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Blood and Snow 8: Telltale Kisses

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by Workman, RaShelle

  Titan walked over to a large container filled with a liquid that looked like dirty water. Encased within was another brain. Much larger than a fairy’s. He tapped on the glass. “This is the brain of a troll.”

  I stepped toward it, involuntarily. Was this why he’d brought me here? Did he intend to give me a portion of this brain?

  “We’ve studied each and every magical creature, save one.” He gave a nod and two trolls grabbed each of my arms.

  Where did they come from, I thought, letting out a roar of anger? How dare Titan think he could capture and study me? Didn’t he know I wouldn’t be taken captive?

  I yanked my arms together, using their strength against them, and flipped over so that I faced them. Flapping my wings, I stuck them in the eyes with the pointed end of each wing as I stepped forward. They screamed out in pain in unison, lessening their grip on my arms, I slapped my hands together, knocking the disoriented trolls into each other. They crumbled to the ground. I stomped down, without regard for propriety, crushing their oversized heads into a dark pulpy puddle.

  Whipping around, I faced Titan. “You didn’t think I would be taken that easily?” I stepped toward him, a clear understanding of what I had to do sunk into my stomach. He gnashed his teeth in anger, crouching low, in a fighting stance.

  I stepped to the left while he stepped to the right. A kind of dance in which, when it ended, Titan’s life would be over. In order to retrieve a portion of the troll’s strength, I would have to defeat Titan. It wouldn’t be easy, but it had to be done.

  Do you know where the Troll’s strength lies? Snow White asked.

  In his brain somewhere. That’s what he said, I responded.

  From the nearest table, I picked up a large, razor-sharp knife. The trolls performing their various tasks ran from the room, leaving Titan and I alone with the dead. It seemed fitting the troll leader died here, amongst the creatures he so mindlessly destroyed.

  Tossing the knife from my left hand to my right, I said, “I suppose I’ll cut your strength from your very large, incredibly convoluted head.”

  … “Hello my darling Chosen one. I just stopped by to check on you, see if the rumors were true. You still live, yet you are in some form of eternal sleep. This is a variable I did not foresee.

  “I wonder if Abernathy knew the Seal would do this. Knowing him, he probably planned the whole thing with my insipid sister, Silindra. It’s sad, really. I didn’t have a second choice. Sure the Hunters selected many Chosen, but I always only wanted you. There were many reasons. Your beauty, intellect, the way you view the world, but most of all, I wanted you for your genetics. You’re special Snow. More than just an ordinary human girl.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. Whatever the Seal did, it’s ruined you. The chayot, the witches, Adam Henry… they all believe you’ll wake, but they don’t understand the power within the Seal like I do. You won’t come back. And that’s for the best. I’ve chosen another. She isn’t as great as you could’ve been, but she is part chayot.

  “Besides, she’s close. She’s fallen in love and her craving for her lover’s heart burns within her. It’s so strong I can feel it. Soon she’ll consume his heart, and then her body will be mine.

  “Stay asleep, Snow. Because if you wake, I’ll hunt down, and destroy everyone you care about, starting with that dimwitted child leader you call Gabe. That’s right, dear one. I’ll kill him first.

  “Maybe I should just solve the problem, slay you while you slumber. Press this knife to your neck; sever your head from your body… Arrrrgh, my hand. I can’t feel my hand. What have you done?” …

  Chapter 4

  Sweat beaded at my brow. I ignored it, knowing I needed to end the altercation with Titan quickly.

  “Silindra, you’re making a grave mistake.”

  I didn’t respond. His error was thinking he could withhold what I wanted. In one swift movement I spread my wings, stepped forward, and rammed the palm of my hand into Titan’s chest, hoping to throw him off balance. He held his ground, and grabbed my wings in his clammy hands, trying to rip them from my back. I roared in pain, bringing the knife directly into the troll’s immense chest, sinking it into his heart. He snarled, releasing my wings, and clutching his hand to his chest. Black blood poured from the wound, through his large fingers, and onto the sterile floor.

