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A History of Hexing

Page 7

by Evie Wilde

  “We going inside?” Cassandra said and nodded toward the small hut.

  “I think you’ll like what you see,” he said.

  We entered the small hut where we found hundreds of lit candles, the golden flames giving the room an angelic glow. The king-sized bed was covered in golden and black satin sheets. A six-foot-tall fireplace roared in the far corner of the room.

  “You did all of this?” she asked.

  I nodded. “It took my all summer to perfect the magic needed to create such a scene.”

  She walked to the bed and placed her hand on the sheets. “It’s real.”

  “All of it is,” I said, and then started to explain how I developed the spells. But for the first time ever, I stopped myself from going into detail and decided to just enjoy what I had created.

  “You did this for me?” she asked and approached me. “You are a wonderful man, Oliver.”

  Her arms went around my neck, and her lips found mine. I slipped my hands around her waist again and once again grabbed her ass, her cheeks deliciously firm through the yoga pants.

  Cassandra pushed her hips against me, and I pushed back. I lifted her shirt over her head, and she unsnapped her bra, her breasts the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. I kissed her nipples and listened to her moans of pleasure, moans I created with my touch. Her skin was warm and savory, and I couldn’t stop kissing her, my slips traveling down her stomach until I was on my knees in front of her. I looked up into her eyes and felt myself being pulled into her world. We hadn't even made it to the bed yet.

  She hooked her thumbs around her waistband and slowly, teasingly, seductively pushed down her yoga pants. At her knees, I moved the pants to the ground and helped her slide them away. Her bare pussy waited at eye-level. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes. She moved her feet apart just a bit, and that was when I saw the wetness. I stared for a long moment and then ran my nose between her slit, smelling her sex, closing my eyes and enjoying the way she filled my senses.

  Her hand landed on my head, and her fingers brushed through my hair until the stopped at the back of my head. She was helping me along.

  I ran my fingers up her legs, lingering at her thighs, caressing, exploring, preparing myself. Using my thumbs, my fingers resting on her upper thighs, I spread Cassandra’s lips and gazed at her pink flesh and the small bud I’d read about just this past week. She was indeed wet.

  Cassandra gently moved my head forward, and I opened my mouth to taste her.

  The things I'd read about eating a woman were all over the place. Some guys loved it, some hated it. But the one thing that stayed consistent was that women very much enjoyed the act. I quickly found myself loving it as well.

  As Cassandra moved her hips, pressing against my mouth, I found her clit and kept my lips around her swollen flesh. I slid my fingers between her legs and slipped one inside her, spreading her tight entrance.

  We stayed this way for several minutes, Cassandra moaning and encouraging every move I made. Then I slowly moved her back toward the foot of the bed.

  “I like your mouth on me,” she said playfully. “How about we continue?”

  “I'm here to please you. I always will be.”

  Cassandra turned and crawled onto the bed, her ass facing me. She stopped on all fours. “I need you, Oliver,” she said.

  I moved behind Cassandra and gazed at her entrances. She reached between her legs and drew me forward, my cock pressing her apart. Her hand found my balls and she squeezed, almost making me cry out in pain. Instead, I rammed forward, her pussy closing around me euphoric.

  I moved my hands to her hips and guided them forward and back, meeting each thrust.

  “I need more,” she said and dropped to her elbows, her ass a bit higher, her rear entrance spread and there for the taking.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said. “Everything about you is all I could have imagined.” I placed my thumb in my mouth and sucked before placing it at her rear entrance, massaging her, noticing her moans were louder, filled with want and need and a desire I knew nothing about.

  As I continued to make love to Cassandra, I pressed at her hole with my thumb, the entrance relaxing, allowing an inch. I put more saliva on my thumb and worked it inside her, my cock never stopping, my thumb in her ass up to the first knuckle, fucking her sensually in and out.

  “Harder,” she whispered.

  I moved my other hand to her hip and pulled her back, and each time I drove forward pressing my thumb deeper.

