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Stepbrother's Secret

Page 17

by Anna Wineheart

  Pigeon’s, he texted back. I had to make a grocery run. Jenn’s with me.

  Well, hopefully Eric was fine with Olivier taking Jenn to the store. Ollie had never gone far with her by himself.

  Afraid of seeing Eric’s answer, Ollie closed the text conversation, glancing at Jenn for a distraction.

  She reached for the tiny bells dangling from his phone. So Ollie opened the YouTube app, playing one of her favorite cartoon songs. Jenn watched, transfixed.

  While she was distracted, he got them through the cashier stands. Ollie tried not to look at the grocery total. Eric had been paying the last few times, so it was only fair for him to foot the bill.

  By the time he pushed the cart out of the store, Jenn was prodding at the phone screen. Olivier clucked his tongue. “Don’t do that,” he said, catching her wrists gently. “You might hit something you shouldn’t!”

  “Aa-waa oo!” She beamed up at him, her smile innocent. Olivier melted. He left the phone in the cart, its screen still facing her.

  “Maybe I should’ve gotten you some mittens, too. Doesn’t seem fair that I got them for your brother and not for you.” Olivier paused. “Well, maybe it’s your sister. I guess we won’t know until the ultrasound, will we?”

  He wheeled them to the curb, waiting for the traffic in the parking lot to clear. “At least you don’t understand enough and you can’t tell your dad what I just said.” Olivier paused. “Think he’ll be mad that you’re getting a half-sibling?”

  Jenn kicked at him. The phone slipped off her thighs and out through the hole of the child seat, tumbling onto the concrete sidewalk. Olivier winced, bending to pick it up.

  When he turned the phone over, the screen had Eric’s name on it. Further down, a green phone icon, and a red phone icon. As though it was in a call.

  “How did this even...?” Olivier froze, glancing at Jenn. She kicked her legs, beaming.

  She’d accidentally answered a call, hadn’t she? And that call was still going. The timer was still counting, and... it had been connected for a whole two minutes. To Eric. Who had just heard what he said.

  Olivier stopped breathing. Should he check if Eric was really listening? Or did he end the call and pretend nothing happened?

  Had Eric found out that the baby was his?

  Ollie pressed the phone to his ear, holding his breath. There were sounds coming from the other end of the line, maybe music on the radio. Maybe Eric had accidentally sat on his phone and dialed it, or something.

  Then a breath rushed, loud in Ollie’s ear, like Eric was breathing into the receiver. Eric had been listening.

  Olivier yelped, fumbling. He ended the call. Shoved the phone into his pocket, staring at Jenn. She burbled, watching a squawking bird fly into the air.

  Olivier bit down a whimper as he crossed the parking lot. Eric had overheard. He knew the baby was his, and it was going to mess everything up, wasn’t it? He’d want to be responsible. What if he left their family in favor of Olivier?

  The cart rattled on the asphalt, mirroring Olivier’s nerves.

  Olivier hurried toward his car. The Friday morning crowd was surprisingly heavy, and he’d forgotten where he’d parked.

  Then his skin began to prickle. He didn’t know how he felt it, only that he knew someone was watching them. How long had that been happening?

  A bubble of anxiety grew in Ollie’s gut. Where was his car? Could he get Jenn there in time?

  She beamed at him, kicking her legs. Olivier fervently wished she wasn’t with him. He couldn’t let her get hurt.

  “Let’s get you home,” he murmured, glancing discreetly around.

  Someone slipped out between two cars, padding quietly behind them. Olivier’s heart leaped to his throat.

  He increased his pace. The stalker followed.

  Then the man fell into step beside him, and Olivier recognized that pungent, fishy Callery-pear scent before he saw those cold eyes.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” Zan said, his muscular limbs as ruthless as Olivier remembered. “I didn’t know you had a daughter.”



  Eric stared at his phone, his heart pounding. The baby was his. Of course it was his. Since when had Olivier stopped lying? Eric should’ve fucking known.

  “I hate you, Ollie, I really do.”

  Except he really didn’t.

  Eric tipped his head back against his car seat, replaying that call in his head. The background noise, Jenn babbling next to the phone. Olivier saying, Think he’ll be mad that you’re getting a half-sibling?

  Ollie had kept that secret for two fucking months. Through all that puking, the fatigue, and curling up in bed next to Eric, like that information wasn’t the most important thing.