  “You realize I let you win,” he sneered, falling to his knees. “At the top of my brain, between the two hemispheres, is a black nodule. It’s the source of a troll’s strength. Take it, and protect it. I fear my kind won’t be around much longer, especially if your sister has any say in the matter.” He took a final, giant breath, and then collapsed, dead.

  Pushing down the anxiety rolling off Snow White, I lifted Titan’s chin, and sliced off the scalp of Titan’s head.

  This is awful. Why did you have to kill him? Snow rambled, and I felt her sadness, smelled her tears.

  “I didn’t have a choice,” I growled aloud, wiping the inky blood, and other liquids from Titan’s head, and locating the black nodule he spoke of. With my fingers I tried to pull it out, but it wouldn’t come. “He’s a stubborn arse even in death.”

  I used the edge of the knife to get under it and rocked back and forth to pry it loose. The nodule came out with a “pop” flying into the air. I caught it in my palm on the way down. Wiping it on my fur, I studied the thing Titan said held a troll’s strength, holding it between my thumb and first finger. It was perfectly round, and reminded me of a black pearl.

  “Now what,” I murmured, wondering how I would get the small black nodule into the stone.

  I dropped the knife, and lifted the amber stone hanging around my neck.

  Touch the nodule to the stone, Snow White insisted.

  “How will that help,” I said aloud, but did it anyway. As soon as the nodule brushed against the stone, the gem consumed it and it settled at the bottom. “Easy enough,” I said, standing. “Now I need to find Ryden and Envy.”

  I hope they’re okay, Snow White said, her voice trembling.

  I do too.

  Running from the room, I entered the corridor, and beat my wings, allowing them to take me back to the top, to the door Titan brought me through. No one paid me any heed, and I was grateful. When I reached the door, I pushed it opened, and flew out, into the sunshine. Inhaling a deep breath, the aroma of battle stung my nose first, but I also smelled fresh grass, pine, and salt.

  I pressed my wings firmly against the air, lifting higher until I passed the edge of the mountain, higher than the tips of the trees. The battle still raged on, both sides riddled with fatalities. Greasy smoke from oil-dipped arrows clouded the sky.

  “Where could they be?” I wondered aloud.

  Finally I spotted Envy, pinned down by a large troll.

  “Get off her,” I roared, tilting my wings, aiming for the troll. On my way I picked up a spear jutting from the gut of an elf, and ferociously tossed it at the troll’s head. It slammed into his skull and went straight through. He fell forward onto Envy, covering her so that only the tips of her wings could be seen. The troll let out a groan, grabbing his head, and then he lay still.

  I landed with a grunt, and pushed the troll off the unicorn. She lay of her side, breathing rapidly, blowing out air with a snort.

  “Envy.” I kneeled next to her, tucking my wings. One of Envy’s legs was bent at an odd angle, and a wing was torn, several feathers ripped away.

  Please be all right, Snow White sobbed. Her sadness tore through me, and I growled the pain away. All that matters is that I win, I told myself, but my insides ached.

  “Envy, can you hear me?” I asked, gently touching her side.

  She winced, and opened an eye. “Yes,” she said, the word garbled.

  I swallowed. Regardless of my personal desires, I didn’t want this poor creature to suffer. “You can heal yourself, right? What can I do to make it easier?”

  She snorted. “I must do what I must, what I can, what is necess

  What did she mean? I shook my head. “Let’s get you out of here. I’ll take you back to Devoran’s where you can rest, and heal. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I tried to smile, and was surprised tears gathered on my eyelashes. What was this human vampire doing to me?

  Envy lifted her head, her eyes suddenly full of fear. Understanding radiating through me, I yanked the spear from the dead trolls head, stood and turned in time to jam it into a charging troll. With a loud growl, I used my magic and formed a force field around myself, and the little unicorn. Envy’s head fell back to the earth.

  “Come closer, Silindra.”

  I got on both knees, leaning my face next to hers. “I’m here, Envy.” A faint scent of lilacs surrounded her.

  Envy took a deep breath. A black swirling mist surrounded her just as it had when she gave herself wings. I hoped this time she was healing herself.