  Cassandra shuddered, and a warm wetness soaked my cock, her ass tightening around my thumb.

  “Damn, Oliver, that felt so good,” she said and looked back at me, my cock still plowing away. “Come for me, Oliver. I want to feel you release inside me.”

  She moved forward, and I momentarily came out of her, both my cock and thumb. She laid on her stomach and reached back spreading both her legs and her ass. She was offering me all of her. Take whatever I wished. I lowered atop her, and my cock found her pussy once again.

  Our bodies were warm together, our skin hot, perspiration building. I moved her hair back from her face and kissed her cheek and lips and forehead. She looked back with a smile.

  “It’s time, Oliver,” she said. “Give me what the others have already given me. Make me yours and you mine.” Her ass pressed back against me encouragingly.

  I did exactly as she asked and for the next few minutes, I made love to the woman I'd only emotionally loved up until then. And then I did give her what the others had, the sensation both incredible and mind-blowing. It started with a warm feeling deep in my soul. Then a buildup, like water racing through a water hose for the first time, the explosion at the end causing me to grunt and writhe. “Fuck,” I said, and Cassandra moaned.

  I kissed her face and head and shoulders. I started to move.

  “No,” she said. “I want you to stay on me and in me for as long as you can.”

  “That was amazing,” I whispered.

  Cassandra giggled. “My sentiments exactly.” She relaxed, and I continued kissing her shoulders. I wanted to give her everything she’d ever desired. “The next time will be even better,” she said and turned beneath me, her lips inches from mine.

  We kissed and let our hands explore. For the next hour, we rolled around in bed; sometimes I was in her, other times I was not. We kissed and hugged and just enjoyed being next to each other, all the world’s, and academy’s, problems gone.

  When our energy finally waned, I pulled Cassandra back against me, moved her hair away so I could see her face, and the two of us talked.

  “I think this is what’s going to keep us even closer,” I said. “We know we have this emotional bond and an even deeper connection between our minds. This physical bond is the last of the triangle to be cemented between us.”

  “Are you getting philosophical on me?” Cassandra asked.

  “I suppose,” I said. “I just know physically touch strengthens the mind and soul. I think this is what will make Braeden finally see the light.”

  “You think he’s still resistant?”

  I nodded. “The three of us intruded upon his territory. It’s only natural he be a bit jealous or even have a hard time accepting this whole group thing.” I held her tighter. “I think it will be okay.”

  “I hope so,” she said. “I want us to be an example to the other students. I want them to understand what we have is special, but also something they could have some day. They look up to us, and in turn we should provide them with hope.”

  “We’re going to do just that,” I said. And despite my cock growing against her ass, I let Cassandra nod off to sleep, replaying in my mind the past two hours. Reliving what it felt like to climax inside the woman I loved. I had been the final piece to the puzzle, and the waiting had finally paid off. I was as content as I had ever been in my life.

  I closed my eyes but then turned when my phone buzzed. The screen showed a picture of Kyler. Not now. Not while I had my arms
around Cassandra. I laid the phone down and pulled the covers up around our shoulders. Life was good, I thought before falling asleep.



  I gathered my books and stuffed them in my backpack before leaving my room, running late because Oliver had stayed over a bit too long last night. We talked for a long while and made love and laid in bed together. He was serious as to how the guys compared in the lovemaking department. Of course, he wanted me to say he was the best, but I didn’t say that. I told him they were all equal and always would be. He rolled his eyes but didn’t bring it up again.

  The hallway was noticeably quiet. Students were either in classes or training. Headmaster Eliphas had made it a point to increase the number of training hours this semester. The poisoning hex had done a number on the student population, and morale was low. Several students were talking about leaving the academy, though most were afraid of the travel back to their homes or guilds, wondering what awaited them outside the academy. I still wanted to visit my old guild. Part of me wanted to be there to rebuild what once was. I was torn between helping the guild or helping the academy.