  That was Eric’s child in Olivier’s belly.

  Part of him growled, possessive. Another part wanted to yell at that idiot for lying. I thought that was your ex’s kid. Why didn’t you tell me it was mine?

  He was aggravated. Frustrated. Trust Ollie to withhold only the most important information. Like him loving Eric, and him carrying Eric’s child.

  Eric groaned, dragging his hand down his face. What was Olivier going to do next?

  He pulled out of the Total Sounds parking lot, the burglary from the morning reported, the police finally satisfied with the evidence they’d uncovered. Through the whole morning, Eric’s thoughts had been on Olivier. Whether Ollie was mad at him for leaving Jenn behind, whether Jenn would be fine in Ollie’s hands.

  He should’ve known not to worry. He’d called Olivier to see if Ollie wanted to meet at Pigeon’s, only to have the call connect, Ollie’s voice floating somewhere away from the phone.

  Ollie had been talking to Jenn. Just having a normal conversation. Then he’d gone and told Jenn his secrets, and Eric had wished he were right there, so he could hear those words falling from Olivier’s lips.

  It was... alarming, the way Olivier had taken to Jenn. In the sense that Olivier had been slowly warming up to her, he’d been learning to care for her, and every time Eric saw his omega holding his daughter, the way he balanced Jenn on his hip with such ease...

  Felt like Eric’s heart might burst, with how much he felt for that man.

  Eric shut his eyes at a stoplight, remembering Ollie’s one-sided conversation on the phone, a smile in his voice. Olivier loved Jenn, didn’t he? Enough that he could spill all his secrets to her.

  And the tightness in Eric’s chest exploded like a cage door bursting open.

  Eric panted, staring at his steering wheel.

  He remembered Ollie when he was ten, grinning at Eric with mud in his hair. He remembered Ollie at fourteen, smiling as they huddled under the same blanket to sleep. He remembered Ollie now, with his gentle eyes and his soft looks at his belly, the way he tucked his face against Eric’s chest when they slept.

  There was no one else like Olivier, no one that could replace him.

  Eric loved Ollie. He knew that now.

  The car behind honked. Eric stepped on the gas, his thoughts whirling. He loved Ollie. And Ollie wanted to know that, didn’t he?

  If he was still at Pigeon’s, if he wasn’t pissed with Eric... Maybe Ollie might accept Eric’s love.



  “What’s her name?” Zan asked, jerking his chin at Jenn.

  Olivier’s stomach plummeted. Zan was here. He’d been hoping to avoid his ex... but with Meadowfall as small as it was, it seemed impossible to.

  “Ignoring me? That’s cold.”

  “I’m busy right now,” Olivier said, trying not to let his voice tremble.

  He couldn’t help the tendril of fear that slithered down his spine. Or the memories of those ruthless hands around his neck, those cold eyes glinting as Zan slammed him into the wall.

  This past December, Zan had choked him until his lungs burned. Olivier had regretted being touch-starved enough to risk it.

  Zan had never been kind, or gentle. And yet
he was the only one who had bothered to touch Ollie, until Eric returned.

  “You always have time for me,” Zan murmured.

  “I don’t anymore,” Olivier said, trying not to let his panic show.

  Beneath Zan’s friendly exterior was a vicious, ruthless beast. Few people had seen it. They wouldn’t know until they got close to him, like Olivier had. And the memory of cruel hands around his throat sent a spike of fear through Olivier’s body.

  He kept his eyes on the parking lot, too aware of the few inches that separated him from Zan. The passers-by had not turned to look, and the rows of cars stretched on. It all felt like a trap.

  “I know somewhere we can go.” Zan curled his fingers around Ollie’s arm, his grip painfully tight.

  “Don’t touch me!” Olivier yelped, trying to shake Zan’s grip off. All his senses blared with alarm. Jenn wailed.

  “It’s just a bit of rough and tumble,” Zan said, his voice oily.

  Ollie’s skin crawled. Zan would cut into him. Zan would pull out all of Ollie’s hair, and then he would turn to Jenn. Jenn, who was eleven months old and helpless.

  Nausea rolled through Olivier’s stomach. He couldn’t let Zan hurt him. But more than that, he couldn’t let Zan hurt Eric’s daughter.

  Zan’s nostrils flared. He smiled, slow and cruel. “Looks like someone knocked you up. Where’s your alpha? Or did you sell your heat? Wouldn’t surprise me.”