  When the mist vanished, her body was still broken—except her horn. It spiraled up to a point, fully-grown and beautiful. Its colors were silver and indigo. It was the most exquisite thing I’d ever seen.

  “Envy, your horn. It’s stunning.”

  She smiled. “It’s my gift, present…” She coughed, and blood dribbled from her mouth.

  She’s dying. Oh, Silindra, don’t let her die. Please. Please. Please. She can’t die. No, Snow White wailed.

  There is nothing I can do for her, I answered, angry her profound grief affected me.

  Yes, you can. You have magic. Use it. Do something.

  I’m sorry. There is nothing I can do.

  “Silindra, in order to possess the healing power in the horn, you must remove it while I still live. I don’t have long. Do it quickly, rapidly, speedily.” She coughed, and her lungs rattled.

  I searched the terrain for something sharp. There was the spear, but it was only sharp at the tip. I needed a sword or a knife.

  Plenty of elves and trolls had both, but to get to them I’d have to release the shield I held over Envy and I.

  “Hurry, I don’t have long.”

  I knew what I needed to do, but it would mean causing the little unicorn more pain. Close your eyes. Shut yourself away, if you can. What I have to do—

  You don’t have to do anything! The stupid gem doesn’t save you! It doesn’t help you remain Queen. In fact, it lets you die, and if you don’t help Envy, you’ll deserve it! Snow White yelled so loudly it was like she banged metal against rocks inside my mind.

  Her words angered me. “You have no idea what you’re blabbering about. Keep quiet.”

  Envy peered at me, her eyes achingly complacent.

  “I’m sorry,” I uttered.

  She nodded, and closed her eyes.

  I grabbed the horn in one hand. Wrapped my fingers around the edge near her forehead, and tore the horn off. Like a twig from a tree, it took little effort. Envy and Snow screamed at the same time. The unicorn nickered, and was quiet.

  You are nothing like I was led to believe. You’re cruel. Evil. Sharra wins. Not you. And just so you know, you die at the hands of your lover.

  … “Hello, my friend. It’s Valentine’s Day. I hate to admit this, but I’ve thought of no one but you. I want so much to tell you how I feel when you’re eyes are open. I love the way you look at me, the way your features are always easy to read. You have this naiveté thing going on, but I know you possess passion. I’ve sensed it when you’re near and I long to taste it, bring it out in you.

  It kills me that you chose Gabe. That you’ve swapped blood with that offensive Hunter. I’ve no one to blame but myself. Gabe told you how he felt. And maybe you don’t think of me at all. Maybe I’m just another boy to you. But Gabe, he’s an idiot. He told me he was in love you with, but he’s off doing who knows what with Cindy. I think he’s using her. If that’s the case, he’s going to be in a lot of trouble. I’ve seen the way she looks at him, and she most definitely isn’t using him. She cares for him.

  “Don’t be too mad at her. I think if Gabe pulled his head out of his uppity ass, he’d realize Cindy is perfect for him. And that’s because you are perfect for me. Snow. Sweet, amazing Snow. What can I do to help?” …

  Chapter 5

  “You think I wanted to hurt Envy? I didn’t. It breaks me up inside to know I caused that little unicorn pain. But I had no choice.” I stood, forcing the angry fear Snow White’s words caused, to the back of my mind. I touched the horn to the gem, and I watched as it was sucked inside and rested in the center, the pointy end facing upward.

  Releasing the force field I spun around and stepped into the battle. I wanted to rip, tear… anything to take away the pain Snow White inflicted with her weak emotions. How dare she judge me?

  I killed my way from one end of the field to the other. The entire time keeping my eyes open for Ryden. When I finally saw her, I nearly fell over in happiness. She buzzed above the head of a troll, and dropped a tiny pebble on his head. The troll, distracted, looked up, and an elf stabbed the troll through the heart.

  “Ryden,” I yelled, bashing a troll in the head with a club I’d picked up as I walked toward the pixilette.

  She turned to face me, and her eyes lit up. “Silindra, where have you been? I was so worried. Gabriel is looking for you. He has news.”

  “Gabriel is here.” I turned in a circle, searching for him. When I found him, he was fighting three trolls. My skin warmed, like I’d been set on fire, and my cheeks flushed.