  Outside, fall was making its first appearance, the skies dark and gloomy. Summer had not lasted near long enough. The leaves on the trees had already changed and were beginning to fall. A chill hung on the air, and I regretted not grabbing a jacket. Something foreboding hung over the entire campus, as if another disaster was looming. I felt helpless not being able to stop the oncoming storm.

  The guys were getting along, and I enjoyed their company, especially the times when we made love or fucked or had a quickie. It lurked in my mind that at some point all four of the guys would show up at my bedroom door. I’d not mentioned it yet and neither had they. Secretly, I was looking forward to having the experience with them all at the same time. The dorm room was certainly not large enough. But then I felt I was putting the cart before the horse. I often wondered what it would be like with Braeden and Dash at one time. Throwing Kyler into the mix another time and finally the finale with the addition of Oliver. I smiled and entered the classroom building, opting not to visit the library like I’d planned. As far as I knew I’d read every hex and spell book the library had, and I felt at a loss, a hopeless loss.

  The classroom building was quiet as most morning classes had already started. Hexes and Species, my first class of the morning, was supposed to be one of the more interesting of the four years. We would be learning how different hexes affected different species like shapeshifters, humans, supernaturals, and other creatures. Oliver had tried to explain this but his explanation became so technical that I changed the subject. Maybe that was why Kyler hadn’t been affected by the forbidden hex that had poisoned most of the student body.

  I entered the empty classroom and took a seat at one of the tables. I pulled an old book from my backpack and laid it on the table. Ruby had found the volume in the library archives last night and brought it back to the room. She said the book had been stuck behind other books and she’d found it by complete accident. I saw the title and felt sure it held the answer to the hex that had killed or hurt so many. Part of me felt lost without having Braeden around. Maybe I didn’t even realize how much I relied on him before the poisoning.

  I flipped through the book and found myself becoming aggravated as nothing stood out to be the answer to our problem. Whoever had cast the spell had done so with anonymity in mind, at least for a while. Oliver thought maybe the perpetrator was toying with us, sitting somewhere laughing at our inability to find him or her. I still had my money on Edius, though none of us had seen him since last spring. I started to close the book but decided to flip one more page.

  The smile on my face lit up the empty room. On the page, a sleeping hex. Just beneath the title, there was small print: One of the forbidden hexes. As I read through the hex and its affects, I found myself applying it to the fall festival. Everything seemed to match exactly what we had experienced, though the fatalities were more than the potion suggested would occur, meaning the spell caster had probably doubled the power of the hex.

  I leaned back and thought about Guildmaster Ren and the guild. Had Edius used the same hex to wipe out the guild, killing every last person in attendance? The hex had not been as successful at the fall festival, though Braeden was still suffering its effects. The page listed a dozen side effects of the hex: grayish skin, sunken eyes, vomiting, and sleepiness that led to death. In all, we lost eight students and two faculty. I took a deep breath and rested my chin on my hand. We had to do something.

  I read further and found only an experienced wizard could use such a spell and be successful. There was no doubt Edius had been involved. We needed to form a small group to go find the rogue wizard, a group I wanted to lead. When class was over, I planned to meet Headmaster Eliphas with or without Aurelius’ backing.

  “I’ll give him another week,” Kyler said as he and Ruby entered the classroom. I marked my page and closed the book.

  “Until he’s up and moving around or until he’s actually aware of what’s happened?” Ruby asked.

  “What’re you guys talking about?” I asked, though I knew.

  Kyler looked at Ruby, and the two knew their conversation bothered me. “Sorry,” Kyler said. “I did stop by this morning. He’s slightly improved. He’s talking in his sleep, and responding to questions, though not always coherently.”

  Ruby hugged me and kissed my cheek. The two joined me at the table. Kyler nodded at the book in front of me.

  “Find anything helpful?” Kyler asked.

  I opened the book to the sleep hex and pointed at the page. “Closest thing I’ve been able to find,” I said. “Everything I’ve read sounds like the fall festival. Seems like maybe the spell was a double dose.”