  He reached down and grabbed Ollie between the legs, squeezing roughly. Ollie slapped his hand away, shame burning his skin. What if Eric saw that? Would he be disgusted?

  “Get away,” Olivier choked.

  A few shoppers looked over. Zan waved. “Just me and my omega,” he said.

  “I’m not yours,” Olivier said, louder this time.

  “You were mine.” Zan glanced at Olivier’s neck where the bonding scars were. The marks itched. “Oh, you sold a marking, too?”

  Olivier’s chest tightened. It had been an accidental bite, nothing more. He wasn’t really Eric’s, was he?

  “You’re not worth a lot to everyone else,” Zan said. “Why would you be? You’ve slept around a hundred times.”

  I don’t know. Why would I be worth anything?

  Eric’s mom had told Olivier several times, A B-grade isn’t good enough. Go back and try harder. You keep coming in last in everything. Don’t embarrass Eric and the rest.

  Zan stepped closer so close their sides bumped. Olivier shuddered with revulsion. He wanted to grab Jenn and run. But he didn’t have the strength or stamina; Zan would easily outrun them.

  “I’ll shout,” Olivier said, shoving the cart faster through the lot. Tears streaked down Jenn’s cheeks; Zan glanced askance at her.

  Anxiety building in his veins, Olivier wracked his mind for some way he could escape. He came up empty.

  He’d never been able to escape Zan. He’d run, and Zan had shown up time and again, only when he was feeling particularly cruel. The only way he’d leave was when Olivier gave in, shouldered the pain, and waited for Zan to get bored.

  If Eric ever discovered that... Ollie couldn’t bear to think about it.

  Zan’s arm shot out; he grabbed Jenn’s chin, jerking her to face him. “Cute kid.”

  Jenn shrieked.

  Olivier’s heart clenched. “Hands off!”

  He smacked Zan’s arm away, running with the cart through the parking lot. He needed to get Jenn somewhere safe. Where Zan wouldn’t lay eyes on her anymore.

  At the end of the parking lot row, Olivier turned.

  Except Zan caught up. He grabbed Ollie’s arm and yanked him sideways, throwing him off balance. Ollie stopped breathing.

  The cart crashed against the curb, tipping up on two wheels. Jenn cried out in terror—would she fall? Olivier released the cart so he wouldn’t drag her down. It clattered back down onto the asphalt, and Zan yanked harder on him.

  Ollie stumbled, tripping on the shrubs in the curb planter. Someone please see this. Someone help me. But they’ll judge me for being weak, won’t they?

  “Let go!” he snapped, trying to resist.

  “In a moment,” Zan said, dragging him further.

  Olivier tripped over a tree root, losing his balance. His stomach twisted as he went down, his knees hitting the curb. His hands slipped off the concrete, abrading painfully against the asphalt, pain searing up his nerves.

  His thoughts left him. He hurt. Zan stood over him, strong and in-control, and he could do anything to Olivier.

  Ollie shut his eyes, terror closing his throat. Feet away, Jenn wailed helplessly. This wasn’t how today was supposed to go.

  Zan grabbed Olivier’s arm, dragging him bodily across the planter. “I’m not done with you by a long shot.”

  If there was anything left of Ollie after this... what would Eric say? Would he be disappointed?

  A car screeched to a halt next to them. Black, sedan. Familiar. A door slammed.

  Eric strode forward, his eyes blazing. Then he grabbed Zan by the collar and punched his face hard, his knuckles crunching into Zan’s jaw.

  “Don’t you dare,” Eric snarled. “Don’t you fucking dare hurt my omega!”

  Zan recoiled, his grip loosening around Olivier’s arm. Olivier scrambled backward, his heart thumping.

  Eric slammed Zan against the nearest tree, smashing his fist into Zan’s face. Then he turned, meeting Olivier’s eyes over his shoulder. “This guy—he hurt you? In the past.”

  Olivier nodded, mute with horror. Eric was here. Eric was hitting Zan.

  Zan lunged at Eric. Ollie’s heart clenched. “Eric!”

  Zan’s fist connected with his jaw. Eric roared, grabbing Zan’s arm. Then he swung Zan back into the tree and grabbed his hair, smashing his face into the trunk.

  There was a crunch. Blood smeared darkly on the bark. Zan tore himself out of Eric’s hold, whirling around.