  He seemed to sense me because he turned and his eyes held mine. He smirked. In three moves he slaughtered the trolls, and ran toward me.

  Ryden landed on my shoulder just as Gabriel wrapped his arms around my waist. He lifted me slightly, and ran. When we reached the other side of Ellavera Pass, he stopped. I took a deep breath, working to forget everything that happened, and wrapped my arms around Gabriel’s neck.

  “Hello, lover.”

  He smiled, showing all of his white teeth. “Hello yourself.” Leaning in, he kissed me. Soft at first. Sweet. But I needed more, and pressed my lips to his, pushing open his mouth so I could taste him with my tongue. He groaned in response, and reciprocated, his tongue circling mine.

  “You two are sick,” Ryden said, and flew off my shoulder.

  I smiled, but didn’t respond. Instead I clung to Gabriel, kissing along his jaw, and down his neck to the pulsing vein. Pulling back my lips, I sunk my pointy canines into his soft flesh. Gabriel moaned, pressing my body tightly against his. I drank deeply, my lust for him stronger than I’d ever known.

  Finally satiated, I withdrew, and kissed my way back to his mouth. His lips pressed against mine fiercely. My body ached for his touch, and I pushed him into the grass. He chuckled. “Right here, my love? Aren’t you afraid someone will see us?” He removed the swords at his back, and lay down.

  “Not even a little bit. Are you?” I straddled him, breaking open his vest so I could touch his taut chest. I undid the string on his trousers and was about to remove them when Ryden flew toward me, her hands covering her eyes.

  “I can’t see what’s going on, I swear, but,” she cleared her throat. “The King and Queen of the fairies, and their court, are coming this way.”

  I growled, standing, gnashing my teeth against my need. “I hate interruptions!” This was a stroke of luck though. “Ryden, would you please request an audience with the King and Queen? Gabriel and I will wait here for their response.”

  “You got it.” She flew off.

  I realized Snow White hadn’t said anything while I kissed Gabriel, hadn’t said anything since she yelled at me before Envy died. I knew she still dwelled within my mind. I sensed her.

  Are you not talking to me? I asked, stomping around the grassy meadow, flapping my wings sporadically, and trying to reclaim my sanity.

  I don’t see a point, she responded in a sulky voice.

  I guess that’s true. We’re almost done. I’m sure you heard fairies are nearby. I’ll take a heart, and then I’ll return home to collect
what I need from a vampire and a Hunter.

  You don’t know anything.

  Well then tell me. What do I need to know? I waited for a response, but none came.

  “You know I’m always happy to see you, Gabriel. But Ryden said you had news. Why are you here?”

  “Not news, just information. Sharra is worried you’re doing something against her. She wanted me to check on you, your whereabouts. She wanted to make sure you were… ‘well’ was the word she used.”

  I sidled up to him, rubbing my hand up and down his thigh. “I won’t be ‘well’ until I’ve had my fill of you in every way.”

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  Something felt off about Gabriel. He seemed less willing, less excited. Or maybe it was just all I’d been through the past few days. Not to mention the human girl dwelling in my head. I had no doubt that was making a difference as well. I wanted to ask him about it, knowing one word from him would alleviate my fears, but the fairies came into view before I had a chance.

  The fairy King and Queen listened to my plea, and provided me with a heart without incident. They truly were the most giving of the magical creatures.

  … “Ever been let down by those you care about most? I have. Recently. I believed something I did to be honorable. A good thing. And it is… was… is. But Professor Pops and my brothers don’t think so.

  “It’s so frustrating. I expected them to be supportive, but they said what I did is no better than the Vampire Queen. I don’t know what to believe anymore. The other chayot, including Holden and Jaycee, agree I did the right thing by killing the Hunter. They’re almost too willing to please though. Their opinion, while appreciated, doesn’t mean as much to me as Professor Pops. Dammit!

  “Snow, there’s something else Professor Pops and my brother’s aren’t happy about. I… I’m dating Cindy. I don’t love her the way I loved you, but she has become important to me. I thought you should know.


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