  Kyler turned the book so he could read the hex. He ran his finger along each line and mumbled to himself, occasionally looking up at me. He’d yet to take me on one of his runs through the forest. I didn’t push him to do so, but I was hopeful. “Sounds about right,” he finally said and moved the book back to me. “Just need to figure out who the hell cast the spell.”

  “Edius,” Ruby said flatly. “He’s the one terrorizing all the academies and guilds.”

  “If not him then one of his henchmen,” I said, knowing not even Edius could be in so many different places at the same time.

  Sonny entered the room and plopped down at the table next to ours. He eyed the book and chuckled at the page we were looking at. “Wasting your time,” he said. He took a bite of the apple in his hand. He briefly reminded me of the witch who poisoned Sleeping Beauty. Kyler’s jaws clenched as he watched Sonny.

  “How do you know that?” I asked, and then moved to his table. He seemed to carry a permanent smirk, like he always had a secret everyone should wish they knew.

  “You’re not going to find the answer in a book,” he said. He took another bite of the apple and smacked his lips together. “Someone with that kind of hexing power doesn’t reveal his secrets.” He grabbed a pinch of something from his pouch and blew it toward the book. The book closed with a loud slam. Sonny was a douche if nothing else.

  Oliver and Dash entered the room, Dash with most of his color back, though his eyes were slightly bloodshot despite the weeks that had passed since he fell ill. Oliver had a perplexed look on his face, as if he’d been working on a solution for the poisoning hex. He looked at the book on the table and started to open it.

  “Don’t bother,” Ruby said, sarcastically. “Our friend here says we are wasting our time.” She had her hair up in a ponytail and had foregone makeup; she was beautiful without it. Her and her new boyfriend had grown closer since the fall festival, and he was making almost nightly visits to her dorm room. Some nights I put in headphones and listened to music while they grunted and groaned.

  “Then tell us,” I said to Sonny. “How do we find a cure?”

  “First off,” Sonny said and took another bite of his wicked apple
, “it’s a spell only a witch doctor can cast.” He nodded at the book. “Sure, anyone can cast a sleeping hex, but to add a poison element to it, that takes skill. And to do as much damage as was done at the festival, well, it had to be a witch doctor.”

  “And you’re the only witch doctor we know,” Kyler said. He started to move from his chair, but Dash told him to cool his jets. Kyler and Sonny shared a long glare. Their disagreement wasn’t going away anytime soon.

  “Where do we find the cure?” I asked impatiently, growing tired of Sonny’s games. I was beginning to see why Kyler disliked him.

  Sonny shrugged and crossed his arms, defiant. “A witch doctor keeps everything up here,” he said, and pointed at his head. “He rarely keeps a written record. And if he or she decides to share said spell or hex, they pass it along orally.”

  “You’re making this way too difficult,” I said. “All I care about is making this campus heal and making it a safer place for everyone.” I moved my hand to my wand.

  “Okay, okay,” Sonny said and pointed at Kyler. “He has to apologize first. Otherwise, you’re on your own.”

  “Maybe we kick your ass,” Dash said and stood. He was growing tired of the games as well especially since he’d been the one poisoned.

  “Fuck that,” Kyler said. “What is it I’m supposed to be apologizing for anyway?” Dash placed his hand on Kyler’s shoulder.

  “For telling the entire campus that I was responsible for the poisoning,” Sonny said. “Everyone thinks I'm the asshole who did it.” He turned to me. “I’m not saying anything else until he apologizes for lying.” He tossed the apple core at the trashcan but missed, the core careening across the floor.

  “Then you’ll be silent for the rest of your life,” Kyler said, and the two stared at each other like two old women in a standoff.

  “You two selfish idiots,” I began. “There are people dying and you can’t overlook some old disagreement you had?” I slammed my hand on the table and stood.

  “It’s twice I’ve been setup,” Sonny said, defiantly. He made eye contact but then quickly looked away.


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