly’s Daddy!”

  Ian shook his head. “Sorry, little mate, but I don’t like those odds at all. I’ve seen your father swim before, and he’ll definitely kick my arse.”

  Justin wrinkled up his nose. “What’s arse? Is that like a butt?”

  Nathan grinned, and rumpled his son’s dark head. “Yes. Except that it’s a British butt. But Ian’s wrong if he thinks I can beat him in a swimming race right now. I hardly ever have time to swim laps these days, mostly just goof around with the boys here in the pool. Daddy is the one who’ll get his arse - I mean, butt - kicked.”

  But Noah and Justin were insistent, continuing to chant “Race! Race!” until Gilly joined in, and the two men looked at each other sheepishly.

  “Your boys are shaming us into this,” retorted Ian. “But don’t think I’m going to go easy on you in front of them.”

  Nathan shook his head. “I wouldn’t want you to. Let’s say four full lengths of the pool, shall we? First one to touch the wall is the winner. And the loser has to do all the grilling.”

  “All right,” agreed Ian. “Let’s do this.”

  The children’s excited shrieks brought Julia of the house to see what was going on. Tessa, Gilly, and the boys got out of the pool to give Nathan and Ian plenty of space to swim, while Julia grabbed her smartphone and opened up a timing app.

  “All right, guys. Here goes,” she called out. “Ready, set, go!”

  Nathan and Ian dove into the water, and began stroking rapidly from one end of the pool to the other, neck and neck the entire way. Tessa and Julia joined their children as they urged the two men on, while Noah and Justin were jumping up and down with excitement. It was something of a letdown for the boys when Nathan and Ian - whether deliberately or not - touched the wall at the exact same time.

  “It’s officially a tie!” declared Julia. “Guess that means both of you will be cooking our dinner tonight. I’ll bring out a second set of barbeque tools.”

  Tessa handed Ian an oversized towel to dry himself off with as he vaulted out of the pool, the water dripping from his hair and body, and this time she was the one doing the ogling. Her gaze wandered lustfully over the breadth of his shoulders, his chiseled biceps, his powerfully muscled torso, and well defined abs. He had turned forty-five on his birthday back in April, but still had the sort of body men twenty years younger would envy.

  She ran a hand up over his arm, giving the bicep a squeeze as she whispered, “You could have won that race anytime you wanted, you know.”

  Ian shrugged. “Maybe. But I wasn’t about to disappoint the boys by beating their father. And trust me, if Nathan had been training even a little, it wouldn’t have been any contest whatsoever. I would have been thoroughly trounce

  Tessa licked a bead of water from the base of his throat as she stepped in closer until their bodies were flush against the other. “I doubt that,” she purred, her hand sliding down his back until it reached the waistband of his swim trunks. “I know you too well, Mr. Gregson. And you always play to win, no matter what the game or the stakes.”

  He captured her roving hand as it would have delved beneath his waistband. “And I know you, Mrs. Gregson,” he whispered in her ear. “Very, very well. I especially know when you’re horny. Your nipples are hard. And I’m quite sure that you’re wet right now. Isn’t that right, darling?”

  “It’s your fault if I am,” she accused teasingly. “Flexing all of these muscles during that race just now, not to mention looking like a half-naked Greek god all afternoon in these swim trunks. How do you expect a girl to keep her hands off of you?”

  Ian chuckled. “Having three very curious young children as an audience might help you in that regard. God knows it’s just about all that’s keeping me from giving this gorgeous arse of yours a squeeze right now.”

  “Later,” she promised, giving his earlobe a quick nip. “After all, you deserve some sort of consolation prize for not letting Nathan lose that race.”

  He shook his head. “You’re hardly a consolation prize, love. In fact, you’re the golden ring. The crème de la crème. And I wouldn’t say no to a kiss right about now. Just to tide me over, mind you, until we get home.”

  Tessa slid her arms around his neck, pulling his head down to meet her very eager kiss, their tongues tangling lazily as Ian’s hands gripped her hips.

  It was only the combined efforts of Noah and Justin very loudly exclaiming, “Eew! Gilly’s mommy and daddy are kissing! Eew!”, plus Gilly herself tugging on Ian’s swim trunks and pleading, “Gilly wants kiss, too!” that made Tessa reluctantly release her husband.

  “To be continued,” murmured Ian, as he picked Gilly up, acquiescing to her demands for a kiss.


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