  “Stay away from him,” Eric snarled, his eyes flashing.

  “Yeah? Or what?” Zan spat blood on the ground, his nose broken. Then he glanced at Eric’s name tag from Total Sounds, and recognition flickered in his eyes. “Some alpha you are, marrying into your omega’s family.”

  Zan sneered. Olivier shook, wishing Zan would leave. With every moment that Zan remained... Eric could learn about Olivier’s filthy past.

  “I’m not marrying into anyone’s family.” Eric stepped in front of Ollie, shielding him from Zan’s eyes.

  Zan scoffed, eyeing the red-and-blue lights of the mall security car in the distance. “I’m surprised you’re protecting something so used, Lancaster. There’s not much that omega’s good for.”

  Olivier flinched, wishing Zan hadn’t said that. Eric knows I’m used goods. He doesn’t need a reminder.

  Eric clenched his fists. “I don’t care what you think. Get out of my sight.”

  Zan shrugged. He threw a glance at Olivier, sending a chill down Ollie’s spine. “You haven’t won this. Olivier’s been mine longer than you’ve ever had him.”

  With that, Zan turned and disappeared between the cars. Eric watched him, jaw clenched, his shoulders tense.

  It wasn’t until a minute passed, when Ollie was sure Zan wouldn’t return, that he could breathe again. Just barely. He felt naked, now that Eric had seen the person who had tormented him.

  Olivier’s been mine longer than you’ve ever had him. What if Eric left?

  Eric turned, raking his gaze over Olivier. “You okay?”

  Ollie nodded shakily. Don’t look at me. “Jenn—is she okay?”

  Eric gritted his teeth, striding over to the cart where Jenn was still wailing. It was only when he picked her up that she quieted, her cheeks glistening with tears.

  Olivier closed his eyes, burying his face in his stinging hands. This wasn’t what he wanted Eric to see. Ollie wasn’t supposed to mess up in front of Eric. Bad enough that Eric had to tolerate having him around. Ollie didn’t have to put Jenn in danger, too.

  I should leave. Let Eric sp
end some time with his daughter.

  But Olivier hurt everywhere, and he still didn’t know where his car was. He leaned forward, trying to convince his body to move.

  Eric knelt beside him in a rush of cedar, warm and solid, his hand sturdy against the small of Ollie’s back. “You okay?”

  Olivier nodded. “Yeah.”

  No, he wasn’t.

  Eric sighed. Then he pressed his forehead to Ollie’s temple, and breathed out. “Tell me the truth, Ollie. Please.”

  Olivier swallowed hard. “Why?”

  “‘Cuz I love you, okay?” Eric’s breath fell hot on his jaw. “When I saw that bastard dragging you and you fell... I was so afraid I wouldn’t get to you in time.”

  Olivier froze, his ears ringing. He heard nothing else Eric had said, except I love you. “Don’t—don’t just tell me what I want to hear,” he said, his heart twisting. “I can’t—can’t deal with that.”

  Eric clicked his tongue, but he leaned closer. “I’m not you, Ollie. I don’t lie.”

  He loves me? Olivier’s chest squeezed. He chanced a look at Eric’s face, seeing the honesty in Eric’s brown eyes, the concern. Olivier whimpered. This is just a dream. A really bad dream.

  “You love me as your brother,” he mumbled, looking away.

  But Eric caught Ollie’s chin lightly, tipping his face back so their eyes met. “No. I love you as my omega.”

  There was nothing in his gaze but care and affection. Olivier choked, his ears ringing, his heart pounding so hard he couldn’t breathe. Eric... loved him? “You—you...”

  “Yeah,” Eric whispered. Then he leaned in and kissed Ollie on the lips, his mouth damp and soft.

  Ollie’s heart stuttered. This had to be a dream. “Oh.”

  “It was that phone call,” Eric murmured. “When I heard you talking to Jenn, I just... You lied to me about that baby, you bastard.”

  Olivier flinched, but Eric pulled him closer, his lips whispering against Ollie’s cheek.

  “I just wish you’d told me. I want that child. Been wanting to put a baby inside you.”

  Olivier stopped breathing. Eric really wanted Ollie to have his baby. That was... wrong. And so very right. “I’m sorry,” Olivier mumbled, bowing his head. “I just... I didn’t want you to choose me instead of the rest of the family. I thought... if the baby wasn’t yours, you wouldn’t stay.”


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